Hero Undercover: 25 Breathtaking Bad Boys

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Hero Undercover: 25 Breathtaking Bad Boys Page 75

by Annabel Joseph

  “What are you suggesting?” she demanded.

  “Come now, Miss Bradley,” he chided with a small smile. “It’s not every day I run across a collection of spanking and BDSM books to equal yours. I’m sure John Barrows will be able to accommodate all your needs, and then some,” he said quietly as his voice trailed off.

  “My interests and/or reading material are none of your business,” she gasped indignantly. “And for your information, a woman does not necessarily want to experience everything she may find fascinating to read about.”

  “That’s a pity,” he offered, taking her arm in a firm grip once again just before the doors opened. “You may be in over your head,” he stated clearly. He pulled her to a black SUV and pushed her in as soon as another man opened the door.

  “What are you talking about?” she probed as soon as he got in the driver’s seat.

  “You never should have gotten involved with John Barrows,” he ground out, starting the vehicle.

  “We are not intimately involved,” she insisted.

  “We’ll see.”

  Joy crossed her arms over her chest and kept quiet. There was no point in arguing with this man. He was as annoying as they came and the chance of changing his opinion was nil. She’d have it out with John once they arrived at the estate. Then Mr. Know It All would see that it had all been a big mistake. He and his cronies would be forced to return her things to her apartment and apologize.

  “It’s for your own safety, my dear,” John crooned when she was escorted into his private office and placed in front of his desk. “We can’t be too careful.”

  “What are you talking about? I saw Mr. Thomas being taken from the building. Obviously I assumed you’d uncovered the culprit,” she snapped.

  “There is further investigation going on, things you know nothing about, Joy. I feel it’s best to have you here with me. Until we get to the bottom of this and understand the scope, you’re not safe. Someone may have connected the dots. It seems pretty obvious that as soon as you came onboard things started turning sour.”

  “Where do you want her things, Mr. Barrows?”

  “In the suite next to mine. I think it’s best if I keep a very close eye on our lovely Miss Bradley.”

  “John, I don’t like this,” Joy insisted, leaning forward and planting her hands on his desk.

  “Don’t!” he barked. “You’ll leave fingerprints.”

  “I want to go back to my apartment,” she hissed, removing her hands like a scolded child.

  “That’s not possible,” John replied calmly, returning to his work. “Take her to my wing. I don’t have time to argue about this now,” he continued absently.

  She’d been dismissed. There was no other way to put it. Her opinion didn’t matter one bit. Apparently she was going to be his guest for the immediate future, even though it felt more like his prisoner. Without another word she stormed from his office, fuming.

  “This way, Miss Bradley,” the guard said without an ounce of emotion.

  At first it wasn’t that bad, being the guest of a billionaire. She was treated well. John’s teenage daughter ignored her for the most part. She hardly ever joined them for dinner, preferring the company of her friends to her father. John didn’t seem to mind her absence.

  Joy suddenly became his date at charity events and he supplied her with designer clothes all under the guise that she needed to look her best if she were going to accompany him. Reluctantly she acquiesced. It seemed his temper was only equaled by his vanity and it was easier to go along with his demands.

  The first time he slapped her was after such an event when a journalist asked her pointedly about their relationship. Joy replied honestly, stating that she was a temporary guest in his home and an employee. John was furious.

  “You are never to speak about our private lives in public again,” he screamed at her once they were back in the limousine and being driven away from the photographers’ invasive cameras.

  “But I only…”

  His hand snaked out and cracked against her cheek so hard her head snapped back. Shocked, she could only stare at him, cupping her cheek as tears streamed down her face. Frightened, she huddled in the corner of the seat until they arrived at his home. As soon as the door was opened by the chauffeur, she ran up the stairs and into the house straight to her room. Thankfully he did not pursue her. He also did not apologize. The next evening at dinner there was a small slim box beside her plate. Inside was a diamond bracelet.

  Smiling, he reached for her wrist and fastened it on, kissing her palm before resuming his seat as though everything was perfect. Looking at the lovely sparkle, Joy told herself that last night had been an anomaly. Perhaps he’d had too much to drink, or maybe a journalist had written negative things about him previously. She assured herself it would not happen again.

  Things quieted down after that. John was attentive, even charming most of the time, showering her with extravagant gifts she could never hope to afford on her own.

  The food was fabulous, her room luxurious with every amenity imaginable and she had plenty of free time to enjoy the pool and gardens. He had an office set up for her in a building out by the pool and assigned her ‘busy work.’ She’d much rather have been part of the investigation and felt she could be of great use in uncovering more suspicious transactions within the firm, but he absolutely forbade her to get further involved. Instead, her job consisted of keeping track of the household expenses and paying the staff, a mundane and boring position at best. Over dinner she brought it up again, offering to help.

  “I have a team of experts handling things,” he assured her coolly.

  “I am an expert, John,” she retorted. “Let me help.”

  “I know you have a degree, but let’s face it, you don’t have much experience,” he pointed out dismissively.

  “I have enough experience to have discovered this embezzlement in the first place,” she replied a bit smugly.

  John carefully placed his knife and fork on his plate and steepled his fingers. “Joy, you may excuse yourself from the table and go to your room,” he said sharply.

  “Pardon me?” she replied, as soon as she’d swallowed her bite of fish.

  “I said, go to your room. Your behavior is rude and argumentative and I won’t tolerate it.”


  “Now, Joy. I’ll be along later and we will discuss ways we might correct this character flaw of yours. I find you very attractive, my dear. In fact, I believe our relationship has a real future, but not until we sort a few things out. Kindly do as I’ve asked. I have no desire to discuss this further at present and will only become angry if I allow you to ruin my dinner with your unsuitable behavior.”

  Joy quivered in anger, outrage and embarrassment sure their conversation had been overheard by the ever present security team. Rising, she placed her napkin on the table and nearly ran from the room.

  He came to her that night, walking into her room without knocking as she was packing her things.

  “I hope you aren’t going to let a little disagreement come between us?” he drawled, taking a seat on her bed.

  “This is more than a little disagreement, John,” she insisted. “I’m no longer comfortable in this house.”

  “That’s a pity because you’re not going anywhere, Joy. Not until I permit it,” he continued casually. “You’re here because this is where you belong. It’s where I can keep you safe and protected.”

  “Don’t you mean it’s where you can watch my every move,” she snapped back, pausing in front of her suitcase.

  “Why must some women be so difficult?” he sighed, rising and going to her. “You seem to feel you have a choice. Let me assure you, you don’t. You will do exactly as I say. Once matters are settled to my satisfaction, perhaps we can move our relationship forward. I’m not opposed to marrying you, Joy. You’re a very lovely young woman and will be an asset to me providing you can behave yourself.”

f that’s some sort of a proposal,” she sniffed, “it falls far short of what I’m looking for.”

  John laughed. “You really are very naïve aren’t you? It’s not an act as I first thought. In a way, that makes things far more interesting. I’ll look forward to showing you that you are not the princess in the tower and I am not the shining knight on a white horse. In fact, I’m just the opposite,” he drawled, slipping his hand around her throat and tightening his grip.

  “I will be obeyed, my frightened little bird. I can feel your heartbeat, the pulse in your neck throbbing in time to the fear you’re feeling.” Giving her a head a little shake, he continued smiling into her wide eyes.

  “You should be afraid, Joy. My desires are not easily met. Great sacrifice will be required on your part if you ever hope to be Mrs. John Barrows.” Pulling her by her throat, he shoved the suitcase off the bed and bent her forward. His hand slipped to the back of her neck and held her down as he grasped her skirt and panties with his other hand pulling them down.

  Joy heard his zipper being lowered and began to struggle. His grip tightened and she ceased fighting. He could snap her slim neck quite easily and the pressure and panic kept her from taking in enough air to scream. Moments later, he prodded at her opening until he worked his way painfully inside her.

  Mercifully, he came quickly, obviously greatly excited by his power over her. Withdrawing from her body, he straightened and removed his hand from her neck. Joy stayed where she was, frozen.

  “Put your things away, Joy,” he ordered pleasantly. “I believe you’ll do nicely. Tomorrow I’ll choose a ring for you and announce our engagement. We’ll have to have a party of course, but I’ll hire someone to arrange that. All you’ll have to do is look beautiful and keep your mouth shut. You’ll find that will save you from a lot of difficulty over the coming months and years, although a certain amount of pain is guaranteed. You see, I enjoy seeing a woman suffer to please her man. Goodnight, my dear. Pleasant dreams,” he said over his shoulder as he left her room.

  Tearfully, Joy watched him from her position on the bed. There was not a hair out of place on his styled blond head. She doubted he’d even broken a sweat. Crawling further onto the bed, she cried for a long time before she dragged herself to the shower and scrubbed his touch from her skin. Not that he’d actually touched much of her. This was not a give and take, a sharing of tenderness. It was rape, pure and simple and she would make him pay for it.

  Part of her wondered if somehow it was her fault. Had she done something to bring on this kind of treatment from him? She’d always wanted a dominant, masterful man, at least theoretically. The stories and novels she most enjoyed were ones with strong, masculine heroes who treated their women firmly but fairly, men who disciplined with love, and protected their mates with every fiber of their being, keeping them safe.

  John had insisted he was keeping her here for her own safety. It was a lie. Clearly he had no genuine feelings for her. If he wanted a beautiful wife who would defer to his edicts, he could have chosen anyone. With his money and social standing most any woman would be willing to do whatever he asked. So why her, she asked herself as she dried off.

  The reason was obvious and she wondered why she hadn’t realized it before now. She knew too much. Whatever was going on at Barrows Enterprises was a lot more than a simple theft. That money was being diverted for a purpose and most likely one that was highly illegal.

  Joy brushed her hair and wiped the tears from her face as she climbed into bed. Barrows might doubt her skills, but she’d been top in her class. Maybe he should have looked a little further into her training before he offered her a junior accounting position. That mistake might prove to be his downfall if he were personally involved in criminal activity. While she would not be allowed to leave, that did not mean she could not conduct her own investigation of sorts and see what she came up with.

  It would take time, but apparently she had plenty of that. She’d have to be careful and cover her tracks well but it could be done. Being watched by security nearly every second would make things more difficult, but there were ways around that if she used her head.

  Yes, she would be the dutiful fiancée until she figured a way out of this mess. It came faster than she could ever have imagined.

  Chapter 3

  “Brittany, could you do me a favor?” Joy asked the next morning as she saw the girl heading for the front door.

  Stopping, Brittany turned and looked at her as only a teenager could, making it clear any favor at all would be a huge imposition.

  “What is it? I’m in a hurry,” she asked sulkily.

  “I was wondering if you’re going anywhere near the mall?”

  “Yeah, I’m meeting my friends,” she replied as though Joy was a complete idiot.

  “That’s great. Would you mind picking me up one of those prepaid phones?” she asked, passing her some money. For all the girl’s attitude, she was nobody’s fool and looked at Joy closely.

  “Sick of my father monitoring your calls?” she jeered in understanding. “I have three,” she whispered. “It drives security nuts,” she finished with a grin.

  “No, it’s not that,” Joy lied, stammering slightly. “It’s just that I’ve been having trouble with mine lately and I don’t want to bother your father about it. I thought I could use one of those until I can get it fixed.”

  “Sure, if you say so,” Brittany smirked, stuffing the money in the pocket of her jeans. Both of them made a conscious effort to keep their backs to the camera they knew was focused on the front door. “I’ll do what I can. He watches me too you know.”

  “I know,” Joy said softly. “Only do it if you can manage without causing a problem for yourself.”

  “Like I would for you,” Brittany sneered as she walked toward the door.

  “Thanks for being honest at least,” Joy sighed.

  “Look, how do you know I won’t tell him?” Brittany asked, her curiosity apparently getting the best of her.

  Joy felt the blood drain from her face.

  Brittany stepped closer and pulled her streaked blonde hair over her shoulder, hiding her expression from curious eyes. Joy saw the sympathy in her expression.

  “I heard about your engagement,” she said quite loudly. “My father told me this morning. Congratulations, I guess,” she said flippantly. “Maybe I’ll pick up a gift for you,” she sang out as she sailed out the door, “something useful.”

  In the dining room, John acted as though last night never happened. It was all Joy could do to sit there and pick at her fruit and coffee.

  “Well, my dear, I have business to attend to,” he informed her, wiping his mouth and rising. Coming around the table, he bent down and kissed her cheek. “Do try and stay out of trouble today. I’m sure you have plenty of work to occupy you and keep away from the guards. They are only doing their duty and will report to me if you give them any trouble. I would hate to have to repeat last night’s disciplinary session again so soon.”

  “Is that what you call it?” she asked, shocked by the ease with which he referred to something so devastating and demeaning.

  “Of course, what else would it be?” John replied, slipping on his jacket. “You misbehaved and I punished you. It’s truly as simple as that. Learn to do as I say and I may decide to allow you some pleasure. I am capable you know,” he said with a smile, “when it’s deserved.”

  Joy kept quiet, biting her lip. Her hand shook as she fought the urge to throw her coffee all over his crisp white suit.

  “Good bye, darling. I won’t be late unless something unforeseen comes up.”

  Joy nodded, her body still as a statue until she heard the front door close echoing through the mansion. Then her shoulders slumped and she covered her face with her hands.

  “She’s going to break,” Travis said to J.R. nodding at the screen. “It won’t be long.”

  “I hope not,” J.R. sighed. “He’ll be done with her in a few weeks. He always is
and then he’ll let her go.”

  “Not this time,” Travis replied. “At least I don’t think so. She’s not his average money- hungry bimbo. This one has brains and pride. Besides I have a feeling she’s not going to let him get off that easy. There’s something about her that’s different. So tell me, why does she hate you?” Travis pried for the hundredth time.

  “None of your business,” J.R. growled. “Let’s just say I know something about her she’d prefer I didn’t.”

  “I see, and have you shared this information with—”

  “No, because it’s not their business either. It’s between her and me and one day soon I hope it will benefit both of us.”

  “You and me?”

  “No, stupid, me and Joy. Now shut up about it. Ask me again and I’ll show you a little trick I learned in Iraq.”

  “Whoa, sorry,” Travis said, rising. “I didn’t know it was such a touchy subject with you. Are you going soft on that girl? Last night I thought you were going to explode when he went into her room.”

  “The man’s a deviant prick,” J.R. shot back, pinning his partner with his eyes.

  “I know, but we can’t move unless we hear screams. You know that.”

  “Has it ever occurred to you that maybe she can’t scream?” he demanded through clenched teeth. “Ever hear of a ball gag, you dumb shit?”

  “Sure I have, but unless she let him use it, we would hear something. There’s a mic right outside her door.”

  “I know,” J.R. sighed, running his hand over his short cropped hair.

  “Ever use one?” Travis asked.

  “One what?”

  “A ball gag?”

  J. R. snorted. “When a woman is in my arms I want to hear her begging for release and it has nothing to do with her being restrained. Not that I’m opposed to them under the proper circumstances. Look, let’s drop it. Go make the rounds. I’ll monitor the cameras.”


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