A Perfect Business Arrangement

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A Perfect Business Arrangement Page 5

by Gemma Arlington

  “Excuse me?” I scowled. What the fuck, who did he think he was talking to?

  “Oh I am sorry, did I hit a nerve?” he continued.

  “Go to hell, Asher,” I yelled, turning around and storming off in a different direction.

  “Blake, where are you going?” he yelled.

  “Away from you, you inconsiderate prick,” I called back.

  “You don’t know where you’re going,” he replied.

  At this point in time I didn’t care; I just needed space from him. He promised to not

  bring up my sordid past, not that it was repugnant in any way. The politician’s son was twenty-one and I had met him when I was working in Australia. He was on holidays with his family and I didn’t even realize who his family was until the following morning when I woke to find him passed out beside me and I recognized his face.

  “I don’t give a flying fuck where I go Asher, as long as I get away from you,” I groaned.

  “Blake,” he yelled, making me stop in my tracks.

  “What,” I groaned, turning around just as he lips came slamming into mine.

  Chapter Ten


  I pulled back and slapped him across the face before making a dash away from him yet again.

  “You can run, Blake, but it’s no use. I know every square inch of this property,” he shouted.

  “You are so infuriating,” I bellowed, turning on him. “Do you understand anything about being a gentleman?”

  “You’re sexy as hell when you’re riled up,” he spat back.

  I stood there, standing my ground, staring into those beautiful blue eyes of his, feeling so turned on that I could happily strip off all my clothes and have a little play right there in the green grass.

  “I really want to kiss you right now,” he admitted.

  “I would rather slap the smirk off your face than kiss you,” I replied.

  “You wouldn’t dare slap me, not again, especially if you know what’s good for you,” he smiled.

  “Oh, I did slap you, and I will again,” I said, stepping closer to him.

  “Are you two going to fuck in the grass or are you going to come back and say hello to dad? He’s home,” Chase called out, breaking the weird sexual connection Asher was hooking me with.

  I smiled and took a step toward my soon-to-be brother-in-law. “I would happily go for a good fuck in the grass, but it seems your brother doesn’t want to,” I smiled.

  “I’ll gladly oblige if he doesn’t want you, honey,” Chase joked, taking hold of my hand and bringing me toward his body. The guy must have been a quarterback because he was extremely toned, not to mention the fact that he smelled divine. He smirked before dipping me and taking my mouth with force.

  “Back the fuck off, Chase,” Asher warned, stepping forward and prying me from Chase’s arms. “Tell dad we will be up in a minute,” Asher groaned, pulling me away. He ushered us toward the seclusion of a maple tree, pushing my back into the trunk and pinning me there.

  It seemed he wanted to talk, but I was going to make him hear me out; he would hear every last word I had to say about him, the conniving son-of-a-bitch.

  “Do you know how long it took for me to get over you, how long it took me to put up walls to protect myself? Now you just walk back in, ask me to marry you, and then use my past against me,” I declared, angry with not only Asher but also myself for delving down this path. For agreeing to live out the next two years married to a complete asshole.

  “I was joking,” he interjected.

  “I don’t give a fuck if you were joking or not. I know you Asher, you joke at the expense of the poor victim. You don’t give a flying leap if they are hurt or not, as long as it gives you a kick.”

  “Lighten up, Blake,” he barked, running a hand through his hair.

  “You don’t get it, you will never understand because you can’t see the damage you do to others,” I sighed.

  “I’m not the man I once was,” he yelled. “I’ve changed. Yes, I like to fool around, but for heaven’s sake Blake, life is too short.” He ran a hand through his hair; it was a beautiful thing to watch. “Arrr, you are so irritatingly sexy,” he growled, slamming his divine lips into mine. I moaned in pleasure and embraced what he was giving me. Fuck this, if I was to put up with him for two years I at least wanted to add sex to our contract.

  Chapter Ten


  “Are you ready to discuss this contract?” he asked, walking into his office the following morning.

  I had met his mother, and she was an over-bearing woman, but she wasn’t as bad as my mother. As for his father, the man was charming, delightful, and I now understood where Asher got his looks from. I shook my head, trying to focus on the contract I was about to agree too. There would be no turning back from this once I signed and I wasn’t sure if the tiny butterflies in the pit of my stomach were from excitement or from fear at what might happen to me.

  “As ready as I’ll ever be,” I answered with a hesitant smile.

  He opened a manila folder on his desk and handed me some papers. “This is the contract I had the lawyers draw up. There are

  many dot points we can discuss and change,

  just note that this is not the final contract, which means you don’t have to sign anything yet.

  I took a deep breath and looked down at the contract in my lap. There were so many dot points and appendixes. I could tell this was going to be a long discussion.

  This agreement hereby states the following:

  This contract is a legally binding document between Mr. Asher Crawford and Ms. Blake Wright.

  Both parties have agreed as follows:

  Mr. Crawford is to marry Ms. Wright and stay married for a period no longer but no shorter than two years. (Date marriage began – date marriage ended.)

  A press release declaring the engagement of said parties has been drafted up and you will find it attached. (Refer to Appendix one.) Both parties are to revise and sign off before the marriage.

  Both Mr. Crawford and Ms. Wright must read over and discuss a prenuptial agreement that is to be signed and witnessed before _______________ (set date.) (Refer to Appendix two.)

  The sum of one million, five hundred thousand dollars will be paid to Ms. Wright in installments for the duration of the two-year marriage, and will be deposited into an account nominated by her.

  Both parties will reside in The Eluvium apartments, penthouse suite - (897 Preston and Waterloo Street, Downtown Chicago, Illinois 67809) for the duration of the marriage. However, each party may also reside in Mr. Crawford’s country house – (89 Road Crossers Lane,) and/or any of the company’s properties at any time.

  As per Mr. Crawford’s request, on top of the agreed sum, Ms. Wright will receive an allowance for clothing, travel expenses, and any other bills she may incur during the two-year period of the marriage.

  Both parties are to nominate a representative to look over and handle any personal wealth, real estate investments, and or company business that will occur during the duration of the marriage.

  Sex (Refer to Appendix three.)

  “Sex,” I shrieked. “Really, Asher you need an appendix for sex?” I giggled.

  “Continue,” he commented.

  I rolled my eyes and continued.



  Date: April 8th


  Mr. & Mrs. Crawford and Mr. & Mrs. Wright are pleased to announce the engagement of Mr. Asher Crawford to Ms. Blake Wright.

  The engagement sees the joining of two major families. Mrs. Elena Wright is a well-known political figure here in the States. The Crawfords have helped shape the city of Chicago into what it is today.

  The couple plans to wed in June, which is set to be an extravagant affair.

  (Both parties are to witness and sign said document, ready for immediate release.)

  Blake Wright Asher Crawford

sp; “Do we really have to discuss this?” I enquired, already tired of reading all this legal mumbo jumbo.

  “It’s something that has to be done. Besides, you should be grateful I didn’t bring in my lawyers for this,” he replied.

  I groaned and returned to reading.


  Prenuptial Agreement

  This pre-marital agreement was made on 8 of April, on the year twenty fourteen, between:

  Asher Jake Crawford


  Blake Constance Wright

  Although the parties aim to get married under the laws of the state of Illinois, both parties hope to set forth, prior to their wedding, the legal rights they would both have as a married couple on the occasion of death, separation, or any other unforeseen circumstances that may occur which would result in the cancelation of their marriage.

  In cooperation, the parties have written up a complete list of their property (refer to exhibit A & B) attached with this agreement.

  Both parties who have read this agreement have not been forced, threatened, or in any way coerced into signing said agreement. They approve that this legal document is fair with reference to their assets and to any property incurred during their marriage.

  Each party can keep hold of all rights to his or her separate individual assets.

  At any time the individuals can exercise the right to his or her individual property as if they were not married, together with but not partial to the right and authority to entertain, sell, manage, gift and express the separate property.

  Oh shit, I had no clue what this mumble jumble meant but I could get my lawyers to look over this before I signed anything.

  Asher spoke out, “I suspect you’re wondering what this means? It means that you’re free to sell your property, gift it, or manage it in whatever way you like.

  Each party is responsible for their own separate taxes and are in no way to shift blame or responsibility to the other.

  Both parties can in no way contest or lay claim to any wills, accounts, trust accounts, and/or properties that the other holds.

  In the event of separation or divorce, the parties shall have no rights against each other for splitting up property accessible of this date.

  In the likelihood of children being born during the marriage, this should be dealt with at the time.

  “Children…really?” I grumbled. “You know this is rubbish, come on Asher. Do you think I am going to take you for all your money?” I groaned. “I have millions, and I do means millions, and since you’re paying me to marry your sorry ass, I won’t be needing this darn thing,” I continued.

  “I’ll make you a deal; you sign and in six months I’ll rip up the ‘darn’ things,” he remarked. “Now continue on, you never know, you might just like what you see,” he smirked.


  First and foremost, any sexual activity from here on out is legally conducted between two consenting adults.

  This agreement can be changed or amended at any time to suit either party, but must be agreed upon by both parties before it becomes valid.

  Both parties are to adhere to the rules and regulations of this contract to the best of their abilities, but as stated previously, this agreement may change according to the individual needs of either party member.

  “Would you care to explain why there is nothing else written into this part of the contract? You told me I would like what I would see. Well, I don’t like,” I joked. In fact I liked it a lot, with nothing written in this appendix it meant that anything was possible.

  “This is where the fun begins. I know you well enough to look after you, to take care of your needs when it comes to finances etc., but what I don’t know is how to care for the sexual needs. I know you’re going to have them,” he stated with a smile. “This is the time where you can voice whatever you wish to disclose, and in turn, I’ll make sure I adhere to this part of the contract,” he continued.

  “What makes you think I want sex from you?” I enquired, crossing my arms over my

  chest. I had particular tastes when it came to sex and most men never made the cut when it came to pleasing me.

  “Two years of marriage,” he simply declared.

  He knew it and I knew it. Two years of marriage was a long time to go without sex and I knew if I declined this part of the contract it could mean I would have a permanent party with my battery-operated friends.

  “Fine,” I whined.

  “Firstly, I’ll jump in by stating that we will both go and have health checks before we even commence any sexual activity. Neither of us wants to end up with any sexual…”

  “You think I have some weird sexual disease?” I exclaimed.

  “No, but it’s a safety precaution,” he said.


  “Secondly, I hate condoms, so I at least expect you to be on some form of birth control: the pill, needle, anything that will allow us to not have to use such measures.”

  I rolled my eyes: men and their ideas. Regardless, I was already on the pill. I too hated the feel of the latex rubber balloons that so lovingly hugged a man’s cock.

  “Now that I have those two things cleared up, you’re free to pipe in and tell me what you expect from me in the bedroom,” he smiled.

  I didn’t expect anything from him in the bedroom because I was never a real bedroom-sex kind of gal. I loved thrills, the element of surprise, and when it boiled down to it, public sex would win out most days. I smiled thinking about the unrestricted sex I had with that hot surfer on the beach back in Sydney; man I missed Australia. I have to say, while it was a great fuck, the sand was not a great addition to the fun.

  “If that smile on your lips is any indicator, I’m thinking I have my hands full with you,” Asher chimed in.

  “Remember when I said you would wish you never married me? Well let’s just say, the way I like sex is a lot different to most woman… are you sure you’re game enough to tackle my needs?” I enquired, leaning forward and placing the contracts down before sashaying around his desk and coming to a stop mere inches from him. I leaned over.

  “I’m a handful,” I whispered. “Are you ready to handle me?”

  Chapter Eleven


  I wasn’t sure if I could handle her at all; she was smart, sophisticated, and from the heated sexual discussion we had just had, she was into some fucking pretty kinky things in and out of the bedroom. It appeared the sweet, somewhat innocent seventeen-year-old I had once known was long gone. She had skipped town and shielded her heart from me. I couldn’t blame her; I was the one who controlled and manipulated her into something I thought I needed. I smashed her dreams of marriage, which is strange since I was now set to marry her in early June.

  “Mr. Crawford, I have Carter Harris on line one,” Delia’s voice rang out through the office speaker phone.

  “Thank you, Delia,” I replied before I pressed the flashing light on my phone.

  “Carter,” I spoke.

  “Asher, I hear congratulations are in order,” he said. “She is a sweet girl, but do you

  really think she is going to be the face of Crawford?” he added.

  “You know I have no choice, besides I’ve discussed with her what the job entails and I’ll make sure she understands that I still run this company,” I avowed.

  He didn’t know Blake like I did, she was a very ambitious woman, but she would follow orders. She was a professional accountant, which meant she would prefer to oversee the books than to work at the head of the company.

  “Leave it all to me; trust me when I say she won’t be a problem.”


  Won’t be a problem my ass, she was a fucking nightmare.

  “You said I could easily change things here, why the hell are you complaining now? I live here too,” she barked.

  “I know damn well that you live here. I let you move in, remember…”

  “What on earth is stuck up your ass,
Asher? A fucking pencil? Or maybe it’s because you have just realized you can’t control me,” she smirked, the cocky bitch.

  “Your smart mouth, sweetheart, is going

  to get you into a lot of trouble,” I warned. My patience with her was wearing slightly thin today. She had only moved in yesterday after our little sex chat, but we had still not been able to come to any conclusions about the contract. She was crazy — wild, in fact — and I wasn’t even at all sure I could rein her in. I was screwed and I hadn’t even put a fucking ring on her.

  The wedding was in three weeks’ time. My mother was driving me and Blake mental with all the fucking names of the people I had to invite to the ceremony. Blake’s mother was just as bad, demanding that they be allowed to invite people Blake had never even heard of or met in her life.

  “I know why you’re angry; you don’t want to be married. You just want to fuck around. You still want to be the big bad playboy; well, don’t mind me, honey. I’ll happily service myself with all the battery-operated sex toys I’ll buy with the company credit card,” she smiled.


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