Master Zane

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Master Zane Page 15

by Maggie Carpenter

  My Darling Flora.

  Anne will be sending you an invitation to visit with her at two-o'clock tomorrow. Her carriage will pick you up, but it will be me with whom you'll be spending the afternoon. When you arrive you're to come straight up to the room we shared last time, take off your shoes, and wait for me kneeling in front of the chair by the fireplace. And Flora, you know what not to wear under your dress.

  Throw this note in the fire after reading. You don't want it falling into prying hands.

  I love you. Z.

  She had been awake most of the night, her stomach fluttering wildly and her imagination taking hold. Any time they'd spent together since the frightening events at the Stewart's ball had been fleeting and always in the company of others. She couldn't wait to feel his kiss, to sink against his chest, and have his arms wrap around her.

  As the carriage began to move down the street she willed the horse to walk quickly, and though her destination wasn't far, the ride was taking forever. As it finally came to a stop she saw Anne standing in the doorway wearing a broad smile.

  "Thank you so much for arranging this," Flora said breathlessly, hurrying into the foyer out of the misty rain. "I owe you for two huge favors now."

  "You don't owe me anything," she replied giving Flora a quick hug. "Go on now. I have a feeling Zane isn't a man who likes to be kept waiting, although," she said thoughtfully, "he's been waiting for you his entire life."

  "And me for him," Flora said with a sigh, then moving to the wide staircase, she lifted her skirt and walked up as quickly as she was able.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Zane had arrived a short time before, and wandering around the bedroom he had found a man's dressing room. It was through a narrow door to the right of the bed and was surprisingly large, offering dark wood shelving and two tall chests with various sized drawers. He liked its masculinity, and it occurred to him to have one made at his chateau, along with a pink and white dressing room for Flora to help her feel at home.

  Hearing her enter he cracked open the door and watched. She walked in, looked around, then moved to the fireplace and took off her shoes, but she didn't immediately fall on her knees in front of the chair. She appeared to be pondering, and to his surprise she unbuttoned the front of her dress, slid it off her body, and laid it across the nearby couch. He smiled. She wanted to surprise him. Watching her naked backside as she walked across to the chair and kneel down sent his cock surging to life, and he found her hose supporter intensely erotic. It was one of the modern kind, with a belt around the waist and the stocking holders below. He could scold her for taking it upon herself to undress, he might have wanted the pleasure of unwrapping her himself, but he wasn't about to spoil the moment.

  "My goodness, what do we have here?" he remarked ambling from his hiding place. "A half-naked young woman kneeling before a chair? I wonder who she's waiting for?"

  "She is waiting for the man she loves," she replied, keeping her eyes lowered. "Might you have seen him, sir?"

  "He is lucky indeed to have such a shapely young woman in his life."

  "She is the lucky one. She has found a man she respects and admires, a man who…"

  "Go on, a man who…?"

  "Isn't afraid of her."

  "Am I to understand most men are?"

  "Yes, sir, all the men she has met."

  Taking his seat in front of her, he placed his finger under her chin and tilted up her head.

  "Look at me."

  Raising her gaze, she melted into his incredible chocolate eyes.

  "You're wrong. I am afraid of you. There are times my love for you makes me feel weak, but do not worry my sweet Flora, my fear will not prevent me from giving you what you need, including discipline when warranted."

  "Of that I've no doubt," she softly murmured feeling the wonderful fluttering in her belly. "It's one of the many things I adore about you."

  Leaning forward he softly kissed her, languidly drifting his lips over hers. He could have continued for a very long time but he had another mission in front of him and it couldn't wait.

  "I have something for you," he said solemnly, breaking from their kiss and reaching into his pocket. "I never thought I'd be in this situation, and, uh…I suddenly find myself at a loss for words."

  Pulling out a dark green velvet box, he lifted the lid and offered it to her.

  "Zane, it's the most gorgeous thing I've ever seen," she breathed gazing at the ring.

  Set in glimmering gold, it boasted a stunning emerald surrounded by twinkling diamonds.

  "When my parents married they used only simple gold bands, but on their first wedding anniversary my father gave this to my mother. She placed it next to her wedding ring and never took it off."

  "I don't know what to say," she mumbled feeling a wave of heat firing to life in the back of her throat.

  "Give me your hand."

  As he slipped the sparkling piece of jewelry on her finger she couldn't control her happy tears, and as she raised her eyes to meet his, she thought her heart would burst.

  "Come up here," he said softly, opening his arms. "Let me hold you."

  "I don't know what I did to deserve such happiness," she mewled as she crawled on to his lap and rested her head on his chest.

  "I feel the same and we must never take it for granted."

  "These last few days I've missed you so very much. We haven't been alone together once."

  "I've missed you too, but soon you will be on my lap whenever you want, and over too."

  "You had to say that, didn't you?"

  "I did," he chuckled, "and I must make sure you're sitting on a tender bottom at dinner tonight."

  "Must you?"

  "Yes, I must. I wish I could pick you up, but my bruising is still painful if I attempt to lift anything."

  "I'm so sorry. I hate that you're hurt."

  "I'm only sorry because I would love to carry you to the bed, but since I can't, you're going to do something special, something I'm sure you've never even imagined."

  "I am?"

  "You are, but first, Flora, I don't wish you to be completely naked with me today."

  "Why not? I want to be."

  "Not until our wedding night, then you will very slowly peel off your clothes as I sit and watch. You must be sure to wear undergarments you can remove yourself. Understood?"

  "Every time you give me an instruction it makes my stomach go all funny."

  "How delightful, though I wonder if you'll feel that way in about thirty-seconds."

  "I'm sure I will."

  "We'll see. You're going to get off my lap, place yourself on your hands and knees, then crawl by my side as I walk to the bed."

  "You mean…like a dog?"

  "Like my sweet pet," he crooned smoothing his hand over her hair. "One of your wedding presents will be a sparkling collar with a matching leash, and I'm telling you that so you have something intriguing to busy that beautiful brain of yours."

  "Zane, you're right, I would never have imagined doing such a thing."

  But the idea began to titillate her, and squirming around in his lap she straddled him so she could look him directly in the eye.

  "I'm almost ashamed to say this," she whispered, "but I love the thought of it, Master Zane."

  A fresh wave of energy raced through his veins, and clutching her hair, he pulled back her head and crushed her lips with his, sucking in her lower lip before breathlessly breaking away.

  "On the floor," he ordered. "Place yourself on your hands and knees, keep your eyes lowered, and wait for my return."

  "Yes, Master Zane."

  As she slipped off his lap, he rose to his feet and moved across the room, and though she wanted to covertly watch him she resisted the temptation. An overwhelming sense of belonging was sweeping through her heart, her body was alive, her imagination was soaring, and she was thrilled by the prospect of the adventures that lay ahead. What other decadent things might he share with her? But ev
en as the question floated through her head, his returning footfalls broke into her pondering.

  "This is a riding crop," he said softly, standing at her side and tapping her bottom. "I'm going to flick it lightly against your backside as you crawl, but if you go too fast I'll deliver it with a hot sting. I want you to take your time. Understood?"

  "Yes, Master Zane."

  As she crawled beside him across the expansive room, the tiny tongue at the end of the whip licked her cheeks. It hurt, but it was an exciting hurt, and by the time they reached the side of the bed her pussy was soaked and she was aching for his touch.

  "Up on the bed and lay over the pillows."

  He studied her deliciously dappled bottom as she climbed on the bed. He had removed all his clothing but for his shirt, and longing to strip her bare and impale her, he rubbed his turgid member wishing it was their wedding night. She had settled over the cushions, her derriere was perfectly poised, and telling himself that special day would soon be upon them, he climbed up behind her and kneeled on his haunches.

  "You are glorious," he crooned as he roamed his hand over her spotted skin. "I'm going to lightly spank you and play with you, and I want you to imagine yourself in this position with your wrists and ankles tied."

  "Tied, Master Zane?" she asked, raising her head and peering up at him over her shoulder.

  He chuckled. Apparently repeating his instructions would be a habit of hers.

  "Yes, my precious girl, tied."

  "Another thing to keep my brain busy?"

  This time he laughed out loud.

  "Il est en effet!"

  "What does that mean?"

  "It is indeed, and I will arrange a tutor for you. As my wife it will be important for you to learn the language."

  "Yes, Master Zane, my brain will be awfully busy."

  "So will your body," he muttered, his voice suddenly dropping as he separated her pussy lips.

  "Master Zane, the way you make me feel…"

  "It is just the beginning, ma chérie,"

  He continued his tantalizing torment until she was gasping and nearing her orgasm, then he paused to lightly spank her.

  "If you ever feel the need to have your bottom warmed you must tell me," he said increasing the force of his slaps. "Do not misbehave in the hopes of a spanking. You might find yourself getting more than you want."

  "OW, yes," she panted, "I understand, Master Zane."

  "I'm going to pull away the pillows, but you're to stay in that position and pleasure yourself. When you're at the brink of your climax you must stop."

  "I must stop?"

  "If you do not the full length of the crop with land on your bottom with a painful stripe. When I give an instruction I expect it to be obeyed."

  "Yes, Master Zane."

  As he removed the pillows, she dropped on one elbow and sent her fingers into her sex. He had expected her to stay on her hands and knees, but he wasn't objecting. All her charms were laid out before him, and gazing at her soaked slit and blushing bottom, he took hold of his cock and began to fervently stroke himself towards his release.

  "Master Zane?" she bleated, dropping her hand away. "I'm so very close."

  "Good girl," he crooned, "you will orgasm for me now, and don't stop no matter what I do. Understand?"

  "Yes, Master Zane."

  Anticipation fired through her. No matter what I do. The captivating comment could mean anything, but as her hand returned to her sex all thought dissolved. A moment later the spasms told hold, and to her shock she felt him touch between the cleft of her bottom. His finger began pushing into her most private part, but she was lost in the convulsions that were sweeping her away, and it was only when the scintillating waves began to abate she realized he'd withdrawn his hand.

  She heard him groan, and as she collapsed on her stomach she felt a cloth wipe over her lower back, then he was next to her pulling her into his arms. She had no sense of time as she drifted, and was finally brought from her blissful stupor by his soft kiss.

  "I don't want to wake up," she grumbled. "Let's just stay here forever."

  "I wish we could but time has passed, and before we can start getting dressed we must talk for a moment."

  "That sounds serious," she said shifting in his arms and looking up at him. "What is it?"

  "I have to return to France. There are business matters I must see to, and I want to make changes in my home. I want it to be perfect for your arrival."

  "But how long will you be gone? A week, a month?"

  "I'm not sure, at least a month, and I don't wish to be separated from you either, not for a moment longer than is necessary."

  "Is your home awfully big?"

  "Yes, my love, it is awfully big. When you arrive you'll select some rooms and decorate them as you wish. It is your home too and it must feel that way."

  "I'll miss you dreadfully. I don't know how I'll survive."

  "The time will quickly pass, and I will send you presents. Does that help?"

  "There is nothing I want more than to be in your arms just like this, but at least presents will let me know you're thinking about me."

  "I will be thinking about you every moment," he promised. "Make sure you're alone when you open anything I send you, and any letter sealed with wax and my personal seal you must burn. Those notes will contain private things we don't want others to read. Just plain wax will mean I've not written anything others can't read. Understand?"

  "I understand."

  "Some packages will be perfectly innocent, but not others, and in those packages there will be two presents, one virtuous, the other naughty. That way you'll have an item to show your family. I'm sure they'll want to see whatever I send you."

  "You're so clever, Zane, but I wish you weren't going. When does your boat leave?"

  "Whenever I choose. They're preparing it now."

  She stared at him in shock.

  "You…you own your own boat?"

  "I own a few. They carry goods. I have a small cargo shipping business."

  "There's so much about you I don't know."

  "You know the things that matter. You know I value you above all else, and you know I'm deeply committed to you. In three short months Spring will be upon us and you will become my wife."

  "I can't wait."

  "My beautiful girl, I swear to you, I have never been so eager for anything as I am to start our life together."


  The momentous day had arrived. The marriage of Lady Flora Margaret Beatrice Braithwaite, and Zane Francois Leopold De'Ville, the man who would have been King of the French had history been kinder to his country, was the most talked about social event of the year.

  Flora was a happy bundle of nerves. She was dressed in her magnificent gown and ready to walk down the stairs and into the ballroom where the ceremony would be held, and had no complaints as Millicent, Anne and her mother fussed around her. She had sent her other bridesmaids downstairs to take care of some minor details, but it was because she wanted to be alone with her two dearest friends and her mother.

  "It's finally here," she murmured, trying not to submit to the emotions swirling inside her. "I just can't believe it."

  "I'm sure it feels surreal, but it's happening," Anne said happily, "and you look absolutely amazing."

  "I hope I look as good on my wedding day, assuming I have one," Millicent said with a sigh "Sorry. I am thrilled for you, but I must admit to feeling a teensy bit jealous.

  "Don't you worry," Margaret said reassuringly. "We all know George is mad about you. He'll take the leap. Now then, shall we go down?"

  "Gosh…yes… we shall!" Flora said, feeling a single tear escape her cheek. "I want to get married just so I can actually spend some time with the man I love."

  Zane had just recently returned, and Flora had been swept up in a whirlwind of preparations. Every day she had been consumed with a myriad of details and endless fittings of her all-important gown, and she and he
r mother were set upon by an endless stream of visitors. The house seemed to be in a constant state of chaos.

  "That De'Ville is a smart chap," her father had repeated innumerable times. "I wish I'd thought of getting away from all this female mayhem."

  True to his word, while Zane had been away, he had sent Flora a steady flow of gifts. Packages carrying gloves with diamond buttons, silk scarves, perfumes and lotions from fine Paris stores, had arrived every few days. Each surprise had been ooh'ed and aah'd over by her parents, Anne, George, Millicent and Flora's close friends, but there was one item in particular that had captured Flora's imagination.

  The package had arrived while she was enjoying high-tea with Anne, Millicent and her mother. They had been trying to decide on the music for the first four dances at the grand party that was to be held the night before the wedding. Reeves walked in, coughed to get her attention, then had politely informed her that a package had just been delivered.

  "Should I take it to your room, my lady?" he'd asked already knowing the answer.

  "Yes, thank you, Reeves. Would you all excuse me? I'll be right back with whatever it is."

  Millicent let out a dramatic sigh, then tilted her head to the side.

  "Don't worry, Millicent. George will come around soon," Margaret said kindly. "Be patient my dear. Your turn will come."

  It was only a few minutes later that Flora came hurrying back into the room holding a small box.

  "Zane sent the most unusual gift," she announced. "I'm not sure, but I think it's to hold a scarf around my neck. It's just beautiful. I've never seen anything like it."

  "Let me see it," her mother said excitedly, "and what is that you have over your arm?"

  "It's a shawl. It's incredibly soft, the softest fabric I've ever felt. Perhaps this, uh, clip thing is to hold it together."


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