For Love or for Revenge?

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For Love or for Revenge? Page 1

by Helen Cooper

  For Love or For Revenge?

  By Helen Cooper

  This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is entirely coincidental. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

  Copyright © 2012 by Helen Cooper

  Chapter 1

  He was annoyed that she was late. It was 10am and he had already cancelled two meetings to accommodate her and she was late. He never should have agreed to mentor Jake’s sister. She was obviously irresponsible and a pain but he knew he owed it to Jake. Jake had saved his ass on more than one occasion in college and when he had said his sister was trying to get into business, he had agreed to mentor her. Isabel was a capricious soul who pranced around like a fairy and he didn’t think she had any place in the business world but that wasn’t for him to decide.

  “Rebecca, call Isabel Worther for me again please.” He barked into the phone, he didn’t bother hiding his anger from Rebecca, she had been his secretary for the last ten years and had gotten used to his temper by now.

  “Yes, Mr. Dade.”

  Connor Dade sighed and checked his email as he waited for her to show up. He groaned when he realized that he had lost out on a contract worth 50 million dollars because he had cancelled his meeting with the CEO.

  He grabbed his phone up, “Rebecca, …”

  “Your appointment is here Mr. Dade, with a friend.” Rebecca put the phone down and he looked up to see two women standing in his door.

  “Isabel,” he greeted her with a nod. She looked as beautiful as he remembered, only older. Her long blond hair was loose and straight and her blue eyes were sparkling as if she didn’t have a care in the world. She was wearing a sundress that was totally inappropriate for work and flip-flops. He sighed and then looked over at her friend. She looked slightly older than Isabel who was in her early twenties. She looked like she was in her mid twenties and she was glaring at him, she had long hair as well but dark brown, some may even say raven black. Her eyes were big and brown and she had a deep tan. He wondered where she was from, to have such an exotic look.

  Where Isabel was tall and slim, her friend was average height and had a little meat on her bones, she was very curvy and she was wearing a very dowdy black skirt and white top. He looked at her and attempted a polite smile, yet she just stared at him with a snarl on her face. Connor was nonplussed at her demeanor. She was pretty but not Ms. America, what was her problem?

  “Connor, sorry I’m late but Becky’s car broke down.” Isabel rushed up to Connor and gave him a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. “Thanks for helping me out. Jake told me that he felt so bad asking but I knew you couldn’t say no to him.” She grinned up at him.

  “Becky?” Connor waited for an introduction.

  “Yeah, this is Becky. She’s Lulu’s older sister.” Isabel babbled on.

  “Lulu?” Connor asked annoyed that Isabel wasn’t getting to the point and Becky wasn’t looking any friendlier.

  “You remember Lulu. The friend I went around Spain with?” Isabel talked and Connor thought back. Ah, yes, he remembered a girl even more airheaded than Isabel.

  “Yes, yes. I remember Lulu. And her sister is here because?” He raised his eyebrows at Isabel.

  “I am standing in the room you know. You can ask me. I’m not a mute.” Becky decided that was the time to speak. She certainly wasn’t endearing herself to him.

  “Well, hello Becky. How can I help you today?” He turned a cold face on her; he certainly didn’t have time for some ill-dressed shrew. She had the good sense to keep her mouth shut as she stared at him hatefully. What was her problem?

  “So Connor, you know how you told Jake you were happy to mentor me because your last assistant left? Isabel started and he started to feel impending doom.

  “I don’t remember saying those words but please continue.” It was all he could do to keep his patience.

  “Well, I got signed by a modeling agency.” Isabel continued and as he straightened her back he could see why she got signed. She looked like a supermodel.

  “And?” He looked at his watch.

  “So I don’t need this job and my parents are off of my ass now.”


  “So I figured seeing as you needed an assistant and Becky needed a job, she could just take my position.”

  “Hmm, why would you figure that?” He didn’t care if he was being rude but there was no way he was hiring that woman. He didn’t want her sticking pins in a mini voodoo doll of him while sitting outside his office.

  “Becky is brilliant. She used to own her own bookstore. She went to a top school and well, you know she kind of needs this job.” Isabel put on a teeny weeny voice to plead with him. He looked back at Becky to see how she was reacting to the show. He caught her rolling her eyes at Isabel before she caught his eyes on her and glared at him. She certainly wasn’t acting like someone who needed a job from him.

  “Well, maybe, if she passes some tests, I can find a position for her.” He said the words without knowing why.

  “I don’t perform sexual favors Mr. Dade.” Becky bit out at him. Did she think he would want sexual favors from her?

  “Trust me Becky, I don’t need those kind of favors from you.” He swore that she stuck her tongue out at him as he turned his face. “I presume Becky knows Excel, sales force and has basic computer literacy skills.”

  “Oh yes Connor. She’s great.” Isabel gushed.

  “I’m still here.” Becky walked closer to him and he watched her as she moved. He realized he had been wrong about her dumpy clothes: her white shirt was so snug against her bosom that it looked like one wrong move and she would be busting loose. That would take the smug look off of her face.

  “Why yes you are there Becky. I thought for a second your sour face was part of my imagination.” Both Becky and Isabel looked at him in shock. But he really did not have any more time to waste on this. “Look girls, I have a lot planned today and I need to hire a new assistant. I’ve already lost a multi-million dollar contract thanks to your lateness…”

  “But Becky’s car broke down, it wasn’t her fault.” Isabel broke in.

  “Well maybe she should have gotten it fixed.” Connor was ten seconds away from throwing them out of his office.

  “But she couldn’t afford to fix it Connor. That’s why she needs this job.” Isabel reached for his arm. He sighed knowing he couldn’t say no.

  “It doesn’t look like Becky is too interested in this job to me.” Connor barked out and looked at Becky. Now that she was standing closer to him, he could see that she had green specks in her brown eyes. He studied her face curiously. S he was actually quite beautiful. She would be a stunner if she dressed properly. She’d never be a supermodel, she had too much meat on her bones for that but he was never into the skin and bones women anyways.

  “Let’s just go Isabel. I told you he was a pompous asshole.” This time Becky spoke loud and clear and looked him directly in the eyes as she spoke. He smiled to himself; this girl had a little fire to her.

  “If you aren’t in need of a job, feel free walk out the door.” And out of my life he thought. He sat down and turned his computer back on. He could sense that Isabel and Becky were unsure of what to do next.

  “If you are offering me a job, I won’t say no.” Becky spat out, he looked up at her and he could tell that she wasn’t happy to be saying what she was.

  “If you will promise not to be a shrew and scare all my clients away, I think we can work out something.” He had no idea what he was saying. Why was he offering her a job? He had a feeling he was going to
regret this.

  “Yay, thanks Connor. See ya later Becky.” And with that Isabel rushed out of the room, her job done.

  “So what’s my job going to be?” Becky looked at haughtily as if she were doing him a favor. He wanted to put her over his knees and slap her very nice ass. He bet she would be shocked if he did that. Maybe he wanted to shock her. Maybe she needed it to get that smug look off of her face.

  Chapter 2

  “Pleasuring me.” Connor spoke slowly and deliberately and she nearly choked. It was enough that Isabel had dragged her to his office to practically beg him to hire her. But now he wanted her to pleasure him? She’d become homeless before she resorted to that.

  “I don’t think so Mr. Dade. Run out of hookers have they?” She couldn’t help herself from making the remarks. She waited for him to explode and ask her to leave the office. Instead he laughed.

  “Ah, Becky. I have never had to pay in my life. I don’t think I would be starting with you.” He looked down his nose at her and scoffed. Immediately she wished she hadn’t given him the opportunity to make fun of her. She knew she was no princess. He was handsome and a millionaire, he could have any girl he wanted. In fact, she knew from the newspaper and magazines that he had had many famous and beautiful women. There was no way he would need her.

  “Just making sure you know what is and isn’t on offer here.” She kept her head high as she spoke. She tried as hard as possible to keep the hatred out of her voice. She hated Connor Dade; it was because of him that she had had to close her bookstore. She had rented space for a great price from an old friend of the families to start the bookstore but Connor had offered the man millions to sell the building. The man had sold, said he could use the money to send his grandkids to college, and now a bunch of condos was in the space. She had cried for weeks when she lost her bookstore. She had cried and felt sorry for herself for so long that she had used up all of her savings. She was now behind on her rent, had a car that needed fixing and was down to her last $20. The worst part was her regular customers also had nowhere to go: Grandma Bingo, Chad and Mizzy, the High School students and Homeless Sal. They were also affected by the closing of the bookstore. Becky had vowed that she was going to make Connor Dade pay and had jumped at the offer at an introduction from Isabel. Izzy didn’t know why she wanted to work for Connor so badly but then again all she cared about was partying and modeling. Now that Becky was here she was going to figure out a way to get even.

  She had been surprised when they had walked in the door. He was younger than she thought he was going to be. And he was devilishly handsome. She had found herself very attracted to him. He had dark blond hair and big blue eyes that seemed to be laughing at her every time she looked at him. She had been taken back when he smiled at her. She couldn’t help looking at him snottily. He thought everyone should succumb to his will because he was handsome and rich. Well she should show him.

  “Frankly Becky, you don’t have to worry.” Connor retorted back at her and it made her face flush with embarrassment. She knew she wasn’t a 10 but she wasn’t unattractive. She figured it was the clothes she was wearing; they were oversized and frumpy but they were the only semi professional clothes she could find and they belonged to her mother. She vowed that the next day she would wear her own clothes, professional attire be damned.

  “What would you like me to do to earn my salary Mr. Dade?” She asked again slowly as if talking to a child.

  “What are your skills Becky? I do believe I tried to ask you that before. No need to add bad attitude to the list, that I already know.” She gasped in shock. She couldn’t believe how unprofessional he was.

  “I have many skills Mr. Dade. I believe Isabel told you I used to own a bookstore.”

  “So I shouldn’t have you do my accounts then.” He said to her snakily.

  “What does that mean Mr. Dade?”

  “Well, if you did the accounts for your now defunct bookstore, I’m guessing you aren’t too good at it.” He spoke silkily, the words tripping off his tongue so casually. She watched him in shock, hatred running through her body. She hated that she felt a thrill watching his tongue. She wondered what it would feel like between her mouth. She shook her shoulders in an attempt to get her brain together.

  “I’ll have you know that my bookstore didn’t shut down due to my inability to do accounts.” In fact, she had been making a nice profit at the store. Unfortunately, she couldn’t afford the rent for any other space and so she hadn’t been able to move shop when the building had been sold.

  “Oh, I guess you went out of business due to a greedy huge bookstore chain huh?” He looked at her with sympathy. She wanted to shout at him and tell him no. She wanted him to know it was she. She wanted to tell him how Grandma Bingo never left her retirement home now, how Chad and Mizzy were back to hanging out with the bad kids in town and how Sal had lost all hope in ever finding a home again. She wanted to tell him how he had made her gain the extra pounds he now made fun of her for. That due to her depression all she could do was eat junk food. But she knew that by telling him any of that he would feel sorry and do nothing. That wouldn’t make him pay. That wouldn’t ease the hurt. She wanted revenge.

  “Something like that. The corporation was definitely greedy. But let’s talk about something a bit more positive.” She saw his eyes narrow as she smiled up at him. She knew he was shocked to see her abrupt mood change but she knew that she was going to have to start acting a lot nicer if she wanted to get close enough to cause some real hurt to him and his business.

  “Well, it looks as if the wicked witch of the east can smile.”

  “Yeah, sorry about earlier. I think I was upset and stressed due to my car breaking down.” The lie slid easily from her throat, though she avoided eye contact with him as she spoke. She pretended to fix her hair as she spoke and when she looked up he was staring at her.

  “You have very beautiful hair.”

  “Thanks.” She smiled genuinely this time. She was proud of her hair. It was naturally frizzy and curly and she was always pleased when she was able to tame it and have it flow silkily,

  “Ok, so how good are you at dictation Becky?” He moved on easily from the compliment and she followed suit.

  “I’m pretty good.” She down and took a notepad and pen out of her bag. Connor looked at her surprised. “I always come prepared Mr. Dade.” He nodded looking pleased and started dictating a letter to her.

  “That’s it for now.” Connor finished off the 4 letter and Becky looked up in surprise. Two hours had passed since they had started and the time had flown by. The work was a lot more enjoyable than she thought it would be. Connor had asked her opinion on several matters as he spoke and she had found she was able to make some good suggestions. Connor’s business consisted of about 10 different types of corporations: construction, grocery stores, a TV station, a local bank and even some farms. She found what he did to be diverse and very interesting. More interesting then she would have liked.

  “So what happened to your last secretary or assistant?” She asked casually though she really wanted to know.

  “She didn’t think her salary was good enough, so she did some things she shouldn’t have and I had to let her go.” Connor spoke abruptly and frowned. “It was a pity because she was good but she did some things I did not approve of.”

  “Oh ok.” She wondered what the previous assistant had done to get fired? Maybe she had gotten pregnant for him? He seemed the sort to dump someone for something like that. “So what is my salary again?” He hadn’t said before and while her primary motive for working for him wasn’t for money, it would definitely help her in her current situation.

  “You’ll start at $100,000 per year with full benefits, we match 50% for your 401K and you will get the use of a company car. After 90 days we will review your work, if it is satisfactory, you will get an extra $25,000 and be on $125,000 a year.”

  “Oh Okay.” She wanted to jump up and down and whoop. Tha
t was a lot of money. More money than she had made in 3 years running the bookstore.

  “Is that acceptable Becky?” He looked at her with a smirk.

  “It’ll do.” She tried to play it calm, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of seeing her happy at something he had done for her.

  “That’s good to hear. I think it is a very fair salary for someone in the administrative field.”

  “It’s okay.” She really couldn’t stand his pomp sometimes. She was reminded of why she wanted to bring him down to earth. He was so full of himself.

  “Shall we go and grab lunch?” He got up and walked around the table.

  “Together?” She looked at him dumbly.

  “Well yes, that is what I was thinking. Unless of course, you already have plans?”

  “No, no I don’t. I guess we can go.” She bit out reluctantly. She was hungry but was planning on going to McDonalds and getting something off of the dollar menu. She only had $20 and had to make that last until she got paid. She had a feeling he wasn’t planning on going to McDonalds.


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