Foreign Affair

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Foreign Affair Page 3

by Shelli Stevens

  Lena shrugged, her stomach tightening at her friend’s words because they were a pretty good assessment. “And you think there’s something wrong with that?”

  “Nothing.” Stephanie shrugged. “If that’s what you want. I just could never settle for only having experienced one man. I mean, do you have any idea how much good sex you’re missing out on?”

  “Hey.” Lena raised a finger at her friend as she came to sit down beside her. “I have good sex.”

  “Do you now? That’s not the impression I’ve reached after talking to you in the past few months.”

  Lena sighed and looked away. “All right. Maybe it hasn’t been the best lately. But what do you expect after eight years?”

  “I’d expect more than one orgasm a year.”

  “Well, some women just aren’t as prone to orgasms as others.”

  “Like being prone to allergies? This is an orgasm, Lena. Everyone has the potential to have one. Though, some men need to be handed a map of a woman’s body and be given a clue with a capital C.” Stephanie went to the closet and browsed through the clothes she’d hung earlier.

  Lena didn’t respond, a little annoyed because Stephanie’s comments had been more than slightly accurate. She went to search her own still-unpacked suitcase for something to wear.

  Stephanie plucked a dress off a hanger and turned around. “This will do.”

  “Wow.” Lena shook her head and turned away from the small piece of fabric some might call a dress.

  “What should I do with my hair?” Stephanie lifted the heavy weight of it off her shoulders. “Should I put it up?”

  “Yeah, that would look good,” Lena agreed. “I think I’ll leave mine down.”

  “Cute.” Stephanie glanced up, clearly amused. “When did you cut it, anyway?”

  “A few months ago. It’s actually grown out a lot.”

  “It’s nice, but I like it better long.”

  “Gotta love your brutal honesty, Steph.” She glanced back into the suitcase. “But, for now, why don’t you help me decide what articles of clothing to throw on my body?”

  “I swear to God, this thong is cutting me in half.” Lena resisted the urge to reach down her pants to adjust it.

  While Lena had showered, Stephanie had run down to a local boutique to pick up the scrap of black lace.

  “You will never, ever convince me to wear one again.”

  “Hey, in those pants there’s no way you could’ve gotten away with granny panties.” Stephanie pushed her shoulder bag higher onto her arm.

  “Hmm. And speaking of… I don’t know how I even got into these pants.” She looked down at the clingy, black pants and the pink V-neck sweater that exposed her expansive cleavage.

  “Lena, you look hot. If I swung that way, I’d be all over you.” Stephanie’s heels clicked in a rhythmic staccato through the darkened streets.

  “Thanks, Steph. It means the world to hear you say that.”

  Stephanie adjusted her breasts inside her bra and gave a broad grin. “You know I’d kill for tits like yours. Mine are barely there, and what you can see are due to a bra that makes you wonder where they went when you take it off.” She shrugged. “I just want us to stand out tonight.”

  Lena once again looked at her friend’s outfit, and a shudder ran through her. “I’m sure that won’t be a problem.”

  She wouldn’t be caught dead in an animal print dress that stopped just below each butt cheek. Stephanie had taste in clothes that could make a hooker jealous.

  Lena spotted Tyler the moment they stepped inside the lobby of his hotel. He waved to them and then made his way over.

  He looked good. Even better than at lunch. Lena just about smacked herself when she realized the sensation pulsing through her body could only be described at lust. So not going to go there.

  “Don’t you look nice?” Stephanie purred when they met in the middle of the lobby.

  “Thanks.” Tyler’s eyes were appreciative as he took them in. “You two look fantastic.”

  Sure, he smiled when he looked at me, but it was Stephanie who got the longer look. Could it be more obvious which one he would rather get into bed?

  She ran that thought through her head again and gave a small gag of self-disgust. Who cared if he wanted to get it on with Stephanie? You are engaged, woman.

  They left the hotel and set off for the walk into town. Tyler told them about a little jazz café he wanted to take them to. They arrived to find the place flooded with locals.

  Lena ordered her dinner, surprised to find that Tyler ordered the same thing. They’d picked the Gouda cheese croquet to start and stewed shank of lamb for their entrée.

  Stephanie, being the vegetarian, had the terrine with mozzarella, tomato, eggplant and spinach.

  “Let me try a bite?” Lena gestured to Stephanie’s plate after their food was set in front of them.

  Stephanie slid her plate over, and Lena stabbed a bite with her fork, lifting the piece to her lips. She moaned in appreciation and closed her eyes. When she opened them, Tyler’s gaze rested on her.

  “What? It’s good.” Her cheeks heated under his amused stare.

  He nodded, and his smile widened. “I could tell.”

  Her stomach flipped again. She tightened her grip on her fork and turned back to her own food. A half hour later they were done with their food and enjoying a beer.

  “Who wants dessert?” Tyler asked, taking another sip of beer. “They have a great hot pudding here—”

  “Ugh, please no.” Lena grimaced, placing a hand against her stomach. “I couldn’t eat another bite. This beer is pushing it.”

  “All right.” Tyler glanced out at the dance floor where couples were moving to a fast jazz song. “Well, do you know how to swing dance?”

  Lena shrugged and followed his gaze. “I took some lessons on a whim once.”

  “Really? Maybe we should burn off that food.” He raised an eyebrow and stood, offering his hand. “Dance with me, Lena.”

  He wanted to dance with her? Seriously? Lena’s stomach was doing all kinds of aerobics now.

  “Dance with you?”

  “Yeah go for it. Dance with him.” Stephanie nudged her, eyes shining a little too bright.

  “I’m really not that good…” Lena protested, but broke off when he pulled her onto the floor.

  Any relaxation that had occurred over dinner wiped away the second he touched her. His arm snaked around her waist, and he pulled her entirely too close to his solid chest.

  Lena took a deep, steadying breath, trying to calm herself. Instead, she inhaled his spicy, male scent. If this was temptation, then Tyler must’ve bathed in it.

  He clasped one of her hands while keeping the other about her waist, leading her as they danced to “In the Mood”.

  They moved around the dance floor, laughing and weaving between all the couples. The tension eased from her body, and she started to have fun. And the shocker? Tyler could dance.

  “You’re not bad.” She had to raise her voice above the music.

  “You were hoping I would be?” His gaze lowered to meet hers. Damn, those eyes again. They were just brown. Why did they have the ability to reduce her to the level of an intimidated, babbling teenager in heat?

  “No, it’s not that. It’s just not too often that you find a guy who can dance.” She drew a sharp breath in as he dipped her.

  “Right.” His lips twitched, and his arm tightened around her waist, pulling her upright as the music shifted into a slow ballad.

  “I’m really not very comfortable with the slow songs.” Lena’s voice cracked as his hips pressed tight into hers.

  “Relax, Lena. I’ll help you through it.” His hand traveled down to the small of her back.

  His words and voice were hypnotic, and Lena closed her eyes. Every nerve in her body tingled when his fingertips started a light massage at the base of her spine. She caught herself just as she started to press herself against him.

; Dear God. She had to get away from this man before she made a complete idiot of herself.

  She glanced over at the table and noticed Stephanie speaking somewhat anxiously into her cell phone. She looked up at that moment and gave a tight smile and a thumbs-up sign, gesturing at Tyler.

  All right, this little moment with Tyler had to end and now. She’d just have to catch him off guard.

  “Okay, here’s the deal.” She took a deep breath in and then glanced at a point beyond his shoulder. “You’re incredibly sexy, and you know it. But I don’t feel too great monopolizing you all night. Steph’s been lusting after you since this afternoon.”

  He glanced down at her, his lips twitched in amusement. “Are you saying you’re not lusting after me?”

  She froze, the air stranded in her lungs. Her plans at shocking him into letting her go backfired, and she couldn’t have formed a word if she wanted to.

  “Because that really hurts a guy’s ego, Lena. Come on. Tell me you haven’t thought about me ripping off that pink silk sweater—”

  “It’s cashmere, and I am not interested in you…” Her face burned with a blush. “You’re hell-bent on embarrassing me, aren’t you? I don’t see why you’re even making the effort. Go find Stephanie. She wants you, and you want her.”

  “No, I don’t.”

  “Well, of course you do,” she argued in exasperation. “Why wouldn’t you want her? She’s beautiful. You couldn’t take your eyes off her when she walked in.”

  “Yes, she is beautiful. And I couldn’t take my eyes off her dress. It’s hideous.” He laughed and shook his head. “But I’m not interested in her. She’s not what I want.”

  “Oh, really?” Irritation pricked at her, and she tried to step away, but his arms tightened. “And just what is it you want, Tyler?”

  “Someone a little less flashy. Subtly attractive, with sexy brown eyes.”

  “Sexy eyes? Please,” she scoffed. “And you sure are particular. Where is this woman? Back in your hotel?”

  “Not yet.” His hand trailed up her back and closed around the nape of her neck. “But you’re welcome to join me later.”

  Chapter Three

  Lena’s pulse went into double time, and she watched his gaze lower to her mouth. Oh, no. He’s going to kiss me. She tried to jerk away, alarmed as his fingers increased their pressure and held her still. His head dipped.

  “Lena, we’ve got a problem.” Stephanie swept in like a cyclone, just in time to stop the kiss.

  Thank heavens.

  Lena succeeded in jerking out of his arms. “I’m so sorry. It’s not how it looks.”

  “She’s lying. It’s exactly how it looks.” Tyler sighed, pushing a hand through his hair.

  “What?” Stephanie glanced at them both. “No, not with Tyler. I mean with my work.”

  “Your work?” Lena blinked away some of the haziness in her head. She folded her arms across her chest. “What about it?”

  “Apparently there’s an issue with the last few scenes we shot.” Stephanie shook her head and groaned. “We need to reshoot.”

  “Reshoot? Seriously?” Tyler’s brows rose.

  “Yes. And unfortunately, I have to leave.”

  “Like the restaurant? Or the country?” Lena blurted in shock.

  “The country.”

  Lena’s heart sank. “Oh, God… When? We just got here.”

  “Tomorrow night.” Stephanie raised a hand to her forehead. “This is so frustrating. I have to go. I don’t have a choice. It’s just such crappy timing.”

  Not wanting to be insensitive to her friend’s distress, Lena put a hand on her arm and shook off her own disappointment. “Look, these things happen. We can reschedule this whole trip.” Even as she said it, she knew it wouldn’t happen.

  “What?” Stephanie appeared taken aback. “Of course not. I wouldn’t make you do that. You’ll stay, of course.”

  “Stay?” Lena’s eyes widened. “No, I can’t stay. Not without you.”

  “Of course you can. Have Tyler show you around while he’s not working.”

  “That’s the most insane suggestion I’ve ever heard.” Lena’s voice had dropped to almost a whisper. All that time together alone? Such a bad idea.

  “Is it really so insane?” Tyler spoke up. “I think it could be fun. I’m only here a few more days, and have a small amount of work left. And I’ve been bored out of my mind until you ladies showed up.”

  “It’s a bad idea.” Lena gave Tyler a pointed look. What the hell was he trying to pull? “If you go, I go, Steph.”

  Stephanie’s stare said she obviously thought Lena had lost it. “We’ll discuss this back at the hotel. I need to make some phone calls, and my urge to party is dead.” She turned to Tyler. “Thanks for dinner. I hope we’ll get to see you again before I leave.”

  “We leave.” Lena held her ground.

  “Well, hold on.” Tyler raised a hand, stalling them. “Why don’t we do breakfast and maybe check out a little more of the Red Light District before you guys leave? If you have time, that is.”

  Stephanie shrugged, looking dejected. “That sounds fine. We’ve got to eat anyway, might as well have fun doing it.”

  “Great, meet me at my hotel around ten tomorrow?”

  “Fine,” Stephanie agreed. “They scheduled me on a red-eye flight tomorrow.”

  Lena swallowed a groan and gave Tyler a glowering look. Maybe he’d take the clue that she was really not pleased. Lifting her chin, she turned and followed Stephanie.

  Tyler skimmed the headlines of the New York Times, sitting in one of the plush lobby chairs. He glanced at his watch, checking to see how much longer it would be before the girls arrived. Any time now.

  He turned his attention back to the paper, but his thoughts weren’t focused entirely on the articles in front of him. They centered on Lena and the feelings that had encompassed him while dancing with her last night.

  Maybe he had come on a little strong at the end, but he hadn’t been able to stop himself. She was just the sexiest little thing, emphasis on the little. At least a foot shorter than him, and he was six-foot-two.

  Maybe it was because she could go from so smart-mouthed to so completely innocent within seconds. She’d nearly fainted when he’d asked her if she lusted after him. He knew they were leaving today, and so he also knew he had to take a chance. Do something to convince her to stay.

  He spotted them the moment they entered the lobby, and his gaze trained on Lena. Sexy didn’t even begin to describe the outfit she wore, and she probably had no clue of the effect it would have on men. A short, plaid skirt and demure, buttoned-up blouse with that wool coat left open over it.

  She must be cold, he thought, as he noted her nipples pressing tight against the shirt. The many ways to warm her up flitted through his head, and he smiled.

  Lena watched him watch her. Her heart pounded harder with every step closer to him. Lord, she wished she hadn’t worn this outrageous outfit, but something inside her had wanted to look good for him this morning.

  How hormonal-college-girl is that? You are such an idiot. You’re engaged.

  Her legs felt rubbery as she and Stephanie stopped in front of him. She would change the moment they got back to the hotel.

  “Good morning, ladies.” Tyler folded the paper and stood up with a smile.

  “Hi, Tyler.” Stephanie glanced past him, her interest obviously lacking from what it had first been when they’d met.

  I guess I picked up where Stephanie left off. Lena fidgeted with her hands. She could deny it all she wanted, but this morning she was all too aware of him.

  His scent hit her again, as hard as it had last night. For the first time in her life, she found herself wishing for a cold. A cold that would stuff up her nose and take away her sense of smell.

  He wore reading glasses, which he tucked away as she watched. And then there was the Cornell University sweatshirt he sported. She averted her gaze from him, willing this short gat
hering to end as soon as possible.

  Tyler set the paper on the table beside him. “Have you ladies thought about where you want to go?”

  “I want to have some more fun before I leave,” Stephanie replied. “There is a mind-bending little brownie out there with my name on it.”

  Perfect, now they could separate. Lena forced a regretful smile. “Oh, you know, I won’t really enjoy that. Maybe I’ll just meet you back at the hotel.”

  “No, don’t do that,” Tyler interjected. “If it’s really going to be your last day in Amsterdam, you shouldn’t spend it in the hotel. Stephanie can go hit her hash bar, and I’ll take you around town for an hour or so.”

  Damn. Couldn’t he take a hint? “Oh, that’s really not necessary.”

  Lena shot Stephanie a warning look, which her friend apparently ignored.

  “Sounds great. How about I meet you guys in an hour at that café we had lunch at yesterday?”

  “It’s a plan.” Tyler’s response cut off any further protests Lena could make.

  Lena let out a breath from between her teeth as Stephanie walked away. Fantastic. As if walking around Amsterdam didn’t have enough temptation to offer, she’d be strolling along with Mr. Sex on a Stick.

  “You look cute.” Tyler gave her a quick look.

  “Thanks.” Lena gave an inward cringe.

  Always the cute one. Why couldn’t she be the damn that chick is hot girl? She made a little groan. Did it matter, at any rate? You are engaged, Lena. Try to remember that tiny little, massively significant fact. Somehow it seemed to become harder every minute she was around this guy.

  “You weren’t thrilled about meeting up for breakfast this morning, were you?”

  “I don’t know what you mean,” she lied. “I’m all right with it. We all gotta eat somewhere.”

  “You just seem like you’re a little…uncomfortable around me.” He guided them toward the river.

  “I’m not…it’s not…” Lena’s cheeks grew hotter from his confrontation, and she cleared her throat. Damn, he was doing it again. “That’s ridiculous. Why would I feel that way?”


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