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Hero Undercover: 25 Breathtaking Bad Boys

Page 24

by Annabel Joseph

  “No!” Mia said, “This is my Kitty.”

  “This is Kitty? Seriously?”

  “Yes, isn’t she cute?”

  “That’s one word for her,” Damian said and when the dog attempted to climb over the seat, he reached to push her back. It was like trying to move a wall. “Can’t she stay with Edna?”

  “No, that’s asking too much if I have to be away from home long. She’s just a baby.”

  A baby? The dog is as big as a Shetland pony!

  “I promise she’ll behave. Kitty, sit,” Mia directed and tried to sit up.

  “No! If you’re seen, this won’t work,” Damian said, feeling as if the situation was about to spiral out of his control. “Fine, she can ride shotgun but we’ve got to go,” he said, aware that emergency response vehicles were turning the corner. “Stay down,” he warned, backing out of the SUV and closing the door. He turned in time to see Edna swaying a bit and he almost ditched the plan.

  “I’m fine,” she assured him though Jeff had moved to hold her arm.

  “I’ll have the paramedics look her over,” Jeff promised. “Now, go.”

  Damian didn’t hesitate another moment. His first priority—hell, his only priority—was to keep Mia safe. He jumped into the car and was already pulling away when the ambulance came to a stop. He had to move to the side of the road in order to allow the fire truck to pass. One look in his rearview mirror told him that all that could be done was to keep the fire from spreading. Flames were shooting several feet into the air, the explosion had decimated Mia’s house. His jaw clenched with the knowledge that it had been meant to kill Mia, and he knew damn well who had ordered the assassination. As he reached the corner, he saw a news van heading to the scene. “Damn vultures,” he said and when Kitty woofed, he had to grin. Turning left, he issued a command and was soon talking into his hands-free phone.

  Chapter 3

  An hour later, Damian pulled the SUV into the garage and didn’t kill the engine until the overhead door had closed behind him. “You did great. We’re here.”

  “Where’s here?” Mia asked.

  “My brother’s place,” Damian said, pausing in opening his door when she gave a soft groan. “Hang on, let me help you.” He soon had her door open and watched as she slowly moved to sit up, seeing the wince of pain she couldn’t suppress. “Don’t move.”

  “I’m fine, just stiff,” she said, dropping her legs off the seat and then gasping and closing her eyes. “And a little dizzy.”

  “Shit,” Damian said.


  “You said don’t move.”

  “Not you, him.”

  “What? You’re not making any sense.”

  “Just be still for a second.” Hands reached in to run over her, quickly and efficiently, from the crown of her head to her feet.

  “Really, Damian? I haven’t been felt up in the backseat of a car since high school.” A chuckle had her opening her eyes, blinking rapidly, closing them for a moment only to open them slowly. “Oh my God, something’s wrong,” she said, a hint of panic in her voice. “Damian, there are two of you!” At the sound of her voice, Kitty whined, obviously thinking her mistress was in distress. The dog jumped from the SUV and attempted to push between the two men crowding the entrance to the backseat.

  “Kitty, down!” Damian ordered.

  “Whoa, you didn’t say anything about a dog.”

  “Just grab her and let me get Mia inside. Then we can talk,” Damian said, shouldering him aside and reaching in to scoop Mia up into his arms before backing out of the doorway. Seeing her eyes flick from him to the man holding Kitty’s leash, he grinned. “Meet my brother, Davis.”

  “There really are two of you? You’re twins?”

  “Yes, and I promise I wasn’t copping a feel, I’m a doctor,” Davis said as the garage was flooded with more light when an interior door to the house opened.

  “Are you going to stay out here all night?”

  “We’re coming,” Damian said, moving towards the door. “Maybe you should put the dogs up…” His suggestion came far too late as two brown streaks ran out of the door and Kitty lunged free. Barking filled the garage and Damian felt Mia wince. Trying not to trip over the dachshunds and the Great Dane running around in some sort of mad dance, he carried Mia into a brightly lit kitchen.

  Mia knew she should do something to attempt to stop the ruckus but her head hurt, her knees and hands were throbbing, she ached all over and… well, if she were honest, she just wanted to continue to press close to Damian’s body. All she managed to say was, “I’m so sorry.”

  “Nonsense,” the woman who’d opened the door said. “They’ll work it out.”

  “Or Kitty will simply decide that two wimpy little hotdogs will be a great snack,” Damian said.

  Mia was about to protest when the other woman did it for her… not verbally, but by slugging Damian’s arm and then looking at Mia. “Welcome to our home. I’m Lynn, by the way. Davis’ wife.” Before Mia could introduce herself, Lynn yelped and Mia saw her reach back to rub the seat of her jeans.

  “Don’t be smacking my little brother,” Davis said.

  “He insulted our babies,” Lynn protested. “And he may be ten minutes younger, but he’s not little.”

  Davis chuckled as he put his arm around his wife’s waist. “Those babies are having the time of their lives with their new friend. Damian, take Mia to the guest room. I’ll wash my hands and be in to give her a proper examination in a minute.”

  Before she knew it, Mia went from guest to patient as Damian set her gently onto the bed and she saw a medical bag on top of the nightstand. “Your brother really is a doctor?”

  “Yes, don’t worry, you’re in good hands. Davis is one of the finest doctors you’ll ever meet. He’s a surgeon at Mercy General.”

  “And that hospital doesn’t have wings donated by the Thorensen family, I’m guessing,” Mia said.

  “Right,” Damian concurred. “But believe me, if I’d thought you were seriously injured, I wouldn’t have hesitated to get you to the closest hospital. It’s just that, well, it will be easier keeping you safe now.”

  “Now that I’m dead, you mean,” she said quietly, the reason for her sitting in a pretty bedroom instead of a hospital room returning in a rush that had her closing her eyes for a moment. “Are you sure… I mean, maybe it was an accident. A gas leak or something?”

  “No,” Damian said, sitting beside her and pulling her to him. “We found…” He paused when Davis entered the room. “Let Davis check you out and then we’ll talk about it,” he said, dropping a kiss on top of her head and standing.

  Mia noticed that his brother didn’t even bat an eye and understood that he knew what sort of business Damian was involved in. She nodded, not at all sure she wanted to hear why Damian was so positive that someone had tried to kill her.

  Damian’s praise of his brother proved valid as he began to ask questions while again running his hands over her. “Are you dizzy or nauseated at all?”

  “I was a little dizzy, but not now,” Mia answered honestly. “I’ve got a headache and feel like I’ve been run over by a truck.”

  “You’ve got a nasty bump on your head.” He shined a light into her eyes. “Your pupils are fine and I don’t think you have a concussion. I’ll give you something for the headache in a moment.” She winced again when he examined her wrist. “It’s not broken but it is bruised.” He continued to examine her, lifting each hand and then asking her to lie down. Damian helped her to do so, stroking her hair back as Davis palpated her abdomen. “Any pain?” Davis asked, watching her face as his fingers moved from spot to spot.

  “No, really, I’m fine.”

  “Good, but I’d feel better if we could take an X-ray or two.”

  “Not unless you think it’s absolutely necessary,” Damian said.

  “I don’t,” Davis said. “If she’s been alert since the accident and hasn’t thrown up, I think she’ll be fi
ne.” He helped her to sit up again. “You’ve got a nasty case of road burn on your hands, elbows, and knees, but no bones are broken. You’re one lucky lady, Mia.”

  “I know,” Mia said, well aware that she was.

  Davis smiled and gave her leg a gentle pat. “I’ll get you something for the headache and Lynn is starting you a bath. Once you’ve soaked for a bit, we’ll get you something to eat.” He turned to look at Damian. “You’ll need to keep a close eye on her. If she begins to feel dizzy or nauseated, I need to know.”

  “Not a problem,” Damian said. “I don’t plan on letting her out of my sight.”

  His brother grinned. “I didn’t think you would.” He turned to Mia. “Lynn will get your sizes before running out to buy you some clothes.”

  “Oh, I-I didn’t think about… my suitcase from the hotel is still in my car.”

  “Your car is gone, honey,” Damian said. “The explosion took it as well. But don’t worry, we’ve got it under control. You just relax and let me take care of you. All right?”

  Knowing she didn’t really have a choice, she nodded. Within a few minutes, she was giving her sizes to Lynn while waiting for a large tub to fill. “Just get something cheap and maybe really soft,” Mia requested. “I’ll pay you back… oh, I guess my purse is gone too. It was on the porch when… God, I don’t have anything left.”

  “It’s not a problem,” Lynn reassured her. “Damian gave me a list of what he thinks you’ll need. I just wanted to make sure I had the right sizes. Oh, and what sort of dog food does Kitty like?”

  Mia couldn’t believe she’d forgotten about her dog. “She’s not picky. She’ll eat anything really. I’m so sorry to be such a bother.”

  “Hey, none of that. Duke and Dixie are having a ball. Your puppy is adorable.” Lynn laughed as she laid a thick towel on the countertop. “I absolutely love her name. I bet it shocks people all the time.”

  “It does,” Mia said, finally giving a smile. “You should see their faces when I call, ‘here, Kitty, Kitty,’ and a Great Dane comes running.”

  Lynn helped Mia undress and then reached over and pushed a button. The steaming water began to swirl and Mia sank into the water. “You just relax. I’ll be back in a jiffy,” Lynn said, turning when the door opened to admit Damian. If her hostess was surprised to see her brother-in-law entering the bathroom, she didn’t show it. Instead, she said, “Good, you can help Mia bathe. If you finish before I get back, I’ve left a nightgown here for you. Oh, and dinner’s ready so one of the guys can fix you a plate.”

  “Thank you, Lynn,” Mia said.

  “Yes, thanks,” Damian added, giving her a hug. “Save your receipts. I’ll arrange for reimbursement as soon as I can.”

  “No hurry,” Lynn said. “You just take care of Mia, you hear?”

  “Man, you’re getting awfully bossy,” Damian said. “I’m beginning to wonder if Davis is slipping.”

  Lynn swatted at his arm again and then tucked her hips in when Damian lifted his hand, ducking out of the bathroom and closing the door behind her.

  “I know where you live, young lady!” Damian called and they both heard Lynn laugh.

  “She’s nice,” Mia said. “They’re both great.”

  “They are,” Damian agreed, moving to lock the door before turning to look at her. “How are you feeling?”

  Mia stared up at him and gave him an honest answer. “Scared.”

  “Ah, babe,” Damian said and moved to sit on the edge of the tub. “I know you are, but I promise, I’ll keep you safe. I won’t let anyone get close to you, all right?”

  “No,” Mia said, shaking her head and when his brow furrowed, she said, “I want you close to me.” She lifted a hand and waved it over the water. “This is such a huge tub, Agent Cooper. I’m afraid I might drown in it all alone.”

  “Well, Miss Fields, I certainly can’t allow that, now can I? What do you suggest I do?”

  His grin and quirked eyebrow caused her to shiver, her nipples pebbling beneath the surface of the water. “I suggest you get naked and join me,” Mia said, the sense of fear that had been threatening to swallow her whole abating when he stood, shrugging out of his suit jacket and dropping it to the floor.

  “Are you going to be one of those witnesses?” he asked, unbuttoning his shirt and then reaching for his belt buckle. “You know, the ones who demand constant attention?”

  “Hmmm,” Mia said, her pussy tingling as she watched his fingers lower the zipper of his trousers. “I’m afraid that I might be your most demanding witness ever.”

  Damian chuckled as he shed the rest of his clothing, his cock jutting from his groin, causing her sex to spasm in want. “Move up,” he said, stepping into the tub and sinking down behind her after she’d scooted forward. When he pulled her back against him, his long legs wrapping around her body and his erection pressing against her back, Mia moaned.

  “Are you all right?”

  “With you here, I’m better than fine.”

  “I’m glad,” he said as he bent, his lips nuzzling against her neck before he spoke again. “I’m having a hard time—”

  “I can tell,” Mia said, giggling as she wiggled against his cock.

  “Funny girl,” Damian said, “but that’s not what I meant. I’m having a difficult time trying to decide whether to spank your ass for disobeying me or make you come apart in my arms to celebrate you’re alive.”

  “Well, if you’re asking, I’m definitely voting for the coming apart option.”

  He bent to kiss her neck again. “I wasn’t asking, I’m still deciding. You were supposed to stay at the hotel.”

  “I know, but—”

  “Exactly, you knew and yet you disobeyed and now, well, your butt should pay the price, don’t you think?”

  Mia squirmed a little, not positive if he was serious or not. “Um, how about I plead the fifth?”

  He chuckled. “Sorry, babe, you’re not the witness this time. You’re the defendant and guess who is the judge and the jury?”

  Her entire body coiled as he wrapped his arms around her, his hands suddenly looking extremely large. Yet she had to wonder why she wasn’t afraid and then understood. This was Damian. The man who had protected her for weeks, the man who’d just brought her to safety, the man who was holding her in his arms… the man she’d already begun to fall in love with.

  “You are.”

  “That’s right. So, do you plead guilty or not guilty? Remember, perjury will get you in more trouble.”

  “Ummm, I guess guilty, but my doctor might have an issue with your carrying out the sentence.”

  Damian chuckled again. “Babe, I assure you, your doctor would be the first to agree that there are consequences for naughtiness.”

  “Really?” Mia asked, the news causing her to move in his arms, turning so that she was facing him. “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”

  “I’m saying that if you’d stayed put, I wouldn’t have lost ten years off my life when I saw you flying through the air. I wouldn’t have almost run you over with my car, and to top it all off, I wouldn’t have to explain how I almost shot your dog!”

  Mia’s mouth fell open and though she understood how he must feel, she couldn’t stifle a giggle. “Why did you almost shoot Kitty?”

  “She knocked me on my ass.”

  “Really? My little puppy almost took out a big, tough FBI agent? God, I wish I’d seen that!” she said and when he growled, she lost it, the giggle quickly becoming laughter and then a squeal as he reached for her.

  “Miss Fields, you’ve been found guilty. Sentencing is over and it’s time to pay the piper.”

  “Objection!” Mia squealed again when he stood, sat on the wide rim of the tub and flipped her over his knees.

  “Overruled,” Damian said, slapping her left buttock.

  “Ow! That hurts!” Mia cried, her hand flying back to rub her abused cheek, a bit shocked at exactly how much a simple swat could sting.

/>   “It’s supposed to hurt,” Damian said calmly, easily avoiding her hand to add a second swat to her right cheek. “Consider it a form of rehabilitation.”

  “Wait! This is cruel and unusual punishment!”

  “No, babe, cruel would have been if you’d died in that explosion. And I would have been the one punished for the rest of my life if I’d lost you.”

  Mia turned her head to him, the look in his eyes causing her heart to hitch. He was right. This all could have been avoided if she’d only obeyed him. Sliding her hand from her bottom, she nodded, accepting his right to carry out the sentence. Her acquiesce didn’t make the spanking easier to take. His hand was huge and hard, but for some reason she couldn’t explain, it just felt right. With the water only inches beneath her face, she continued to squeal, her feet kicking and splashing as he peppered her ass with swat after swat.

  “I’m sorry!” she cried as her bottom began to move from stinging to burning. “I won’t ever commit another crime. I swear!” He gave her one last swat in the center of her ass, the sound loud in the tiled room, before lifting her to sit on his knee.

  Mia wasn’t sure how to respond. Her ass stung and yet she felt as if she were about to burst with pure lust. Throwing her arms around his neck, she buried her face in his neck as he wrapped his arms around her.

  “Just so you know, repeat offenders don’t get off so easy. The next time you disobey me, you’ll learn exactly how much a spanking is supposed to hurt. Understand?”


  “Yes, sir,” Damian corrected and her sex spasmed again.

  “Yes, sir,” Mia said then lifted her head to look at him. “Am I forgiven now?”

  His smile melted her heart. “Yes, you’re forgiven.”

  “Then may the defendant make a motion, sir?” He chuckled and when he nodded, she ran her hand between them, encircling his shaft that had only grown harder as he’d given her her first spanking ever. “May we move on to the coming part now, Your Honor?”


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