Hero Undercover: 25 Breathtaking Bad Boys

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Hero Undercover: 25 Breathtaking Bad Boys Page 22

by Annabel Joseph


  Though the day had passed into evening, the tempest had not relented; but snuggled next to Patrick, Ruby was enjoying the sound of the pounding rain.

  "It's as if the storm is washing away all the bad stuff," she murmured."I love being warm and cozy with you while it's wild and woolly out there."

  Wrapping her in his arms, he let out a heavy breath. From the moment she had clip-clopped into his office, it had been a whirlwind of drama. The memory of those first few seconds swam in his mind's eye, and rolling on his side, a wicked grin curled the edges of his mouth.

  "From the first moment I saw you, I wanted to kiss you, and I still do," he purred. "I want to keep kissing you and never stop." As if to prove it, he pressed his lips onto hers and languidly, lovingly, consumed her mouth.

  "Patrick," she said softly, gazing up at him as he broke away. "It feels like I've known you a lifetime. Does it feel that way to you?"

  "Yeah, baby. Let's face it. We've lived a whole lot in these last few days." Then, pausing, he added, "And we never know what's around the corner."

  "You suddenly sound so serious."

  "I guess I am. I shouldn't be. Everything is falling into place."

  "Is there something else troubling you?"

  "This isn't the right time to bring it up. It has nothing to do with everything that's happened."

  "You can't say something like that and leave me wondering. What is it?"

  "You're right. Okay, I'm worried about what's happening in Europe. The signs are bad."

  "Yeah, I know," she said solemnly. "If there's war, do you think it will affect us here?"

  "It's bound to, in some ways, but it's hard to know how much. We might even be drawn into it. It's impossible to predict."

  "Why is it on your mind?"

  "Because…" he began, his voice trailing off as he searched for the words.


  "Because, in a couple of months, you'll be in a new home, the restaurants will be sold, and you'll be able to start your new life."

  "I've already started it," she said with a smile, her eyes twinkling at him.

  "Yeah, you have, and I have, too."

  "But what does that have to do with what's happening in Europe?"

  "When everything is truly behind us, I want to take you to Paris."

  "Paris? You do?"

  "Have you ever been?"

  "No, no, but I'd absolutely love that."

  "We probably won't be able to do that for a few months, and by then…"

  "Oh, I see. Do you think things could escalate that fast?"

  "Who knows. The thing is," he said softly. "I'm falling—the truth is, I, uh, I'm nuts about you, Ruby. I love you. There. I've said it."

  "Patrick, I feel the same," she managed, swallowing back the heat that had sprung up in the back of her throat. "I'm crazy in love you with you, too."

  Patrick had never felt his heart so full, and sliding his fingers into her hair, he studied her cobalt eyes before lowering his lips and devouring her mouth in a fervent passionate kiss, a kiss that came up from his soul and told her how he felt, how deeply and truly he cared, and how he wanted to be with her always. She began uttering muffled moans of pleasure, and as he traveled his lips to her neck, he could feel her fingers slide down his back. She smelled of spring flowers, her body was moving underneath him, and his cock was surging to life.

  "Make love to me, Patrick. Make love to me and never stop."

  Her breathless plea sent waves of energy through his loins, and moving on top of her, he pushed her legs apart with his and snaked his cock inside her. Wrapping his fingers around her wrists, he moved them above her head, and as he held her down and started to stroke, he lowered his mouth to her ear. "Have you ever been tied up and blindfolded?"

  "I'd be at your mercy," she gasped, his hot whispered words sending a jolt of excitement rippling through her body. "I'd be helpless."

  "Yes, Ruby, helpless, with a hot backside."

  "Patrick, I'd love it," she panted. "I'd love it so much."

  Her earnest response sent the adrenalin pumping through his veins, and as he accelerated, he felt himself swept up in a wave of emotion. The ditzy blonde with the most kissable lips he'd ever laid eyes on wasn't ditzy at all, but brave and fearless and smart and sexy as hell.

  "Patrick, don't stop…"

  "This time," he growled. "But next time, you'll have to beg."

  It was all she needed, and as her orgasm sparkled through her body, he didn't hold back but exploded inside her, relishing every precious second until the convulsions waned. Moments later, flaccid and spent, he slipped out, collapsing next to her and bringing her into his arms.

  "You didn't pull out," she mumbled, still catching her breath.

  "It didn't feel right."

  "I'm glad you didn't, and if I should fall pregnant, I won't be sorry or worried or anything."

  He was silent for a moment, then raising himself up on an elbow, he smoothed the stray hairs from her face.

  "Ruby Rose, I don't think I've ever been as sure about anything as I am about being with you."

  "You know what just occurred to me?"

  "What's that?"

  "You were my hero undercover, as Robert Rogan, and now you're my hero under the covers, as yourself."

  "I get the first bit, but why the second?"

  "Because, now, I know what it means to have my toes curl."

  The End

  Maggie Carpenter

  Who Is Maggie Carpenter? Most of the time when you read About the Author, you discover said author has three dogs, two cats and a turtle named Harley, lives in Oregon and likes to hike with her husband of five years. Generally, the piece is written in the third person. I have no quarrel with such an expose; it's just not for me. If you are reading this, I'm going to assume you really do want to know about me, and I want to give you that, from me, personally and sincerely, so here you go.

  I write about the Dominant/submissive dynamic because I am a submissive, and having experienced the thrills and spills that D/s romance offers, I don't just feel eminently qualified to do so, but I am truly, deeply and wholly passionate about it. Every second of every day it's on my mind and in my heart, which, by the way, has been shattered into a thousand tiny pieces, and made shining and whole and filled with joy. Such are the highs and lows Dominance and submission can bring.

  Having tried and failed with vanilla relationships during which I was constantly frustrated and unfulfilled, I came to an understanding and acceptance that vanilla simply doesn't work for me. If you read my blog, you can learn more about the addiction to this lifestyle and while every interaction is unique and based on the wants and needs of the individuals involved, they each share one truism. The submissive wants and needs the romantic domination of her man, and the Dominant wants and needs the gift of submission his girl offers.

  Visit her website here:


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  Don’t miss these exciting titles by Maggie Carpenter and Blushing Books!

  Isobel’s Surprise

  The Rock Star and The Cowgirl

  British Billionaire Bachelor

  British Billionaire Bachelor, Act 2

  An Eternal Flame

  Covert Cravings

  The Billionaire’s Daughter

  Déjà vu


  Hero Undercover



  Maggie Ryan

  ©2017 by Blushing Books® and Maggie Ryan

  All rights reserved.

  No part of the book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

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  Maggie Ryan


  This book is intended for adults only. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as Blushing Books' or the author's advocating any non-consensual spanking activity or the spanking of minors.

  Chapter 1

  “Is the man you saw in the courtroom?”

  Mia took a deep breath and turned her head to look directly at the table to her right. Her heart skipped a beat as her eyes met those of the man sitting between two others. They held no fear, no emotion at all really. If anything, she saw boredom within their depths. How could he be so unconcerned? When he grinned, it wasn’t an expression inspiring friendliness. Instead, she felt threatened. Suddenly, every cell in her body urged her to shake her head, to retract her story, to… to lie.

  “Miss Fields? Do you need me to repeat the question?” the district attorney asked, moving slightly as if to draw her attention away from the defendant. When she still didn’t answer, he added, “Is the man responsible for the death of Jennifer Watson in the courtroom today?”

  Hearing the name broke her free, and remembering why she was here, why she had to be here, she nodded.

  “Miss Fields, the jury needs to hear you verbalize your answer.” This instruction came from the judge.

  Mia looked towards the jury box, prepared to give the answer that would end this horror once and for all. Twelve faces were focused on her and yet all she saw was one… one she recognized and yet couldn’t understand how that was possible. Her head whipped back towards the defendant to see that his grin had widened and she understood. Somehow this man or, more likely, his family, had rigged the jury. If she answered, if she told the truth, it wouldn’t matter. The verdict had already been decided before she’d even taken the stand.

  “Miss Fields?”

  Mia felt the room closing in, the question seeming to come from a great distance and yet the attorney was only a few feet away.

  “Are you all right?”

  “Yes… no…” She knew she made no sense but she didn’t know what to do. “I-I…” She broke off again, watching as a man leaned over the railing to pass a folded piece of paper to the attorney. Unfolding the note, the attorney looked at Mia, then to the raised platform where the judge presided over his domain.

  “Your Honor, I’d like to request a recess to confer with the witness.”

  “We’ve just returned from the lunch break,” the judge said, his tone indicating he was not pleased with the delay.

  “I apologize, but it’s come to my attention that we, um… might have a problem. I just need a few minutes to confer—”

  “Objection,” the defense attorney said, raising from his chair, shaking his head. “If the witness has forgotten what she’s been directed to say—”

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” the district attorney retorted.

  Mia watched as the two men faced off, the jury observing the exchange as well… all except one, who had ceased looking at Mia and had eyes only for the man in the perfectly tailored charcoal gray suit, his dark hair impeccably groomed, sitting as relaxed as if he were in his own home instead of before a jury of his peers. Thinking of peers, Mia shook her head and came out of her fog. Ignoring the protocol of the courtroom, she turned towards the judge.

  “Please, Your Honor, there is a problem that I believe you need to be aware of.”

  The judge looked away from the two attorneys who continued to spar with each other and when he met her gaze, she said, “Please, sir, it’s important.”

  With a nod, he lifted his gavel and pounded it against the wooden sounding block on his bench. “Bailiff, please escort the jury out. Mr. Holden, I’ll see you and Miss Fields in my chambers—”

  “Objection! You can’t have a conversation alone with her. That’s ex parte communication!”

  “Relax, Mr. Monarch, I’m not leaving you out of the party. You may come as well,” the judge said.

  “And I will attend.”

  Mia’s head snapped toward the front to see that the defendant was rising. Before she could protest, he continued, “I may be the accused, but I’m also an attorney on record as being part of my own defense team.”

  Mia looked back at the judge in time to watch his lips compress as he gave a slight roll of his eyes. “Fine, let’s get this over with.”

  Within minutes, Mia was seated before another desk opposite the judge. Randall Holden stood to her left, shielding her from the defendant, Thomas Thorensen, and the lead defense attorney, Stephen Monarch, neither man bothering to take seats. She could feel her blood racing through her veins and knew without looking that Thomas’ eyes were on her.

  “All right, Miss Fields, please explain the problem,” Judge Preston said.

  “The problem is that she obviously forgot her lines,” Monarch said.

  “Your Honor—”

  “Hey, don’t blame me if your witness is falling apart.”

  “Enough! We’re not in the courtroom and I’ve had just about enough of the schoolyard shenanigans. Go ahead, Miss Fields. Tell us why you refused to answer the question put to you.”

  “I’m not refusing to answer, Your Honor, but I-I don’t think it will matter what I say.”

  “Mia?” Randall asked, obviously thrown by her words while Monarch just chuckled as if his accusation had just been proven.

  Mia shot him a glance, hating the contemptuous expression on his face, but not missing the look on Thomas’ face or the warning in his eyes. She hesitated again, wanting so desperately not to be in the same room as this man.

  “Miss Fields? You need to explain what you mean. I’ve already given you a lot of leeway and I don’t wish to waste any more of the court’s time.”

  Mia nodded, blocking out everyone but the judge. “It’s not about me, Your Honor. It’s about the jury.”

  “The jury? What kind of bullshit is that?”

  “Mr. Monarch, unless you’d like me to charge you with contempt of court, I highly suggest you stop interrupting and let her speak.” Judge Preston waited until Monarch gave a nod before he turned his eyes back to Mia. “What about the jury, Miss Fields?”

  “There is a woman… I don’t know what number she is but she’s seated on the back row in the second seat from the left. I-I’ve seen her before.”

  “What difference does that make?” Monarch quickly said, throwing up his hands. “You have no say in who sits on the jury. You’re not the one on trial here.”

  Mia had had enough. She’d been struggling to keep it together ever since that night a few months earlier. She’d been prepared to do the right thing even knowing that it would cost her so much. None of that had mattered as she had seen a woman lose far more… Jennifer had lost her life. But she wasn’t prepared to enter a battle with the playing field so unevenly matched. Finding strength she didn’t know she had, she turned to the defense attorney. “It makes a difference because I saw her at your client’s apartment. They know each other. I’ve seen her with the defendant.” She purposely used the word, emphasizing it as if reminding the monster that he might be an attorney, but in this courtroom, he was the one on trial.

  “Is that true?” the judge asked.

  “You can hardly expect my client to remember everyone who has ever attended a function given by him or his extended family,” Monarch said. “My client attends dozens of social events every month.”

  Mia shook her head, marveling at the way the defense attorney slithered around questions like a snake. She addressed the judge again. “Your Honor, when I say they know each other, I mean in a very…” she turned her head to face Thomas, “very intimate way.”

  This time she felt a modicum of satisfaction when she saw Thoma
s’ jaw clench for a moment before he gave a sheepish grin and a shrug. “Like my co-counsel stated, I can’t remember every guest who has taken advantage of my hospitality.”

  “I’ve got photos!”

  Thomas pinned her with his gaze again, shrugging as if totally unconcerned. “Even so, you can hardly expect me to remember every woman I’ve… how did you put it? Oh yes, been intimate with. Can you, Mia?”

  Mia felt her face heat as Randall’s hand dropped to her shoulder. “That was uncalled for,” he said.

  “I agree,” Judge Preston said, turning his attention to Monarch. “I suggest you keep your client under control.”

  Monarch lifted his hands again. “It’s a fair question given her… propensities.” When the judge scowled, the man had the decency to backtrack. “Regardless, I still believe that Miss Fields is just grasping at straws in order not to have to undergo extensive cross examination.”

  “That’s ludicrous! This isn’t about my witness. With Miss Fields’ disclosure, there is no way the state will accept this jury,” Randall shouted.

  “You already accepted the jury,” Monarch shouted back. “Every prospective juror went through voir dire and—”

  “And you sat right there and accepted someone you damn well knew had a prior relationship with your client! Judge, this is nothing more than jury tampering!” Randall cut in again. “I demand—”

  “Enough!” the judge said, slamming his palm against his desk. “I will not have my courtroom turned into some sort of circus.” He shook his head in obvious disgust. “Mr. Monarch, if I discover you were complicit in this, your client won’t be the only one facing charges.” When the attorney began to sputter, the judge raised his hand to silence him, turning to face Mia and Randall Holden. “I’m going to question the juror. I’ll make my decision about where we go from here after that.”

  “Your honor, you can’t expect…” Evidently the judge’s look was enough to silence Randall’s protest. “Fine, we’ll wait for your decision.”


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