Vanished Beneath: DS Lasser six (The Lasser series Book 6)

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Vanished Beneath: DS Lasser six (The Lasser series Book 6) Page 26

by Robin Roughley

  'You lot,' she parroted.

  Bob blinked at her. 'Aye women, women are ten times worse than blokes. I mean, you can't kick a woman's arse onto the street, lay a hand on em and they accuse you of all sorts.'

  'So you called us instead?' Lasser asked.

  'To be honest I don't really know what happened, one minute they was sat there next thing I know Sharon was going for this other girl with a broken bottle. I tell you some of em shouldn't be allowed to drink out of anything other than them baby cups, you know the sort with the little holes on top.'

  'We get the idea Bob. Now what about the girl she attacked, had you seen her before?'

  'Aye, but before you ask I don't know her name.'

  Odette slid her ponytail over one shoulder. 'You said Sharon was with another girl.'

  'I did.'


  Bob nodded. 'Sarah Clark.'

  Lasser felt the noise of the pub diminish around him. 'Are you sure about that Bob?'

  'Course I'm bloody sure, her dad used to drink in here seven nights a week and Sarah would hang around outside pestering him for cash.'

  Lasser felt someone move up to his shoulder. 'Come on Bob stop gassing and pull me a pint.'

  Bob flapped a hand. 'The usual Steve?'

  Taking hold of Odette's arm Lasser steered her along the bar.

  'Sarah Clark was the girl killed by Donald Elliot,' he said in a low voice.

  'The girl dumped on the country lane?'

  Lasser looked at her in surprise. 'Bannister was right it doesn't take you long to get up to speed does it?'

  Odette shrugged. 'I've read the files it's not rocket science.'

  'The women knew one another and both end up dead with the same mixture of drugs in their system.'

  'Well isn't that what you suspected?'

  Lasser pursed his lips. 'More like guesswork really, but now at least we know two of them were connected.'

  'So what about the others?'

  By the time Lasser had finished explaining his theory about the killer working to a list a frown had formed on her face.

  'Well like you said, at least now we know Clark and Cliff were friends.'

  Lasser nodded thoughtfully. 'So who would want to kill them both?'

  'Well the barman said he caught Sharon sniffing Coke in the toilets.'

  'Yeah and we know that in the past Clark had been a user, but Colly Roberts told me she'd been clean for months.'

  'He was the guy who took the jump from the flats?'

  Lasser nodded. 'Yeah, that's the one.'

  'So maybe he lied to you, I mean, he hardly sounds the stable type?'

  'So are you having another drink or what?' Bob suddenly reappeared, a frown on his lugubrious face.

  'No thanks Bob we only came in for the company.'

  Bob's sour face twisted in disgust. 'Typical, you come in here spend a couple of quid and then bugger off.'

  Someone started to scream, a high-pitched wailing sound that seemed to ricochet off the nicotine stained walls.

  Lasser snapped around in time to see a man with fair hair come reeling out of the gents. Staggering to the left, he collided with the fruit machine by the toilet door and collapsed to the floor.

  One or two people stood up in surprise, most carried on sipping their beers watching the man with disinterested eyes.

  Lasser felt Odette brush past him as she dashed across the room.

  Then the scream went up another notch and Lasser bolted after her.

  By the time he'd weaved his way around the tables Odette was on her knees by the side of the fair haired man.

  His eyes rolled back and then he vomited a stream of dark blood onto the beer tacky carpet.

  Odette reached down and grasped an arm and leg before flicking him onto his side.

  Lasser already had his phone out stabbing at the screen as he watched the man twitch and jerk.

  'Ambulance, Wigan, the Victoria public house on the High Street,' he paused to listen for a moment. 'No I don't know what's the matter with him, but he's vomiting blood and going into seizure, ' another pause, 'right make it quick,' he said as he ended the call.

  'What's up with him?' Bob asked looking down with panicked eyes.

  The man's back arched, his arms and legs rigid and then he started to thrash out wildly.

  Odette threw herself over his legs in an effort to pin him to the floor, Lasser fell down beside her and grabbed the man's arms.

  The body started to buck as if he were trying to dislodge them both.

  'Shit!' Noble hissed as one leg shot free and slammed into a table sending half a dozen empty pint pots to the floor.

  Lasser grimaced as he looked at the man's face; his mouth locked open, his jaw slick with dark blood. Then he screamed again and his mouth started to snap open and closed, the teeth clattering together with enamel shattering force.

  Odette clawed for the free leg that seemed to twist and jerk at right angles then suddenly he flopped back and lay still, blood continued to run from his open mouth.

  Lasser could feel the sweat on his back, sticking the shirt to his tacky skin. Odette looked at him wide eyed before blowing a strand of wayward hair from her eyes.

  Reaching down Lasser felt tentatively along the jaw line searching for a pulse.

  'Anything?' Odette asked.

  Lasser concentrated for a moment before giving a quick shake of the head.

  In the distance they could hear the blare of an approaching siren.

  'That's quick,' Odette said.

  'The ozzie's only half a mile away,' Lasser explained as he sat up on his knees. Odette remained sprawled across the man's legs, her ponytail trailing over one shoulder.

  Then the sound of the sirens increased and Lasser spotted the blue light swirling at the grotty lace covered windows.

  Ten seconds later the front door banged open and he glanced over his shoulder as the paramedics rushed into the pub.

  Odette eased herself back slowly from the man's legs.

  'Nice arse,' someone behind her said and she snapped her head around to glare at the semi-circle of men who stood behind her. Then she turned to Lasser a blush rising up from the collar of her dark blue shirt.

  'Charming,' she spat.

  'Welcome to Wigan.' Lasser sighed.


  Albie resisted the urge to run, fought the impulse to glance over his shoulder.

  He went against the flow of people as they headed towards the Vic to see what all the commotion was about. As soon as he reached Market Street he turned left and entered the deserted shopping mall, a long tunnel lined with empty shops that had been forced to close as the recession gripped the town. Half a minute later he popped out into the Market stalls, the tension gradually easing as he put distance between himself and the Vic.

  When he saw the park gates, he hurried across the road and trailed his way along the narrow path before slumping onto the first bench he came to.

  Albie looked at his shaking hands and then rubbed them over his face pushing his brown hair back until it stood on end. Looking right and left, he gingerly slipped the syringe from his pocket before tossing it into the long grass at the back of the bench. Then he sniffed before pulling out his cigarettes and lighting one. With a shudder, he pulled the smoke into his lungs, his brain locked solid with fear.

  His head dropped as if pushed down by some huge invisible weight.

  Two minutes later, Albie dropped the cigarette and sprang to his feet, suddenly he needed to get home and bolt the door, he needed to climb into bed and yank the duvet over his head like a child hiding from an inescapable nightmare.

  Albie started to hurry towards the gates, then he broke into a jog, a few seconds later, he was in full flight trying to escape his conscience.


  Lasser and Odette were standing in the gents of the Vic, suddenly water gushed into the urinal, the yellow toilet blocks bobbed up and down in the sudden rush of water.

  Odette mov
ed over to the three cubicles gingerly pushing the doors open and grimacing at the state of the toilet bowls.

  Lasser looked into the grimy sink a blob of wet toilet roll blocking the plughole.

  'He had to have been on something,' Odette said as she wiped her hands on the bottom of her jacket.

  'Unless he has some kind of medical condition?' Lasser offered.

  Odette didn't look convinced.

  Then the door opened a fraction, Bob poked his ravaged head into the room. 'Have you found owt?' he asked, his grizzled face creased with concern.

  'If you mean drugs Bob then no, the place is clean.' Lasser said.

  Bob stepped into the tiled room his cheeks inflated with relief. 'Thank God for that.'

  Lasser raised an eyebrow. 'That's all you're concerned about Bob, your licence?'

  'Nay lad of course not, but you don't know what the breweries are like, if they get a whiff of owt dodgy then they could try and get shut of me.'

  Odette slid her hands into the pockets of her black jacket, her pale ponytail stark against the dark cloth. 'So did you recognise the man?'

  'Course I recognised him.'

  Lasser waited for the bartender to continue, but Bob stood and looked around the room as if he had never been in the gents before and from the state of the toilets Lasser thought it may well be the truth.

  'Bob, we're waiting?'

  Bob blinked, 'What?'

  Odette took a step forward until she was standing directly in front of the spindly Landlord. 'You were going to tell us his name Bob?'

  'Oh aye, sorry about that I was miles away.'

  Odette sighed. 'So go on or should we try and guess?'

  Lasser didn't bother hiding the grin.

  Bob glared at him for a moment. 'She's more bloody sarcastic than you Lasser and that's saying summat!'

  'Just answer the lady Bob; we need to get on.'

  'Davy Hancock,' he grumbled.


  The water whooshed again, the ancient pipes rumbled like a distant train.

  'Look is he going to be alright?'

  Odette leaned forward. 'Did he look alright to you?'

  Even in the gloom of the toilets, Lasser could see the blush on old Bob's face. 'Well no but...'

  'Was he a regular?' she repeated her voice clipped, the words measured.

  'Yeah, yeah he was a regular,' Bob spluttered. 'He's been coming here for years.'

  'Did you lock the front door like I asked you to Bob?' Lasser asked.

  'Oh right yeah, that's what I came in here for, some of the blokes out there are getting restless, they've got tickets for the match and they wanna know how long you're gonna keep em locked up for?'

  Lasser grinned. 'Right, let's go and have a word, see if anyone can remember anything.'

  'Listen, how long will this take because the longer you can keep em here the more booze they'll buy?' Bob's greedy little eyes glimmered in anticipation.

  Lasser shook his head. 'Unbelievable,' he muttered as he reached for the door.

  'Why, what have I said now?' Bob asked his face a picture of innocence.

  Odette brushed past him without saying a word.


  Beth tried to slam the front door closed, but Dave Pitt shot out a huge hand and grabbed the handle before stepping forward.

  'Come on Beth there's no need to be like that,' he said as he stepped into the hallway, closing the door quietly behind him.

  Beth took a backward step, her youngest son held on her hip, her eyes glassy with fear.

  Pitt seemed to fill the narrow hallway; his head looked tiny perched on top of his huge steroid filled shoulders, his dark eyes glittered with malice.

  Beth wiped a hand across her mascara stained eyes. 'Listen I don't know what you're doing here but Donny's dead, I...'

  'Yeah love I heard, I bet you feel relieved knowing the little scrote won't be banging on your door anymore?'

  The police had called the day before to tell her the news, and despite the hatred she had felt for her ex-partner she had still spent most of the day in floods of tears. Trouble was she couldn't understand why, after all, Donny had been a low life user who had made her life a living hell for over three years, an absent father and an abuser to boot. In the end Dave had gone to the pub, unable to understand why she was upset over his pitiful death.

  Pitt moved forward and Beth backed up in fear. 'Let's get comfy shall we sweetheart.'

  'Listen, I have to pick my eldest up from my mothers, she's expecting me,' Beth could hear the stutter in her voice, the thread of fear running through her words.

  'This won't take long, now in you go.' Pitt ushered her into the small tidy lounge, the TV was on Peppa Pig was busy climbing a slide in a colourful garden.

  Pitt smiled as he watched the screen for a few seconds. 'My youngest loves this,' he said before turning his dead eyed gaze back towards her.

  Beth fell onto the sofa, Pitt remained standing, the top of his head mere inches from the light shade.

  'Now Donny had been dealing...'

  'I don't know anything about that, we hadn't been together for over six months,' she blurted.

  Pitt nodded. 'I bet you were glad to see the back of him eh Beth?'

  'He called here the other day but I told him to sod off,' she licked her lips before smoothing down the wispy hair on the toddlers head, her eyes frantically searching for an escape route.

  'So you have no idea where he was getting the gear from?'

  'I don't have a clue, I know he used to sell some stuff for the Mellor’s...' she snapped her mouth closed as Pitt lifted a hand.

  'I hope you haven't been as free with your words to the coppers, Beth?'

  Beth whipped her head from side to side, suddenly she needed to use the toilet. 'Honest Dave they came here yesterday, but that was only to tell me what had happened to Donny.'

  'So they didn't ask you about drugs or who Elliot was working for?'

  'I swear they...'

  'Don't swear unless you mean it Beth.'

  She looked up at him with tear-filled eyes. 'I promise that's all they wanted to tell me that Donny had been killed.'

  Pitt watched her closely and then he shrugged his huge shoulders. 'So I don't need to tell you to keep your mouth shut do I?'

  'But that's just it I don't know anything, Donny never told me and I didn't want to know about what he got up to.'

  'Good girl,' Pitt rumbled before sitting down in the chair opposite. 'Now what about friends?'

  Beth shrugged. 'Donny didn't have any proper friends, they were all bag heads and scrubbers.'

  'So tell me about these bag heads and scrubbers?'

  Beth tried to think, tried to come up with some names, but her brain felt like a stagnant pond.

  'Names Beth, and make it quick I've got a busy day.'

  His words fell into the water breaking the still surface causing the ripples in her mind to expand. 'Nick Shaw!' she said with a gasp.

  Pitt's pig-like eyes widened for a second. 'You were right when you said bag head, now what about the scrubbers?'

  Beth lowered her head and kissed the top of the baby's head as if asking for forgiveness. 'I know he was seeing Sharon Cliff for a while.'


  Beth looked up and frowned. 'You know her?'

  'Let's say I've heard of her, so Donny was giving her one was he?'

  Beth's face turned sour. 'He once told me she'd do anything for a bit of smack.'

  'Heard the same thing myself sweetheart. Now can you think of anyone else?'

  Beth tried to conjure another name from the confusion and then she slowly shook her head and glanced at Pitt. 'Like I said he never had a lot of friends and he only told me about Sharon to make me feel like shit.'

  Pitt folded his arms. 'And did it?'

  Beth bounced the gurgling boy on her knee. 'To tell the truth I was relieved at least it meant he left me alone for a bit.'

  Pitt rose up from the chair like
some ancient monolith in an Iron Warrior T-shirt. 'Right Beth remember what I said, no gabbing to the filth.'

  'I promise.'

  'I hope so love because I'd hate to see the kiddie go into care for lack of having a mother.'

  Beth swallowed, she couldn't speak as the threat speared her to the sofa. In the end, all she could do was nod in understanding.

  Pitt smiled in return.


  Lasser slid the key into the front door, his right arm cradling the box full of Indian food, the smell of spices wafted around his head making his stomach rumble. Shouldering the door open, he moved into the hallway and smiled at Medea who waved at him from the kitchen a wide smile on her face.

  He grinned back at her as he walked down the hallway.

  Emma was sitting at the kitchen table her hair fastened back with a wide black band, her shoulders covered with the throw from the sofa.

  'Ah, they let you out then?' Lasser asked as he placed the box on the table.

  Emma smiled though he could see the smudges of tiredness beneath her eyes and the slight shake in her hand as she lifted the glass of wine from the table. 'I couldn't have stayed there another night.'

  'Yeah, I know the foods not up to much so I hope you're hungry?'


  Medea placed three plates on the table before kissing Lasser's cheek.

  'You could do with a shave,' she said rubbing her hand over his bristle.

  'I was thinking of growing a beard. What do you reckon?'

  'And why would you want to do that, I mean, you keep your hair cropped so close that from a distance you look bald so why on earth would you want to grow a daft beard?' Medea asked with a shake of her head.

  'Hang on - I thought they were meant to be fashionable.'

  'That was six months ago,' Emma said as she reached into the box and pulled out a stack of poppadum’s.

  'So you two think I'm behind with the times, is that it?'

  Medea spooned some rice onto the plates. 'Come on Lasser I bet you don't even know what a selfie is?'

  Lasser frowned. 'So Emma how do you like it, hot and spicy or nice and mild?' he held a tray of curry in each hand.

  When the two women burst into gales of laughter, Lasser blinked in surprise. 'What?'

  Medea looked at him and then she spluttered with more laughter, her eyes streaming with tears.


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