Hero Undercover: 25 Breathtaking Bad Boys

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Hero Undercover: 25 Breathtaking Bad Boys Page 71

by Annabel Joseph

  I woke up on the pink bed again. I wasn’t restrained except for the collar and chain. I was frankly surprised to be alive, after what I’d done.

  I lay still, refusing to think, because thinking brought fear, and I needed some respite from that. In the quiet of the room, I could feel the presence of the other women who’d been here before me. Part of me felt comfort from their spirits, and part of me wondered if they lingered because they’d died here.

  “Mom?” It was silly and stupid to think her spirit was somehow here. She’d escaped. She would never come back here, even after death. Especially after death.

  The room stayed silent.

  A little while later, the muted tone of angry voices drifted through the air, too soft to be heard clearly. Remembering Alexa’s whispered information, I sat up, wincing at the tenderness around my neck above the collar from where Jack’s hands had choked me. I slid off the bed to the floor and crawled the few feet to the register where the wall and the floor met. Sure enough, I could just make out voices if I put my ear right up to it. Jack’s voice was easier to hear, as though he was closer. I had to strain to hear J.S.

  “Are you still with me or not?”

  “Of course I am! Why would you even ask me that question?”

  “Then what the hell was that? She attacked and bit me! And you respond by giving her a pass?”

  “I didn’t give her a pass. I choked her until she passed out.”

  J.S. snorted. “She deserved to be strung up like Alexa and beaten until she was bloody! And what the fuck was that little rebellion in my office?”

  “My rebellion? You were the one who kidnapped her out of our bed! That certainly was not part of the plan. I woke to find guns in my face! I told you that I’d bring her here myself!”

  “He’d been dead three days and you hadn’t delivered her.”

  “I let her go to her father’s funeral for Christ’s sake!”

  J.S. scoffed. “I was beginning to doubt you were still on board with the plan. And I see my fears are justified. You were supposed to put her whole breast in that vise. I wanted to hear her screaming for a whole lot longer than she did.”

  “I didn’t feel like looking at her misshapen form every time I fucked her from now on.”

  “Then fuck her from behind!”

  “She’s mine! Or so you’ve told me every fucking day since high school. And now she’s here, and you invite someone else to fuck her? No one fucks her except me. Not even you.”

  “When you started tracking her, you had fire and revenge in your eyes. I’m not sure I see that anymore. Did you end up falling in love?”

  “Don’t be an ass, Father. This has always been about revenge. You raised me to do this, to plan the day when I could force her to her knees and tell her how much I hated her. Marrying her was just the easiest way to do that. And a lot less obvious than killing the men she dated! I had no intention of giving up my plans to break her, even if her old man lived long enough to finish his time. I plan to breed her, to get a son of my own. Livvi is mine—now, and forever.”

  I hugged myself tight. He’d used those words before, with tenderness and passion. “Livvi, you’re mine. Now and forever.” Then he’d kiss me. I’d loved the possessiveness of the words. I never dreamed of the evil that lay behind them.

  I heard a short, sharp laugh from J.S. “It sure didn’t seem hard for you to pretend to love her. Oh, yes. I had my men watching you. You really liked to fuck her, didn’t you? Even got into some of that kinky stuff. She’s already used to kneeling in front of you, I understand. And it seems she likes a good spanking.”

  Jack’s voice faded a little, as though he was walking towards J.S. “You sonofabitch. You spied on me?”

  “Of course I did! And you’re naive to think I wouldn’t. I had to make sure you weren’t going to screw this plan up. Your little demonstration in my office didn’t reinforce my faith in you. I’m warning you; if I don’t see that you’ve broken her in a couple of days, I’m taking her myself for the next thirteen months. After that, I don’t care. You can have what’s left. But I’ve waited too long for this to let you go easy on her.”

  “You keep your filthy hands off her.” Jack’s voice was low and threatening.

  “Or what? I’m the boss around here. You step out of line, my men will destroy you, whether you’re my son or not. I’ve done it before and it didn’t matter how I felt about them at the time.”

  “Is that what happened to my mother then? The woman you claimed you loved so much? You always told me she ran away. Did she step out of line and have to be destroyed?”

  “Yes, actually. That’s exactly what happened. And I did love her, but when she tried to leave, I couldn’t allow it.”

  There was silence for a long minute.

  “You’re a goddamned evil son-of-a-bitch. I’ll break Livvi, just like I’ve always said I would. And you will stay the hell away from us.”

  “Be careful who you call evil, boy. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. You have three days.”

  A door slammed and the room fell silent.

  I scurried back to bed. I wasn’t naive; I was facing a choice between Jack and his father. There was no option that involved freedom. And I had no illusions J.S would be better than Jack. I’d seen Alexa, God save her, and I didn’t have a good feeling about her future.

  What was I going to do? I wanted to dissolve into tears again, but I needed to hold it together and figure something out. I gazed around the room, seeing all the implements of torture and pain. In another life, with the man I loved, I might get really turned on. Yes, I liked spanking. I liked kneeling at his feet and calling him Master. But we’d never gone further than that in real life. My fantasies, though, had gone way off the deep end, and looked pretty much like this room. But they all felt sick and evil now, here in this place where there was no safe word, no assurance of safety, no mutual desire to please—only a room of real pain and terror.

  Jack had put part of my breast in the vise. Yes, it might be damaged forever. I looked down at it, getting more purple, still misshapen. But he hadn’t put my whole breast in it, which his father was pissed off about. He’d declared I was off limits to anyone else. He hadn’t punished me for the fifty-five words, nor for attacking J.S. Instead he choked me out and put me back in here.


  Then it hit me. It slammed into me. What if he really did have feelings for me? What if the diet of revenge his father had fed him had soured just a little, and he was not so sure anymore? His words earlier had been so terribly cold. It was easy to assume that he’d never really felt anything for me.

  But… what if he did? What if there was a little bit of care inside there that made him protect me?

  I needed to cultivate that. I needed to make it clear that he had won, that his father had no claim over me. I needed to submit, and pretend I was broken, and let Jack do horrible things to me if needed, to stay safe.

  And if I was wrong?

  God help me.

  Chapter 6

  When Jack finally came back, I was ready. I was on my knees with my hands held together behind my back. I’d been this way for a long time, and my shoulders were starting to burn. I’d said having my arms this way made me feel too vulnerable, too scared—but I also knew I was really wet between my legs right now. What kind of sick woman was I? This wasn’t a game; it was real. And I was turned on. Terrified, yes, but turned on nonetheless.

  The door opened. I stared at the carpet until I saw Jack’s shoes stop in front of me, and let my breath go. I realized then I’d been afraid his father might come instead.

  “That’s better. Did you learn something when you saw what happens when you don’t obey?”

  Yes. Your father is a first-class bastard. “Yes, Master. I’m sorry for getting Alexa in trouble. And thank you for not punishing me when I lost my temper. I was, um, really scared.” That was the truth.

  He said nothing for a moment. I got the feeling that’
s not what he expected me to say. “There won’t be another chance. If you disobey again, I’ll punish you, severely.”

  “Yes, sir,” I whispered. My traitorous body was tingling at the word punished. I mentally rolled my eyes at myself. But I needed to get him solidly on my side. “Sir?”


  “If I promise to obey you in every way, will you keep me safe from your father?”

  He took a step back, then turned away from me. I risked a glance up. His fists were clenched tight, and when I looked at the side of his face, I saw the vein that always popped out when he was stressed or upset. My question had gotten to him.

  “Are you sure you’d be safer with me than with him?”

  I took a moment to answer. “Yes. I am.”

  He let out a breath and turned back to me.

  “I am not the Jack you thought you knew. I am not a nice man. I won’t promise to be fair. I will punish you sometimes just because I enjoy hearing you cry. There won’t be any safe words. And forget about any gentleness.”

  My mind flashed back to my dreams. “But I’ll be alive.”

  He drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Yes.”

  A weight that I hadn’t realized I was holding, slid off me. I had a protector on my side. Now I had to hold up my end of the deal.

  He clicked my cuffs together behind my back and unlocked the chain, and when he tugged, I rose obediently. The question of where he was taking me came to my lips but I pushed it back down. Obedient. Accepting. That’s the part I had to play right now. I followed him down the hall once more, and down the stairs, desperately hoping we weren’t going to his father’s office again. Nothing good happened there. Thank God, we turned the other way, towards the back of the house, and entered what looked like an informal dining room. There was one small table set with dishes and silver, and one chair. He took it, and looked pointedly at me.

  Where the rubber meets the road. It was one of the most humiliating things I’d ever done, to willingly sink to my knees in front of the man who was (used to be?) my husband. Not because of a fun and sexy game, but because it was where he expected me to be.

  A door banged open on the other side of the room, and an older woman dressed in black emerged with a plate and a wine glass. Her face held no promise of friendship as she gave me a head-to-toe assessment, and then ignored me. I wondered just how many naked, collared, and beaten women she’d seen here before, and then realized maybe I didn’t want to know. I dropped my eyes to the floor, to better hide my flaming cheeks. She set the meal down with a bang. He motioned to her and whispered in her ear, and then she disappeared.

  “That’s Mrs. Hanford. She will not be an ally. She’ll tell my father about every little thing you do that she sees, and if you cross her, she’ll punish you herself.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “There aren’t any allies here at all, so get used to that. Everyone here is afraid of my father.”

  “Except you?”

  “Especially me. I know firsthand what he can do. Now, stop talking.”

  I knelt silently while he ate. I didn’t know when I was going to get anything, but the smell of food that close was making me nauseous. I was probably dehydrated, too. I know I began to sway a little. He reached down and slapped my face, not hard, but it wasn’t a love tap. It hurt and I struggled not to protest.

  “Stop moving.”

  I bit my tongue as I attempted to ignore the hunger in my belly. I fought to stay completely still. He continued to eat in silence, ignoring me. My resolve to be the obedient woman I’d vowed to be wavered. I had to wait to have a basic need met by someone who didn’t seem to care if it got met or not. It was going to be a struggle. And it wasn’t just for a few days, until his father approved. It was going to be for the next thirteen months.

  Or longer. I remembered the words I’d overheard. “She’s mine, now and forever.”

  Realistically, how were we going to pull this off? We had a house and neighbors. I had a job. My boss wasn’t expecting me back for a while because of my father’s death, but after a week of being gone, people would start to be concerned. Would Jack be taking me home in a few days, expecting this new relationship to continue? Would his father be sending more spies to watch us? Or, worst of all, did Jack intend for us to live here?

  The questions gnawed at me more than my hunger did, and yet, I knew I was going to have to live with the fear and uncertainty, at least for now. Master Jack wasn’t going to tolerate questions from his obedient sub.

  Our relationship as husband and wife, as lovers, as partners in life, was dead, and I wasn’t sure what was going to replace it. If I decided to stay married to him after this nightmare was over, it would only be on his terms. My preferences for our relationship would be irrelevant to him. This sounded just like the plot of one of my favorite captive fantasy books. Except this was real, and there was no guarantee of a happily ever after. In fact, that was probably very unlikely. Perhaps this was more like a mystery, where the woman enters some rich, kinky villain’s lair and is never seen again.

  Stop it, Livvi! Jack promised to keep you safe. No, Jack promised to keep me alive. That’s different.

  The kitchen door banged open again, and Mrs. Hanford reappeared with something purple in her hand, which she handed to Jack. She turned to go.

  “Mrs. Hanford, will you stay for a moment?”

  “Yes, Mr. Jack?” She turned back around, her hands folded primly in front of her skirt.

  “I’d like you to see something.” He turned to me. “Livvi, turn around and place your face on the floor, and present your ass to Mrs. Hanford.”

  I stared in shock at him, then darted a quick glance to the older woman on the other side of the table. She stared back, one eyebrow raised.

  “Livvi, I told you she reports everything to Father. I suggest you obey. Right now.”

  I closed my eyes, trying to keep the trembling of my chin under control. My face felt hot; I knew I was bright red. I shuffled around until I was facing away from them, and just like in the office, I bent over, my face turned to the side on the floor. It was an uncomfortable position for my neck.

  “What do you think of her cunt and ass, Mrs. Hanford?”

  “Hmm. Nicer than some, not as nice as others. But she’s really wet. She’s keeping secrets from you, I think.”

  No, no, I’m not! I balled my hands into fists.

  “Yes, I agree. Well, I’m not going to waste this opportunity.”

  My eyes flew open and I twisted around to see Jack standing and unzipping his pants. “No, Master, not here! Please!” I squeaked. Not in front of this bitch!

  He stared at me for a moment and then looked at Mrs. Hanford and nodded, moving to the side. Before I could comprehend what was happening, she’d dropped down into Jack’s chair. She reached forward and grabbed me by the hips, lifting me with surprising strength and placing me on her lap. My head hung down and my arms were still pinned behind my back. She lifted one leg and placed it over mine, trapping me in place.

  “What are you doing? Ow!” Her hand came crashing down on my bare skin, still tender from the strapping I got last night. She ignored my entreaties and pleas and set up a rhythm of spanking that had me howling and twisting, but her arm held me tight. I apologized again and again, and begged Jack to fuck me, but she continued.

  Eventually, I lay limp and crying in her lap, and the spanks stopped. Consciousness came roaring back when I felt her hand slip between my folds.

  “Even wetter,” she announced, triumph apparent in her voice. She eased me off her lap to the floor.

  “Let’s try this again, Livvi. Head down, ass up.”

  I was too tired and hurting to do anything else, so I presented myself as he ordered. He knelt behind me and his thick, rigid cock slipped into my soaked passage with ease.

  “Oh, god, yeah, that’s nice,” he groaned. He set up a steady rhythm, and for a few minutes, there was nothing but slapping wet sounds in the
quiet dining room. I knew Mrs. Hanford was still watching.

  I started to feel a pleasurable twisting in my gut. I tried not to. There was nothing about this I wanted to enjoy. But it started rising, and I let out a small groan.

  “She’s getting aroused,” came Mrs. Hanford’s voice, which made every bit of pleasure instantly fly away.

  Jack pulled out and I felt the tip of his cock at my smaller, tight hole. I let out a sob. Jack had taken me this way at home, and it hurt. He always apologized, and I always insisted he continue, because, while he was fucking and I was crying out in pain, my mind was in fantasy land where I was being fucked by my Dom for his pleasure, and not for mine.

  It was about to happen for real. He pushed the head of his cock against the hole, forcing the tight ring to yield to him. I cried out in pain. He ignored me as he steadily pushed further in.

  “Lube!” I cried out, feeling like I was being ripped in two.

  “Disobedient slaves do not get lube,” he informed me. “The juices of your cunt will have to be enough.” He pushed harder, and I screamed, trying to twist off him. He held my hips tight, though, and I felt him hit bottom finally. He leaned over me and spoke low in my ear. “I warned you about what it meant to have me as your master. Now, no more words.”

  He pulled out and I screeched again. It hurt as much going in the second time as the first, but I managed to keep it to cries and sobs as he set up a steady rhythm again. It went on forever. At one point, I opened my eyes to find Mrs. Hanford standing to the side, watching me, with a small, tight smile on her face. I closed my eyes again, not wanting to think about her.


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