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ROMEO Page 22

by Ruby Rowe

  “Then I’ll find out on my own.” She pulls away, but I yank her right back.

  “Not here. It’s not safe for either of us.”


  “That was an eventful evening,” I say as I stroll into the master bedroom of the penthouse. I sit at the end of the bed and remove my strappy heels. “I can’t believe we have to stay another night, and I know you wanted the hell out of here.”

  Standing in front of me, Griffin takes hold of my head and leans over to kiss the top of it, but I pull away since I’m not happy with him right now.

  He sighs, knowing what’s coming.

  “I understand that your mother is too weak to fly home, especially after the stress of the evening. I can survive a few more hours as long as we’re in that bed together. I’ve got security tight in the building tonight, so I think it’s safe to relax.”

  “Victor knows he’s getting promoted to boss soon. If he harmed you, he’d be ignoring a direct order from my father, and he’s not that dumb. I’d be more worried about Angel busting down the door to claw my eyes out. I shouldn’t be surprised she blamed this on me.

  “What were her exact words? ‘You ruined my wedding all because you were jealous that I was marrying first.’ If she took the time to get to know me, she’d know I’d never intentionally ruin her special day. That’s all on Mickey.”

  “Mickey… I don’t trust him and Victor together. I think your father needs to watch his back.”

  “Sometimes your honesty stresses me out, and so do your secrets. It appears you kept another one from me.”

  I stand and move around him so I can find something to sleep in, but he takes hold of my arm and brings me in close.

  “I didn’t tell you about Mickey and Sydney because I’ve been waiting for her to do the right thing and tell you herself.”

  “What is that exactly? Did she say she likes him?”

  Removing his suit jacket, he tosses it on a chair and rubs his hand along the back of his neck.

  “I caught Mickey and Sydney fucking in the upstairs hallway the night of Sydney’s party. She knows I busted them, but I didn’t say anything to Mickey. I don’t know if she told him or not.”

  Crossing my arms, I hug myself and shake my head.

  “No, neither of them would do that to me, especially in my home. Maybe it wasn’t what you thought.”

  “Ava, I’m certain. I watched him put his dick back into his pants, and when I confronted Sydney, she didn’t deny it, and there’s something else.”

  I take a few steps back, feeling the need to retreat from all the disturbing news he manages to give me.

  “I’m beginning to think she’s Romeo.”

  “I’m beginning to think you’re out to hurt me.”

  He grimaces. “Don’t start transferring your anger to me like you’ve done in the past. It’s not my damn fault that they fucked, and the reason I suspect she’s Romeo is because I caught her standing by the vanity in your room, and your pink lipstick is now missing.”

  “How do you know it’s missing?”

  “The day we left for New York, it showed up in the mail from Romeo. I had every intention of telling you, but I wanted to wait until the wedding was over, and I didn’t think she was that serious of a threat until I saw how she was with Mickey tonight. There are real feelings there, which probably means she’s extremely jealous of you.”

  Turning my back on him, I rub my forehead.

  “If it’s my used lipstick, then Romeo has to be someone on my staff.”

  “Or maybe Sydney,” he reiterates.

  I turn around. “Griffin, she’s a celebrity who has the world at her feet. She’s not some deranged person who dumps blood on people, and it was determined from the surveillance cameras that it was a man who did that to us.”

  “He could’ve been hired, and what if she’s jealous of more than your ex? Maybe she’s always wanted to be you.”

  “I was mean to Mickey at the party, so screwing her was probably his way of getting back at me, but I’m stunned by Sydney’s actions. She knew I was with Mickey almost half my life, so for her to have sex with him in my home was low. I thought we were close friends.”

  “I’m sorry someone else betrayed you, but you’re avoiding the more serious issue here. You have to consider she could be Romeo, and I believe that she’s the one tipping off the paparazzi with your whereabouts. I think she’s trying to damage your career.”

  “Romeo isn’t someone I’m close to.”

  Grabbing the back of his neck again, Griffin looks at the ceiling.

  “Baby, you have to remove the rose-colored glasses. Even if Sydney’s not your stalker, she’s not trustworthy.”

  “Do you think I don’t see that now? And after all that you’ve kept from me, someone could easily say I shouldn’t trust you.”

  Clutching the back of my hair, Griffin wraps an arm around my waist and yanks me close.

  “You know you can trust me, so don’t start that shit, and you’re not the only one pissed tonight. You fought security to stay on the rooftop when your life was in danger.”

  “That hardly compares to all you’ve kept from me.”

  “It does compare. When you do something that jeopardizes your safety, it makes me furious. I can’t lose you.”

  “I wasn’t leaving you behind. If Kellen had listened to me, I would’ve been in front of you, acting as your shield.” Getting a better hold of my hair, he brings me within an inch of his face.

  “Don’t ever do something like that. Do you hear me? And for your disobedience, I’m coming up with a punishment to deliver once we’re back home.”

  I roll my eyes. “Please, you’ve threatened to punish me several times now.”

  “You wait and see.”


  Unable to sleep, I creep out of bed and take my cell phone into the other room. I make a call to the Westlight bar, and then I text Sydney.

  Me: Meet me back at the rooftop.

  Sydney: It’s one in the morning. I’m exhausted.

  Me: I saw you with Mickey, so you’re going to get your ass out of bed and meet me there to explain yourself. You’re also going to keep your mouth shut to the paparazzi. If they show back up at this hotel, I’ll give them a show you’ll regret.

  Sydney: God, fine. Give me twenty minutes.

  I text Kellen...

  Me: I’m sorry, but I need you to escort me back to the rooftop bar.

  Kellen: Since you’re the one asking, I’m guessing Griffin doesn’t know, which means Monday morning, I need to visit the unemployment office.

  Me: I’m discovering Griffin’s a big softy, so you don’t need to worry.

  Kellen: We can’t be talking about the same man, but I’ll be over in a few minutes.

  Tiptoeing back to the bedroom, I quietly find jeans and a top and carry them to the other bathroom so I don’t wake Griffin. He’s going to be pissed, but I’m starting to think he’s bluffing about punishing me, so I don’t care. He’ll get over it.

  About the time I’ve made myself presentable, I receive a text from Kellen that he’s in the hallway waiting. I slip out, and we leave the other two bodyguards behind to watch the penthouse.

  In the elevator, I notice his light brown eyes are heavy, and I feel bad that I woke him.

  “I at least need to know who you’re meeting with.”

  “Sydney Sinclaire.”

  “If anyone else shows, I’m calling Griffin.”

  “I already spoke to someone at the bar. They’re just cleaning up from the reception, so it should only be Sydney and maybe her guards.”

  We reach the bar, and I take a seat on one of the sofas on the terrace. Staring at the Manhattan skyline, I breathe in the air that somehow smells different from LA’s. A touch cleaner maybe.

  Exiting the glass doors, Sydney strolls toward me. Her chin’s up, but I see past her exterior to the little girl shaking inside. One guard is accompanying her, and before she sits down, she murmur
s something to him. He nods and walks away, giving us some space to be alone.

  “What’s so urgent?” Her long strawberry-blond hair is pulled back into a ponytail, and she’s in black yoga pants and a snug white top.

  “I saw how concerned you were for Mickey after his fight with Griffin. I have questions.”

  She looks toward the city lights before she shifts her gaze to her lap.

  “Griffin told you.”

  “Only after I saw you with Mickey. Griffin told me about your threat, too, so let me make this clear. Teddy hired him to protect me, and if Mickey finds out, I’ll be sure Teddy knows you’re the one who told. Trust me, you don’t want to piss off my father, or me for that matter.”

  She glances up to see my face. “Yes, I’m dead serious. Your days of fucking with me and my career are over. Now, answer my questions honestly. Was your birthday party the first and only time you had sex with my ex?”

  “No, there were a few times before that, and I stayed in his room last night after the rehearsal dinner.”

  “Do you love him?”

  “It doesn’t matter. He doesn’t love me, and you knew that already.” Her eyes well up with tears, and in seconds, they tumble to her cheeks. She swipes them away as fast as they came.

  “I was naïve to think he was developing feelings for me, and after his fight with Griffin, it hit me that he’s probably using me, hoping I’ll tell you about us so you’ll become jealous.”

  “Did you leak the photos of me at Dungeon Six?”

  She shakes her head, giving an adamant no.

  “I swear I knew nothing about those.”

  “Did you tell Mickey I was planning to become a member there?” Her gaze averts to the ground. “Answer me!”

  “OK, I did. I knew he’d be angry with you for going, but I never dreamed he’d take photos of you there.”

  “I trusted you with the most private details of my life.”

  “I know, and I’m sorry.”

  “Really? You’re sorry? Did you tell the media Griffin was taking me for a ride on his bike and about how we were attending Angel’s wedding?”

  Covering her face with her hands, she sobs, so I yank them down, startling her. Her bodyguard steps closer, and I flash him a dirty look.

  “Tell me, Sydney. Did you do it?”

  She wails, her cries spilling the truth, and I have no pity for her sorry ass.

  “Let me guess the reasons behind your conniving ways. You wanted my ex, my movie roles, and to ruin my career so you could become the most famous star in Hollywood since we both know you have to be the center of attention.

  “It’s safe to assume you wanted to take away every ounce of my happiness, as well, since you caused trouble for Griffin and me.”

  Sucking in a sharp breath, she wipes her eyes.

  “I wasn’t trying to mess up your relationship with Griffin. I thought the bad press would only hurt your career.”

  “Oh, how considerate of you. I have one last question. Are you Romeo?”

  “What?” Her puffy red eyes look right into mine. “That’s absurd. I’m not some psycho.”

  “Why should I believe you when you’ve essentially tried to steal my life?”

  “Ava, I’d never stoop that low.”

  “Right. You only stoop low enough to suck my ex’s cock.”

  “Ava!” she cries.

  “Shut up, and listen to me.” I move to stand in front of her. “You’re never going to speak to me again, and you’re never going to speak about me again. If either of those things happen, your career will be over.

  “I have way more clout than you, sweet pea, and if I discover you’re Romeo, the mob daughter in me will rear her evil head and remove every one of those pretty, manicured nails of yours with pliers.” Motioning for Kellen, I turn my back on Sydney and march toward the glass door.

  “Ava!” she shouts. I shift back and watch her swollen, blotchy face scowl at me. “Don’t think for a second that dating Griffin makes you seem any less old.”

  “Yeah, well, your desperate attempts at dating men as old as your deadbeat father are less than attractive. You might want to seek some therapy for that shit.” Kellen holds the door open for me, and I smile.

  “Impressive, Boss. Mr. Scott would be proud.”

  “Yes, I think he would.”



  Taking hold of Ava’s hand, I place it between mine. She pulls her eyes away from her mother who’s sleeping in her seat across from us on the jet.

  “It won’t be long, right?”

  She’s talking about her mother’s death, and unfortunately, I think right is the answer.

  “I’m sorry. This is one situation I can’t fix, and baby, you have no idea how bad I want to.”

  “I do know. Dad…” she says louder. Teddy lowers his magazine and removes his readers.

  “What, sweetheart?”

  “As soon as we’re home, I’m going to do everything in my power to find new treatments for Mom. I’m not working, so I’ll spend every hour of the day if necessary. There has to be something I’ve not discovered yet.”

  He holds his hand up. “Ava, no. There’s nothing else. We’ve tried everything, and you’ve already spent an exorbitant amount of money.”

  “I’ll spend more.”

  “Donate it to science so they can find a cure.” He glances at Ellen and back to his daughter. “It’s too late for her, and since we’re on the subject, there’s something I need to tell you. Your mother and I are moving back to New York.”

  Jerking her hand away, Ava sits up straight.

  “You can’t move.”

  “She wants to be in Brooklyn when she passes. That’s home to her. Her mother and siblings are there, and it’s where she wants to be buried.”

  “Her daughter is in Los Angeles.”

  “Don’t make this personal. She lived in New York until she was almost sixty years old. It will always be home to her. Mickey’s moving there, too, and we’ll be leaving in a couple of weeks.”

  “Wow. What other secrets are you keeping from me? I already know all about you hiring Griffin.”


  Teddy glowers at me. “She was not to find out about that.”

  “I love her. I wasn’t going to lie about it.”

  “Griffin’s father, Gabriel, watched out for you all the years you lived in Los Angeles without us. You didn’t know it, but he was there, ensuring his family never tried to harm you. It seems right to have Griffin do the same once we go back to New York.”

  “I didn’t know that part,” she murmurs before she takes my hand. “Since it’s secret-telling time, Griffin proposed, and I accepted. Maybe it’ll be a blessing if you and Mickey relocate. Then, I’ll only have to convince Dominic Golino that I’m not a threat.”

  “No, I have to convince him,” I say assertively. “You will not go near him. Do you understand me?”

  “Fine. Is there anything else you two want to add while we’re spilling the beans? Any other secrets I need to know about?”

  “No, and I’m happy for you and Griffin,” Teddy says. “I’m sure he’ll work things out with his uncle, and you two can live in Los Angeles without worry.”

  Ava shakes her head. “Victor and Mickey would be out for blood if they knew Griffin was a Golino. Promise me, Dad, that you’ll never tell them.”

  “I’ll take it to the grave.” He gets up and re-tucks his dress shirt into his high-waisted pants as he heads to the restroom. Shifting her body to face me, Ava stares at our entwined hands.

  “Do you want kids?” she whispers. “We never discussed it.”

  “If you want them, then yes. If not, then no.” She looks up with a wrinkled forehead.

  “That’s wanting what I want. What do you want?”

  I sigh. “I’d like to have at least one child, but it wouldn’t be the end of the world if we couldn’t have them. I only need you in my life.”

nbsp; She grants me one of her dazzling smiles.

  “I want to try, but with my age, I don’t know if I can have them, so we shouldn’t get our hopes up.”

  “If it’s meant to be, it will happen.” I lift her hand to kiss it. “I’m already the luckiest man.” I don’t know how she’s still surprised that I want her, but her eyes light up like I handed her the most amazing gift.

  “If you mean that, then I’m going to leave acting. I felt at home in Malibu with you, and I could tell you missed being at your place, so I was thinking we could move there and start a family right away.”

  “Damn, I love you. You’d do that for me?”

  “Yes, but we might have to add on a closet or two for all my purses and shoes.”

  “We’ll make it work.”

  “I shouldn’t have let what Sydney said get to me, but I was already self-conscious about my age, so I worried you’d want someone younger, but you really don’t.”

  “Wait, what did Sydney say?”

  “Oh, um, it doesn’t matter now.” Moving away to face straight in her seat, she bites on her lip, and there’s something she’s not telling me.

  “Are there any secrets you’re keeping?”

  “Why would you think that?”

  “Ava … have you spoken to Sydney since the reception?” Twisting her torso, she stretches around to look behind us toward the back of the plane.

  “Crap, I promised Kellen I wouldn’t tell.”

  “Tell what?”

  Hesitantly, she turns back to face me.

  “I snuck out last night and confronted Sydney, but nothing bad happened, and I made Kellen go, so you can’t fire him. I mean, he is supposed to be my private bodyguard now.”

  “Like hell he is. I only went along with that for the wedding reception because I’d been drinking. You’re only mine to protect, and if you ever pull a stunt like that again, your ass—”

  “My ass what?” She crosses her arms and lifts her shapely eyebrows at me. “You’re always threatening to do stuff to my ass, but it never happens. I’m beginning to think you’re all talk and no play like the men who came before you.”


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