Foreign Affair

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Foreign Affair Page 9

by Shelli Stevens

  “Bonjour, Lena.” Lips brushed in a soft caress across her forehead.

  “Time to wake up. We’re here. The City of Light.”

  Lena blinked her eyes open and then came fully awake. She sat up, and pain shot down her spine.

  “Ouch. I knew this would happen. I can’t even move my neck.” She sighed as Tyler reached around to massage the back of her neck. “Next time, I get to sleep in your lap.”

  “Now, if you’re expecting me to argue with that, then you’d better think again.” Tyler raised a suggestive eyebrow.

  Her mouth twitched, and she swung her bag over her shoulder. “Pervert.”

  “And you love it.” He gave her hip a light squeeze as he followed her toward the exit.

  Lena sighed and didn’t bother to deny it. “You’re right, I do.”

  He gave a soft laugh in her ear as they stepped off the train. They moved through the station side by side. Lena adjusted her jacket, feeling like a lump next to many of the sleek women they passed. Jeez, what a bad day to throw on sweats.

  “Wow, I don’t know why I didn’t pay more attention to this place last time I was here.”

  “What?” Lena looked around. “The train station?”

  “Yes, Gare du Nord.” He stopped and glanced around.

  Lena took a moment to view her surroundings. “Actually, I love all kinds of old buildings. Wasn’t this rebuilt though? In the mid 1800s?”

  Tyler turned to her with a look of admiration. “Very good for someone who’s never been to Europe.”

  “We travel agents pick up all kinds of tidbits over time.”

  “A travel agent? Somebody just let the cat out of the bag.” He winked and then kept walking.

  “Shit.” Lena groaned. This had gotten so out of hand, and all by her insistence. Enough already. She bounded after him. “Okay, look. I don’t care anymore. It’s too annoying trying to remember that I can’t talk to you like a normal person.”

  “So, you’re saying you don’t care?” he asked as they hailed a cab. “I just don’t want to have to screen my conversations with you.”

  “Talk about whatever you want, and if it gets too personal, I’ll let you know.”

  “Okay, Miss Indecisive. You’ve got a deal.” Tyler helped her into the taxi and then sat down beside her. “Do you have the address of the place we’re staying?”

  “Yes, I should.” Lena dug into her purse and pulled out the slip of paper that had the apartment address. She handed it up to the driver, and he took it from her and then swung into traffic.

  “Do you know anything about this place we’re staying?” Tyler asked as he pulled her hand onto his knee.

  She entwined her fingers through his and shook her head. “I really don’t. Steph just said it was supposed to be nice.” She looked out the window and sighed. “I can’t believe I’m actually in Paris. I’ve wanted to come here for so long.”

  “Why haven’t you?” Tyler asked as he massaged her fingers. “I’m more curious now, knowing you’re a travel agent.”

  Lena shrugged. Because Keith had always insisted they wait until after they were married in order to save money. Yet, he had no problem going to Maui with some bimbo.

  “I just never had the time,” Lena replied noncommittally.

  “Make the time,” Tyler urged. “What kind of travel agent doesn’t travel? It’s like working at a chocolate shop and not eating candy. Besides, if you were to settle down before you saw the world, you’d regret it later.”

  “What do you mean?” Her body tensed as she glanced at him.

  His eyes narrowed. “All I’m saying is that too many people get married and have kids before they really get a chance to enjoy life.”

  “Yeah, I suppose that’s true.” She inwardly cursed her overreaction.

  Tyler stared at her for a moment, but she avoided his gaze. “Are you married or something?”

  His tone took on an edge. Did engaged fit in the or something category? But, hell, even the engagement wasn’t definite anymore.

  “Of course I’m not married,” she answered, keeping her voice soft. “Do you think I’d be sleeping with you if I was?”

  “That’s a stupid question.” Tyler kept staring at her. “The percentage of faithful spouses nowadays is pretty low.”

  “That’s a pretty cynical way of thinking.”

  “I’m not trying to piss you off, Lena.” He wrapped an arm around her shoulder. “I’m just saying that it’s not easy to be in a monogamous relationship.”

  Wasn’t that the truth? Oh, lord. Talk about making her confront her own conscience.

  “And you?” She turned the tables. “Do you have trouble being faithful when you’re in a relationship?”

  “Sometimes I do,” he admitted honestly, surprising her. “If my heart isn’t in it, and it looks like I might be tempted to stray, I get out so it’s never a matter of cheating.”

  “Wow, commendable. But it must suck for the women who fall in love with you.”

  Tyler gave a short laugh. “I don’t think that’s too much of a problem. I can’t think of many women who’ve actually fallen in love with me.”

  “Are you sure about that?” Lena found that impossible to believe. How could anyone not fall in love with him?

  Tyler turned his gaze from the window and met her stare. She regretted her question as his gaze burned into hers.

  His voice dropped an octave. “Well, if they were, they never let on.”

  Lena’s heart almost lurched into her throat. She blinked rapidly and glanced back out the window, having no idea how to respond.

  She was changing with all the time they were spending together. If she’d been single, who knows what could have happened. Though with each passing day she spent with Tyler, the prospect of returning home to Keith seemed less and less appealing.

  “Lena…” Tyler started to say something, but the taxi pulled to a stop beside a market.

  He leaned forward and spoke to the driver in French, leaving Lena to gape at him in amazement.

  When he leaned back, he turned to her with a smile. “This is the place. The apartment is upstairs from the produce shop.”

  “Really?” She raised her eyebrows. “And now you speak French?”

  “I minored in French in college. That’s why I’m the guy they send around the world.” Tyler leaned across her to open the door.

  She slid out of the taxi and allowed him to pay the driver. He joined her a moment later on the sidewalk.

  “Okay, I’ll admit. I’m impressed. I took a few semesters of French in high school but was awful at it. Foreign languages are not my forte.”

  “Ah, well then you’d better stay close to me while we’re here.” He kissed her cheek and placed a hand on the small of her back, guiding her toward the building.

  Tyler took the keys Lena handed him, and they climbed the small number of stairs up to the apartment. She sure had acted funny when he’d asked if she were married. Unwanted doubt clawed in his belly. Stop it. She told you she’s not.

  They reached the door, and he inserted the key and unlocked the door, swinging it open.

  Lena stepped past him and made a soft gasp of pleasure.

  He followed in after her and took in the apartment. It was small but decorated with an understated sophistication. The walls were soft white, and the floors hardwood. The burgundy couches and chairs were plush and inviting, settled on an area rug that covered part of the living room.

  He noted the plants in the corner and winced. Hopefully they weren’t the kind that needed water. He had enough trouble remembering to feed his cat, let alone water plants.

  Lena dropped her bags on the floor and rushed over to the window, pushing aside the lacey curtains to gaze at the view. He watched her stare out, her excitement so real and refreshing, and his heart ached a bit. Keep it simple, buddy.

  “This is incredible. You need to see this.”

  Tyler walked up behind her, pulling open the lace cur
tains to expose the entire view. His arms came around her waist, and she covered his hands with her own. They gazed over the Eiffel Tower that loomed over a city pulsing with life. The sun had just gone down, and the lights of the city sent their pink flush over the evening.

  “I don’t remember it looking this incredible last time,” he admitted, his lips moving against her hair.

  Lena sighed. “I want to have this memory engraved in my heart forever.”

  This memory? Tyler’s grip tightened around her. Did she mean more than just the view?

  “Do you want to get some food?” His hands drifted over her belly.

  Lena nodded. “I’m hungry. I can’t think of anything I’d like to do more right now than eat.”

  “Are you sure?” He kissed the back of her neck.

  She turned to him and lifted her mouth to his, brushing his lips is a sweet, brief kiss. “Of course there’s always that. But that sandwich didn’t fill me up. I need to eat first.”

  She stepped around him to look at the rest of the apartment, starting in the kitchen. She ran a hand over the smooth, black countertops.

  He glanced around, drinking in the luxuries. “This place is nicely stocked. Check out the size of that flat screen.”

  “I saw it. I wondered how long it would take you to.”

  He wrote down the number listed on the phone and slipped it into his pocket. “Remind me to call work soon and give them this number.”

  “Mental note made.” Lena peered into the small fridge and then into the oven. “I’m going to have to cook you an amazing dinner while we’re here. This kitchen just looks like too much fun.”

  “And you’re a good cook?” Tyler leaned against the counter. “Because I can cook a damn good Hamburger Helper, I’ll have you know.”

  Lena smiled and leaned back against the counter. “Call me crazy, but I love that stuff. Think we can find any here in Paris? I wouldn’t argue if you wanted to cook tonight. I’m a little tired—and sore—after that train ride.”

  He gave a soft laugh, knowing that she was deliberately trying to push his guilt button for making her sleep funny on the train.

  “Are you now?” He approached her. “I do feel a little bad about giving you a stiff neck.”

  “You should.” She gave him her cheek when he made to kiss her mouth. “You should be kissing my feet and apologizing profusely.”

  “I’ve already kissed your feet. You weren’t too keen on it, remember?” He turned her face so her pouting lips were once again offered up to him.

  “I never said it was that bad—”

  He cut off her comment by taking the mouth that was so damn alluring. Her soft moan of surrender proved she forgave him, and his lips lingered just a moment before he again raised his head.

  “So it’s settled.” He touched her lips. “I’ll hit the store and get us stuff to make dinner with. Why don’t you just relax?”

  “That won’t be a problem.”

  He kissed her forehead and headed for the door. “I’ll be back soon.”

  Chapter Nine

  Lena laughed and watched him leave the apartment, blowing him a kiss before he slipped outside. Feeling a bit giddy, she plopped herself down into the cushiony window seat and wiggled around until she found a comfortable position. She pulled a hand-stitched blanket over her body and sighed with contentment.

  The view from the window entranced her. She took in every shop, landmark, and all the people still making their way around.

  Her gaze moved back to a small store she’d spotted earlier, and she bit her lip. Acting on impulse, she jumped up and headed for the door. All of a sudden, the urge to make a dinner of Hamburger Helper romantic kicked in.

  Lena pulled her sweatshirt back on over her head and rushed outside.

  In the shop across the street, she found a variety of interesting things including candles, a lighter and a CD of various love songs. At least she assumed they were love songs because of the picture of a couple holding hands on the beach on the cover. That, and she recognized Celine Dion’s name on the back.

  She hesitated for just a few seconds before deciding to purchase the music selection. It could be a risky choice, but then again, imagining Tyler’s reaction was pretty damn funny.

  She counted out the francs to the cashier. Thankfully, they had thought to exchange their currency before getting on the train.

  She made her way back to the apartment and splurged again. She stopped, trying to make conversation with a florist as she bought a colorful bouquet of flowers.

  When she returned to the apartment, she kicked the door closed with her foot and stumbled to the kitchen, dropping the bag onto the counter.

  She didn’t just want the atmosphere to be romantic, she wanted to look the part. Hurrying to the bedroom, she searched her suitcase until she found what she sought.

  Her “guaranteed to get some” dress Stephanie had helped her pick out at a shop in Amsterdam. It was simple and red, cut low and hemmed short.

  She’d only dressed up those first couple of days in Amsterdam, and she gave in to the urge to look pretty for Tyler again.

  She brushed her hair back into its short, flirty style and then put on some lip-gloss. A couple sprays of perfume on her wrists and cleavage and she was set.

  Not bad at all, girl. She glanced in the mirror one more time before hurrying back into the living room.

  Lena scooped the candles and lighter out of the bag and set them up on the little oak table. Her finger flicked over the lighter, and soon the soft glow of candlelight filled the room.

  She unwrapped the CD she’d bought and slipped it into the stereo she’d spotted earlier. Sure enough, Celine’s voice filled the air, and she pressed a hand against her mouth to keep from laughing.

  She looked around the room and took in the scene she’d just created. Candlelight, flowers, cheesy love songs, and she’d dressed up to the max.

  What would Tyler think? Doubt circled in her stomach. They weren’t even a real couple. Would this kind of romance just complicate things?

  She rocked back on her heels and sighed. Maybe this had been a bad idea.

  Tyler opened the door, his mouth going dry when he saw her. Or saw the back of her. She had bent over in front of the stereo. A short red dress that begged to be removed had ridden up so high that it barely covered her ass. Smooth, white thighs gleamed, and he followed the curve of her legs down to her dainty bare feet.

  He cleared his throat, and she stood up, spinning in surprise.

  “Hey.” He adjusted the bags of food in his arms.

  Her eyes widened, and her tongue darted out over her lips. Then she hurried over and took one of the bags from him.

  He followed her into the kitchen and placed the bag next to hers. “Lena, you look…”

  “Is it too much?” she asked, her cheeks turning pink.

  “You look so damn hot in that dress.” He stepped toward her, running a hand down her bare arm. He didn’t miss the shiver that ran through her body.

  “You just happened to have that little dress in your bag?”

  Lena smiled. “As a matter of fact, I did. You can’t travel without having at least one nice outfit.”

  “I like it on you,” he murmured. I’d like it even better off you now. He cleared his throat and turned his focus back to cooking dinner. “You’ll never believe this, but I couldn’t find Hamburger Helper.”

  “I thought that might be a challenge.” She set the bag down on the counter and peered inside. “But it looks like you did okay.”

  “And I bought wine.” He pulled out a bottle of Chardonnay.

  “Oh, very nice. Do you want me to chill this?” She took the bottle from him and ran her fingers down the neck of the bottle.

  Tyler clenched his teeth, his gaze on her hand as his blood stirred. God, he wanted her fingers stroking him like that. Later.

  “Sure, toss it in the fridge.” He turned his gaze to the dining room, and his eyes widened.

  Not only had she dressed up for him, but she’d dressed up the apartment too. Candles, flowers… How had he not noticed this when he’d first returned from the store? Because you were checking out her ass.

  “You really decorated this place.”

  “I thought it would be fun to make our first night in Paris…” She hesitated, her cheeks turning pinker. “Well, you know.”

  She couldn’t say the word romantic? He lifted a brow and turned back to unload the bag of food.

  “Thank you. I love what you did. Except for one thing.” He glanced at her, his smile widening. “If that’s Celine Dion I’m hearing, I think the music needs to go.”

  Lena burst into laughter, and she pressed a hand against her stomach.

  “It looks great.” He stepped forward, but still didn’t touch her. Instead, he backed her up into the dining room against the table. She sat down onto the table and let him stand between her legs.

  He reached up and cupped her face, leaning in to brush his lips over hers. Lena had a forwardness about her that pulled him in every time.

  He could see her fight it, maybe not wanting to get sucked under that tide they both got so easily lost in. But a moment later she sighed and closed her eyes, yielding to him and opening her mouth to his probing tongue.

  Only then did Tyler close his eyes and move closer into the space between her legs, his hands bracketing her waist.

  She pulled away and gasped, her hands unsteady as they jerked his T-shirt over his head.

  “What about dinner? I thought you were starving?” he asked, cupping her breasts through the dress.

  “Was I? It can wait.” She dragged her nails down his chest, and he groaned. His cock hardened further. Now. He needed her now.

  “Good. Because the only thing I want to do at this table right now is get you naked on it.” He grabbed the hem of her dress and pulled it up and over her body.

  The breath locked in his throat. She was a wet dream come to life, with a lacy red bra that lifted her breasts high and a tiny thong to match.

  “Hang on.” The words came out of his throat on a rasp. He grabbed the lit candles and moved them to the other end of the table. “Fire hazard.”


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