A Healer's Gift: Adventures of Brad: Book 1 (Adventures on Brad)

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A Healer's Gift: Adventures of Brad: Book 1 (Adventures on Brad) Page 8

by Tao Wong

  Daniel watches Asin work without comment, having seen this particular routine a few times already. He marvels at the way her whiskers twitch, sensing the shift in air currents - something that he had to purchase the sage brush for and wave around to notice. It was useful knowledge to have, since passageways with higher airflows most likely meant more openings that were available for travel. It was no guarantee, but nothing on these floors were.

  As Asin sets off ahead of him, Daniel follows a short distance behind. Neither Adventurer moves fast, Asin scanning the floor and ceilings for traps, Daniel watching for monsters ahead and behind them as best he can. It is only fifteen minutes in before Asin finds her first trap, a simple deadfall that had been covered by the thinnest level of excrement and dirt. She pauses to point it out to Daniel before moving forwards, leaving Daniel to smash the trap open with his mace. It is only a temporary solution for a Crawler would be by soon enough to fix it or perhaps even the Dungeon itself would do so.

  Scholars still debated how Dungeons fixed traps and even why traps were present in dungeons. Many felt the traps were like the monsters, formed out of the corruption in mana by Ba’al. However, that explanation fell short of why Ba’al or the corruption would even bother as traps themselves were inanimate, unlike the monster children of Ba’al. Alternative explanations have risen - that there was not one type of corruption but many and that each type related to a different monster or trap or that the traps themselves were fixed by created by another, unseen monster. In the end, the truth was as far as Daniel could ascertain, no one truly knew and neither Erlis or Ba’al was telling.

  The first Crawler they encounter, Asin rushes ahead to fight it alone, ducking beneath the first strike of its mandible to slash with her daggers. The space ahead is too tight for Daniel to join in the battle, not effectively, so he stays behind to watch. Asin’s techniques are different from his, relying entirely on speed and precision to cause damage, dodging attacks by inches before lashing out. It makes Daniel feel like a lumbering ox, slow moving and ungraceful. At least, he comforts himself, her techniques against the Crawler is less effective due to its tough carapace. On the other hand, she must have been a nightmare for the Kobolds to face.

  The next Crawler they encounter, Asin smugly hops aside and onto a ledge with a chuffed, “Yours.”

  Daniel snorts and steps in, bashing the creature with his shield before pounding on the carapace. When the Crawler recovers, its return bite is caught and deflected on a shield and mace, Daniel taking the momentary leverage to kick it with his foot before going back to pounding on it with his mace. The fight is brutal, rough and lacking the finesse of the previous one but it is shorter.

  Panting, Daniel stretches after the fight to force more air into his lungs. Thank Erlis Dungeons somehow circulated their air otherwise it would have been much more difficult to survive down this far. Pushing aside the unnaturalness of it all, Daniel nods again to Asin to continue their exploration.

  Fight after fight, cavern after cavern, the two explorers move through the passageways with brutal efficiency. Each trap they find, they set off, each monster they kill. It is only when they encounter the Elite of this floor that they pause. A single Elite Crawler, larger than any others with legs tipped with serrated claws guard the treasure chest.

  A shared look is all that is needed before the two Adventurers throw themselves at the monster, both of them knowing what lies in the chest. By now, they’ve worked out a simple system of fighting. Daniel would stand in front of the monster, keeping the mass of its attention while Asin would work it’s middle where the creature could not as easily reach her. Against tough opponents, she’d work to cripple the monster, cutting at the legs on one side till it could no longer move.

  At first, the battle goes much their previous fights did. Then, in a blink, it changes. As Daniel attempts another Shield Bash, the Elite rears back and clamps its mandibles around the shield. Gripping it tight, it twists its head and flings Daniel into a wall. He smashes into it, grip lost on the shield which is dropped.

  Instead of following after the fallen Adventurer though, the creature turns its attention on Asin, surging in the middle to knock her aside. A leg stabs down, attempting to spear her, cutting a long line across her back as the Catkin rolls away.

  Woozy and short-of-breath, Daniel staggers to his feet, Asin scrambling to say away from the attacks. A dagger flashes out, catching a leg as it attempts to spear her but before Asin can counter-attack, she has to move again.

  Forcing his Gift into his own body, he pulls and rips, fixing the crack in his head and righting the swelling that has begun, pain exploding through his body as he works fast without his usual precautions. No longer injured, Daniel rushes back into the fray with a roar, intent on finishing this battle and repaying the pain he has suffered in spades. The Elite spins back to Daniel, instinctively understanding that the larger Adventurer is the greater threat to its life.

  Roaring, Daniel triggers his Double Strike, smashing the first blow into the mandible that comes at him and following up with a second attack to the same spot. It cracks and Daniel grabs it tight, pulling down and ripping the mandible off. As the Elite rears back in pain, Asin leaps, climbing swiftly up its back and plunging a knife into an eye. The creature shakes its body, throwing Asin aside into a stalagmite and her body smashes into it with a meaty thump before collapsing in a boneless heap.

  Distracted by the attacks and in pain, the Elite feels its own mandible stabbed into its lower body. Unable to keep itself upright, the creature plunges down, impaling itself on the point, driving it deeper. Its chittering take on a frantic air, movements erratic as pain and damage accumulate. Daniel moves away to pick up his discarded shield in the meantime, stalking the monster as its movements slow and grow less erratic. Once that happens, he moves in to finish the fight.

  Under slitted eyes, Asin watches Daniel finish the Elite. Time to see if he leaves her and takes the crystals. It would be a shame, one that Asin would be sure to return, but better to know now than later. It is to her surprise that Daniel does not do so, instead hurrying to her body – leaving both crystals unguarded! – to check on her immediately when the Elite bursts into smoke. Warm healing energy fills her body as soon as Daniel nears, bruises and torn muscles knitting swiftly as Daniel chants his minor healing spell.

  Asin rolls up to her feet, no longer playing at being unconscious and nods her thanks. This one had some Horst then, perhaps more then a little. Asin licks at the fur on the top of her hand as she waves him to pick up the crystals, cleaning away the accumulated dirt. He would do.

  Chapter 18

  Daniel sighs, stretching and rubbing his left shoulder absently. A crawler had managed to get around his shield and crushed his shoulder earlier today and though he had healed it with careful application of his gift and then a Minor Healing spell, it still felt sore. Nothing a good nights rest wouldn’t heal, but the pain still crept up on him occasionally.

  The door of the Clinic opens again and the next patient enters and Daniel flashes the man a smile. Asin had requested a short delve today and so, without anything better to do with his time, Daniel has made his way to the Clinic to provide Khy’ra some additional help.

  “Healer…” the old man shuffles over and sits down, his bare feet unkempt and swollen.

  “No healer,” Daniel chides softly. He does not have the Healer class and thus will never have access to their specific class skills. He, certainly, is looking forward to reaching Level 10 as an Adventurer and discarding the need for physical baggage as he gained access to their mystical Inventory class skill.

  Even as he thinks these idle thoughts, he is asking questions to ascertain the problem, though it is relatively clear to him. He does not call upon his Gift, seeing no reason to use it in such a simple case. Most of his work in the Clinic was like this in-truth, simple injuries and illnesses that only required non-magical treatment by a knowledgeable healer. Yet, as always, there were few enough peop
le who cared to apply themselves to gather the knowledge and skill to become healers themselves.

  “Soak your foot in crushed Wylie leaves. You should be able to get some at Lianne’s shop. Make sure she sells you the fresh ones though. Three times a day for a week. A week mind you! If you stop earlier, this will just come back and you’ll have to start again,” Daniel says and then makes the man repeat his instructions to him twice before he sends him on his way.

  It only takes a minute before the next patient is darkening his doorway, Daniel once again absently rubbing at his shoulder. No time for that, there’s always the next patient.

  Hours later, Daniel realises its been minutes since a patient has walked into his office. He stands, stretching and groans, wondering how long he has been at this. Darkness fills the room and his stomach clenches in hunger. Well past dinner time at the very least then.

  Khy’ra smiles as she enters the doorway, seeing Daniel standing up. The blonde elf is clad in a tight green dress, its plunging neckline hidden behind a white shawl with yellow flowers edging it. She steps in, letting the shawl fall apart as the two are alone and enjoys the admiring glances Daniel sends her way.

  A swift step takes her to Daniel and she kisses him tight, moulding her body against his. Such a pleasure to find a human who didn’t tower over her she thinks.

  “Hi,” Daniel says breathlessly when they break from the kiss.

  “Hi,” Khy’ra replies, smiling up at him but not moving from his arms. “I’ve sent the staff home for the evening. So if we’re quiet…”

  Daniel grins, not needing another reply and picks her up, walking to the nearby table. Such a pleasure to find a human of her height who was so strong amends Khy’ra. Then she’s not thinking much of anything for a while.

  Stomach rumbling, Daniel pulls his pants up and looks at Khy’ra who comes back from the restroom, “Care for dinner?”

  “Yes, I do believe so,” Khy’ra says, leaning forwards and kissing him. “Your technique is improving.”

  Daniel grunts, pulling her closer and mutters, “You know, that’s not what most men want to hear.”

  “You do though,” she giggles and taps his nose. “It’s what I like about you Daniel, you’re quite willing to listen to instruction.”

  Daniel snorts and gives her another kiss before letting her go. “Come on, let’s get some food.”

  Outside, after locking up, the two walk down the lightly illuminated streets. At night, few are out to walk the streets and in this part of town, the mana lantern crystals are interspersed at great distances, making both of their shadows stretch out before them. The two chat quietly, nodding in greeting as a pair of guards walk past them on patrol.

  “Khy’ra, Daniel! Good to see you,” Mikey, the owner calls out and waves them in to a pair of free seats. As the closest late night dining establishment to the Clinic, he is not at all surprised to see the two. “Late night again?”

  “Two plates for me Mikey,” Daniel calls out as he sits down.

  “The usual,” Khy’ra adds.

  Seated, Khy’ra takes Daniel’s arms in his while they both turn to watch Mikey work. Mikey first takes a scoop of batter, ladling it into the oval, scooped cooking pans before him, swirling the batter around as he works them in. A quick flick of his hand ensures that the batter covers everything properly on each of the pans that he starts before he turns around. Hands pick up knives and flicker, slicing off thin slices of meat from the roast that rotates behind him. Slices, perfectly sized all are placed on the thinly applied, already cooked bread. Hands dance then as cheese, slices of red pepper, cucumbers and mushrooms are added before the bread is rolled together. Each roll is then quickly slide into a small oven, the cheese and entire dish toasted for just a minute before the rolls are ready.

  Khy’ra and Daniel enjoy the show, Mikey a known master of his craft. Even as he gets their order ready, he begins others, constantly moving to ensure that none of his plates are ever over-cooked. Business, even this late, is always busy at his location.

  When dinner arrives with a thump, the two dig-in with gusto, blowing hard at the rolls and huffing around too hot mouthfuls. Eyes crinkling in amusement at each others antics, the two lovers only stop then the bells begin to ring.

  Daniel pauses, tilting his head to the side, never having heard these particular bells before. Next to him, Khy’ra has her head hung down, whispering a soft prayer. “QuanEr, for pain, peace. For anger, forgiveness. For hatred, love.”

  It is only when he hears Khy’ra’s pray that Daniel knows what the bells are for, and he too hangs his head, repeating the prayer. It is no surprise, for all the myriad gods that meddle in mortal life, only one is revered through all the lands. She who rose from humanity like many others, but who refused to ascend. She who walked among mortals still, providing aid and care without price, without cost, without judgement. Once a year, bells are rung and remembrance given to QuanEr through the lands.

  Silence reigns before Mikey lets out a little yelp, his carefully orchestrated dance of food preparation broken. Muttering, he tosses the burnt food aside amongst the others that will go to those less fortunate later on before restarting his work.

  Dinner is soon finished by the two famished healers and they quietly deposit the plates and money on the counter next to Mikey. As they walk, Khy’ra notices Daniel rubbing his shoulder again and places a hand on it, murmuring a soft chant to complete the healing process. Idiot must have used the last of his mana earlier in the day.

  “Thanks,” Daniel repeats and Khy’ra just shakes her head, leaning her head on his shoulder as they head back to her apartment by unspoken consent.

  Chapter 19

  Months later, Spring has finally arrived. The snow has melted, the sun arriving earlier and earlier each day. With the setting this evening, Daniel and Asin are back in the Adventurers Guild, collecting another day’s earnings. As usual, Asin is taking care of this, leaving Daniel to wonder around the Guild Hall till she is done.

  “Liev, what’s this?” Daniel points to the appearance of the new board in the Guild Hall. It’s obviously been moved, and after a moments recollection, Daniel remembers seeing it in the far back corner previously. The board stands to the side of the attendant booths, positioned such that Adventurers may peruse the board without blocking access to the booths themselves.

  “It’s the request board. Now that Spring’s here, we’re getting more and more requests for Adventurers to help around the town and surrounding villages. We move it up every Spring, since the Winter it’s mostly Quests for more advanced Adventurers,” Liev explains, looking up from the papers he is working on. The redhead runs a hand through his hair, messing it up even further as he purses his lips, trying to decipher the handwriting before him. Liev would curse the writer, if the writer was not him. Instead, he reminds himself to take notes with more care. As Liev finishes speaking, Asin comes up next to Daniel and hands him his share silently before joining Daniel in staring at the board. It takes her a moment to let out a chuff and turn back to licking at the black fur on top of her hands.

  Having received his answer, Daniel turns back to the board in more detail with renewed interest. The board itself is split into 4 parts with a carving above each portion indicating the type of request it was, with a simple rating system consisting of the Guild’s seal beneath each portion in ascending order of difficulty. A single seal meant the quest was suitable for beginner adventurers with up to four stamps being the highest on the current board. That consisted of a request to hunt a manticore which had taken residence in the Borderlands near a village. The four categories showcased were for Hunt, Supply and Guard quests with a final, miscellaneous section that currently consist of numerous scouting and exploration requests. Each individual quest had a written portion that detailed the quest and a simply drawn image below it for those who couldn’t read, allowing most Adventurers a quick idea of what each quest entailed.

  Daniel quickly relays his findings to Asin w
ho nods her head at the words before pointing to the Hunt and with a slight hesitation, Supply portions of the board. Preference offered, Daniel turns back to the board to search for an appropriate question. After spending the entire winter working the Dungeon, a change of pace was called for.

  “Liev, what’s the circle for?” Daniel points to a notation that he has spotted that appears more regularly on the Supply side then Hunt sections.

  “Repeatable quests. Most unique quests require a deposit by the Adventurer and have a time limit. The repeatable ones don’t since multiple Adventurers can work on them at the same time. Most of those quests are from traders looking for new material, though the Guard of course have their regular bounties on Orcs, Goblins and Kobolds,” Liev clarifies.

  “These two are in the North of Karlak and are around the same area, I think. 40 Silver each,” Daniel points and Asin looks up for a brief moment, considering the pieces of paper before an eloquent shrug provides her answer.

  Daniel sighs, having gotten used to his ever-eloquent nature of his friend and party member after many weeks of working with her. He pulls the papers down and walks over to Liev. A change of pace would be nice after being stuck on the fifth floor for weeks, crawling through passageways and fighting the same monsters again and again. Twice before, the two had attempted the sixth floor out of frustration and both times, they had found fighting on that floor too difficult. The Behemoth Crawlers that inhabited the floor was not only larger then their upper floor brethren, their armour was significantly tougher and it took both Adventurers working until exhaustion to kill even one.

  “That’s 40 Silver then,” Liev takes the two papers, glad for the momentary distraction from his paperwork and looks at Daniel whose jaw has dropped. Liev just smiles, knowing the two Adventurers between them have enough - they did just pay them out for the day.


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