Justice Unhatched (The Exceptional S. Beaufont Book 5)

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Justice Unhatched (The Exceptional S. Beaufont Book 5) Page 38

by Sarah Noffke

  As the first dragon egg was excavated, Sophia had a strange thought. She wanted Trin Currante on their side.

  Chapter One Hundred Thirty-Eight

  “You have lost your damn mind,” Hiker said, pushing up from his chair and starting to pace.

  “I knew you would say that, sir,” Sophia argued.

  “Good, you’re not as dumb as you look right now then.”

  She rolled her eyes at Mama Jamba, who was crocheting on Hiker’s couch. She didn’t look like she was going to offer up any help.

  “You’re obviously still bitter about the Ainsley situation,” Sophia stated, returning her attention to Hiker.

  “You think?” he queried. “I’m planning on being bitter about that for another few centuries, so be warned. You just had to bring Saint Valentine in here, didn’t you? Things were just fine, and then you dragged that guy in here, and he exposed everything I had carefully—”

  “Covered up!” Sophia interrupted.

  He closed his mouth and regarded her with pure venom. “You’ll do well to watch yourself in my presence.”

  “Is that a threat?” she challenged. “Because I’m not scared of you. I respect you, but I’m not going to be scared of you anymore. Ainsley needed to know the truth. It’s her right to know, not yours to cover up.”

  “Damn it, Sophia,” Hiker complained, continuing to stomp around. “You come to the Gullington with your dresses and makeup and change everything.”

  “In my defense, my attire has changed nothing around here,” she told him. “You don’t like that I oppose you and I reveal secrets. Things that need to be revealed. Truths others need to know. I get you see things as black and white. There’s the good and the bad. We protect the good and we kill the bad, but sometimes people don’t fall into either category, so we have to find a different solution.”

  He halted and looked at Mama Jamba, then pulled his gaze to Sophia’s. “You think Trin Currante is one of these grays, is that right?”

  “When I got back,” Sophia began, “I got a report from one of my sources.”

  “The one you’ll not share with me, right?” he asked.

  She nodded. The report had actually come from Mortimer. His brownies had dug up information on the Saverus organization and found out they had abducted hundreds of people. Mostly men, but there had also been Trin Currante. These were perfectly healthy magicians Saverus had used magitech on to turn them into cyborgs, all in the name of science. Apparently Trin Currante had escaped, but she didn’t stop there.

  Some might have run as far from their captives as possible, dealing the best they could with all the changes done to her body, enhancing it in some ways, but irreversibly making her inhuman. According to Mortimer, Trin Currante had returned and wiped out the scientists who mutilated her and so many others. Then she rescued and recruited the others, who became her army. Now she was on a whole different mission. One Sophia could not totally argue with.

  “Right,” she affirmed. “They tell me the reason Trin Currante wanted the dragon eggs is because they’re what she needs to fix the cyborgs. They need newly hatched eggs. A good one and an evil one.”

  He sighed. “If a man steals a loaf of bread to feed his starving family, it’s still wrong.”

  “But it’s less wrong than if they did it for selfish gains,” Sophia argued. “Sir, she just wants to be normal. That’s what she said to me at Medford Research. I misinterpreted it. She said she wanted to be like me, and I thought that meant she wanted to be a dragonrider, but she just wants to be a normal human magician again. Can you blame her? What if you didn’t have skin and flesh? What if instead, you were metal and wires?”

  He grimaced at the thought. “What are you asking? You defeated them. You got the dragon eggs back. The Gullington is safe. We’re done with Trin Currante and her band of cyborgs.”

  “I’m asking that we help them somehow,” Sophia said thoughtfully. “I’m asking that we seek them out and find a way to fix them. That’s what they want, and we can help. I’m certain of it.”

  Hiker pursed his lips, his eyes going to Mama Jamba on the sofa. The old woman shrugged. “You’re adjudicators, son. It’s your job to settle things.”

  He huffed. “It isn’t my job to help those who have hurt me and mine.”

  “No,” Mama Jamba agreed. “But sometimes when we extend a hand to those who have wronged us, we heal the wounds of the past.”

  Sophia smiled at Mother Nature, so innocent and sweet curled up on the leather sofa.

  Hiker Wallace seemed to think about this before resigning. “Fine. You can seek out Trin Currante and look for ways to help her. But if this gets too complicated, if it costs us, then it’s off.”

  Sophia wanted to hug the big Viking but was certain that would be overstepping boundaries, so instead, she said, “Thank you, sir. I think one day, she will make an excellent ally.”

  Chapter One Hundred Thirty-Nine

  Ainsley wasn’t even looking at Hiker these days. When she had something to give him, she shoved it into Sophia’s arms and said, “Take that to Heartbreaker.”

  On a bright note, she and Quiet were back to normal. Better.

  The housekeeper was lavishing the groundskeeper with attention, making him special food, and giving him extra consideration. Apparently, he was back to getting her ready in the morning. It was a few steps forward and a few back.

  Sophia assumed things would get worse with Hiker and Ainsley before they got better. The two had a lot to work through, but Sophia was going to help them, even if neither seemed to want her to. Ainsley wanted her memories before the incident back. Hiker wanted his housekeeper to forget everything. What they actually got was yet to be determined.

  On that pristine May Day celebration, those were not the concerns on most minds. The Expanse littered with dragon eggs now had totem poles erected all over. Long colorful ribbons hung from their tops, wafting in the wind.

  Evan sidled up next to Sophia and elbowed her in the side. “Do you want me to help you with your problem?”

  She cut her eyes at him. “I feel like that’s like asking a jackhammer to repair your broken china.”

  He shrugged. “Hey, just trying to help. You really broke him.” Evan nodded in Wilder’s direction.

  “I didn’t,” she said, her words stopping short. There seemed to be a lot of heartbreak all over the Gullington lately, but she wasn’t taking the blame for the majority of it.

  “Don’t worry, Soph,” Evan said, putting a comforting arm around her shoulder as the ribbons danced in the spring air. Ainsley and Quiet frolicked in the distance, and Hiker pretended not to notice as Mother Nature admired the thirteen returned eggs.

  Mahkah and Wilder sat chatting, calm and at ease after a successful mission.

  “At the end of the day,” Evan went on, “I think you’re a good egg. And those, when they hatch, they have something good to offer the world. I’m glad you’re here. I just think you also have the extra job of fixing all the bad eggs. And fixing the cracked ones. And then—”

  “Your metaphor has failed,” she interrupted.

  Evan laughed. “Yeah, I know. I just want you to know, for as much trouble as I give you, I’m glad you’re here, Sophia Beaufont. It can’t be easy to be the only girl dragonrider, but there’s a reason it’s you. I don’t know anyone who could put up with us like you do, and boy, when you make Hiker angry, it’s a sight to see.”

  She found herself smiling affectionately at her friend. “Thanks, Evan. I’m not sure if you knew it, but I needed to hear that.”

  He winked at her. “I knew it. We’re friends, and as such, we look out for each other.”

  Chapter One Hundred Forty

  “Well, hey there,” Sophia said, taking the call from her sister, Liv.

  “Hey Trouble,” Liv replied. “How’s it going?”

  Sophia glanced out at the Expanse littered with dragon eggs and all the totem poles with their colorful ribbons dancing in the wind. “Eve
rything is good at the moment.”

  “Oh, yes,” Liv said, a knowingness in her voice. “The quiet before the storm. The moment when everything feels resolved, right before the next big mission hits, surrounded by mystery and uncertainty.”

  Sophia thought about Ainsley and Hiker. About Trin Currante. About the world outside the Gullington that sorely needed adjudicators. Her eyes scanned the various eggs that could hatch to be good or evil dragons. She thought about all the things she needed to figure out and all the things she knew she didn’t know, and worse, all the things she didn’t know that she didn’t know. She released a tight breath. “It’s quiet now. That’s all that matters.”

  “Well, I have some good and bad news, followed by some really great news,” Liv said, excitement edging into her voice.

  “Tell me!” Sophia exclaimed.

  “The first good news is that Papa Creola totally knew you’d need to time travel to the Midnight Lunar Eclipse candy shop to fulfill your end of the bargain with Lee.”

  “Oh, so he’s going to help me?” She asked.

  “He doesn’t have to,” Liv said, a sneaky grin in her voice. “Apparently you already have the means to time travel.”

  “To the future?” Sophia questioned. “I don’t think so.”

  “No, to the past,” Liv explained.

  Sophia thought for a long moment before the answer came to her. “The reset token.”

  “Exactly,” Liv stated.

  Of course, Sophia thought, remembering the golden coin that she had that took her to the reset point in history. It was the moment in the past that Papa Creola had paused in a way. This was the backup plan if Liv didn’t help mortals to see magic again and everything went to hell. Father Time would just send everything back to this time right before the Great War happened and they’d try again.

  Sophia had earned this token when she was opening the portals inside the Castle. She’d used it to see the reset point in the House of Fourteen and the Castle inside the Gullington. However, she hadn’t considered using it outside of these places, but realized that it must work. She could take the reset token to any place and it would transport her back to the past, to the moment right before the Great War.

  “So that must mean…” Sophia began slowly, working it all out in her mind. “That the reset point happened on the night of a lunar eclipse.”

  “It just so happened,” Liv stated proudly. “Don’t you love how things work out?”

  “I absolutely do,” Sophia said. “I’m guessing we have to hang out on Roya Lane until it’s midnight to visit the candy store.”

  “Yeah, Papa Creola said we’re allowed to do that,” Liv explained. “You can pretty much hang out in the past reset point as long as you like, but it’s not advisable. Causes complications if you’re there too long, but he authorized it for this.”

  “Awesome. What are you doing later?” Sophia asked.

  There was a long pause. “That’s the thing. I can’t do it right now.”

  “Well, by later, I meant tomorrow or in a few days or something.”

  “Soph, that’s the bad news,” Liv imparted. “I can’t do it for a little bit.”

  Sophia shrugged, although she realized that her sister couldn’t see that reply. “It’s fine. Lee hasn’t told me where the location of the katana sword is yet. And I have to ask Wilder to help. And there’s that whole Zack Efron kidnapping that has to happen.”

  “I thought you were going to secure his help the old fashioned way.”

  Sophia laughed. “Chloroform is old fashioned,” she joked.

  “I meant, by asking him and using your title as a rider for the Dragon Elite,” Liv corrected.

  “Oh, that way,” Sophia said dully. “Yeah, let’s go the legal route.”

  “I’m still curious why you need him for this mission,” Liv mused.

  “Me too. Anyway, I know you’re busy with missions and saving the world and all so don’t worry. We can go as soon as you’re free.”

  “Well, remember that I did say that I had really good news,” Liv said, her tone now overflowing with excitement.

  “That’s right. You did. What is it?”

  “The reason I’m busy, besides policing the magical world is…” There was another long pause. “Stefan asked me to marry him.”

  The scream that escaped Sophia’s mouth surprised even her. “Are you freaking serious? What did you say?”

  “Ha-ha,” Liv said, sounding amused. “I said no, obviously.”

  “Obviously,” Sophia stated. “I mean he’s only a demon hunter who has incredible powers, a longer than expected lifespan and a cunning sense of humor.”

  “Don’t forget great hair and abs,” Liv said, sounding giddy.

  “These are the important things when considering a life partner.”

  “I said yes, of course, you big dork.”

  “Of course you did,” Sophia exclaimed. “I’m so happy for you.”

  “So there will be a wedding,” Liv began. “It will be small—”

  “Only Father Time and the king of the fae, right?” Sophia joked.

  “Oh dear…” There was sudden dread in Liv’s voice.“I have to invite Rudolf…”

  “I’m afraid you do,” Sophia teased. “And since he made you the best man of his wedding, that means you have to make him the maid of honor.”

  Liv laughed. “No. Just no. And you know that you’re my maid of honor.”

  Tears sprang to Sophia’s eyes. “Really?” She couldn’t believe she was asking that question. For sure she’d be Liv’s maid of honor. Who else? Well, she had lots of friends, but Sophia was her sister.

  “I’m honored, Liv.”

  “You’re the only choice,” her sister stated. “But I’m making Clark a bridesmaid.”

  “And he has to wear a pastel dress, right?”

  “Along with Rory and Papa Creola,” Liv joked.

  “This is going to be the most festive occasion,” Sophia said excitedly. “I can’t wait.”

  “Well, you won’t have to,” Liv explained. “It will be quite soon. We want to be married.”

  “For tax purposes?”

  “Yes, for tax purposes,” Liv said dryly. “And because we’re in love. And I can’t picture my life without him. And I want to put him on my family plan for mobile.”

  Sophia giggled. “This is the best news ever. I’m so happy for you. And just tell me when the wedding is and I’ll be there with bells on.”

  “Please don’t,” Liv scolded. “Bells would totally be a distraction. That’s something Rudolf would do.”

  Sophia was smiling so wide it hurt her face. “Okay, I’ll wear whatever you tell me to.”

  “Really, Soph, you’re the one who knows fashion. You should tell me what to wear to my own wedding.”

  Sophia nodded. “I’m on it. I’ll put together all the outfits if you want.”

  Liv sighed. “That’s what I love about you. You just know what I need and offer it before I even ask. Well, and I also love that you’re funny and courageous and smart.”

  “Thank you,” Sophia said, feeling very loved in that moment.

  “Thank you,” Liv replied. “You know, I never thought I’d ever get married. Never thought I’d ever find someone I could stand forever or even a few hours. But it just goes to show, we can’t underestimate ourselves. I think when I came back into your life, you taught me more than anyone about my capacity to love. It was then that I realized, not only did I want to love the people in my life with all my heart, but I wanted their love like it was oxygen itself. I needed their love to live—to thrive.”

  Sophia smiled at the poignant remark, realizing the evolution that her sister had taken to get to this point. An evolution of the heart was something that wasn’t easy and usually marked by much doubt and confusion. However, she knew from personal experience that it was one hundred percent worth it.

  Chapter One Hundred Forty-One

  Sophia’s gaze rested nervousl
y on her phone, ruminating on the decision she had been wrestling with since she awoke at the early hour that morning. In the quiet, she had a clear moment of realization. She sent a note to one person, asking him to meet her by the Pond later that morning.

  Now she had to go through with the second part related to her realization. If she did, everything would weave together. The question was, did she want it to?

  She could go on with the way things were. She could keep her head down, go on missions, and live her life as dictated by Hiker Wallace, serving the Dragon Elite. Or she could have more. Did she want more?

  Quiet had been right to wake her up at 3:33 every morning. It was a time when the universe was at its quietest, and in that hour of peace, Sophia was forced to look at the one thing she had hidden from.

  The secret the morning breeze had to tell her wasn’t a secret at all. Once she came to terms with it, she was going to have to face her fears and that’s where the challenge lay.

  Sophia pulled up the number for the pub. When Gregory answered the phone, she almost hung up but instead said in a rush, “Hi, my name is Sophia Beaufont, and I want to make an appointment with Saint Valentine. I need him to fix me.”

  Chapter One Hundred Forty-Two

  After Sophia booked the appointment for a time in the past and got the instructions from Gregory, she hung up the phone. The timing could not have been any better because the person she had asked to meet her was quickly approaching.

  Wilder had his hands in his pockets and a reluctant expression on his face as he hiked up to where she stood—the site of their first kiss. It felt so long ago and yet had not been.

  She needed to ask him to help her with the mission to recover the katana sword for Lee. However, she’d do that later when that mission was closer. And besides, this meeting wasn’t about business. This was absolutely personal.


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