I’d Even Defeat a Demon Lord

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I’d Even Defeat a Demon Lord Page 13


  “Latina, you...?”

  “I don’t... want to become a ‘calamity.’”

  Hearing the unrest in her voice, Dale embraced her. “Was that the prophecy about you?” He wrapped her in his arms and protected her and made her feel safe, like he’d done since she was little.

  Latina moved from the chair to atop Dale’s knees and rested her head on his shoulder. She had once told him that she didn’t remember the contents of that prophecy, and now she gave a slight shake of her head. “I don’t know. But since I’ve grown up... I’ve thought about it. I remembered what my parents said... and thought that was probably it.”

  She put her arms around Dale, who was hugging her, and brought herself in close to his warmth. As she did, she quietly continued on. “My parents said that they were trying to protect me... that if I stayed in that country, I’d cause a ‘calamity’... So I think that they took me away in order to keep me safe.”

  “I could tell just by looking at you that you were raised with love.”

  She’d been earnest and kind ever since she was young, with no darkness hidden behind it. She’d been persecuted and driven out of her home village, but she didn’t hold any grudges and had grown up honest. From the fragments of her past that she occasionally shared and the way Dale had seen her grieve over her departed father, he could also tell that she truly adored Rag.

  Latina’s parents had likely raised her with deep love. Even when those around her persecuted her because of the prophecy, they remained her allies. They had worried about her until the very end. And Latina didn’t doubt the care her parents had given her as she was raised.

  There was a deep, unshakeable love at her core. Otherwise, Latina would have suffered more emotional trauma than just low self-esteem from losing her parents and being driven out of her village. Those circumstances would be enough to drive any adult to despair, but she had made it through without holding a grudge against anyone or anything. She hadn’t utterly rejected everything about herself, nor had she been overtaken by hatred or sadness.

  “And so, I... can’t return to that country.”

  While embracing Latina, with her lonesome smile, Dale found himself hugging her tighter, once more realizing just how much she had lost.


  Whenever Dale considered the things Latina had lost, he thought about what he could give her and what he should be to her. He wasn’t conceited enough to think that he could replace everything she had lost. But if he could give her a place to belong and be someone to help affirm her existence, then that was enough. He wanted to be someone who could tell her that her mere presence was more precious than anything to him.

  He could no longer remember a time before she was around, and he wanted her to stay by his side from now on, too.

  And so, it was about time for him to resolve himself.

  “I’ve been seriously thinking about marrying Latina.”

  “Took you long enough.”

  “Yeah, it did.”

  “I would have dumped you by now.”


  It had been momentous decision on Dale’s part to say that, but “the landlord family” and a single animal had unanimously given such responses. That depressed Dale so much he thought he could cry.

  “Agoo.” Held in Kenneth’s arms, Theo’s little sister Emma reached her tiny hand out towards Dale’s head. She touched his black hair and messed it up, then gave a satisfied smile. Apparently she was trying to console him. He earnestly hoped that this girl would continue to grow up to be this kind. Rather than a strong-willed woman like her mother Rita, he wanted her to become kind and gentle like Latina.

  “And so, I’ve been looking for a house lately, but...”

  “I don’t mind if you leave, but Sis should keep on staying here.”

  “So you’re saying the same sort of thing as your parents...”

  Dale had no hesitation about casting a suspicious gaze at the five-year-old child, who boldly declared, “If you have an ‘unfortunate accident,’ I’ll marry Sis.”

  “I’ve thought this for a while now, but the geezers who come to the shop really are the absolute worst influence on a little kid.”

  “It really is a relief that Latina grew up right,” Kenneth added in agreement, awkwardly smiling at young Emma in his arms. There wasn’t even the slightest doubt that the drunkards who gathered in the Dancing Ocelot were the ones who had taught his son such questionable vocabulary and ways of thinking.

  “I won’t die so easily.”

  “Sis is a devil, so I’ve got plenty of chances, and I’m younger, so I’ll be around for a long time!”

  “Seriously, what have those geezers been teaching you?” Dale didn’t object or get depressed when he saw Theo’s self-satisfied look. The child’s overly cocky statement just left Dale at a loss. His declaration had been pretty awful, but he was still just a kid. Dale also knew Theo earnestly adored Latina, so he didn’t immaturely scold him.

  The ultimate culprits here were the regulars of the Dancing Ocelot, who “doted” on Theodore, the first child of the couple who ran the place. Since he was raised in a bar, though, there was no helping him constantly hearing conversations that were far from classy. Regardless of whether there was any ill will there or not, it was impossible to expect such high morals from drunks. Thanks to that environment, even a polite and gentle girl like Latina, with an appearance fitting to her nickname of “fairy princess,” had a strong-willed side to her. And that was even more the case for a boy, like Theo.

  “Still, marriage... You’re kind of skipping a lot, aren’t you? You’ve been putting things off for so long, and now you’re talking about that all of the sudden.” It was totally understandable that Rita was astounded. Latina had been transitioning from a girl into a woman, but Dale was already plenty old. In addition, there was a limit to how long they could keep things platonic and spend years together with such a lukewarm relationship.

  “I, how should I put it...? I still feel like Latina’s guardian, in a way.”

  “Well... You still are, yeah.”

  “As her guardian, I’ve been thinking, ‘If anyone lays a hand on Latina and is just messing around, I’ll slaughter him.’”

  The owners of the shop kept the quip of You wouldn’t hold back on anyone who made a move on her, even if they weren’t fooling around unsaid.

  “And so, I’ve got the same sort of feeling when it comes to myself. I don’t want to do things halfway when it comes to Latina. She has a tendency to think of things in a pretty negative manner.”

  “So marriage, huh?”

  “To be blunt, I’ve been worrying lately that I’m getting closer and closer to making a move on her.”

  “Latina... sure has grown, hasn’t she...?”

  “She really has...”

  “She was so worried about it, but... before I’d even realized it, she’d gotten even bigger than I am now, and I’m nursing...”

  The adults that had all known Latina since she was young now looked like they were staring off into the distance.

  Rita looked down at her own chest and gave a slight sigh. It’s not like bigger was better, so she tried not to let it bug her. Still, it was an awkward feeling to have her “little sis” be so much larger than her.

  “And we’ve been sleeping together, but...”

  Though the space in the attic was limited because of the slope of the roof, the bed in their room was actually a good bit wider than normal. Even though Latina was now full-grown, it was wide enough that it wasn’t at all cramped for the two of them to sleep on it. And out in the country and the like, due to limited rooms and heaters, it wasn’t at all strange for a whole family to share a bed. Personal rooms and separate beds were luxuries limited to those who could afford them, though that did differ based on place and circumstances.

  Thinking of it that way, Dale and Latina sharing a bed wasn’t enough to raise the suspicions of the public at large. Latina looked incredibly adorable
as she snuggled in next to him, and she’d draw close to his back as if seeking warmth, perhaps unconsciously, which helped soothe Dale.

  But at some point, Dale had started to feel something soft against his back when she did that. When he realized what that was, Dale awkwardly tried to keep his distance from Latina. But unfortunately, he didn’t possess the special ability to completely control his unconscious actions as he slept.

  “Lately I’ve been waking up feeling something soft and smelling something good, only to realize I’m hugging Latina.”

  “Are you boasting?”

  “Well, that too.” As always, the man wasn’t shy when it came to such things. “It’s an undeniable fact that Latina is cute, after all.”

  The people around him had also gotten better at ignoring him over the years.

  “So, did you find any good places?”

  “It’s been tricky... I’ve tried looking around the western district, but... Latina is definitely going to say she wants to keep coming here, right?”

  “It’d also be a real mess for us if Latina wasn’t around.”

  “It’s thanks to Latina that Theo hasn’t gone back to acting like a baby.”

  Rita’s father and Theo’s parents, especially Kenneth, had been fawning over Emma ever since she was born. Rita tried to avoid doing it too much, but she still naturally had her hands full taking care of the baby. However, Theo hadn’t sulked at that or regressed to acting like a baby because Latina had spent more time with him in exchange.

  Latina of course had an interest in the baby, too. However, she also sympathized with Theo, who was feeling lonely now that his little sister had been born. As a result, Latina doted on Theo heavily, and for the boy, who loved his “sis” even more than he loved his parents, he was perfectly alright with this development.

  These circumstances that strengthened his love for Latina may have been one of the reasons he was so confident when he spoke to Dale.

  “But in this district, I’d be worried about her when I’m away for work... so I’ve been worried about if I should prioritize her safety coming and going from here, or when I’m away...”

  Dale had tried to plan out getting a new home for himself and Latina many times in the past. He’d ended up giving up each time, though, because he couldn’t figure out how to overcome that concern. The idea of leaving her to fend for herself when he was away for a while had also been an especially big issue when she was younger.

  When it came to her safety, Dale felt more at ease with the attic of the Ocelot than any high-class mansion. If he were to go with an expensive residence in the western district, Latina would have a good environment, but he’d worry about burglars and the like, and if he was going to hire servants to maintain the house, he’d have to carefully make sure that they had good character.

  Considering the hours Latina worked at the Ocelot, she’d end up commuting during the early morning and late at night, when few people were around. It was only natural to worry about a woman walking on her own at such times. In the southern district, where the Ocelot was, there were plenty of travelers and ruffians of unknown background. There was also a residential area for commoners, but he couldn’t quite say with confidence that the place was completely safe. Obviously, everyone there wasn’t a good person.

  It wasn’t realistic to have Latina live in the Ocelot only when Dale was away. The space there was limited, but it wasn’t as if Kenneth and Rita could just leave the room in the attic vacant, and there was no guarantee that when Latina needed to stay there, a room would conveniently happen to be open. It was difficult to secure a definite living space for the girl.

  “I know that Latina can defend herself to some degree with her magic, but that still doesn’t change the fact that it’d be dangerous... Latina is kind by nature, so she may end up hesitating even when dealing with scum... even though I’d be fine with her just slaughtering them.”

  “Most people normally wouldn’t go that far.”

  “Slaughter them!” cried Theo.

  Seeing his son declare that with a clenched fist held up in the air, Kenneth made a reasonable judgment. “You’re not exactly a good influence on kids, either.” He sighed. “It’d be easy to figure out when you were gone. You’re famous in a lot of ways, after all. Lately a lot of young folks have been idolizing you as ‘Dale Reki, whose name is renowned even in the capital.’”

  Most of them were also surprised when they saw the real deal.

  On the field of battle, Dale seemed worthy of his fame as a young hero. But that wasn’t the case when it came to Dale in his everyday life here in Kreuz. The sight of this doting idiot fawning over his young adopted daughter had already become a specialty of the town. For the young folks who admired him, that was enough to shatter their illusions, but the aura about him was just as rumored, causing him to give off a complex impression.

  And if any of them happened to fall for Latina, they’d be subjected to the ambition of one known as a hero firsthand.

  “If we’re talking about Latina being on her own while you’re away...”

  “It wouldn’t be a surprise at all for degenerates to show up each and every day, right?” Rita continued Kenneth’s sentence.


  “Vint could act as a watchdog, but... To be honest, that just wouldn’t be enough.”


  Vint wouldn’t just have to deal with people attacking Latina directly, but also would have to be on guard for peeping toms and burglars; no matter how capable of a pup he may be, it was just too heavy a load.

  “I figured I at least needed something to firmly declare to the people around us that Latina and I are together, so I thought I need to make our relationship clear.”

  Seeing Dale randomly search for excuses, Kenneth and his wife knew that he was hiding his embarrassment, and they exchanged awkward smiles with each other. Out of pity, they just let him be rather than using the chance to mess with him.

  Not long after he had made that declaration, Dale invited Latina to Kreuz’s central park.

  “Latina, do you have some free time?”

  “What is it?” Latina asked, stopping and tilting her head.

  “The weather’s good, so I figured it could be nice to walk to the park or something.”

  “A walk? Should we invite Theo along?” Latina questioned with her usual, gentle smile, not realizing the determination in Dale’s voice.

  “No... Let’s make it just the two of us for once.”


  “I’m saying, you stay back here.”


  Hearing Dale drive the point home for Vint, Latina gave an amused giggle.

  After leaving the Dancing Ocelot, the two walked slowly along, hand in hand. Ever since they met, it was only natural for the two to be that close to one another. When Latina hit puberty, they had grown apart for a bit, but now they held hands once again.

  At first, they had done it so Latina wouldn’t get lost, but at some point, the meaning behind the action had changed. Considering how he didn’t want her to leave his side though, Dale thought that perhaps there hadn’t been such a change there, after all.

  The path they took for their relaxed walk followed the same as the one Dale had once walked with a young Latina in his arms when they had gone to the eastern district for the first time.

  “Do you remember when I took you to the eastern district for the first time?”

  “I remember being really surprised. I’d never seen so many people before in my life.”

  “I came from the country, so it was a shock for me my first time, too.”

  “Um, about the shoe store you took me to... Theo and Emma’s shoes came from there, too. It specializes in children’s shoes.”

  “Huh... So do you buy yours from a different place now?”

  “I use a place that Chloe told me about. Rita recommended it, too. It’s a new store, but the designs are all refined, and their shoes are comforta

  “I see.”

  Their conversation was just a frivolous, everyday one.

  As they were talking, Latina occasionally touched her upper arm through her clothes; she seemed somehow on edge. Dale recalled unintentionally brushing up against something hard earlier, and before long voiced what he was thinking. “Ah, is that your bangle?”

  “Yeah. I’ve kept it stored away all this time, but I thought it was about time to put it back on, so I’m giving it a try.”

  That was her only belonging from her home village, and it had her father’s name engraved in it. The bracelet was meant for an adult, so it had been too large for Latina when she was young. Dale had seen her store it away in her “treasure box” in their room, not wanting to lose it.

  “I’m not used to it, so I just can’t settle down...”

  “Devil customs, huh...?”

  “All the adults I saw when I was young wore them, so I figured I’d give it a try when I grew up.”

  “Sounds good to me. It’s a charm from your father, after all.”


  Because she was wearing a loose coat, it was impossible see her arms. Even so, Dale recalled the shape of the bracelet, having seen it before. It had been too big for her young, slender arm, but before he knew it she’d grown enough for it to fit snugly; the thought deeply moved him.

  The central park was crowded again today, with everyone spending their time off in their own way. Seeing a group of children yelling and running about, Latina broke out in a smile, remembering how she had once done the same.

  “You sure like kids, don’t you, Latina?”

  “Really? I guess that may be so.”

  Dale saw how she never grumbled about taking care of Theo or Emma at the Ocelot and how she broke out in a gentle expression like this whenever she saw children. He’d always been watching her like that.

  “Someday, I’ll...”


  “No, it’s nothing.”

  Sensing what she’d been mumbling about, Dale gripped her hand more firmly.

  There were a large number of people on the wide expanse of grass, but it felt spacious enough that that didn’t seem to matter. There were trees planted here and there to create shadows to block the sunlight on days where it was hot enough to make one sweaty. Latina smiled wide as she felt a refreshing breeze blow on her cheek.


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