Mask of A Legend

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Mask of A Legend Page 7

by Stephen Andrew Salamon

  “Who is this ugly, black−?”

  Angelica covered Dina’s mouth and warned, “Don’t even go there, miss prissy.” Dine pushed her hand away from her face. “By the way, I’m Angelica Winters, pleased to meet you.” Dina pushed her out of her way and walked up to Legend.

  “So, you think that you’re going to get discovered by a modeling agent? Well, I have one thing to say to you, Legend, make sure when you walk on the catwalk, that you don’t show your face,” Dina rudely commented. Her friends immediately laughed.

  “Yeah, well don’t show yours either,” said Jenny. Dina and her friends walked away.

  “Why don’t you lose some weight?” Dina questioned. Her skinny, severely thin legs then entered the hotel with her stuck-up friends.

  Legend turned away from the hotel and commenced crying. At the same time, rain fell, poetically mixing in with the drops. She walked farther away from the hotel, and Jenny followed. But Angelica put her left hand in front of Jenny and said, “Let me handle this!” Jenny stopped as Angelica walked behind Legend, as if she knew the pain Legend felt, understood because her so-called ugliness resembled Legend’s. “I know what you’re feeling right now,” Angelica explained. Legend stopped walking and turned around to face her. “Don’t let those girls push you around. I promise you that you’ll have the time of your life in this hotel. I promise that you’ll get discovered by agents.”

  “You can’t be serious, you can’t keep a promise like that. . . . I’m just scared to go in there,” cried Legend. Jenny walked up to them slowly while the rain fell harder, pounding its way in through this precious moment. Eavesdropping.

  “Legend, listen, I have to go now. I’m sorry, but I promised my mother I would just drop you off,” Jenny said. She felt bad for leaving Legend in the position she’s in. “So, are you going to stay or not?” An angel with a bit of extra weight, Jenny prayed in her thoughts that Legend wouldn’t back down.

  Angelica looked at Legend and gave a big smile toward her, it was a smile that reflected off of Legend. Angelica turned around to face Jenny and said, “She’s going to stay!” Jenny gave Legend a hug and then jumped in the taxi which Dina exited from. Legend watched the taxi drive off while drying her tears with her wrist. Angelica grabbed onto Legend’s right hand and they both lingered into the hotel. Once they entered, Angelica guided Legend to a table that was in the center of the foyer.

  “Why hello there,” Paula said, sitting behind the table as Legend looked down at the red carpet. She didn’t want Paula to see her face, but Angelica grabbed onto Legend’s chin very gently and lifted it up. “Your name’s Legend, right?” Paula asked in a smiling manner, trying to cheer her up. She looked at Legend’s face and knew she was scared of what everyone would think of it.

  The moment had arrived, Legend standing there like a wounded lamb, begging to the wolf for mercy. Face-to-face, panic and a thirst of anxiety raced around her mind, feeling her tears pressing against her eyes− the pressure was immense, intense, like a bomb balancing on a fence made of fire. This was it.

  “Yes, ma’am,” Legend’s voice answered in a child’s tone, and all Paula could do was stare at her majestic, blue eyes. They were beautiful – like a blue diamond with pieces of white lines shaded around it – gorgeous in every way.

  “That’s a beautiful name for a beautiful young girl.” Legend grew a smile. “Now, did you pay the full amount for this event?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” replied Legend. Angelica smiled toward Paula also.

  “Alright, the training for the catwalk begins at 5:00 p.m., so that gives you a good two hours to get settled in your room. Um, after the training is finished, we’ll have a few guest speakers talk to all of you and mainly pump up your esteem for the real challenge tomorrow. Make sure that you’re up by 7:00 tomorrow morning: the agents will begin looking at you girls by 9:00. . . . Mainly you should concentrate on drinking ten glasses of water today, so that your skin will be cleansed, and putting moisturizer on your skin. Don’t wear any make-up tomorrow: the agents want to see the real you. Overall, have a good time. Do you have any questions? Oh, before I forget, make sure that your portfolio is correctly checked by one of our associates. What they’ll do is put your best photo in the front, because the agents will look at those first,” Paula explained in a fast manner. Legend’s mind got overwhelmed with all the things she had to do. “If you are not called back by an agent, meaning not chosen, then make sure you leave directly after the event is finished. But, if you are called back by them, then stay and wait for further instructions by myself or whoever is going to give them to you. Now, do you have any questions?”

  A line of girls formed behind Legend quickly. “Well, I don’t exactly have a portfolio, is that a problem?” Legend asked as Paula grinned.

  “No, not at all, we sell portfolios here, you can buy one right now if you want. They cost eighty dollars.” Legend looked at Angelica with sadness in her eyes.

  “I don’t have eighty dollars, do I really need a portfolio, ma’am?”

  “Please, call me ‘Paula’, and yes it would be a good step in showing the agents that you are serious about this. I mean, they are going to watch over eight hundred girls walk by them on the catwalk while showing their photos. It’s a lot easier to carry them in a portfolio.”

  Angelica walked up to Legend’s ear. “Don’t worry, I’ll pay for it,” Angelica whispered. Suddenly the girls standing behind them began saying mean things to Legend. The demons were growing impatient.

  “Come on, zit face, there are other girls who would like to get settled in their rooms,” a girl yelled out from behind Legend. And of course, jerks following jerks, made of plastic and cologne, the whole line started laughing: followers.

  “Here’s your badge, and have a good time,” Paula said in sincerity, handing Legend her name tag. “Wear this at all times while you’re out of your room. Agents could be walking by at any time: they’re in this hotel right as we speak. So if they like your look, then this name tag will be your key to having them know who you are.” Paula then gave a saddened smile toward Legend, a crooked grin that meant Legend, though a strong person and very courageous for attempting to go to this search, still wore a vivid mask of ugliness to its texture and knew that soon enough she would have to be let down as reality set in. Years of pressure to stay beautiful, thin and ageless taught Paula that.

  Legend waited for Angelica to get her name tag while Paula would stare at her every so often. Angelica then walked with Legend to get their keys for their rooms and ran up to the top floor with excitement. They endeared down the hallway toward Legend’s room first. “My God, we’re in the search, this is beautiful,” Legend announced, looking at the pink wallpaper and the oil paintings that hung in the hallway.

  “I know, I’ve been here many times,” Angelica stated. Suddenly she purposely bit her lip. “I mean, I know girls who have been here many times in the past.” They approached Legend’s room. “Hey, my room is right next-door” Angelica said. She stood next to her own room and Legend stood next to hers.

  “That’s great, do you want to come over to my room later on and we could watch a movie or something?” asked Legend.

  “Yeah, I’ll come over later on tonight.”

  Legend stuck her card key into the slot above the doorknob, and opened her door, slow and dramatic.

  “See you then, Angelica.” Legend walked into her room and her blue eyes widened to the sight of a chandelier that hung over the doorway inside. She brought her body deeper into the room and realized this was paradise, like she was walking into an abyss that was decorated with luxurious trinkets, and, overall, luxuries that only certain eyes were allowed to see. There were six rooms, and a bathroom as big as four rooms, and Legend roamed this magnificent sight and inhaled it all. She started to walk in one of the rooms and realized it was the master bedroom. There was a queen-size bed, vases at every end, and portraits of famous artists that stood in the pathway of her sight. She walked ove
r to the enormous queen-size bed and saw little, golden chocolates that lay in the center of it. She suddenly stepped onto the bed and stood up on it while jumping around. But her happiness ceased when she said, “Wait a second, this can’t be my room!” She then ran through the hotel room and headed for the door. It seemed like a labyrinth as Legend tried to find it. She reached the big door and hurried to open it. Ironically, Legend feared this beautiful sight: she feared it because she didn’t think it was hers to enjoy. She opened the door and found Angelica directly in front of her, holding up her fists as if she was ready to knock on the door. “Oh my God, Angelica, you scared me!”

  “What’s wrong?” asked Angelica. Legend tried to catch her breath, for she was terrified, calming down and laughing from being terrified and calming down all at the same time. A paradox.

  “The hotel must have made a mistake, this room seems like it would cost in the thousands to stay in, and I know I didn’t pay any thousand for it,” Legend fearfully replied. Angelica grew a small smile on her acne-filled face.

  “Legend, sometimes you have to accept things as they come to you, without asking any questions. A different reality.”

  “But this is outrageous, I mean, did you see my room?” Legend guided Angelica into the fancy room in a speedy manner, holding out her hands and pointing to the beauty all around.

  “Yes, I did see it, I have the exact same one, including the balcony.”

  Legend’s mouth dropped. “You mean my room has a balcony also?” She ran up to the huge window and realized it was a balcony door instead. She opened up the white, silken curtains and opened the glass door with excitement. She walked out onto the balcony while showing amazement in her eyes. She looked up and the rain fell upon her repulsive-looking face, while Angelica walked up to the balcony door and looked out at Legend through the window. “This is amazing!” Legend walked back into her hotel room.

  “Why thank you,” said Angelica. Once again she bit her bottom lip and showed some nervousness in her brown eyes. Hiding something was one thing, but Angelica was almost acting like she wanted Legend to find out that she was withholding something from her.

  “What did you say?” Attention-seeker or drama conspirator, Legend heard tidbits of what Angelica said, but didn’t make a big deal of it. If Angelica wanted to tell her something, then she would when the time came – Legend’s thinking.

  “I mean, yeah, it is amazing. Listen, could I use your bathroom, I really have to go?” Angelica walked toward the bathroom’s direction.

  “Yeah sure.”

  Angelica closed the bathroom door in a fast motion and walked up to the crystal-like sink and turned on the water, all the time looking down at the ground. She began putting the water on her black, acne-filled face and stared at her face in the mirror. A groan, deep and echo-like, came from the room while she stared at the mirror. Her image revealed a beautiful woman with long, black, silky hair and almond skin. Her face showed beauty in the mirror, beauty that was reflected off of it. The mirror vibrated a bit and stopped, and the water still ran down the crystal-like sink. “So this is the girl, right?” Angelica asked her reflection. The mirror illuminated light from the edges of it, starting to shine brightly as Angelica went over to the bathroom door and locked it. She went back to the mirror and watched as stars and beautiful, bright galaxies appeared in it. The background at the back of her went pitch-black and the voice echoes, though soft, came back to the room. Now they sounded like crying.

  “Yes, this is the one, and it is the last one for you. After this, hopefully your mission is complete,” a voice replied from the mirror. Angelica turned off the faucet and gaped at the mirror more.

  “Those other girls are so mean to her, sir, that’s the way girls used to treat me before I called upon you a long time ago,” Angelica said with a deep sadness. “I just hope that she really is the last one.”

  “Beautiful Angelica, she is the sixth one. After her, if she doesn’t succeed with making the right choice, your soul will go–”

  “I know the consequences, I know what will happen, alright, you don’t have to tell me. You have been telling me this for a very long time.” She turned away from the mirror and walked over to the door. This job sucks.

  “You are right, I forgot how long you’ve been imprisoned in your wish, or prayer, your desire, I am truly sorry,” the voice said. Angelica turned around to face it again and walked up to the mirror, touching it delicately.

  “Maybe I should choose another girl. I mean, I just started to study her about three months ago,” Angelica reminded.

  “No, Angelica, we heard Legend’s pleas for a long time. We’ve heard her cries for three years, and now it’s the time to heal them. You’ve been looking over her profile for three months, and I feel that’s enough time to make judgment on her. She is the one!”

  “I guess you’re right. Boy, Legend is in for the ride of her life: I could sense she is extremely beautiful from the inside.” Angelica smiled and she gazed at her beautiful image in the mirror, the reflection that also showed bright stars within it, reflections of the galaxy. “You know, I honestly think she’s gonna be the one to break me from this prison. . . . I just wish that I could tell her what she has to do, so she won’t end up like the others.”

  “You know the rules, Angelica.”

  “I know, and I think they’re stupid rules.”

  “Well, go to her now, she’s listening by the door,” the voice warned as the light ceased from the mirror’s edges. She walked over to the door and opened it, seeing Legend in her sight.

  “Who were you talking to?” Legend questioned. Angelica exited the bathroom and walked past her.

  “Oh, I was just talking to myself in the mirror.” Angelica proceeded to walk to the doorway of the hotel room.

  “What were you saying, ‘mirror, mirror, on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all’?”

  Angelica lingered her head to face her, while holding onto the doorknob. “Well, not exactly, but something kind of like that.” She opened the door and walked out in the frigid, over-air-conditioned hallway. “I’ll see you later on, bye. . . .”

  Chapter Six

  Aprivately owned jet flew over Illinois with two people in its metal body: a father and son. The father goes by the name of William Drakson, a very powerful man when it comes to wealth. His son, better known as Stephen Drakson, sat next to him with a stressed-out look on his handsome, white face. The stewardess came up to them and announced that the plane will be landing very shortly in Chicago, while Stephen kept on showing stress through his black eyes. It was obvious they weren’t close to one another: both had their eyes on the morning paper, and the silence suffocated the air as an old hatred they had was still brewing. Needless to say, his father broke the air, turned to him and asked, “Stephen, what’s wrong?”

  “I’m just sick of going to these model searches and doing your job. Why can’t you go alone and choose the girls whom you want to represent?” Stephen asked, almost whining like a child. A rich brat perhaps, with a silver spoon syndrome like the loving, narcissus Dina, or maybe just lost in his own path of life. Stephen was that of an enigma, even to his father. His mood was stern and his voice was somewhat spoiled-like.

  “That’s not the only reason, Stephen. The other reason why you’re going to this model search is for you to make a guest appearance. There are a lot of young models there who need some words of advice from a supermodel like yourself!”

  His father cared, of course, about money and only money. He breathed it, dreamt it, ate it, it was it, the ‘it’ in his life that gave meaning to his aging spirit. And if that included Stephen working for him to get more of it, then he didn’t care how he felt: no drama, just money.

  “Father, why don’t you just tell me the main reason why I’m going? The real reason is that you want me to find a girlfriend there, when I already told you that it’s too soon for me to go on the hunt again. I mean, I just broke up with Viennese a month ago, I stil
l need time.” Stephen then buckled up his seat belt. “Besides, you know, as well as I know, that the only type of girl I’m interested in is the ‘beyond beautiful’ type, and that’s your fault. You always wanted me to date those types of girls in the past, for your own reputation. These so-called models, that are going to be there, I’m almost positive, will not fit in that category. I’m sure they’ll be pretty, but not beyond beautiful!”

  The brat calls me Father, still.

  “Listen to me, Stephen, when we get there, you’ll see, I’m sure there’ll be a nice girl for you. Besides, you’re eighteen years old, I don’t want you to go through the trouble of being depressed over that bitch Viennese. I told you that she was a bitch and a supermodel before you saw her. But, as soon as I said ‘supermodel’, you wanted her. Now it’s time for you to find a girl who’s nice and pretty.” The plane began to descend toward Chicago.

  “First of all, there is no such thing as a nice and pretty girl. Secondly, I don’t want a nice and pretty girl, I want a beautiful one and that’s it. If she’s beautiful, that’s enough for me,” said Stephen while the stewardess buckled herself into a seat that was in the front of the plane. Stephen noticed his father was looking at him strangely. “Don’t look at me like that, it’s your fault for making me like this, making me only want those types of girls.”

  “Yes, I know, but there are other girls out there that don’t fit in that category, but still have that beauty on the inside,” his father said.

  “Oh please, Father, don’t give me that speech again.”

  “What speech…son?”

  “The speech on, ‘it’s more important to see what’s on the inside, instead of the outside.’ Before you never used to give me that speech, and now, all of a sudden, you are. Why is that?”

  “Because, Stephen, you’re getting older, and the girls whom you’ve dated in the past have been complete bitches to you, and to our agency. It’s time for you to stop looking at the ‘beyond beautiful’ side of women, and start being realistic. Take Viennese: she dated you, only to hurt you at the end. That’s the way it’s been for you for a long time, and I’m sick of seeing you in pain over that,” his father replied when Stephen started laughing again.


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