by Carla Rossi
She made a sharp left and headed for the water. It suddenly seemed very logical that Dakota would choose to leave his car on the public access side of the lake, and then wait for Lily to come through the woods and meet him from the park side. If she were meeting him. If he were simply looking for her, he could be anywhere. But then why did she disappear? Unless he snatched her...took her without her consent.. .
No ! She pounded the steering wheel. I will not even consider it, Lord.
She whipped the huge van around the parking lot, avoiding rows of boat trailers and scouring all areas for clues. A blue car was parked under a tree at the corner of the lot. Finally. An old blue Mustang. But was it his?
She flipped open her phone as she practically fell out of the van. If she still had legs, she couldn’t feel them. Both Jim and Kimmie’s phone numbers failed. She seriously considered hurling the useless phone against a tree. Even if she could get through with the increased signal out by the highway, everyone else probably still couldn’t. Natalie’s voicemail picked up on the third try .
The car she thought was Dakota’s had all the windows rolled down. He can’t be far.. .
Lily! she called as she ran towards the lake, ignoring the persistent sting in her foot. Lily, are you here?
Mosquitoes swarmed around every patch of exposed skin as the sun lowered in the sky and early cicadas started their monotonous song. June bugs flew into the side of her face, then bounced off and hit the ground with more noise than even she was making .
Lily! Frantic calls became hoarse screams and she wandered deeper into the trees around the lake and farther away from the now lit parking lot .
Marti, is that you?
Lily ? She jerked her flashlight around. Where are you?
Over here, she sobbed .
I can’t see you. She took another step. Her foot came down on a bulky pine cone. Ouch . Warmth spread across the bottom of her foot as blood from her reopened wound filled her shoe. Where are you, Lily?
Low-lying vines and branches gave way to soft cushioned earth beneath her feet. A clearing? Movement on the ground nearby caught her attention. She ran straight for it--and right into someone’s body .
Pain shot up her spine as she hit the ground hard. Two metallic thumps rang in her ears as her flashlight bounced away. Who is that? She scrambled for the light and pointed it upward. Dakota ?
Huge black eyes gazed down at her. Hard. Unblinking .
She sprang straight up off the ground. Where is she? she screamed, her own voice unfamiliar in her ears .
A mere shadow in the darkness, the tall, lean figure stepped easily out of her path. I’m outta here, he snarled .
In a burst of anger and courage, Marti grabbed the sleeve of his denim jacket. Wait. You’re not going anywhere until you talk to the police.
He savagely jerked his arm away, nearly causing her to lose her balance. I’m not staying here. I didn’t do anything.
Then what’s the hurry?
It was too dark to see him until he’d made an angry stride and stood right in front of her. His stale cigarette breath lingered in the air between them .
What are you gonna do? she asked. Beat me up?
Look, lady, he ground out between clenched teeth. I don’t need that snivelin’ baby, and I don’t need your crap.
And she doesn’t need you, she screamed as he disappeared. She spun around and headed in the opposite direction. Lily, where are you? I’m right here, Marti. I fell, but I’m fine. Is he gone?
Marti dropped to her knees and moved the light up and down the girl’s body, looking for signs of injury. Yeah, he’s gone. But I have his license plate number. He can’t be that hard to find. Her gaze settled on patches of blood oozing from Lily’s throat. They seemed to be coming from a thin pink scrape around her neck .
You’re hurt, Lily.
It’s nothing. Please, she choked through tears. I just want to get back to the cabin.
Marti tried to get up. I can get us out of here. I have the van. Weak and unsteady, her arms and legs suddenly weren’t strong enough to pull her off the ground. First I need to sit here and rest a minute.
Forget sitting. She rolled onto her back as her rubbery legs completely gave up.
Lily curled up beside her, sobbing uncontrollably. I’m sorry, Marti...I...I...
Don’t talk now, she said, and wrapped a trembling arm around the frightened girl. You can explain yourself later. And believe me, you will have to explain yourself.
I know.
There was a vibration under Marti’s head. The earth rumbled as though it was about to open up. Flashes of light winked around them as a herd of thundering footsteps headed their way .
Lily raised her head. What’s that? she sniffed .
Marti waved her flashlight in the air. Over here. She laughed in spite of the pain that radiated through every inch of her body. That’s the cavalry. They’re coming to save us.
Marti and Lily sat facing each other on identical cots in the first aid station. A white-haired nurse bustled back and forth between them.
You both might as well lie down, she instructed. It’s going to take me a little bit to get to all your injuries.
Marti gladly complied and propped her throbbing foot on a stack of pillows .
Lily, who hadn’t stopped crying since Marti had found her, continued to weep. Who are those people out there? She brought a near disintegrated tissue to her raw nose. What’s gonna happen next?
I’ll be happy to explain, Lily, but you have to promise you’ll be completely honest with me, starting right now. That means no evasive answers, no avoiding the issues, no half-truths. We’re through playing games.
I know. I promise.
The nurse glanced at Marti with a knowing smile, then handed Lily a fresh box of tissues .
Marti turned to face her. When you first went missing, we notified the camp staff, which is standard procedure. Their policy, when faced with a missing camper, is to notify the police, just in case. Once I made the call I’d spotted Dakota’s car, the police came out.
A wave of fresh tears spilled from Lily’s eyes and lingered on her chin before dropping to her shirt. Why are they still here?
Because you’re a sixteen-year-old child who was found injured in the woods with an uninvited, twenty-year-old man. As far as that county sheriff is concerned, a crime has been committed.
But Dakota’s gone now. It’s over.
Anger surged through Marti’s body. It was impossible not to raise her voice. It’s not over if he hurt you. And it’s not over because you broke every rule Kimmie and Danny made for this retreat. What did you think was going to happen when you decided to walk away from camp?
I didn’t want him to come here, she sobbed. But when he did, I just wanted to give him back his necklace and tell him to go away.
You should’ve come to me for help.
I was scared to.
Marti nearly flew off the cot. She would have if the nurse hadn’t been working on her foot. How in the world could you have been more afraid of me than Dakota?
Marti pressed her fingers into her temples. Yelling wasn’t going to help. Neither was violence, but at the moment, all she wanted to do was smack the kid simpleminded .
Listen, Lily, I’m sorry I yelled. I know it’s not helping, but I have to know everything before your grandfather gets here—
My grandfather’s coming here ? Lily struggled to get up. I’ve got to get outta here. He’s gonna kill me.
Marti jerked her newly bandaged foot out of the nurse’s hand and slid onto the floor beside Lily’s cot. The girl was terrified. It’s okay, Lily. Stop. Marti had to lean against her to keep her down. Your grandfather loves you. He’s more worried than angry right now.
Lily dissolved into wrenching sobs and collapsed back onto her pillow. Does he know anything?
Marti cradled the girl’s head in her arm and tried to dab her face with a fresh tissue. He knows the basics from the sheriff, but the
re’s something else I need to tell you.
When your grandfather gets here, he’s going to take you to the hospital for an examination.
This whole thing doesn’t look good, Lily. I can tell you that sheriff out there believes you and Dakota have had sex—
But we didn’t. Lily’s swollen eyes grew wide .
More importantly, Marti continued, he thinks it was against your will. Either way, it means Dakota’s in a lot of trouble.
We didn’t. The panic in her eyes intensified. It’s not like that.
Your grandfather and the sheriff need to hear it from a doctor. Marti smoothed the girl’s hair away from her face and reached down to put the ice bag back on her ankle. Perhaps she was in shock and burying the truth. I need you to be honest with me, Lily. I’m not mad at you; I just want to help you. Were you and Dakota having a physical relationship?
Did he force himself on you tonight in the woods?
Marti searched her face. I believe you.
Then can’t you just tell them?
I can’t, sweetie. There are consequences to your actions tonight. This is just one of them. You’re gonna have to let this situation run its course.
Lily clutched the sides of Marti’s shirt and buried her head against her. We didn’t do anything.
Marti reached for a blanket from the end of the cot and tried to cover her. Why don’t you tell me how those bruises got on your arm? The ones from before. day we were in his car and he wanted me to hold his cigarette. I did, but when I went to hand it back to him, I dropped it. The fire came off the end and burned his car seat. I opened the door and tried to jump out so I could see better. That just made him mad for some reason. I think he thought I was leaving. Anyway, he grabbed my arm and pulled me back into the car. When I said it hurt he said ‘tough, you ruined my seat,’ then later he was real sorry and said it was an accident, he didn’t mean to hurt me.
Why did he come here tonight?
I told him I didn’t want to see him anymore. He told me it wasn’t over and that he needed to see me.
Did you invite him here? Agree to sneak out?
No. I didn’t know he was here until I got a text message on my phone. I thought I could give him back his necklace and send him away before anyone knew I was gone.
What happened to your neck?
It started getting dark. I told him I had to get back, that I was already in trouble. He said he didn’t care and that we weren’t finished. That’s when I first heard you calling. I told him he needed to leave and never see me again. He refused.
Then what?
I told him again it was over, and that it was for the best because I was only sixteen and I didn’t want him to get in trouble. Then he got really mad. He came toward me, I thought he was going to grab me again. That’s when I tripped on the rock and messed up my ankle. He reached down and grabbed the necklace from around my neck and ripped it off me. That’s what the scrape is from.
Has he physically abused you in any other way?
Marti crawled back onto her own cot. Preston would be arriving soon, then a whole new batch of fireworks would begin. Everything’s going to be all right, she assured her. You’ll clear things up at the hospital, and your grandfather will take care of you.
I’m in so much trouble...Kimmie and Danny will kick me out of youth. I’ll be grounded ‘til I’m forty.
No, sweetie. This is going to blow over eventually. Trust me, I know. Kimmie and Danny love you. We all just want you to be safe.
Lily cried out in pain as the nurse wrapped her foot.
I don’t think it’s broken, the nurse told Marti, but it is a pretty bad sprain. When she gets to the hospital, they’ll x-ray it to be sure.
Thank you for everything. Marti tucked the edges of the blanket around Lily. I’m going to go outside and let everyone know what’s going on. You lie here and rest.
Please, Lily begged. Tell everyone I’m sorry.
I’ll do what I can to smooth it over.
Jim made his way back to the first aid station from the cabins. Kim and Danny sat at a picnic table just outside the door, flicking acorns across the top to pass the time .
Any news?
Not yet, Danny answered, and sent one flying past Kim’s ear. How are things at camp?
They’re all asleep. Charles and Natalie had a campfire discussion with them. Damage control, you might call it. I think the kids realize the seriousness of the situation and the importance of not making it worse by spreading rumors.
Charles and Natalie are fantastic, Kim acknowledged. I’m sure they turned tonight’s events into an awesome teaching moment. She let out a long, heavy sigh and launched a double acorn into the side of the building. I wish Marti would come out of there.
She and Lily were pretty banged up, Danny said. Besides, she’s trying to get information. She’ll be out soon.
Jim left the table and leaned against a tree. He pressed his head back into the rough bark until his scalp hurt. Why? Because if he didn’t, he would lose what miniscule thread of control he had left. Marti...Lily.. . Preston...oh Lord, I have no idea how to sort this out...
The county sheriff kept his persistent watch by the door. Like a dog with a bone, he seemed determined to investigate somebody-- anybody --tonight. Between that egomaniac and Preston, the long night was about to get longer .
Marti came out the door and started to hobble down the concrete steps. She had one shoe on, and her bandaged foot was stuffed halfway into the other. Jim made a mad dash to help her. Too late. The sheriff had already cupped her elbow and was helping her down the stairs. Okay, now he really didn’t like the guy .
Marti managed a polite smile and a ‘thank you’ as he led her to the table. Her khaki shorts and pink shirt were covered with dirt. Deep purple-blue lines made criss-cross patterns where briars had marred her beautiful legs. There was a scrape on the side of her face, and her ear was bleeding where she’d apparently run into a branch as she ran through the woods. Jim’s heart swelled at the same rate his lungs were failing him. The result was an inability to breathe. All he wanted to do was take her home and care for her .
Kim rushed to her side. How is she?
She’ll be okay. The nurse said her ankle is probably not broken, but it’s pretty swollen and tender. She needs x-rays.
What else?
There are some bumps and bruises. That laceration on her neck is from Dakota yanking the necklace off.
Big Bad Sheriff What’s-His-Name arched a brow. He stood tall before her with his shoulders squared and his arms crossed. Anything else, ma’am?
Marti looked around at the anxious faces, all wanting to know the same thing. She met the officer’s gaze. I don’t believe there was a sexual assault.
What do you mean you don’t believe ?
It was remarkable how fast Jim found his breath. Okay, that’s enough for now. He brushed past the sheriff and planted a protective arm around Marti’s shoulders. Lily’s grandfather will be here shortly. You can talk to him.
Marti’s warm smile and I’m-glad-to-see-you gaze was all he needed. If the sheriff shot him now--and Jim knew he wanted to--he was ready to go .
Big Bad Sheriff What’s-His-Name narrowed his eyes and cleared his throat. His tight grimace turned into a soft smile. I’m sorry, ma’am, he said and turned on the charm. But I would appreciate it if you would tell me why you don’t believe the girl was assaulted.
A spark of protectiveness flashed in Marti’s eyes. Lily has not been having a physical relationship with Dakota, she told him in a calm but stern voice. And he did not force one on her tonight.
The crunch of gravel and the sharp blast from a car horn startled them all. Dust swirled in the headlights of Preston Woodruff’s silver Cadillac as it skidded to a stop. He climbed out and snapped a Houston Astros baseball cap on his head.
Jim picked up Marti’s hand and placed a kiss on the back of it. Here we go...
Preston stomped through the trees. Where’s my granddaughter?
Thanks for coming, Preston, Danny said. We’re sorry you had to drive up--
Where is she? he demanded, ignoring Danny’s outstretched hand .
She’s in the first aid station, Kim offered, but we’d like to talk to you for a few minutes about—
Preston brushed by her and headed straight for Jim, where he stood guarding the door. He waved an angry crooked finger in his face. This is your fault, Jim.
Lily made some poor choices this evening, Preston, but the important thing is, she’s okay.
She better be okay. I’m holding you personally responsible for this. I’ve already contacted my attorneys.
Jim shook his head. It wasn’t the first time Preston had threatened to sue him--it wouldn’t be the last. Lily’s very upset, and she needs to see a doctor. It would be best if you could calm down before you see her, and I’d really like for you to listen to what Danny and Kim have to say.
Preston opened his mouth to protest as the sheriff stepped in .
I’m Officer Bartlett from the Sheriff’s Department, he said. The sooner we get your granddaughter to the emergency room, Mr. Woodruff, the sooner you can get her home. Let’s go inside.
But Lily was already opening the door .
She limped to the steps with a blanket wrapped around her .
I gotcha’, Jim said and lifted her to the ground. How do you feel?
My ankle hurts.
But when he looked into her eyes, he could tell ankle pain was the least of it. Don’t worry, he tried to assure her. It’ll be okay. I’ll be by to see you tomorrow.
That won’t be necessary, Preston snapped. She’ll be resting. He put a feeble arm around her. Let’s go.
Wait. Lily hopped toward Marti, leaving her blanket behind on the ground. Can you go with me? she begged and reached for Marti’s hand. Please ?
Marti didn’t hesitate. Sure, honey, but I’ll follow you in the van. I’m sure your grandfather wants you with him.
Officer Bartlett stepped to Marti’s side. I’ll be happy to take you, ma’am, and bring you back.
Aw, man, not this again... Jim shot the man a menacing glare. Thanks, but I’ll take care of her.