Mask of A Legend

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Mask of A Legend Page 22

by Stephen Andrew Salamon

  Her tears fell faster than her words could come. “Because those men are the ugly ones. Those men, who abuse women, are the ugly ones. . . . All women are beautiful, and for that, we do not deserve to be mentally, as well as physically, struck by a man who we thought loved us. It’s our right! That’s why many of us are stupid – we stay with these men, and allow them to hurt us. But, in the end, when we do realize we’re beautiful, that’s when we become smart, and leave the ugly man behind.”

  Her tears showed her inner beauty to millions who watched on their television sets, and the audience members who sat and listened to her, and to her tears. The women in the audience felt Legend’s pain, and for that, they all cried.

  “I was discovered last November at a modeling event, and I never thought I would be called a supermodel. . . . I’m a perfect example of a girl who finally realized she was beautiful. And for that, I left my mother, whom I made up with before I left to go on my modeling career. I never called her since – I still have with me the memories of her abuse toward me. . . . I got smart, and realized that forgiveness is not always the best policy. . . . Sometimes it takes more than just a simple ‘sorry’ or apology. . . . Actions speak louder than words, and for that, hopefully this charity event will raise enough money for those women who want to get out of that situation, as I did.

  “Hopefully, those of you viewing your television, and watching me, as well as these women in the audience, will pick up your phones, and give money to those who need it, to those who want to escape the physical and mental abuse, and go on to live a life where they realize they’re beautiful,” she announced.

  Stephen put his hand against his chest, and gave an expression of love. “Father,” Stephen said, still staring at this beautiful sight of an angel that was called ‘Legend’.

  “What?” William said. He, too, stared at Legend, and his face gave an expression of happiness.

  “I love that girl,” Stephen replied. He still listened to Legend’s voice, showing her inner beauty to the world, and her outer beauty that was only a mask.

  “These women built their lives around their abusers. They’re afraid, lost, fearing financial losses if and when they leave. Help them know there’s nothing to fear,” Legend said.

  Legend explained more about beauty and the audience still stayed silent and watched, listened to a girl who shined her beauty toward many. “I know that most of you are thinking, ‘Well, Legend’s beautiful, and she has it all, what does she know about being an ugly woman who was abused?’ Well, let me tell you that I know a lot, and for that, if you find me beautiful, then all of you are beautiful also – we share the same memories of abuse, and the same feelings of our looks.”

  “We are all the same mentally, but we get confused when we see each other’s physical appearance. Don’t judge a book by its cover. Many women, who have it all, share memories of abuse, and for that, we shall overcome it, and kick the men, who cause us pain, out of our lives!” she shouted, her tears falling from her beautiful, blue eyes, hearing the audience clapping and standing up. The claps were heard by Legend, and the smiles were seen by her as well. “By the way, this is a Jack Fronter ensemble that I’m wearing,” she laughed.

  Stephen and William laughed also.

  “Well, at least she mentioned his clothes,” William said with laughter.

  Legend began waving her hands toward the audience, while they continued to clap theirs.

  She walked off the stage, with nervousness still on her face, and approached Stephen, asking, “How did I do?”

  Stephen gave her a gentle kiss on the face. “Well, put it this way, every woman will look up to you now. You did fabulous!”

  “I wish Mark was here to see me,” Legend said.

  Stephen became saddened by that.

  “Well, I’m sure he watched it on his television. He already told me he apologizes for cancelling at the last minute, due to his flu; but I’m sure he saw it, Legend,” Stephen said. “Well, let’s get out of here now, you have an appointment with another modeling magazine at 5:00 p.m., and I don’t want you to be late for it.” Stephen, Legend and William walked to the back door of the stage. “Father, did you call the chauffeur and tell him to meet us in the back?”

  Stephen put his hand on the doorknob.

  “Yeah, he should be right behind this door, waiting for us.”

  Stephen opened the door, and in their view were hundreds of girls, screaming out Legend’s name with smiles on their faces. They screamed out with joy, as their idol, who’s as beautiful as an angel’s wing, came out of the door and stood in their sights. Legend’s face showed fear; she panicked that all these women looked up to her for her masked beauty. But that was in the back of her mind, her real fear was that she would get trampled to death if she walked any closer to the mob of girls.

  “Stephen, where’s the limo?” Legend asked.

  Stephen and William pulled Legend back inside of the doorway and shut it. The fans were pounding on the door: they wanted to have one last glimpse of the beauty who shined her inner self to the world just a few minutes ago.

  “Alright, the limo’s right outside. On the count of three, we open the door and run for it. The limo should be right behind the crowd,” Stephen said. He grasped onto the doorknob and began to rub it. “One . . . two . . .,” Stephen added. Legend swallowed her saliva, but suddenly formed a smile on her face.

  “My God, this is exciting,” Legend laughed. Stephen and William grabbed onto Legend’s hands and got ready to run through the doorway.

  “Three!” Stephen then opened the door and ran through the crowd of girls, who saw Legend’s beauty as something they wanted to be like. They screamed out her name, as Legend, Stephen and William ran for the limousine that was directly at the back of the crowd. “Next time we will have bodyguards,” Stephen said.

  They came up to the limo and the girls were crying out Legend’s name.

  “We love you, Legend,” a girl screamed out, touching Legend’s long, blonde hair, and yelling even more. Legend turned around to see the girl, and saw a young woman with acne on her face and a scar on her lip. “I love you!” she screamed out again. More and more young girls, with judgmental ugliness to them, tried to reach out and touch the woman with the beauty of a thousand angels.

  “I love all of you,” Legend said, smiling, with the crowd yelling more. Stephen opened up the limousine door and entered it, but Legend still stayed outside and watched her fans showing their love for her by their screams of joy.

  Legend was a symbol of hope to all girls who weren’t blessed with beauty when they were born. She was even a symbol to the women who were blessed with beauty, but weren’t blessed with an inner character that showed beauty in itself. An idol to all girls, because she was perfect through their eyes. A symbol of ‘hope’. Legend finally entered the limo and Mark was in her view. “What are you doing here, I thought you had the flu?” Legend asked. She gave Mark a tight hug and he watched Stephen’s face change to a lazy smile.

  Mark knew Stephen lied about him having the flu, because he wanted Legend to see only him for the time being. “Well, um, who said I had the flu?” Mark asked, ogling Stephen’s envious eyes.

  “Stephen did. He said you canceled because you weren’t feeling good,” replied Legend. The limousine moved, yet the crowd of girls were trying desperately to move with it.

  Stephen faced Mark, and tried to say he was ‘sorry’, through his eyes, for lying. “Well, yeah, it was true, I was sick. But now I’m feeling better,” Mark then winked his right eye at Stephen.

  “We’d better pick up Dina from that modeling show now, because we still have to take Legend to that thing at 5:00 p.m.,” Stephen said to his father. Legend grabbed onto Mark’s hand, caressing it and Stephen saw that. Jealousy overwhelmed Stephen, so he said, “Yeah, um, so, Mark, are you going to come with us to Legend’s appointment?”

  “Well, do you want me to?” Mark joked, but Legend looked at him with puzzlement.
br />   “Of course he does,” Legend said, still looking at the both of them with uncertainty.

  “Yeah, of course I do,” Stephen finally replied. Mark gave out a smile toward him, and then kissed Legend on the lips. It was like Mark was trying to make Stephen jealous on purpose, perhaps finding it amusing that he had something Stephen desired.

  As they drove, William received a call from Dina, saying that she was ready to be picked up. They pulled up to the destination, picked Dina up, and then drove off. “How did you enjoy your day, Dina?” Stephen said. He kissed her heavily, Legend seeing it and becoming jealous. She looked at Dina kissing Stephen, and realized Stephen was doing it on purpose.

  “Oh, it was fine, honey, but I’m all tired out,” Dina replied. She went back to kissing Stephen again and Legend’s eyes were filled with envy she didn’t want. “Hey, Legend, I saw your speech, everyone was talking about it at the modeling show. You did great.”

  Legend smiled back. “Why thank you, Dina.” And then Dina kissed Stephen yet again.

  For that, Legend started to kiss Mark, in order for Stephen to see it. Stephen looked at Legend, while he was kissing Dina, and Legend looked at Stephen, while she was kissing Mark. It was an endless battle between feelings that Stephen already told Legend about, but still Legend kept inside.

  The day passed and night fell upon the Beverly Hills land. They all came home at the same time, after a busy day of giving speeches, signing contracts, and walking down luxurious catwalks, while fake-smiling.

  Dina and Stephen went up to bed. Legend said ‘goodbye’ to Mark and kissed him gently on the face. She walked up to her room, and saw Sylvia standing by her doorway, looking in it suspiciously. “Goodnight, Sylvia,” Legend said. She passed Sylvia and entered her room.

  “What did you say?”

  Legend turned around to face Sylvia and she still stood by her doorway.

  “I said, goodnight,” replied Legend. Dina walked past Sylvia and tapped her on the shoulder.

  “Goodnight, Sylvia,” said Dina.

  Sylvia smiled toward her. “Oh, goodnight, ma’am.” Sylvia then turned toward Legend: her smile melted into an evil line that matched her glare. Legend walked over to her window, opened it up, and stepped out onto her balcony. Sylvia said, “You’re letting all the bugs in!”

  “Oh, I’ll close it in a minute. I just want to look at the stars for a moment, before I go to bed.”

  Sylvia walked into her bedroom and walked up to the window.

  “Well, Miss Thing, within that minute, about thirty thousand mosquitoes will be making their nests in this mansion.” Sylvia shut the window, but Legend still stood outside.

  “Alright, Sylvia, stop playing around, open this window.”

  Sylvia still kept it closed, gawking at Legend through the darkness. “I told you to close it, but you wouldn’t listen,” said Sylvia. She locked the window, causing Legend to grow angry.

  Legend grew even more angry as a cold breeze rushed against her body, making her shiver within the darkness. Suddenly, she pounded on the window, yelling out, “Open this window now. . . .” Right away, Sylvia took her wrinkly hand, and opened the window, while Legend came rushing in. “Alright, Sylvia, I want to know what’s your problem. Why are you acting so mean to me?” Sylvia began to walk toward the doorway. “You know, Dina treats you like a slave, she calls you names, and I hear them being called to you. But, overall, you still treat her nicely, and kiss her butt. With me, I treat you with respect, but you still treat me like a pile of shit. Why is that?”

  Sylvia shifted her body to her, and gave out a sinister, crooked smile. “Because, Legend, you’re too good to be true. I’m on to you.”

  “I’m too good to be true? How do you mean?”

  Sylvia stepped up to Legend. “I may be an old woman, but I still have instincts, damn good ones, too. Every girl whom Stephen brought home was beautiful. But still, they weren’t perfect like you are. They were bitches, and for that, I knew their character. With you, you’re kind, generous, sweet, smart, caring, and overall, beautiful. Not possible. There’s some flaw in you, and I’m going to treat you like this until I see your flaw. I don’t care how attractive you are, or how good you are at giving speeches; no one’s perfect, and I know you have something you’re hiding.”

  Legend stood there, fear-filled.

  “I’m not hiding anything. You’re just too used to seeing bitches, and for that, you want me to be one also. But the thing is, I’m not a bitch, and I’m not hiding anything.”

  Sylvia turned around again and walked to the doorway.

  “Well, Legend, you may be able to fool the whole world, but you don’t fool me one bit. . . . Everyone has a flaw, and until you show yours, I’m going to treat you the way I want to.” Sylvia then walked out of the room and turned around to face Legend. “I never met a beautiful girl who doesn’t like to look in mirrors. Those magazines say you don’t like looking in mirrors, saying it’s because you’re not conceited about your beauty, and for that, you’re perfect.”

  “Well, honey, you don’t fool me, there’s another reason why you hate your reflection. I’m an eighty-two-year-old woman, and I never knew a beautiful girl who didn’t like her beauty, who didn’t look at her reflection.” She walked away from the doorway and moseyed down the hallway.

  Legend just stood there, wondering why Sylvia said that. A familiar depression washed over her and she walked around her darkened room, a place of beauty when the light was on. Her room was gorgeous, but because of the darkness, she couldn’t see its beauty. That’s when she comprehended she was like the darkened room, her mask of beauty was hiding her true self, her true image.

  But it’s a face that no one would like.

  Those thoughts rambled around her head. She walked into the bathroom, faced the floor, and saw the mirror she took down when she first came to the mansion.

  What am I doing?

  She squatted down on the white, cold tiles, and looked at her ugly reflection in the mirror. “Who are you?” she whispered, her hands feeling the mirror, rubbing her reflection at the same time. “You’re Legend Conaway, and that’s that.”

  She got up from the ground and headed over to the balcony window. On the balcony, she stared at the heavens, the stars that hung from it, and the direction that she once loved to face. “Angelica, I’m so confused about this mask,” she said. A puff of wind blew against her hair. “I mean, I want the world to see the real me. . . . I want Stephen to see the real me. I guess that’s my real problem, I like Stephen so much, but I know I wear a mask of beauty, and I know that’s the only thing he’s attracted to. . . . I know that’s the only thing the whole world is attracted to. I forget about this mask sometimes, since I don’t look at my reflection often. But when I do remember it, I become so empty inside, I feel like a sinner,” she said to the heavens. Her eyes formed tears that immediately fell from them. “But this miracle, this wish of mine, I’m going to learn to live with it, because I was lucky enough to have my wish heard.”

  She looked up at the heavens more closely, and then shut her eyes, causing her last tears to be squeezed out. “You know, I should have wished for beauty that I could see also. Stupid. I mean, I didn’t know that the whole world would fall in love with me. And I didn’t know that I would fall in love with–” She suddenly paused and looked at her words in her mind. “With–” she said again and paused again.

  She couldn’t say what she was thinking. It was at the tip of her mind, and she didn’t know if she could allow it to go beyond her brain, and be transferred vocally. She feared to say the words, knowing the words would hurt her more if she spoke them. But she squeezed her eyes tighter, then opened them. “–With Stephen. My God, I think I love him . . . but I can’t allow my feelings to be shown to him.

  I’m terrified.

  Her tears appeared again. “He’s not like me, he only looks at outer beauty, and for that, I will stay with Mark, who looks for inner, as well as outer beauty. I ju
st wish that I wouldn’t have fallen in love with, with, with Stephen. That is, if I really did fall for him. My God, I did, I do love him,” she cried. Her confusion was vanishing toward her feelings for Stephen, and a new confusion was setting in.

  “But I have to live with it, and deal with it. . . .” She then slowly turned around and walked back inside of her room, when suddenly she said, “I love the whole world, only because they call me beautiful. And I love Mark, because he accepts my inner beauty, as well as me. . . . But my love for Stephen is greater . . . and he’s the one I dislike, because he’s a pig.

  “Why am I so confused about this, this love thing for Stephen? Why couldn’t this wish be simple, where I wouldn’t have met Stephen, and never had a chance to fall for him? Where I wouldn’t have become known to the world, and have them fall for this … mask? Why couldn’t it have been a simple wish, and have me be beautiful, and that’s it? Why is love so confusing? Why is that, Angelica?” she pleaded to the heavens. She continued to walk to her bed. “Goodnight, Angelica, wherever you are . . . and whatever happens with my mask, I just want to say, thank you for this wish. . . .”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Legend’s mask of beauty grew stronger to the world as the months passed. She was known as the ‘Beauty With a Voice’, speaking at many charities, and raising many heads and ears to the sound of her voice, the pleas for them to give money. She spoke about AIDS, child abuse, neglect, drugs and peer pressure, and most of all, inner and outer beauty. She was an idol to many young girls, and old ones, since she showed them that a girl could be beautiful, and, at the same time, have inner beauty in itself.

  Her voice shined to them, radiated to all unattractive, young women who once thought they were useless because of their looks. Now they have the hope to shine their beauty through their lie of ugliness, and all because of a girl who’s called ‘Legend’. She was a legend to them, making them want to work on their inner beauty more, instead of their outer. Legend showed the young girls, as well as old, that inner beauty shines greater, and longer than inner.


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