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ROMEO Page 16

by Ruby Rowe

  “They don’t care about your bodyguards.”

  “This situation is different. You weren’t walking me to the car. We were talking right outside Dungeon Six, and I appear upset in the photos, so the paparazzi will be hunting us like we’re prey, waiting to catch us out together to concoct any story they can about our relationship.”

  Sliding a hand along the back of my neck, he takes a long breath.

  “It’s too late,” he says.

  “I know, and I’m sorry I got you into this mess. I’ll do everything I can to steer their attention away from you.”

  “I meant it’s too late for me to walk away. I want to be with you, and I know I haven’t shared about my private life, but I will. I just need to sort some shit out first.”

  “You’re not saying you have to get your divorce first, are you?”

  He grimaces. “No, difficult woman. I’m not married or with anyone else.”

  “I’m afraid I’m going to get hurt.”

  “Isn’t that a risk for both people in a relationship? What I can tell you is that I’m not going anywhere if you’ll have me, and I’ll do my damnedest not to hurt you.” He gives a lazy but sexy smile. “Not emotionally, anyway.”

  “Don’t make me laugh. That masochistic shit is what got me into this mess with the media.”

  He pulls me toward him to rest his head against mine.

  “Let me back in, baby. Forgive me.”

  Biting my lip, I think about what I want. I didn’t show it before the party, but the second I saw him in my bedroom doorway, I felt overwhelming relief and the strongest sense of safety.

  “I can’t go back to our arrangement,” I whisper. “I need more.”

  “I want more, too. I want all of you, not only sex or your submission. I missed your stubbornness so damn much.”

  Smiling, I push on his chest. “And I missed your caveman disposition. I also missed your strength and attentiveness, and I’m terrified to need it … to need you.”

  Softly, his lips press to mine. “Don’t think for a second that I don’t need you, too. I didn’t realize what was missing in my life until I fell hard into yours.” He kisses my nose … my cheek … and the corner of my mouth. “It’s where I discovered I love you.”

  “Griffin … I love you, too.”



  “I dare you to ring, phone, one more time,” I mumble before I pull away from Griffin’s warm body and sit up. Across the room, my cell phone dings, informing me I have another voicemail. I have a feeling there are quite a few of them this morning.

  I look down at Griffin. I don’t know how he’s still asleep after all the dings and rings from my phone, but I imagine it’s because he’s exhausted.

  All he does is work. Maybe having me safely in his arms is what made him feel comfortable enough to let his guard down and rest.

  We slept sideways on the bed in our shoes and clothes, so combine that with the alcohol and the little sleep I got, and I’m left feeling like crap this morning. Coffee. I need a lot of it.

  Quietly, I climb off the bed and head to my bathroom. I should shower, but caffeine is too necessary, so I change into some comfy shorts and a t-shirt and head downstairs to the kitchen.

  I start a carafe of dark roast and lean against the counter to read my text messages.

  Drake: Where are you?? I called last night, too.

  Oh, brother. I can’t talk to him today. He’s not going to like what I have to say.

  Me: I’m home and busy. Talk tomorrow.

  Drake: That’s all you have to say after the story that broke yesterday?

  Me: I said I’ll talk to you tomorrow.

  Drake: I hope you’re busy doing damage control!

  I hold my middle finger up to the phone. Is there an emoji for that? Turning around, I pour a cup of coffee, and my phone dings again.

  Drake: Ava, we have to talk. My career’s at stake as much as yours is with this news.

  Me: Doesn’t that bother you? You know, that your career relies on mine??

  I stroll over to the refrigerator to grab the creamer, and when I return, there’s still no reply. Well, that shut him up. Drake’s persistent, though; he’ll be back.

  I check my voicemails, and as I expected, several people left messages: my father, sister, Drake, and Holly, and then there are three from Rozanne. I don’t want to deal with this today, but I need to, so I call my agent first.

  “Hi, Rozanne. I’m shocked you’re working on the weekend.”

  “Ava, really? Of course, I’m working. What can I do to make this go away?”

  “Nothing since it’s true. I’m a member of Dungeon Six.” Silence falls on the other line, but it’s brief before she bursts into laughter. I roll my eyes. I guess Griffin was right; even the agent I’ve entrusted with my career for years doesn’t know me.

  “That’s a good one, and I’m glad you can find humor in all this because I sure can’t.”

  “I’m serious, Rozanne. I’ve only been there a few times, but I do have a membership.” Silence again.

  “That’s shocking.”

  “Yeah, I guess it would be for you.”

  “Are you going to deny it?”

  “Nope, but I’m not going to give a statement.”

  “You have to downplay it. Your next movie is about a sweet dog owner.”

  “No, because I’m turning down that role. I’m not doing any more romantic comedies. I’m ready to take my career in a different direction.”

  “Look, I imagine you’re worried about the effect this will have on your career, so you want to bail first to save face, but that’s not going to get you anywhere.”

  “You know, I’m really sick of the insulting comments you manage to slide into every one of our conversations. I’m going to have papers sent over to dissolve our contract, and don’t worry, I’ll pay it out in full.

  “I wish you the best, Rozanne, but never call me again. Understood?” I hang up the phone and cover my chest. Who are you, Ava? I don’t think Griffin’s going to appreciate the set of balls you’ve grown. I start to giggle.

  “What’s that sexy laugh for?” he asks. The heat creeps up my neck and cheeks as I admire him.

  “You’re the sexy one.” Having stripped his dress clothes, Griffin’s only wearing boxer briefs, and I’m surprised he felt comfortable enough to come downstairs dressed this way.

  Strolling over, he picks up the coffee mug next to me and takes a drink all while he pushes his pelvis against mine, pinning me between him and the counter. Shit, he’s the hottest man ever.

  “Would you like a cup?” I ask.

  “Why were you giggling?”

  “Because I grew a set of balls.”

  One eyebrow lifts in time with one corner of his mouth. Sliding a hand between us, he rubs the outside of my shorts in the most sensitive spot. Gripping the counter behind me, I close my eyes.

  “Thankfully, I don’t feel balls, but I do feel something I’d like to explore further.”

  “Let’s go back to bed then. Isn’t that what we should do on a Sunday?”

  “Oh, shit, I’m so sorry,” Holly says from the doorway. Griffin doesn’t jerk away, or shift to face her, and I’m certain it’s because his long cock is stiff as nails.

  I giggle again. “Yeah, we do suck at being discreet.”

  “I let myself inside so I could surprise you with your favorite pastries. I know you like to splurge on them when you’re upset, and I figured you were this morning. I was quiet because I thought you might be sleeping—”

  “Take a breath, Holly. That was thoughtful of you, and you had no way to know Griffin would be here–in his underwear.”

  “You’re in trouble, woman,” he whispers, and oh, I can’t get enough of him.

  Holly sets the box of pastries on the counter. “I’ll go.”

  “No, wait. We need to talk. Why don’t you take those out to the veranda, and I’ll bring you some coffee?”<
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  “OK.” Swiping the box, she leaves the room at lightning speed.

  “What is your stance on spankings? I’d like to deliver them to your fine ass soon.” Sliding a hand around me, he gives my butt a firm squeeze.

  “I’d like nothing more than to feel your strong hand fire my ass up, so it’s a date.”

  Groaning, he kisses my neck. “You do crazy things to me, dirty woman. I’m gonna dress and head to the apartment for a shower.”

  “OK, I’ll talk to you once Holly leaves.”

  “Sounds good.” He strolls out of the kitchen with a confident walk, and I exhale a long breath. At least one thing’s right in my life.

  I pour Holly and myself each a cup of coffee and head outside. Even at eight in the morning, it’s almost too hot to be out here. I set the mug down in front of her and take my seat.

  “Yes, Griffin and I are dating.”

  “Noted … visually.” She grins before she opens the box of pastries. Finding a napkin inside, she sets it down in front of me with a chocolate croissant.

  “I’m not ready to let the public know. Griffin’s a private man, and I need to deal with one story at a time.”

  “I agree.”

  Staring down at the croissant, I pick at the flakes.

  “I imagine you’re surprised I went to that club, but I was looking for something different in my life. Now that I’m with Griffin, I don’t foresee going there again, but I’m not ashamed of it.”

  She shakes her head as she finds a pastry of her own.

  “You don’t owe me an explanation.”

  “I think of you not only as my assistant but as a friend, and friends talk to each other about their personal lives. I haven’t allowed you to get to know the real me.”

  “That’s sweet of you, Ava. I wouldn’t breathe a word to anyone about anything you tell me.”

  “I believe that. How are things with Kellen?”


  “That’s great to hear. You two seem good together.”

  “We’re happy, and I want you to have that same happiness without the press hounding you about it.”

  “Look, I know you feel like you have to do something, so you can tell everyone who calls that I have no comment on the story.”

  “I can do that.”

  “Also, I fired Rozanne this morning, which means I have to find a new agent.”

  “Wow, you’re full of surprises. Do you want me to make some appointments for you?”

  “I’m going to make the calls myself. I think that would show how serious I am about taking my career in a different direction. I need to do it soon, too, before Rozanne smears my name. I wouldn’t put it past her. Are all the plans in place for our trip to New York?”

  Finding her iPad in her bag, she starts typing on it.

  “Yes, but I’ll confirm everything. Uh, should I cancel Mr. Scott’s room at the hotel?”

  I feel the all too familiar blush on my cheeks.

  “Yes, cancel his room. Is that the doorbell ringing?”

  “I’ll get it,” Holly says, shoving her chair back.

  Taking a bite of my pastry, I wonder whether Griffin would be upset that I canceled his hotel room. Surely, he’ll want to stay in the penthouse with me.” The French doors open, and Drake comes striding out with Holly trying to keep up.

  “We need to talk,” he says.

  I sigh. “Fine. Holly, do you mind?”

  “Not at all, and text me if you need anything.”

  “Thank you for coming over.” I give her an appreciative smile as she grabs her purse hanging on the chair. “Have a seat, Drake. I should’ve known you’d show up. You’ve never possessed much patience.”

  “I came because Rozanne called me crying, telling me how you fired her.”

  I frown. “Hmm, I didn’t know she had feelings to hurt.”

  “Who are you? Because I sure don’t know anymore.”

  “Since you’re here, I’ll be blunt. I’m done with romantic comedies, and I’m not starring in another film with you.”

  “Are you trying to retire?”

  I shoot him a dirty look. “Do you honestly think I can’t act without you?”

  “Honestly, I’m not sure, and you can’t tell me with certainty that you know.”

  “I think you want me to need you.”

  “What’s so wrong with that?” He looks off toward my pool. “You have to know I want to be with you.”

  “Since you’ve made a few passes at me, yes. I can also feel that your kisses on set aren’t forced.” He comes around the table and drags the closest chair up to mine.

  “Forget this nonsense with the movies and firing Rozanne. I know the lies told about you yesterday were bad, but we can fix it. Give me a chance, Ava.

  “If we appear in public as a couple, the paparazzi will take some pictures that will show the rumors were false. Seeing us dating will only better our careers.”

  “Wow, I’m sorry, but I don’t want to date you. I only think of you as a friend, and I meant all that I said. Besides, the rumors aren’t false. I went to that club and more than once.”

  He stands up and laughs. “Rozanne said that, but I didn’t believe her. You wouldn’t be into stuff like that.”

  “You don’t know the real me, and I’m sorry for dumping all this news on you at once, but it was time to rip off the bandage.”

  “This is bullshit. I’ve done nothing but kiss your ass for years.”

  “No, you’ve been trying to kiss my ass for years, and frankly, I’m sick of it. Please leave my house.”

  “No. You’re not getting off that easily.”

  Shoving my chair back, I stand and clutch my hips.

  “Are you threatening me?”

  “No, I’m warning you. I’ll burn you, Ava, if you go through with this. You better star in Harrington’s movie with me or else.”

  “We don’t have any kind of contract that states I’m required to star in films with you, so go fuck yourself.”

  I march toward the house, but he grabs my arm hard and spins me around. I get a hold of his shoulders and knee him in the groin.

  Groaning, he starts to fall over, but out of nowhere, Griffin slams into him and tackles him to the ground. He straddles Drake and begins punching his face. Right fist. Left fist. Right fist.

  “Griffin, no!” Wrapping my fingers around his arm, I tug and yell until he finally stops. With a growl, he climbs off Drake and says, “Get off this property before I pound your face again, and if you ever touch her with even a finger, I’ll kill you.”

  Stumbling as he stands, Drake tries to stop his nose from bleeding. His eyes are swelling in an instant.

  “I’m pressing charges and suing your ass. You’ll never work in this city again.”

  “Like hell you will,” I say. “You threatened me and grabbed me, so my bodyguard had every right to intervene, and don’t forget that after all these years, I know many of your secrets.

  “Don’t think for a second that I won’t spill them if you report this. You’re not the only one who can dish threats. Now, like my bodyguard said, get the hell off my property.”

  Giving Griffin and me death stares, he stomps toward the gate. Griffin pulls me against him, and I feel the thundering beats of his heart.

  “Are you hurt?”

  “No, and I was handling him fine.”

  “It’s my job, and what if after you kneed him he stood up and hit you?”

  “I didn’t think of that.”

  He leans his head against mine. “Baby, you have too many fucking men in your life, and I might have to beat up every one of them.”

  Finding a laugh through all the chaos, I hug him.

  “I’m beginning to love how protective you are, but did you forget that my father is a mobster? I can fight, and occasionally, it feels good.”

  “Shit, you’re gonna be the death of me.”

  “You’ll be happy to know I fired my agent and told Drake we’ll
never work together again.”

  He steps back, and I notice how his hair is wet and his white t-shirt is bloody.

  “I’m proud of you, and maybe I need to check again to see if you did grow a pair.” His fingers move between my legs, and I whimper.

  “I like the sound of that, and after looking at your shirt, I think you need another shower, but with me this time.”

  “Lead the way.”

  “First, we need to get ice on your hands, caveman.”


  “Hi, cuz,” Daniel says after opening the door to Dominic’s sprawling mansion. I look around the foyer.

  “You mean you’re not having one of your soldiers pat me down?”

  “After the last time, we didn’t think that was wise.”

  I smirk at him. “Where’s my uncle?”

  “In his office. I hope you have some news for him so you can keep guarding Ms. Lane. I want to see her again. Do you think she likes younger men?”

  “You’re not seeing her. You’re a Golino.”

  “Yeah, and so are you.”

  “I’m not active in the family, and you know that. Let’s go.” I follow Daniel down the hallway, and it bugs me that we can’t be like normal people where I don’t have to be escorted to see my own relatives.

  Walking through the doorway, I see Dom fixing a drink. “Uncle,” I say, giving him a smile and a nod. I’ve decided to take a different approach today. I’m going to be friendlier and less defensive to see if that puts him in a better mood.

  “Griffin, how is my nephew today?”


  “Why didn’t you come see me last week?”

  “I’m sorry. I won’t make excuses since my job shouldn’t come before you.”

  He lets out a hearty laugh, which makes his round stomach more noticeable in his grey zip-up sweat suit.

  “Either you got some pussy this morning, or you’re buttering me up.”

  “Let’s go with the first.”

  Laughing again, he takes a seat behind his desk.

  “Would you like Daniel to fix you a drink?”

  “Sure. I’ll take bourbon. You always have the finest.”


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