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Hero Undercover: 25 Breathtaking Bad Boys

Page 65

by Annabel Joseph

  “Murphy, how’s it going?”

  “Good, sir. My partner and I met Edmund and his little girl two nights ago during our orientation. Since then, I’ve been assessing the layout. I haven’t seen any surveillance cameras nor much of a security presence at all, other than at the main gate.”

  “Excellent. It sounds like this punk thinks he’s invincible and doesn’t need any added protection. That’s when he’ll slip up and you’ll be there to catch him.”

  The thought of finally nabbing the man responsible for flooding the streets of my city with drugs was a very satisfying thought.

  “I agree. Burke hasn’t been around much. I’m hoping that changes today.”

  “Remember, you only have three days left to catch this perp. Don’t let him slip away from you.”

  “I won’t.” Letting down my boss was not an option. The sound of Chloe rolling in bed caught my attention. I couldn’t let her catch me on my phone. “I’ve got to go, boss.”

  “Don’t forget Murphy, always wear your violet pin. You never know when Burke might make a mistake. You’ll want to be ready.”

  “Yes, sir. Bye.”

  With a grunt from him, our call disconnected. I slipped the phone into my pocket and walked out to be greeted by my sweet submissive with sleep tossed hair and drowsy eyes. “Good morning, pumpkin. You ready to start your day?”

  I didn’t think it was possible, but today topped the day before for best day ever!

  Daddy, Belle, Belle’s daddy, and I had a picnic at the park, and now my new friend and I were playing.

  It was fun being able to run around on a playground made for adults. Going down the slide holding hands with Belle was a blast.

  We were currently playing with some dolls our Daddies had gotten for us. Mine had blond hair like me and Belle’s had red hair like her.

  “It’s a beautiful day today, isn’t it?” I said, pretending that it was my doll talking to the other one.

  “Oh yes, it is. It’s a bit windy though. I think we should put our hair up.”

  My friend picked her doll up and quickly wound her red locks into a high bun. In my opinion, it made her toy look funny. The bun was almost the size of her head. I wanted to leave my girl’s hair down, despite the wind.

  “Chloe, you need to put her hair up in a ponytail or else it’s going to get filled with tangles.”

  “I don’t want her hair up. I’ll make sure to brush it when I get home.”

  “No, it needs to be up,” Belle demanded, snatching the toy out of my hands.

  My mouth dropped open. I couldn’t believe my friend was so rude as to take my doll and do her hair in a way I specifically said not to.

  “Give her back!”

  “In one second, I just need to fix her hair.”

  Belle turned so I wouldn’t be able to reach for my toy. I wanted it back! Angry, I grabbed my friend’s pony tail and pulled, hard. She let out a cry. It didn’t bother me because the hair pulling worked. She let go of my doll and rubbed her head. Easily, I snatched it right back and began fixing her hair how I wanted.

  She was crying now. Oh well, she shouldn’t have stolen my toy in the first place.

  Sobbing, she ran towards her Daddy who was headed our way. My Daddy was by his side and who looked none too happy.

  “Chloe, you are in big trouble,” my Daddy growled, his eyes narrowing at me.

  “But, she started it! She—” I didn’t get to finish my sentence before he interrupted me.

  “There are no excuses for pulling another person’s hair. Come with me. You’ve earned yourself a punishment.”

  Realizing there was no way out of this one, especially with his strong hand clamped firmly around my wrist, I bowed my head and followed him back to our suite.

  Once inside, he took a seat on the edge of our bed and motioned for me to lay over his lap.

  “But this isn’t fair!” I whined, making no move to get into position. “Why am I being punished when I didn’t even start this whole thing? If Belle had just kept her paws off my doll, none of this ever would have happened.” That sounded reasonable to me. I was clearly the innocent party in all of this. Daddy had to see that

  Sighing, he crossed his arms over his chest and looked at me intently. “Sweetie, have you ever heard the expression, two wrongs don’t make a right?”

  I shook my head.

  “It means if someone does something bad to you, it doesn’t make it right for you to do something bad to them. It’s getting even, which makes you as guilty as the one who started it. Does that make sense?”

  I repeated what he said over in my head, to make sure I understood it.

  “I think so. You’re trying to say that what Belle did was wrong and despite the fact I was getting my doll back, what I did was wrong, too?”

  “Exactly. Hair pulling and fighting are never acceptable. At the end of the day, no one will win if that occurs.”

  I hated that his logic made sense.

  “Chloe?” Daddy asked, staring at me, one eyebrow arched slightly. He was being patient, but I didn’t think it would last.

  “All right, I understand,” I grumbled. Just because I got what he was saying, didn’t mean that I had to like it.

  “Good, now the faster you get over here and do as you’re told, the faster we can finish your spanking, and forget this entire incident.”

  Sighing, I climbed onto his lap, positioning myself so my upper body lay on the mattress and my legs hung over the side.

  Daddy made quick work of pulling my pants and panties down. Part of me got excited as his hand caressed my cheeks. It reminded me of the morning he woke me up by spanking my behind. That had been a very enjoyable moment, but something told me this was going to be different.

  He adjusted me to where he wanted, then started right in swatting each of my cheeks six times. The force and sting of the smacks took my breath away. These definitely weren’t like the spanks he had used before.

  He rained down another dozen swats, never hitting the same spot twice. Oh gosh, these were really starting to hurt. My ass felt like it was on fire as a constant sting had settled on my skin. I was trying to control my breathing, but it was a bit hard with the growing pain.

  “You’re doing very good, Chloe. I know this hurts, but I’m hoping it teaches you that fighting is wrong. If you need help with a problem, you come and get me.”

  “Yes, Daddy,” I answered, my voice shaky as I tried to keep my tears at bay. It helped when he paused a moment, ran his hand across my cheeks, and soothed some of the ache away.

  But his hand left all too soon, and it came back down meeting my now sensitive skin.

  “Ouch!” I yelped, trying to wiggle off his lap. Unfortunately, his leg wrapped around the backside of mine and with his free hand in my hair, I was immobilized.

  “Don’t move or else it’ll add to your punishment,” he stated, this time spanking the tender flesh where my butt and upper thighs met. Each spot got at least five smacks. I was ready to jump off the bed. These hurt ten times more than the spanks on my ass.

  “I’m sorry,” I cried, no longer able to hold back the sobs with my backside on fire.

  “We’re almost done, honey. Don’t clench up or else these will hurt more,” he ordered, again running his hand over my skin.

  I tried to do as he said, taking a deep breath and relaxing, but it was really hard to when I knew there was more pain to come.

  A dozen more smacks landed on my sit spots and ass, making it feel as if someone had poured hot lava on me. I vowed then and there to never put myself in the position again to get a punishment spanking from my Daddy.

  “All done, baby girl. I’m so proud of you. You took that very well,” he cooed as he rubbed over the skin that he had just punished.

  I laid there sobbing my heart out, trying to calm down enough to apologize again, but I just couldn’t in that moment.

  “It’s okay, honey all is forgiven,” he said turning me so I was sitti
ng down on his lap now.

  The feel of his jeans on my sore bottom had me wiggling to try and get away from it. I didn’t want anything coming into contact with the inferno that was on my backside.

  “Honey, go over to the corner and think how you’re going to apologize to Belle. I’m going to grab something that should help you.”

  With tears still cascading down my face, I did as he asked, not wanting to get into further trouble.

  Being in the corner, while I heard him rummage around for whatever he was looking for really made me feel like a child. When I was younger, if I had done anything wrong my parents would either spank me or make me sit in the corner for a certain period of time. It’d been years since I’d experienced either action and having just been through both, it really brought me back. Although I’d never had to do so while naked from the waist down and my freshly spanked backside on full display.

  “Found it,” Daddy called.

  I turned my head to see him holding a white bottle, though I couldn’t make out the label.

  “Turn back around, young lady and bend down.”

  I did as he asked without question.

  “This lotion should help take some of the sting out of your cheeks,” Daddy said, rubbing the cooling lotion into my tender flesh.

  Despite having just received the worst punishment of my life, the pain in my ass was beginning to turn into tingles of pleasure. Coupled with the erotic mental picture I had of myself presenting my bright red bottom to my Daddy, I could feel my pussy start to leak with my juices.

  When he finished, he said, “You can stand up and turn around now, Chloe.” As I did, he handed me a couple of tissues so I could wipe the tears that were still trailing down my face and blow my nose. I handed them back to him and he tossed them into the garbage can.

  “I’m really sorry, Daddy. I promise I’ll never do that again because you’re right. Two wrongs don’t make it right. It makes it worse, especially for my bottom.”

  He smiled down at me and placed a gentle kiss on my forehead. “I’m glad to hear that. Are you feeling better? Did the lotion help?”

  It was odd that I found his concern touching, since he was the one who set fire to my butt in the first place, but I did.

  “Yes, but…” I trailed off, not sure how he’d react to what I had to tell him.

  “But what?”

  “I have a bad ache in between my legs now,” I admitted.

  A knowing grin crossed his face as his eyes gave me a once over. I felt it like a caress, and though he hadn’t yet touched me, the throbbing inside me was increasing.

  “Well, we can’t have you in any more discomfort. Go lay down on the bed and make sure to spread your legs wide apart.”

  I quickly did as he asked, excited to see what fun he had planned next. Adam was a mastermind when it came to extracting as much pleasure as he could out of me.

  As I waited, he reached into his bag, which I had named his black treasure chest and pulled out a hand-held vibrator. He grinned as he saw me eyeing him before he climbed onto the bed right between my thighs.

  “Right now is strictly for you,” he announced before he clicked the toy on and settled it right against my clit.

  As the vibrations teased my swollen bundle of nerves, he brought his head down and let his tongue travel around my inner labia before sliding it inside of me. He pumped it gently a few times then returned it to my clit. I heard another click and the speed increased. It was almost too much, and it didn’t help that he was licking me, humming as he lapped at my juice slickened lips in between dipping his tongue in and out of me.

  From my earlier spanking and now this, my body felt like it was a rubber band stretched to the max. I was ready to come at any moment and I wasn’t sure how long I’d be able to hold off.

  “Sir?” I moaned, trying to concentrate on not orgasming.

  The vibrations stopped and he lifted his head. The pleasure that had been building inside of me eased a tiny bit. “Yes?”

  “May I please come?” I had learned from our first love making session that my Daddy really liked it when I said please.

  “After you count out loud to ten slowly, you may,” he answered, resuming his torturous licks of my channel as the vibrations settled on my clit.

  “One. Two. Three.” I tried to focus on counting, instead of what he was currently doing to my pussy. It was a lot easier said than done.

  “Four. Five. Six.” My entire body was starting to shake. I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to hold off, but I had to. I didn’t want Adam to be disappointed in me and most likely, I’d get another punishment for not following his orders. I didn’t think my ass could take any more attention from him at the moment.

  “Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten!” On the last number, I let go. Pleasure rolled through me. All of my muscles began to spasm as the orgasm I had been building up to washed over me.

  Sir kept up his teasing licks, lapping up all of my juices that my pussy was producing and he never let the vibrator leave my clit. His continued touches kept spurring my pleasure on further and further until I didn’t think I’d be able to survive it.

  Black dots filled my vision as the waves kept rolling through me. Finally, the vibrations stopped and I closed my eyes, relaxing from the most powerful orgasm I had ever experienced. I wasn’t sure if any of my limbs would work right now, even if I wanted them to.

  When I felt a wet washcloth running over my skin, I didn’t even bother to open my eyes or mouth to protest.

  A moment later, I felt the bed dip next to me as the sheet was pulled up over my body and was tucked underneath my chin. “Sweet dreams, little one. I’ll be right here when you wake up.”

  Content with knowing my Daddy was near, I drifted off to dreamland.

  Chapter 5

  The next morning, we were back at the park. The tears and fight from yesterday long forgotten as Chloe and Belle laughed and kept going down the different slides.

  It was enjoyable to see my partner having so much fun. I hoped there was a way for us to get in contact after this week was over so we could continue our relationship. I would love to bring her to the BDSM club I frequented and use one of their private rooms. It would be fun to use the school room. I could be her teacher and have to punish my naughty student for forgetting another homework assignment. The mental image I had of Chloe bent over a desk as I fucked her punished bottom from behind had me rock hard.

  Shaking my head, I turned my thoughts to the other part of our relationship. I also wouldn’t mind seeing her, so I could keep acting as her Daddy.

  It continued to surprise me how much enjoyment I got out of acting as her caregiver simply because it made her happy. Seeing that much joy on her face and how she relaxed when I took care of simple problems was almost addicting. A part of me wanted to always be there for her, to handle difficult things, so she wouldn’t have to deal with them by herself.

  “Can you watch both of them for a minute?” Paul asked, pulling me out of my thoughts. “I want to go and grab some sun screen to put on Belle’s face. It seems to be getting pretty red.”

  “No problem. Take your time,” I replied.

  “Awesome, thanks man.” He took off toward the resort and I focused on the two girls who were now swinging.

  If I couldn’t see that these two women were adults, based on their giggling and the silliness of their statements, I wouldn’t believe that they weren’t really little girls. They both sounded the same as any five-year-old kid, both trying to decide which pony would be their best friend if they ever made it to the land where My Little Ponies lived.

  When they continued with that conversation for a good ten minutes, I stopped paying attention and turned my thoughts to the real reason I was here. I had to find a way to get in touch with the owner of this island. I only had two more days left, and if I didn’t find a way to bust this perp, this week would have been for nothing. Well, not for nothing. I did get to have some pretty great sex and meet
someone who I would fully intend to date, but my boss wouldn’t find that as an acceptable answer for my time spent here. There had to be a way to get Edmund Burke to come to me.

  As if by divine intervention, the man who I most wanted to speak to walked up beside me.

  “Hello, Adam. How are you doing?”

  “Hey. I’m doing all right. How about you? I haven’t seen you since the night we all arrived.”

  He smiled, and I swore if snakes could smile, they would look exactly like Edmund Burke. “Yes, I prefer to stay in the shadows for the first part of the week. I like getting to see the couples interact when they don’t know I’m watching. That way I get to see the genuineness of my pairing.”

  “Hmm.” That sounded like a creepy response to me and made me wonder how many secret cameras he had hidden in this resort to silently observe couples. When I scoped the place, I hadn’t spotted any, but I got the sudden feeling I had been wrong.

  “I have to say, I’ve been very intrigued by you and Chloe.”

  That caught me off guard. Why would he be interested in us?

  “Really? Why?”

  He clapped his hand on my shoulder. “Don’t worry, it’s not for anything bad. You two have just clicked so well since being here. I’ve never seen anyone respond as you two have.”

  That was a relief. Part of me thought he was going to tell me he found out I was an undercover cop.

  “Well, I think you have only yourself to thank for that. After all, you are the one who matched us up,” I said, taking a slight step away so his hand left my body.

  His eyes narrowed and looked at the spot where his hand had just been. Thankfully, he said nothing about my movement. “You’re being too modest, my friend. I have nothing to do with how well a couple will react to my resort, or to one another. Which brings me to the point of why I came out here. Priscilla and I were wondering if you’d like to come to our penthouse tomorrow evening. The girls can play together, while we talk. I have a proposal that might interest you.”

  At his mention of a proposal, I turned so my hidden camera was facing him. I prayed that my boss was listening in.


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