A Healer's Gift: Adventures of Brad: Book 1 (Adventures on Brad)

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A Healer's Gift: Adventures of Brad: Book 1 (Adventures on Brad) Page 3

by Tao Wong

  Unfortunately, Daniel knows none of this and he continually twists his head around, peering into the shadows of alleyways and doorways as they pass expecting to be robbed. It is only Pierson’s words that distract him from his obsession. “You can heal my Mum, right, Sir? Please?”

  “I’ll do my best,” Daniel hesitantly promises, knowing that his Gift has limits. Not many for sure, but the cost does increase. Still, the conversation does take his mind away from the supposed dangers of the night as they leave the center of town.

  “Charles said you brought him back alive. My mum’s not dead. So you can heal her,” the child continues, pulling on Daniel’s hand to hurry him along.

  “He wasn’t dead…” realising he forgot the child’s name, Daniel trails off. Instead, he changes the subject before Pierson can continue. “Are we headed to your home?”

  “No. We’re going to the Clinic!”

  Even Daniel can hear the capitilisation in the child’s voice, forcing him to enquire. “The Clinic?”

  “Yeah, that’s where we all go. The poor. Kyra treats us all,” Pierson happily imparts his knowledge to the adult. “She’s real pretty but she never lets me eat any sweets. And she said she couldn’t help my Mum… but you can! So you’re better.”

  “Kid…” Daniel trails off, shaking his head. No use trying to dissuade him, of destroying the child’s hope just yet. Instead he asks another question. “Who’s Kyra? Is she a healer”

  “Yeah, the best. Well, other than you. Mum says she opened a clinic years ago and since then, she treats everyone even if you’re poor. She never says no, but its boring going because there’s always people there,” Pierson explains.

  Much of the information imparted by Pierson isn’t particularly surprising to Daniel. Healing potions and healing spells were expensive as materials and experienced users were rare. Healers rarely ventured into dungeons to gain experience faster which meant they could only increase levels by practising their craft. Unfortunately, most skills had diminishing returns in their experience gain if the same action was taken over and over again – which of course was what healers mostly did. There really wasn’t anything new to be learnt, dealing with the common cold for the hundredth time. Powerful healing spells drained mana at a significant rate and with individual mana pools taking up to eight hours to refill, common folk rarely had access to powerful healing magics.

  The rarity of healers is one reason Miles, the mine overseer and many of his miner colleagues had tried to convince him to stay at the mining camp, or at the very least, to not waste his Gift and train to become a healer. Daniel’s healing Gift was rare and powerful, especially since it drew upon his experience and energy and thus were a source of energy separate from his mana. Daniel could have become a truly miraculous healer, able to heal using two forms of energy along with more mundane skills. Even the Royal Healer was known to do very little actual magic assisted healing since he would need to husband his mana in case of a sudden need for his abilities.

  Still, the fact that there was a location in Karlak where the poor could find some form of healing, overworked and crowded as it might be was a surprise. Daniel can’t help but wonder what kind of person this Kyra was. All idle thoughts come to an end as they finally arrive at the Clinic. A weather worn sign hangs outside with the universal symbol of healing, a crossed pair of hands with jagged lines coming from the hands to indicate an aura. The two story building itself sprawls across two lots and is by far the best kept building in the neighborhood with fully working windows and doorways, even if obvious signs of wear and patching are visible.

  Pierson doesn’t even stop before pushing open the door, closely followed by Daniel. Inside, what looks to be a waiting room is filled with the poorer denizens of Karlak awaiting treatment. Few even bother looking up from their seats as the child and Daniel’s entrance, lost in their thoughts as they are. Ailments range from the simple open wounds that needs stitching to broken bones and the disease ridden. Pierson doesn’t spare a glance to those inside, instead rushing to the corridor behind and leading Daniel up the stairs to a second-floor room.

  In the room, a surprisingly young woman lies, wasting away. Pierson’s mother face is drawn, excess fat removed and what would have been once a beautiful face drawn in pain. Through the room, an obnoxious stench of puss and other unmentionables permeate, making Daniel gag at the stench.

  “Mum. I brought him. You’ll be fine. He’ll heal you,” Pierson’s voice comes to Daniel as he walks over, a hand landing on the young woman’s shoulder so that he may activate his Gift.

  Oh, so that’s what it looks like when it’s advanced. None of the men I treated at camp ever let it get that far before they saw me. His eyes locked on her groin area, he follows the lines of infection spreading outwards and invading her body. He senses the raised temperature, body struggling to fight off the infection and failing. She will be dead in a few days if I do nothing.

  “Why are you waiting? Come on. Heal her,” almost stamping his feet in impatience, Pierson pushes at Daniel’s leg. Then, a trace of fear crosses his voice as he realises where the young Adventurer is looking, the young child’s voice beginning to tremble, “You aren’t not going to heal her are you? Because she’s a… a… whore?”

  Shaken by the child’s voice, Daniel pulls himself away from the mother to look at Pierson. “It’s not that kid. I just needed to know what I was healing first. My magic isn’t like the others… I need to understand what I’m going to fix before I can do it.”

  She’s too weak to use her own energy. We have to drop her temperature first then we can cleanse the infection from her body. After that, we’ll have to seal the wounds so she’s not reinfected. Exhaling forcefully, Daniel reaches out to place his hand on the delirious woman’s head as he kneels down. “Pierson, this is going to take a while. So don’t worry if nothing seems to be happening, I’m going to have to go slow with your Mum.”

  As he finishes, Daniel calls forth his Gift and sends it into her, pouring his energy just a little bit into her body at a time. He pushes it slowly, letting it fill her body without attempting to guide it at all at first, the energy lighting up along the meridian pathways of her body starting from her head downwards. As his energy fills her, her breathing eases, her heartbeat steadying under the passive influence of his Gift. When he is ready finally, he begins to actively manipulate the energy, working to lower her over-heated body before beginning the long, slow process of flushing her body of the toxins that permeate her blood and the infection that causes it.

  The healing isn’t easy, each moment a sacrifice. He doesn’t speak of the cost to others, though his grandfather and a few others have guessed long ago. In Brad, the Gifted were believed to be blessed by Erlis herself, in others they were considered curses laid by Ba’al for the toll each Gift took upon their users. In truth, none knew where the Gift came from. Like all Gifts, Daniel’s had a cost and his tore away knowledge and experience with each moment of use. Knowledge of past actions, past conversation, training and experience drawn from his body.

  Hours later, Daniel opens his eyes and tries to stand, pushing against the bedframe. Legs locked in a single position for hours are unable to hold the weight placed on them and Daniel stumbles forward, caught from crashing into his patient by a steadying hand.

  “Thank you,” Daniel croaks out as he sways slightly. He is quickly guided to a seat by his unexpected helper, a matronly older lady.

  “No, thank you. Peony would be dead without you,” the old lady guides him to a waiting seat before turning back to her task of wiping down the patient. It’s only then that he realises how much worse the room smells now. All the toxins and infection from Peony’s body have leaked into the room, creating a truly horrendous stench that not even an open window could aid.

  “I do hope all your work isn’t as smelly as this,” the old lady continues as she bathes the newly healed young woman.

  Daniel grins weakly before quenching his thirst with a gl
ass of water. It’s been ages since he used so much power on a single individual, even Charles’s healing was simpler than eradicating the disease that had ravaged Peony’s body. Still, he cannot help but smile as he watches the young woman rest easier, Pierson curled up at the base of her bed asleep. As he contemplates his work, another figure strides in, one that causes his jaw to drop. An elf!

  Never having seen an elf before in real life, Daniel stares at the elf with undisguised awe. The elf is tall, clad in a simple green frock that hugs her slim upper body on top of a buxom chest, waist-length blonde hair spilling out behind long pointed ears. The elf moves with a lithe grace to Pierson’s mum, a delicate hand moving in arcane gestures as she checks on the condition of the patient. Satisfied, the blonde elf turns to Daniel who has managed to close his mouth at last and stand up.

  “I’m Daniel. Would you be Kyra?” he offers his hand to shake which is promptly taken. Her skin is surprisingly soft and smooth, a sharp contrast to his own rough and calloused hands.

  “Khy’ra,” she corrects his pronunciation off-handedly, not expecting him to get it right as she turns to point at Pierson’s mum. “Your Gift, it’s incredible. It’s at least the equivalent of a Tier 4 Healing Spell, maybe 5. Are you able to use it again today?”

  “Kind of. That took a lot out of me…” as he speaks, he meets the enthusiastically nodding Khy’ra’s gaze. Sparkling green eyes meet his own and Daniel’s excuses catch in his suddenly dry mouth. “maybe a bit.”

  “Good. I’m not much of a healer, I only know a single Tier 3 spell so there’s much that I can’t do for these people. There’s a few others I’d love you to see if you are willing,” she casts an entreating look at Daniel who sighs, consoling himself that he will get to spend more time with the beautiful creature before him.

  “I’ll do what I can.”

  “Excellent!” gripping his arm to her full chest, Khy’ra drags Daniel out of the room to visit her patients, already beginning to list the many issues that they face. Behind them, the matronly old woman is left alone, smiling slightly at the departing smitten young man.

  Chapter 7

  The following days for Daniel fall into the same pattern as the day before. An early breakfast in the Top followed by training with Litzburn at the hall. In the late afternoon Daniel spars with Mary before retiring for dinner with her and a lecture about the basics of Adventuring. The moment dinner is over, he is escorted by a grateful Pierson to the Clinic where he works alongside the minimal staff, using his healing skills, spells and on occasion, his Gift to reduce the waiting line. The line at the Clinic never seems to reduce, no matter how much he does, but the work itself is rewarding.

  Each day is packed, every morning a struggle as Litzburn berates him for forgetting part of what he learnt the day before, driving the willing Adventurer ever harder. On the fourth day of training, he finally manages to make Mary move from her spot, the casual blocks insufficient. On the sixth, after chaining together a series of strikes, he makes her move regularly and pick up speed. On the seventh day, he finally breaks through:

  Level Up!

  Adventurer Level 2

  You have gained 5 attribute points and 1 skill proficiencies.

  The Level Up notification is dismissed, leaving Daniel on the floor rubbing his jaw. The level up had caught him unawares, distracting him for a crucial moment leading to the blow that he forgets to block properly. Still, he can’t help smiling. Sure, the first level was always easier to gain after any class change, but in a week!

  Mary stands over Daniel, offering him a hand up and a murmur of, “Congratulations”.

  “Thank you. You and Litzburn. This, this will help a lot,” Daniel says as he lets himself get pulled up.

  “It’s your hard work.” Mary smiles, clapping him on the back. “We’re done for today. You might be rather useless in the mornings from what Litzburn says, but you work hard. You should spend the evening deciding where to put your points. I have dinner with Elise and Charles tonight as I leave tomorrow.”

  Daniel nods, a bit impatient to review his Status Screen. It’s been such a busy week, he hasn’t had time to review it but he can certainly see the wisdom of her words. After all, he’s going into the Dungeon tomorrow for the first time. “Thank you again.”

  “Daniel, your Gift – don’t take it for granted. Most others have to start out slow, buying potions from the apothecary for healing and if they run out or are too gravely injured, leave the dungeon till they are healed. You don’t have to. It’s also a double-edged sword as you come to rely on it too much. Just, don’t push yourself too hard. That includes the Clinic,” Mary says. She hasn’t asked what his Gift costs him as yet, but it was common knowledge that there must be a cost of some form. Still, his performance in the morning had given her an inkling, but it was his secret to keep. As they talk, Mary leads him to the corner where she hands over her training sword to be put away once again. The clerk returns after setting her training sword in its special spot in the armory with a real mace which she takes from him with a nod. Mary then turns to Daniel, offering him the mace. “This is the last thing I can do for you for now Daniel. The rest will be up to you.”

  Daniel takes it and murmurs his gratitude, hefting the mace and looking it over.

  Steel Mace

  Damage: 3 - 7 + .5 Strength + 2 Quality Bonus

  Durability: 50/50

  Item Class: Common

  Quality: Good (+2 bonus to damage)

  Daniel can’t help but marvel at the weapon, the nicest he has ever owned before eventually slipping the mace through a loop in his belt, “I talked to Khy’ra last night. I’ll visit once in a while, but I won’t be there every day anymore. As much as I like helping, I can’t. She understands. Mary, all this - the training, the mace, the advice, how can I ever thank you?”

  “You don’t. I’m leaving tomorrow for Starhaven. My team’s waiting for me and I need to get back. If you are ever in Starhaven, buy me a drink as thanks if you must. Just don’t come too fast,” Mary smiles slightly at that, clapping him on the shoulder once more before turning to leave. Daniel understands her message - Starhaven only has Expert level Dungeons and was no place for a novice Adventurer like him. Not yet at least.

  That evening, after a rushed dinner by himself, Daniel lies in bed and debates what to do with his new attribute points and skill proficiencies.

  5 attribute points and 1 skill proficiency to allocate. Unlike his previous class as a Miner, the Adventurer class was much more open-ended on its attribute point allocation. Strength, Agility and Constitution were all key to his needs as a melee fighter, but it was his Intelligence and Willpower that dictated his ability to heal. He frowns for a moment, deciding to put a couple of extra points into Agility and a point each into Constitution, Intelligence and Wisdom. He was more than strong enough for now.

  That done, he calls up his skill proficiency tree and stares at the new options available for him. All that training had increased his skills in both Shield, Dodge, Combat Sense and Club offering him more options than he knew what to do with. As he gains ability in each skill, new skill proficiencies would become available that allowed him to enhance the basic abilities of each skill. This even translated to his healing skill, with both mundane options like First Aid or at higher levels, powerful healing spells. Unsure of what to do, Daniel decides to peruse his proficiencies again, musing over his options.

  An upgrade to his Minor Healing Spell would reduce the mana cost and increase the amount healed slightly. It was a good option for both the Clinic and the Dungeon. However, he had the backup of his own Gift which should be enough for now so he dismisses that option.

  In terms of defense, he could learn Hard Block, offering him a chance to beat aside an opponents weapon and potentially riposte on the line of attack. A truly successful hard block could even damage or disarm an opponent. On the other hand, Tumbling under Dodge would provide a more efficient means of getting out of the way of large attacks o
r groups, though Sway was a passive skill proficiency that would offer him the chance to dodge blows by inches without giving ground. Daniel knew Mary favored that option, allowing her to hold her ground even against the strongest opponents. Sway was a skill particularly useful for the smaller, lighter Adventurer but after consideration, Daniel discards it. It just doesn’t suit his fighting style, especially as he intends to specialise in the use of a shield when he could afford one.

  Dueling from Combat Sense would give him a bonus to hit and his critical hit skill while fighting a single opponent but as he was a solo Adventurer, multiple mobs were a guarantee at some point. While Daniel had no shield or armour to his name at this time, he had more hit points than most beginning Adventurers since he had started out his career later than most of them. Trusting in his ability to take damage, Daniel dismisses all but the but his combat skill proficiencies to review.

  Shield Bash

  An attack with your shield, turning it into an offensive weapon as well as a defensive tool.

  Skill: Active

  Cost: 12 Stamina

  Effect: User’s Bash does 1-2 points of damage + 0.5 per level of the Shield Skill. Has a 1% chance per level of Shield Skill chance to Stun for 5 seconds.

  Power Strike

  Powerful single strike that causes additional damage to an opponent.

  Skill: Active

  Cost: 15 Stamina

  Effect: User’s Power strike does 50% more damage + 2% per level of Club skill.

  Double Strike

  Cross strike allows the wielder to launch a chained attack, striking twice in the time it would take an inexperienced attacker to attack once. Each strike (if it lands) is at 70% of the damage.

  Skill: Active

  Cost: 25 Stamina

  Effect: User strikes twice in quick succession. Each strike does 70% of normal damage. Damage increases +0.5% per Club skill level of user


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