Stand and Deliver (A Kate Brokenshire Zombie Slayer Adventure Book 1)

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Stand and Deliver (A Kate Brokenshire Zombie Slayer Adventure Book 1) Page 12

by Ono,Garth

  Arming up in record time, she rushed in the back door. Teri was screaming upstairs. Kate raced straight up the back stairs and into the offices. There were two rotters, male and female. Teri, her friend's mother, and another employee were backed into a corner.

  "Think again, rotter," Kate snarled, pressed the shotgun against the first zombie's neck, right over the spine, and pulled the trigger. She angled the shot so none of her friends were hurt. The zombie dropped like a rock. The other turned on her. "Get out, Teri, and keep running!"

  Kate slapped the shotgun across the remaining zombie's face, forcing her back a few steps. Then she kicked the zombie in the chest, slamming her against the wall. Teri led the others past Kate and down the stairs.

  "Looks like it's just you and me," Kate said. "Love your shoes."

  The zombie was wearing stiletto Mary Janes and a nice sundress. Well, nice before it was soaked in blood and gore.

  The zombie lunged at her. Kate extended her arm, Lupara held firmly, and pulled the trigger. One side of the zombie's head exploded. The shot staggered the monster, but she continued coming. So Kate dropped the gun, caught the zombie's wrist, spun, and flipped the undead minion over her hip. And then she pulled her machete and lobbed off what was left of her head.

  "That was messy."

  She reloaded the shotgun before heading back downstairs, and turning toward the front of the store. The sounds of fighting echoed through the building. She found Haley and Shea fighting back to back against zombies in the middle of the store. Victoria was fighting out in the street. Kate plowed into the backs of the two undead facing Haley.

  The zombies went down under the impact. Haley chopped off one head, and Kate got the other. They joined Shea against the last two in the store. Kate noticed the zombies were former construction workers, and still wearing tool belts.

  Shea let out a wild cry, tried to decapitate one of them. He turned into the blow, and her machete missed the mark. Instead, Shea's blade bit deep into his shoulder and stuck. The blonde backpedaled as she pulled her pistol. Kate lunged in, aimed for his lower back, and fired. His spine was blown away. The rotter's legs stopped working and he fell to the floor.

  He still pulled himself toward Shea with his arms, so Kate stomped down between his shoulder blades to stop him. Pressing the shotgun to the base of his skull, she pulled the trigger. That angle blew away his spine where it met the brain, killing him, but also blasted the lower half of his face away.

  By that time Haley had dispatched the last one in the store, so they charged out to the street to help Victoria. They arrived as she finished off her third. One zombie had lost both arms, one leg, and his head.

  "Kind of overkill on that one," Haley teased.

  "He reminded me of my ex," the redhead said. "Very handsy and wouldn't take no."

  "It's a personality flaw among all zombies," Shea said. "Though I find it charming at times."

  "I wouldn't mind so much," Kate said. "If they'd stop grabbing my throat and reach for something lower and more fun."

  The other three looked at her in surprise. Kate wagged her brows.

  "I think we're a bad influence on her," Victoria said. "I like it."

  A familiar male voice interrupted them. Kate turned to find Mongrel marching down the middle of the street. He looked super pissed.

  "If you kill me, I'll just become a vampire," Mongrel said.

  It kind of unnerved Kate that he didn't appear to care if they killed him. Did the prospect of being a cold, dead vampire appeal to him after being a minion?

  "When I kill you," Kate said, eyes narrowing. "I'll cut off your head and you'll turn into a corpse."

  "Now!" Mongrel shouted, his voice booming up and down the two blocks of Main Street. Zombies flooded out of the shops all around them. In a flash the slayers were surrounded. Kate looked around wide-eyed. "We're taking over Tennyson, ladies. You will pay for burning down Alex's mill. The whole town will pay dearly!" He stopped a dozen feet from them. "Take them! Your master wants them alive!"

  Chapter 22

  The zombie slayers stood in a circle, facing out toward the horde. It felt like there were a million of them against her, but Kate calmed herself down and tried to assess the situation rationally. Mongrel had another dozen zombies with him. That was still a three to one advantage to the bad guys.

  "Did he bring nothing but the biggest, meanest, ugliest rotters in the horde?" Haley asked. "They're all over six feet."

  Kate realized she was correct. It was a sinking feeling. Even with zombies, bigger was stronger.

  "First rule in fighting the horde," Kate said. The machete moved to her left hand, and the right dropped to her 9mm. She slowly unfastened the strap holding it in the holster. Then as she pulled the pistol out, "Kill the biggest one first. Die, Mongrel!"

  Mongrel ducked and ran for cover as she fired. Kate was sure she hit him more than once, but he kept moving. The zombies surged towards them. She emptied the magazine into the faces of the ones before her. She ejected, reloaded, and holstered.

  The zombies were too close for guns.

  "It's butcher's work now!" Haley cried. "Kill them all!"

  Kate swung her blade with all the strength and fury she could muster. Mostly she slashed the rotters. In that tight press it was almost impossible to get a clear swing at their necks. In that situation, Haley taught her to chop off as many arms and legs as possible.

  Most of the zombies were so long dead there was little blood involved. One was pretty fresh, so Shea was terribly splattered.

  "Hey, zombie, zombie, zombie!" Kate cried at the top of her lungs. She let the machete hang by its lanyard around her wrist, pulled up Lupara, and promptly blew a hole through the head of the rotter in front of her. "Die!"

  "Let go of me, you stinking rotter!" Victoria screamed.

  A big blonde, weightlifter looking beast had hold of her right wrist. The redhead's machete was in that hand, and she was barely keeping the others at bay with amazing footwork kicking them back.

  Kate lowered the barrel to her head-shot zombie's throat, and blew away his neck and spine. Kicking him in the chest, to thrust the corpse into another to give her a few seconds, Kate half-turned as she reloaded. Kate blew away the neck of a muscle-bound zombie. Then she dropped to one knee to avoid the hands of another reaching for her throat. Pushing Lupara into his bloated belly, she pulled the trigger and knocked him straight back to fall on his back.

  That opened up the worst stench she'd ever experienced. Kate almost puked.

  "What the hell did you do?" Shea asked.

  Pap. Pap-pap-pap!

  "Mongrel is armed!" Haley cried.

  "Follow me!" Kate shouted, and blasted two more shots with Lupara. She took off running through the gap as she reloaded. "Run!"

  Her sister and friends hesitated, but then surged after her. Kate led them across the street, away from Mongrel, and into the barbershop. It was empty and already trashed by the zombies. The long mirror on the wall across from the chairs was shattered and crunched underfoot as they ran through. That glass made their passage slippery on the smooth tile floor. A couple zombies actually fell.

  They came out in the alley, next to the barbers' parked cars and pickups. Across the alley was a fifteen foot fence around the town lumber yard. Kate paused, not sure if they should go left or right. Then Mongrel charged out to their left, so she took off to the right.

  Mongrel fired upon them with two pistols. Zombies pouring out the door accidently took Mongrel's fire, shielding the four slayers for the moment. They crouched over and ran down two shops, before entering an open back door.

  "I hear rotters up front," Haley said.

  Kate noticed the back stairs just inside the door, so led the way up. It took her a second, but realized they were above the diner. The space was completely open. The building owner had started preparing it to be divided into office space. There was lots of building supplies stacked in various places.

  "They're coming up a
fter us," Shea said.

  "Then we go back down," Kate said. She found zombies coming up the front stairs. "Well that's just lovely."

  "Haley, your sister has a knack for understatement," Victoria said.

  Kate and Victoria stood at the top of the front stairs, and Haley and Shea defended the back. The zombies came up. They were unafraid, unrelenting. The women chopped, and shot, and just slaughtered them. Yet, Kate could feel her body starting to tire. They could only fight them off for so long.

  Kate heard someone big below them. It had to be Mongrel. Would he try to come up the front or back stairs? She hoped it was the back, because the thought of killing the first and only man she'd slept with was chilling.

  "I don't know if I can kill Mongrel," Kate said. "I slept with him. One of you will have to do it."

  Victoria looked at her like she was crazy. "We've all slept with him."

  "Well that's just lovely," Shea said in a pretty good English accent.

  Even Kate laughed at that.

  Mongrel starting shooting. Right through the floor. Bullets burst through the wooden decking, whizzing all around them. The slayers fled across the room. Kate realized that was exactly what he wanted. Zombies poured up both stairs unimpeded.

  "Out the back window!" Kate cried.

  Kate opened up on the zombies with her pistol as she ran to the back windows. While Haley, Shea, and Victoria kept them at bay, Kate opened a window and stuck her head out. The alley was clear. There was a silver sedan directly below, which meant they wouldn't have to drop all the way to the ground. She wasn't sure that little bit would make much difference, but it was something.

  "Out the window," Haley gasped. "There's too many to hold."

  So Kate led the way out. She slipped through, held on to the window sill a few seconds, and released. The fall was frightening, and then her feet slammed into the roof of the car. It caved it, absorbing some of the impact. Her knees buckled and Kate went tumbling off to the trunk, and then the ground.

  "Oh, Jesus, that hurt," she moaned as she staggered to her feet.


  Shea landed atop the car next, and then tumbled over the left side. She landed on her butt with a shocked expression.

  Boom! Boom!

  Victoria, then Haley hit. Victoria remained sprawled atop the roof, while Haley landed feet first on the trunk and bounced off to her feet on the ground. Kate was impressed.

  "Hurry up, we have to get out of here," Kate urged Shea and Victoria, who weren't moving. "Are you hurt?"

  "I'm beyond hurt," Victoria said, but sat up. "I'm moving to Cali to start stripping again. It's easier and pays better than this shit."

  "I'm coming with," Shea said.

  Haley yanked Victoria off the car, and Kate pulled Shea to her feet. Zombies were coming out the back door by that time. They could hear Mongrel shouting orders inside.

  "Someone needs to shut him up," Kate snarled. "Let's go!"

  They lead the zombies on a merry chase back around to Main Street, before ducking back into Taylor Hardware. Kate's truck was still there, engine running. They piled in, and Kate put it into reverse. Hitting the gas, she plowed into the pursuing zombies. Ran completely over five of them. Then Mongrel came out the back door of the hardware store, firing them up. Victoria was riding shotgun, so leaned out her window and returned fire. Three shots struck Kate's windshield before they reached the end of the alley, and headed north and to safety.

  Chapter 23

  The gunfire downtown stopped. Alex looked off in that direction. He wondered if Mongrel had finally killed or captured the four slayer chicks. It wasn't the first cessation of gunfire. His minion's lack of ability to fulfill his commands was quite frustrating.

  Alex turned back to his assembled minions. He had a lot more now. Nicole had proven her worth to him. She called anyone who was anyone in the community over to be captured, bitten, and made an obedient minion.

  Prudence and Felicity had even captured a few rather hot young women, including Sheriff Coleman's daughter, Daphne. The beautiful brunette was slim and delicate, despite the bearlike bulk of her father. Alex thought she was his most gorgeous minion after being made up and dressed all Goth. And she was so eager to obey his least whim.

  "Maybe a demonstration of my power is in order," Alex said, lips curling into a wicked smile. "Daphne. Kneel before me." She rose gracefully and approached slowly, stilettos clacking loudly in the dead silence. Daphne eased to her knees just as gracefully, and looked up ready for his next command. "Unzip me and – "

  His phone rang.

  "Your lousy timing never ceases to amaze me, Mongrel," Alex answered. "Tell me you have the slayer girls."

  There was a hesitation. All he heard was heavy breathing for a long moment.

  "No," the minion finally said, sounding just as frustrated and pissed as Alex felt. "They keep slipping through my fingers."

  Alex closed his eyes and lowered his head. Those four slayers were the bane of his existence. He brusquely waved Daphne away when she reached for his zipper. The mood had passed. He had problems. Looking at his patiently waiting minions, an idea formed.

  "Come back here," he commanded his minion. "I assume you didn't get all of the zombies killed."

  "Not all," he said in a way that made Alex grimace.

  Alex ended the call. He hated Mongrel so much, yet he'd proven to be his greatest asset. Well, up until they ran into Kate Brokenshire and Mongrel's old biker girlfriends.

  Those four slayers were decimating his horde faster than he could replenish. He would have to rely more on his new minions. They were more vulnerable to injury and death. And if killed, they'd be like that bastard Simon. Vampires. Free of his influence. Most likely they'd run away, probably across the Mississippi where few if any would hunt them down.

  On that side of the river, all he could create was minions. In some ways Alex preferred the zombies. Minions still had some free thought, free will. Minions feared death and dismemberment, so would always protect themselves first without him present to keep them on task. The undead just obeyed without thought or fear of any kind.

  "Listen up, my slaves," Alex said, relishing those words. He felt so powerful in moments like that. They would obey, even if he commanded them to kill themselves. The drac could force them to slaughter their own children if he so desired. But he had other plans for the citizens of Tennyson. Much darker plans. "We're going to begin. Today the Kingdom of the Dead is reborn. I am Master of the City."

  They didn't speak or nod. They remained perfectly still, watching and listening to him. It was kind of eerie. Alex loved it. He smiled.

  "I want you to go out and find your family and friends. Bring them to me," the vampire commanded. "And anyone you can't bring to me, make sure they believe Kate Brokenshire and her slayer friends are my minions. Make everyone fear them. Tell them to call the sheriff if they are spotted."

  "Yes, master," they said, bowed, and departed.

  "Sheriff Coleman, I have special orders for you and your deputies."

  Chapter 24

  "We have to find the vampire," Shea said. "Until then, he can make minions as he needs them to lead and control his horde."

  "Agreed," Haley said. "Once the vamp's dead, the minions and zombies will be freed of his influence."

  Easier said than done. Kate agreed, but that's exactly what they'd been trying to do for the past few days. The minions would cease to be the enemy the second Alexander Cray died. The zombies would lose their focus, though they'd still be a threat. Their movements would become less focused and they would likely start to scatter.

  The women were parked on the side of a dirt road north of town. Kate had never been on that road, so didn't know where it went. It could very well be a dead end.

  "I saw a water tower east of town," Victoria said. "One of us with a pair of binoculars could watch them. I bet it wouldn't be too long before we discovered where the center of undead activity was, and we'd know where Mr. Cray is ho
led up."

  "Do you have binoculars in your truck?" Haley asked.

  Kate shook her head. "I don't own any binoculars. This is a wooded area. What would I do with binoculars?"

  "Get some binoculars," her sister said. "It was a good idea, but not workable at the moment. Kate, is there somewhere in downtown we can have a 360 degree view of the town?"

  She thought about the abandoned silos, but they were further out than the water tower and not as tall. The bank building, in the middle of downtown, was the tallest at three floors. There were probably zombies all over it. The vamp might've even posted a lookout atop it. Plus, she didn't know how to access that roof.

  "Not really, but Taylor Hardware has a small sporting goods section," she said. "I bet they have binoculars. I think I can sneak in alone and get a pair."

  Before anyone could respond, Kate's phone rang. She checked the screen, and smiled.

  "Awesome. It's the sheriff," she said, and answered. "Hello, Sheriff Coleman."

  "Kate where are you?" he said. "We got zombies everywhere."

  "I know. We were just run out of town by them," she said. "We didn't see you anywhere."

  "Yeah, well, we have our problems, too," he replied, sounding frustrated. "I need you back here pronto."

  "We're trying to figure out where the drac it first," she said. "Taking him out is the key to stopping everything."

  "Agreed. The boys and I are checking something out now. I think we'll know where he's holed up by the time you get here," he said. "Stay away from downtown. Meet me at Colby Junior High School."

  The sheriff ended the call. Kate stared at the phone a second. "He keeps cutting me off like that. I swear I'm going to strangle him."

  She advised her friends what the sheriff said and wanted. None of them liked it, but if anyone knew what was going on in Tennyson it would be the police. So they headed out. She looked at the holes in her windows, wondering how to get the sheriff to pay for the repairs. He hired her for all practical purposes.


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