Stolen_Saving Setora_Book One_Dark Dystopian Reverse Harem MC Romance

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Stolen_Saving Setora_Book One_Dark Dystopian Reverse Harem MC Romance Page 6

by Raven Dark

  Men who, if the stories about The Dark Legion were true, would be rowdy, eager for a good time, and starved for female company.

  “Relax, rose petal,” Steel said from a pace behind me, obviously having picked up on my fear. “We stole you for our own use. You won’t be thrown to the wolves unless you outlive your usefulness.”

  Unless I outlived my usefulness? Merciful Light help me.

  Here and there, tunnels veered left or right, all of them lit with torches mounted every few feet on the walls. The openings beckoned, temping me to run.

  No, running wasn’t an option. I didn’t even know where this place was or what lay beyond the cave. The hopelessness of the situation tried to settle on me and I pushed it down.

  From this moment on, survival was the name of the game. An opportunity for escape would come if I just watched for it, but for now, these men were my new masters. Like it or not, I was a slave, and their satisfaction meant my survival.

  We entered another living-room-sized area, this one larger than the one we’d just left, and decorated much differently. Heavily-cushioned couches and chairs were arranged throughout most of the room, with an old bar running along one wall, and a section set aside with billiard tables. Shelves lined with liquor bottles covered the wall behind the bar, and men in leather cuts lounged on every surface, tossing back mugs or goblets of alcohol.

  The instant we came out of the tunnel, every man in the room stopped in the middle of what he was doing and stared. Someone over at the billiards’ table lifted his head and ended up stabbing the cue right through the green felt covering the table. Another man by the bar dropped his beer, and the glass shattered on the scuff-marked floor.

  “Hello, boys. Feast your eyes on our new prize,” Pretty Boy said loud enough to get everyone’s attention.

  Silence fell over the room, and all eyes turned on me, filling with surprise. All except one. Beside the man who’d dropped his beer, one of only two women I could see in the room, sat on the bar, her tattoo-covered legs spread, a man’s head between them.

  My jaw dropped before I could catch myself. The woman, dark haired and tanned skinned, leaned back on the bar, letting him openly feast on her and letting her head drop over the side of the bar. Another man pushed his hard cock into her mouth and started pumping in and out.

  If the second woman, a curvy one with chestnut brown hair, hadn’t had to brush right passed us to get to the bar, I might not have noticed her at all, even while she bent down and cleaned up the bottle without being asked. She was as naked as I was, and two men sitting on a couch nearby ogled her, one of them massaging her ass like she was a dog that had wondered over.

  Shock settled in. This kind of open debauchery wasn’t totally out of place among the J’nai, but it was handled much differently. J’nai only let themselves become this uninhibited during private parties in rooms closed to all but those among the highest ranks.

  Everything about what I saw in this room said these men would have done nothing different no matter who was with them or where they were.

  It hit me then, all the stories about Dark Legion savagery were absolutely true.

  “Ohhh, hot blonde. No, wait…fuck me.” A long, lean man with a loop piercing in his eyebrow leaped off the couch and came over, putting his face in mine. “Wow. Hawk wasn’t lying, her eyes are fucking purple. Never seen a Violet this close before.”

  He crowded in on me so much that I turned my face aside, instinctively shying away.

  “Back off, Syd.” Steel put a hand on the man’s chest and pushed him back toward the couch he’d left. “We’re not sharing this one.”

  “Greedy.” Syd grinned but backed off.

  “This one’s not a house whore, we found her first,” Pretty Boy said.

  Syd shrugged and went back to his couch, resuming what looked like a game of spin the bottle. He looked a lot younger than the others, enough that, if the rules here worked the same way as they did with the J’nai, his age and lower rank within the crew left him no choice but to accede to my captor’s will.

  A man with an eye patch and long dark hair gathered at his nape with twine took a good long look from his spot on another sofa. “Damien and his high living piss me off to no end, but I gotta say, he’s the luckiest man alive with a slave like that. I don’t suppose he had another one like her on hand?”

  “A true fucking Violet?” Steel said. “We’d have taken her, too, if he did.”

  Pretty Boy slid his hand over my jaw, pulling my head up. “Let the boys get a look at you, Princess. Show them what they can’t have.”

  I turned my face to the side, humiliation burning my cheeks. Or, I should say, I tried to turn my face to the side. Pretty Boy’s grip tightened, holding my head in place, making hiding impossible.

  “Don’t look away, my little slave. Let them see our gorgeous prize.”

  The men looked me over, some leaning close. No one dared touch me without the permission of my masters, but I saw many a bulge form in the fronts of leather pants, a few of the men adjusting themselves. Eyes filled with lust, one and all.

  Once again, my body betrayed me. Shame twisted my gut, but the heated attention from all around the room, the notion that I was some prized jewel to be flaunted, awakened an ache between my legs.

  “See how much they like you, Princess?” Pretty Boy shoved my feet apart with his own, running his nose along my neck, making a hungry noise in his throat. He reached around me from behind, his hand sliding down between my legs. His fingers spread my lower lips for all to see, stroking the wetness there.

  “She likes it, Pretty Boy. She’s wet,” someone in the room said.

  “Let them see you,” he ordered in my ear, fingers working over my clit. “Let them see how much you want to be fucked.”

  Damn them, I wanted to hide. I wanted to disappear into the floor and let the part of me that was slowly dying expire, unaffected by this whole mess that had become my new life.

  My legs tried to close, some instinct pushing my body to hide itself before I could stop it. Pretty Boy kept his feet against the insides of mine, his arm pinning me to him, his fingers still pinching my chin, making it impossible to do anything but bare all to the entire room.

  “Fight us on this, and you’ll get it twice as hard in bed,” Steel said from beside me, his face in mine. He grabbed my hair, wrapping it around his fist and pulling my head back hard enough to sting.

  The implications in his words sent a flood of weakness through me. I deflated against Pretty Boy, legs open, eyes on the crowd. Letting their eyes feast upon me, letting them fantasize about all the twisted things they’d like to do to me. It provided a strange sense of solace, knowing Steel and Pretty Boy were far too possessive to let anyone else touch me as long as I pleased them.

  “Good girl.” Pretty Boy kissed my cheek with a tenderness I knew was meant to be mocking. “Now you’ll have the whole Dark Legion beating off, thinking about having you tonight, while Steel and I are the ones who’ll be using you all up. That’s going to make us want you more.”

  The man with the patch over his eye captured the curvy brown-haired woman when she came too close and pulled her across his lap, already opening the front of his pants.

  “You’re in for a hell of a night, having to relieve us all now, Diamond,” the man said. He impaled her on his cock before he’d even finished.

  “We’d love to stay and chat, boys, but…” Pretty Boy marched me to another entrance to the main clubhouse, outside of which I caught a glimpse of grass and outer rock face. “Time to break our new acquisition in.”

  Many of the men muttered irritably and waved him away. He chuckled and waved Steel outside.

  I wished being away from the ogling crowd made me feel better, but it didn’t. It just made my muscles tighten with a different uncertainty. Pretty Boy had deliberately riled the crowd, dangling the meat in front of the wolves, but I wasn’t sure I was any better off left with these two men.

, the air was different, cooler but comfortable. We appeared to be in a deep valley surrounded by high rock faces and jagged cliffs. I’d never seen such a lush landscape. Pools of water gleamed under moonlight that turned stretches of grass to silver, a paradise pocketed with deep caverns and caves. In the distance, I heard a waterfall.

  At most of the main entrances, including the clubhouse we’d just left, men stood like statues, hands clasped behind their backs. Their stances weren’t all that unlike the J’nai guards, making their purpose clear to me, except instead of swords at their backs and the black leather tunics, these men wore camouflage-printed cuts that blended into the Grotto, and blades at their waists and in their boots. Instead of the sunburst on their breasts, they wore the same yellow patch in the shape of Hawk’s namesake sewn on left breasts of their cuts.

  Without a word, Pretty Boy and Steel hustled me along a walkway that led up to the mouth of a large cave. Each of them gripped one of my arms. Inside, where only a hint of moonlight reached beyond the door, torchlight chased away some of the shadows and provided a few degrees more heat without being uncomfortable.

  The room they led me into wasn’t what I was expecting. More thick carpets covered the stone floor, rich furnishings in reds, blacks, and gold laid out in haphazard arrangements. Gold, silver, and jewels littered every surface, and Old World carvings made of what looked like ivory or jade, each worth thousands of gold credits, sat on every table. For men who weren’t the leaders of zones, who had to live off the land, I wouldn’t have expected such opulence.

  “You like your new home, little princess?” Pretty Boy pushed a lock of my hair behind my shoulder. He dropped a kiss on the back of my neck, making me turn to look at him.

  Why did he have to be so beautiful? His chiseled features, strong cheekbones, a well-shaped mouth, and a blade of a nose, gave him an angelic look his pale hair only accentuated. In The Old World, people talked of perfect winged beings who served the Maker. I didn’t know if I believed in such things, but if I did, I would have pictured one looking just like him.

  He untied the rope from my wrists as he spoke. “Your masters live like kings. Do what we tell you, and we’ll take good care of you.”

  Pins and needles tingled in my fingers, and I rubbed the reddened marks the ropes had left on my skin. Pretty Boy scooped me up into his arms, easily holding me against him.

  “Steel, go get the room ready.”

  Steel crossed the room and disappeared through the entrance to another. Pretty Boy’s angelic blue eyes locked onto mine. Trapping them.

  “Wanna know why we took you?” he asked. “See, there we were, crashing King Dumbass’s little soiree, bored off of our asses. And then a jewel—a hot fucking jewel—appeared out of nowhere. I elbowed Steel and said, ‘She’s mine. Let’s take her home.’ So I had to have you, Princess. And now you’re ours.”

  I didn’t know what to say. The possession in his voice took me aback, and yet what he’d done, stealing me from Damien, shouldn’t have surprised me. He was a pirate, after all.

  Pretty Boy bent his head, stealing a kiss from my lips. His teeth sunk into my lip, delivering a stinging bite before he tugged on it. When he lifted his head, a growl rumbled from him.

  “And I’ll be damned if that butthole Talak was gonna have you. Fucking cannibal.”

  While he carried me across the main room and into the same room Steel had gone into, I almost wished I was back with Damien. At least he was the devil I knew.

  A huge canopy bed, large enough for three, dominated the center of the bedroom. Fine red and gold cloth draped the room, with silken black linens on the bed. I couldn’t have said why, but I knew this was Pretty Boy’s room. It was too fancy for Steel.

  “We’re going to have hours of fun with you.” He carried me over to the bed and set me down on the foot of it. Across the room, Steel had already made himself comfortable, longing on a leather couch that was pushed up against the wall. Pretty Boy ran his hand over my cheek. I forced myself not to turn away from his touch.

  Standing in front of me, he started undressing, slipping off the fine breeches and tunic he’d been wearing, leaving them in a pile of silk on the floor. “So, what will we do with her first, brother?” He looked over at Steel. “I’d love to see her mouth wrapped around some cock.”

  The sight of this man naked sent a flurry of emotions through me, enough that I almost didn’t realize what he’d said. Every inch of him was covered in long, lean muscles, his skin smooth and almost as fair as my own. A thick silver chain with a symbol I didn’t recognize hung from his neck, and dark tattoos, black slashes of ink in tribal designs, covered his impressive pecs and upper arms. His stunningly-sized cock jutted proudly from between his hips, reaching past his navel, thick and ready.

  He stroked it idly.

  My gaze fixated on his movements, unable to pull my eyes away. I’d never been allowed to see a man naked before now, and no amount of the training I’d been given from Damien’s maids prepared me for this reality. Instinct pulled at me to run until I had to grip the sides of the mattress to keep my place.

  I pulled my eyes from Pretty Boy, but that only put my gaze on Steel. He just watched me, slouched on the thickly-cushioned couch like a man prepared to watch some favorite show on a stage. I swallowed.

  “Just let me watch for now,” Steel said.

  Both of them spoke as if I wasn’t even there.

  Pretty Boy continued to stroke himself openly, slowly, drinking me in while he did it. My mouth watered, as if it wanted to taste him even while my heart battered my ribs with a frightening speed.

  “Think about how you’ll feel with me pumping that in and out of your tight pussy all night while you suck him off.”

  My lip trembled. He wouldn’t go easy. I closed my eyes, trying to get a handle on my breathing.

  With his thumb, he parted my lips, tracing my mouth in a sensuous circle. “This mouth, fuck. I really need to see it full of cock, Princess.” He stepped back and nodded to Steel. “Go. Show us what a good slave you are.”

  I wouldn’t cry. Not in front of them. Keeping my head down and pushing back the tears that threatened, I walked over to the couch where Steel waited. His midnight-blue eyes twinkled, locked on my every move.

  Getting on my knees, I placed myself between Steel’s big legs so that his knees were to either side of me. My hands shook as I reached for his belt. Especially with his eyes on me, taking in every trembling breath, every rise and fall of my breasts.

  The moment I had his pants undone, Steel’s cock sprang free. It stood straight up, but with a hint of a curve, and as thick as my wrist. Ignoring the fact that I had no idea how to do this wasn’t going to be an option, but there was just no way something that big would fit in my mouth.

  As soon as I was old enough for it to be appropriate, I was educated in how such an intimate act was supposed to work. Never having been allowed to practice even on inanimate objects, they’d told me what to do, but little more. Now I wondered if they’d left me ignorant deliberately.

  I focused instead on pulling his pants down to his hips. He lifted himself off the couch enough to allow me to pull them all the way down to his feet. The muscles in his thighs were as big as tree trunks and harder than his namesake when I placed my hands on them. The contact of my small hands against his warm skin jolted me, but not as much as his palm cupping my breast.

  “Damn, this skin is so soft.” He pinched my nipple with his fingers, eyes fixating hungrily on the sharp peak, making me whimper. With his other hand, he slowly pumped his cock, readying it for my mouth. A drop of precum appeared at the tip and he lubricated himself with it. “Pretty Boy, you were right about that sweet mouth. I can’t wait to see it wrapped around my cock.”

  I turned my head instinctively to escape his gaze, but he cupped my chin, keeping me from hiding. He pulled my face closer and rubbed the head of his cock against my lips, smearing his warm, thick wetness there.

  “Open up. Suck it.
Show Pretty Boy how you take my dick.”

  Light’s Mercy, help me. Tingles of panic sped up my heart. Would he punish me if I did it wrong? But it didn’t matter as his hardened length invaded my mouth.

  The fear of choking gripped my mind, and I started to pull back.

  “You’ll get used to it, rose petal.” His hand took the back of my head, not painfully, but firm enough to leave me no choice.

  I opened my mouth wider and slid it down his shaft. He stiffened, and my eyes widened at the feel of him growing harder.

  With only half of him filling my mouth, my jaw stretched, this side of uncomfortable, so I drew back up. Steel let out a low, deep rumble of pure pleasure.

  “Do that again.”

  I slid my mouth down and he groaned, putting his head back against the couch. Taking that as encouragement, I went up and down a few times, faster. The taste of him spilled onto my tongue, the musky scent filling my nose, making my head swim. A mix of shame and nervousness pushed me to take him faster, so I bobbed my head quicker.

  “Slow down.” His fingers curled in my hair, stilling my head. “When I want you to go faster, I’ll make you go faster.”

  I heard Pretty Boy’s approving chuckle from right behind me. Embarrassment made my cheeks flame. As if he knew, his hands seized my hips, pulling me back towards him. The only way to keep my balance now was to raise my bottom up in the air. This position must have been what Pretty Boy was going for because I heard him curse.

  “What are you waiting for?” Steel grunted out.

  I had stopped without realizing it, frozen with Steel’s cockhead between my lips. I slid my mouth down, forcing myself to go slow, then pulled back up.

  “That’s better. Now use your tongue. Lick it like the best lollipop you’ve ever had.”

  While Steel played with my nipples until they ached, I licked at the head of his cock. I imagined it tasted like the berries Damien had sometimes left for me as gifts, sweet and succulent. That made it easier to alternate between licking and sucking on him.


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