Hero Undercover: 25 Breathtaking Bad Boys

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Hero Undercover: 25 Breathtaking Bad Boys Page 26

by Annabel Joseph

“I’m afraid not,” Damian said, but when she began to speak, he shook his head. “Hang on, honey. Let’s listen.”

  “As has been reported, the home of a key witness for the prosecution went up in an explosion earlier this evening.” The screen cut to a shot of Mia’s street, the fire still blazing though the firemen were directing streams of water onto the house. The charred hulk of her car was visible and they could see neighbors standing across the street, see their mouths moving but couldn’t hear what they were saying. The picture shrank to take up a corner of the screen as Randall appeared again. “Though her body has yet to be found, it is with great sorrow that I have been informed that Ms. Miranda Fields is presumed to have perished in the blast.”

  Damian saw the district attorney’s eyes narrow as he stared directly into the camera. “I’d also like to say that the charges against Thomas Thorensen have not been dropped. In fact, there is a good possibility additional charges will be added following the completion of investigations into both cases. Regardless, I promise he will stand trial for the murder of Jennifer Watson. That’s all I have for now.” Though the reporters began to shout again, Randall ignored them, following the police commissioner back into the police station.

  Once he was sure the news report was over, Davis reached to switch off the television while Damian moved to pick Mia up from her chair, taking her seat and settling her on his lap. She clung to him, her entire body trembling.

  “It’s all right,” he said softly.

  “She’s dead… they killed her because of me,” Mia said, her voice choked with emotion.

  “No, Mia. You had nothing to do with this,” Damian insisted. “She was playing a dangerous game and paid a horrible price, but her death is not your fault. This has Thorensen’s fingerprints all over it.”

  “He’s right,” Davis said. “The man is a criminal and not above taking out his opposition. I’m betting he ordered you killed to keep you from testifying.”

  Damian watched as Kitty padded into the room. Not rambunctiously but calmly, moving to sit beside his chair, laying her head in Mia’s lap. He could sense their connection as Mia stroked her head and moved to sit up straighter. “Well, he made a mistake when he didn’t succeed,” she said, her voice growing stronger. “I promised Randall I’d testify… oh, he thinks I’m dead, doesn’t he? Damian you have to tell him I’m not.”

  “No,” Damian said immediately.


  “Mia, I’m sorry, but no one can know you survived. Not yet, not until the new trial. I know it’s hard, we all saw how devastated Randall looked, but honey, that works in our favor.”

  “But I can testify? I have to for Jennifer and now, for Susan as well. Even though what she did was wrong, she didn’t deserve to die for it. I don’t care how long it takes, I’ll be ready.”

  Damian hugged her close. “Yes, you can testify, though while Thorensen didn’t manage to get you, he did manage to destroy your laptop and files,” he reminded her.

  Mia nodded. “That’s true, but I automatically copy everything to the cloud. Even if he thinks of that, he won’t know how to gain access, or my password. Damian, I’ve got to stop him before he kills somebody else.”

  “You will,” he said, praying that this would all end well. “We’ll keep you hidden until the time comes for you to testify.”

  “I can’t put your family in danger,” Mia said, shaking her head. “I’ll go somewhere no one can find me—”

  “That’s the plan,” Damian cut in, adding, “Only you won’t be going alone. Like I told Randall and Davis, I have no intention of taking my eyes off you.”

  She nodded and accepted his kiss, and he didn’t even mind when Kitty jumped up and added her kiss to both their cheeks.

  Chapter 6

  Though Mia’s appetite had disappeared with the newscast, Damian encouraged her to eat a bit more. She remained on his lap, nibbling on a piece of garlic bread as he finished his dinner. By the time he was done, Lynn was entering the side door and calling for assistance. Mia joined the men to help.

  “My gosh, I don’t need all this!”

  Lynn laughed and nodded towards the open door. “There’s more in the car, but I figured Damian would just want to transfer it to the Range Rover.”

  As the men headed outside, Mia took a couple of the bags and followed when Lynn called. They wound up in the guestroom, where Lynn dropped her bags on the bed. “Hey, how are you holding up? I heard the news on the radio and saw your house on the television at Walmart. I’m so sorry you’re going through all this, Mia.”

  “It’s surreal,” Mia said, watching as Lynn dumped the contents of her bags on the bed, clothes and toiletries spilling out. “I can’t thank you enough for everything, but I feel awful putting you and Davis through this.”

  “Don’t you dare,” Lynn said, looking down at her. “We’re more than glad to help and wish we could do more.”

  “Still, you could be in danger and you don’t even know me.”

  Lynn moved to wrap her arms around Mia. “I knew all I needed to the moment Damian carried you in here. That man has always played his cards close to his chest, but I’m telling you, he’d give his life for you.”

  “That’s what scares me,” Mia admitted. “I don’t want anyone to have to do that.”

  “Well, knowing him like I do, and having been married to his brother for the last five years, all I can say is I don’t recommend you make that argument.” She gave Mia a hug and stepped back and grinned. “Not unless you’ve got a butt of steel, that is.”

  Mia felt her face flame, memories of Damian’s hand on her ass still vivid as she reached back to rub her bottom. “No, I definitely don’t have a steel butt.”

  Lynn grinned and dumped out another bag as she nodded. “Me either, but trust me, you couldn’t be in better hands. You’ll get through this mess and you’ll nail Thorensen’s ass as well.”

  “I plan to,” Mia said, finally accepting the fact that these people were not only good, they were willing to risk their own safety for hers.

  Damian entered the room with a suitcase, placing it on the bed. “Go ahead and change and pack.”

  “What about you?” Mia asked, not having found any men’s clothing in the multiple bags they’d emptied.

  “No shopping necessary for me.” He grinned. “Remember, I can raid Davis’ closet again.”

  “Good,” Lynn said, “that man needs a new wardrobe.”

  Damian chuckled. “Don’t take too long. We need to get on the road as soon as possible.”

  “Oh, Damian, can’t you stay just for the night?” Lynn asked.

  “No, honey. It’s better to keep moving. We’ll get together when this is over, I promise.” Once he’d left, Mia reached for a sweater and a pair of jeans.

  “No, wear these,” Lynn said, holding out a pair of sweat pants. “Believe me, your knees will thank you. Oh, and here.” She added a package of underwear and a camisole before handing the clothes over. “This will be more comfy than a bra, and warmer too.”

  “Do you know where he’s taking me?”

  “No, but from the list, I’m thinking it will be colder than here.”

  After Mia had changed and finished packing, Lynn wheeled the suitcase to the living room, where they found the brothers talking. “Ready?” Damian asked.

  “Yes,” Mia said.

  “Wait, I’m going to pack up the rest of the spaghetti and some cookies,” Lynn said, going on to the kitchen.

  Mia stood, absently petting Kitty’s head and listening as Davis handed Damian a bag and gave him instructions as to her health care. “I know you want to remain as hidden as possible, but seriously, don’t hesitate to call if you need help.”

  “I won’t,” Damian assured him. “I’ll keep in touch but you won’t recognize my number. I’ll be using a series of throw away phones.”

  “Understood,” Davis said, turning to Mia. “Don’t you worry. Damian will take good care of you.”

/>   “I know,” Mia said. “I can’t thank you and Lynn enough.”

  “You just stay safe.”

  Lynn returned from the kitchen, yet another bag in hand as well as a thermos. “I made a fresh pot of coffee for the road. There’s creamer and sugar in the bag with the food.”

  The group left the house through the door leading to the garage and Mia saw that another car had been moved inside, remembering Lynn’s words from earlier.

  “We’re not taking the SUV?” she asked, as Damian loaded their suitcases into the back, which was already quite full of boxes and not one but two huge bags of dog food.

  “Nope, from this point on, we’re on our own,” Damian said, opening the back door. “Sorry, girl, you get the back seat.”

  Kitty didn’t seem to mind as she jumped into the Range Rover and immediately lay down on a huge dog bed that Lynn had added to her shopping list.

  Davis gave Mia a hug and Lynn did the same. “Remember, Damian is a good man. Just do whatever he says and you’ll be fine.”

  “I will,” Mia said, returning the hug, knowing she’d found a friend even if they’d only known each other for a few hours. She climbed into the front seat after Damian opened the door, smiling when he reached across her to fasten her seat belt. The man definitely had strong protective instincts.

  She watched as Damian gave his family a final hug and then climbed into the car as Davis pressed a button to open the garage door. She waved as they backed out and watched until the house disappeared. “They’ll be safe, won’t they?” she asked, turning to look at Damian.

  “Yes, just as we will be,” he said, reaching to take her hand. “I know you’ve got to be scared, but like I said, I’ll keep you safe.”

  “I know you will.” After a moment, she asked, “Damian, will you get in trouble? I mean, for disappearing with me?”

  He squeezed her hand. “Don’t worry about that, or anything, for that matter. I’ve spoken with the agency, and though they won’t know where we are, they know I’m on the job.”

  His words didn’t exactly reassure her as she remembered what had happened in the bathroom. Squirming just a bit, she put her other hand over his. “What if they find out that we… um, you aren’t just protecting me from afar? I don’t want to be responsible for getting you into trouble.”

  “Babe, like I said, don’t worry,” he said, giving a shrug. “You’re more important to me than any job.”

  “That’s what you say now, but—”

  “Mia, I don’t make promises I can’t keep and don’t say things I don’t mean. I don’t think it will come to making a choice, but if it does, I’m choosing you. Understood?”

  “Yes, sir,” she said, her heart filling as he squeezed her hand again. “I know you said I can’t talk to anyone, but can you call about Edna?”

  “Already did. She’s fine and enjoying the flowers Kitty sent her.”

  “Thank you, that was sweet of you.”

  “You’re welcome. Now, why don’t you recline your seat and get some rest? There’s a blanket on the seat behind you.”

  Suddenly that sounded wonderful. She adjusted the lever and tucked her legs under her after pulling the blanket up. Kitty lifted her head and Mia gave her a smile. “Easy, girl, we’re both going to be all right.” Within minutes, she was asleep, the man she trusted with her life driving through the night.

  Damian turned off the engine and took a moment to simply look at Mia. Though she’d slept, he knew her sleep hadn’t been completely restful. She’d moaned and even whimpered a few times, each soft cry of distress pulling at him. It was a damn good thing Thorensen wasn’t standing before him as Damian doubted he’d be able to keep from killing the man for what he’d done. Knowing he had work to do before either of them could truly relax, he opened the door, turning to look over his shoulder when he saw Kitty’s head pop up.

  “Stay with her, girl,” he said softly. “I’ll be right back.”

  He eased the door closed and shuddered. “Shit, it’s colder than I thought,” he muttered, moving to a panel on the wall. The cabin was isolated and totally off the grid. After connecting a fresh tank of propane, he started the generator. Several other tanks remained, ensuring they’d have power for the duration. He left the garage and, using his key, entered the cabin through the back door. It seemed to be even colder inside. He turned on the lights and could hear the refrigerator humming as power was resumed. Returning outside, he gathered an armload of wood and soon had a fire blazing. The heat would rise, warming not only the downstairs, but the loft above. He placed additional logs in a large basket on the hearth before going up the stairs. It would take a while to become warm but until then, he made up the bed and added two more quilts before checking the water in the bathroom. He was on a well and septic tank system and was pleased to see that the pipes seemed to be working. When building the cabin, he’d been sure to insulate it as much as he could, including covering any exposed piping.

  Returning to the car, he opened the back door and allowed Kitty out. “Go take care of business,” he ordered. She gave a woof and trotted out of the garage before he wondered if perhaps he should have kept her on a leash, hoping that she wouldn’t go far. He really didn’t want to have to chase her down in the dark. By the time he’d carried one load into the cabin, she was back.

  “Smart dog,” he said, giving her a pat on her head. He continued to empty the car, placing items into the refrigerator and cabinets. He carried their suitcases upstairs but didn’t bother unpacking yet. After placing Kitty’s bed on the floor near the fire, he set a screen across the opening and put a big bowl of water and one of food on the floor in the kitchen. Kitty immediately began to eat. At least the cabin was beginning to warm up, the worst of the chill gone by the time he went to get Mia.

  For the second time that day, he said, “We’re here,” while he swept her hair off her cheek and gave her a soft kiss. She stirred and opened her eyes.


  Damian chuckled. “If you call five hours already, then yes,” he said, helping her from the car.

  “Where’s here? It’s cold!”

  “My cabin and yes, it’s even colder than I’d thought it would be. Let’s get you inside.” He closed the garage then took her hand and led her across the short distance to the cabin steps and inside.

  “Wow, this is beautiful,” she said, standing just inside the doorway.

  “Thanks, I like it,” he said, wrapping his arms around her. “Do you want something to eat or drink? There’s still some coffee left.”

  “Just water, please,” she said, giving a yawn. “I’m afraid that coffee would keep me up.”

  Damian led her to the couch and went to get her a bottle of water. “Kitty’s eaten and done her business,” he informed Mia, returning to sit beside her.

  “Thanks. You should have awakened me. I could have helped unpack.”

  “You can unpack the suitcases later. For now, just drink your water and then we’ll go to bed.”

  Mia shivered. “I hope you’ve got a lot of blankets. I’m freezing.”

  Damian smiled. “You won’t be for long. We’ll share body heat.”

  “Sounds wonderful,” she said, taking a few more sips before recapping the bottle.

  He drew her to her feet and when he led her to the stairs, he realized Kitty was following. “Sorry, girl, your bed is over there,” he said, pointing at the cushion.

  “She’s used to sleeping with me,” Mia said.

  “Well, like all babies, she needs to get used to sleeping by herself,” Damian said, not willing to give in to sharing his bed with the dog. “Kitty, stay.”

  The dog gave Mia’s hand a lick and then trotted to the cushion, turned around three times before laying down, her head on her paws. “Wow, she must like you,” Mia said.

  “She just knows who’s the boss,” Damian countered as they climbed the stairs. He pointed out the bathroom. “The water is on and I put the bag of toiletries on the c

  “Thanks,” Mia said. While she prepared for bed, he shook out a tablet from a bottle Davis had given him, handing it to her when she appeared. “I don’t need that,” she insisted. “My headache is gone.”

  “Take it anyway. Davis said to not allow the pain to get ahead of you.” Once she’d swallowed the pill with the last of her water, he turned down the bed. “I know you are cold, but believe me, you’ll sleep better if you get out of those clothes.” He handed her a t-shirt he’d pulled from a drawer. “I’ll be back in a minute.” He left her to change as he went to use the facilities and brush his teeth. He left his clothing folded on the counter, returning to the bedroom wearing a pair of sweat pants. Mia was already in the bed, in the shirt and her socks. Sliding into the bed, he pulled the quilts over them and tugged her close.

  “Hmm, that’s nice,” she said, giving her bottom a wiggle against his groin.

  “Be still,” he said, feeling his cock twitch. “Go to sleep. You’ve had a rough day.”

  “I slept the whole way here, I’m not sleepy,” she said, a long drawn out yawn belying her words.

  “Naughty girls who lie get spanked,” he said. “But that would certainly warm you up.”

  “Um, maybe I am a little tired,” she said.

  Damian chuckled and pulled her a little closer. “Close your eyes, baby. Rest.” He pressed a kiss to the back of her head, shutting his own eyes.

  Mia listened to his breathing deepen as he fell into sleep. His arm across her waist and his front pressed against her back felt wonderful, but the bed was still cold, the air not much warmer. She shivered, pulling the quilt up higher until everything but the upper half of her face was covered. The long nap in the car was keeping her from joining him in slumber. Her attempt to not awaken him obviously didn’t work when his voice broke the silence.

  “Are you all right?”

  “Yes… no,” she said. “I’m sorry, it’s just that… every time I close my eyes, I see myself flying through the air. I hear the explosion and… and realize how close I came to dying. If you hadn’t called…” She heard her voice hitch and before she could stop herself, felt tears coursing down her cheeks.


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