Always Gonna Be My Baby: A Hood Love Story

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Always Gonna Be My Baby: A Hood Love Story Page 9

by Charmanie Saquea

  Aries didn't bother to argue. After the week she’d had, going out sounded like therapy. She was tired of acting like a prisoner in her own home. That shit wasn't going to fly with her.


  Choppa sat back on the couch in VIP with his brother and his new lady friend Melanie. The liquor in his system had him feeling nice and relaxed while his people partied around him.

  “I'm going to go get me a drink, you want another one?” Melanie asked.

  “Nah, I'm good,” Choppa told her.

  “Damn, who that?” March yelled.

  Everyone’s eyes darted to the stairs where Treasure, Aries, De De, and Morgan had just come up. Each of the ladies were dressed to kill and were definitely breaking necks with each step they took.

  “Watch those eyes, nigga, you know damn well who that is,” Benji told March.

  “Shut the fuck up, nigga. I ain't thinking about Treasure’s ass. Since Choppa don't want her, I'm about to see what's up with baby sis.” March smiled as he looked at Choppa.

  Choppa cut his eye at March, sending him a silent message not to play with him. It had been a month and a half since the last time Choppa saw Aries and there she was, looking good enough to fuck right in the middle of VIP. Her chestnut thighs were on full display in the short dress she had on. When her hand went up to move her hair out of her face, the big rock that still sat on her finger turned Choppa off.

  “Little Miss Aries, how they get you out the house?” Benji asked as he got up to hug her.

  “Treasure wasn’t taking no for an answer.” She smiled, showing those deep dimples in her cheek. “Hey, Choppa,” she spoke.

  Everyone’s eyes diverted to Choppa who sat there nonchalantly. He barely glanced at Aries as he hit her with a head nod. Just then Melanie came back and sat next to Choppa. Benji and March sat in anticipation to see how this scene was about to unfold.

  “Uhh, who this?” Treasure asked, pointing at Melanie.

  “That’s Choppa girl,” Benji quickly said.

  “Oh, I get it now.” Treasure nodded her head. “Nigga, you ain’t never gotta flex on my sister. Come on, Arie, let’s go get a drink,” Treasure said as she grabbed Aries’ hand.

  De De and Morgan followed behind them while looking lost as hell. Aries knew she didn’t have the right to be mad because she was the one who had a whole fiancé at home. She just wasn’t with the fact that Choppa was trying to play her.

  “Girl, fuck him, and that bitch, too,” Treasure said.

  “What just happened?” Morgan asked.

  “Nothing, girl. Let’s just have a good time. That’s why we came out tonight, right?” Aries asked.

  “I hear that shit,” De De said.

  After getting their drinks, the ladies went back to where the men were. Aries tried her best to ignore Choppa but she felt someone burning a hole in her and when she looked in his direction, he was staring right at her. Choppa blew her a kiss with a crooked smirk on his face and Aries just rolled her eyes at him.

  “Girlllll, that man is fine!” Morgan whispered to Aries.

  “Who?” Aries asked.

  Morgan twisted her mouth up at Aries as to tell her to stop playing. “You know who I’m talking about. What’s y’all history? Let me find out he the reason you and Kevin not walking down the aisle.”

  Aries looked at Morgan as if she had lost her mind. She didn't know how the hell she had come to that conclusion. Choppa didn't have anything to do with why she didn't want to marry Kevin.

  “You're crazy, Morgan,” Aries laughed.

  Morgan just hit her with a knowing smirk as she sat back in her seat. Aries glanced back over in Choppa’s direction and his little friend was whispering something in his ear. She rolled her eyes and threw back her shot of Patron.

  “Ohh, Arie! Come on, you know this our shit!” Treasure yelled as the DJ played “Rich Sex” by Future.

  “Aye, don't get fucked up! That goes for both of y'all!” Benji yelled behind them as they made their way to the dance floor.

  Treasure just waved him off as she pulled her sister to the middle of the dance floor as she sang along with Future and moved her body to the beat.

  Baby let’s go and have rich sex

  Make a little love, have rich sex

  Treasure and Aries were so caught up in dancing that they didn't even notice their admirers walking up on them until it was too late. One eased up behind Aries while the other grabbed a hold of Treasure’s hips.

  “Yo, boss! We got a problem!” Lucas said.

  He had been standing over the banister looking down when he saw the niggas moving in on Aries and Treasure.

  Benji got up to see what was going on. When he noticed Treasure peeling another nigga’s hands from her body, he instantly got pissed. Benji was far from a jealous nigga but he was very territorial.

  “Ah, shit,” Choppa said as he noticed Benji rushing out of VIP.

  Treasure was getting a little annoyed because she hated a nigga that couldn't catch a hint. She didn't know how many times she had to say she wasn't interested and that she had a man before he got it through his head. Every time she tried to walk away, he would stop her and pull her back.

  When she looked up to see Benji and company coming her way, she knew shit was about to get real.

  “I gotta go,” she said as she tried to walk away once again.

  “Hold up, damn.”

  “Nigga, if you like being able to use your hand, I advise you to let her go,” Benji said through gritted teeth.

  “Baby, it's cool. Let’s go,” Treasure said as she tried to push Benji back.

  The dude knew exactly who Benji was but he wasn't about to get punked out in the middle of a club by him. He looked Benji up and down like he wasn't shit.

  “Fuck you gon do if I don't?” he spat.

  Before Treasure could even tell him not to, Benji reared back and socked him dead in his jaw. Treasure jumped back to avoid getting hit. She felt somebody grabbing her up from behind and damn near lost it when she saw the dude that was dancing with Aries sneak Benji.

  “Nooo! They're jumping him, put me down!” she yelled.

  “Calm down, they have everything under control,” Lucas told her.

  He led her out of the club with Aries right behind them. He walked her over to where they were parked and told her and Aries to stay put before he headed back into the club. Moments later, Lucas returned with Morgan and De De.

  Before Treasure could say anything, Benji, March, Choppa and Melanie were right behind them coming out the door. Treasure sighed in relief as she met Benji halfway.

  “What the hell is wrong with you, Benjamin?”

  “Nothing, but it's a lot wrong with his bitch ass. He better hope they get him to the hospital,” he chuckled.

  “I'm happy you think this shit is funny.” She mushed him before she tried walking away.

  Benji swooped her up in his arms from behind and buried his face in her neck. Aries walked over to Choppa who was leaning up against his truck. She ignored his little friend and stood right in front of him.

  “You gonna keep ignoring me?” she asked him.

  Choppa let his eyes travel from her head down to her feet while licking his lips. “What you want me to say?” He shrugged.

  “Umm, so you don't see me standing here? Or what?” Melanie asked with an attitude.

  Aries just flipped her hair over her shoulder while looking at Melanie as if she was annoying her. She didn't even bother responding to her as she diverted her attention back to Choppa.

  “I miss you,” she told him.

  Choppa grabbed her hand and looked at her ring. “Yea, I can tell,” he said while laughing.

  Aries was about to say something but Benji’s voice halted her.

  “Alright, y'all, we hot as fuck right now. We gotta get the fuck out of here,” he said.

  Aries took her hand back from Choppa and just walked away. She didn't know what she was thinking by even going over there to
him. It was clear that he didn't want anything to do with her and she was still confused on her situation with Kevin so she was going to fall back and leave him alone.


  Aries reached over to grab her ringing phone. She saw that it was four o'clock in the morning and she had just gotten in from the club two hours ago. Who the hell is this calling me? she thought as she groaned. When she saw Choppa’s name on her screen, she got confused.

  “Hello?” she whispered.

  “I need to see you…now,” Choppa said.

  “What's wrong?” she asked as she glanced over at Kevin who was snoring and calling hogs.

  “Just come the fuck on, man. I'll text you the address,” he said before hanging up.

  Aries laid there looking stuck and conflicted. Just hours ago when she was with him, he acted as if she wasn't even there and now here he was calling her out in the middle of the night. She looked over at Kevin once more, thanking God that he was a hard sleeper before she eased her way out of the bed.

  She went to the bathroom to freshen up and brush her teeth. She looked down at her phone where Choppa had just sent her an address of where he wanted to meet her. After taking care of her hygiene, Aries made her way to the closet and threw on a t-shirt with a pair of leggings and her Nike slides.

  She quietly tiptoed out of the room and went downstairs. When she made it to the garage, she sat in her car for a few to think about what she was really doing. Here she was sneaking out in the middle of the night to go see one man while she had another one laying in her bed. Then she thought about how Kevin had been acting lately and started her car as she let the garage door up.

  She backed out and made her way to Choppa, typing the address in her GPS. She knew that she could possibly be heading to the point of no return, especially since she wasn't in denial about wanting to marry Kevin anymore. Aries hadn't forgotten how Choppa made her feel whenever she was around him and that was the part that scared her the most.

  As Aries drove to the address Choppa sent her, she admired the houses in the neighborhood she was in. It was really nice and upscale so she was wondering who the hell lived around here. She pulled up to the address and sat nervously. It seemed as if all of a sudden she was having second thoughts about being here.

  That was until the front door opened and Choppa stood there looking like a sexy chocolate God. The only thing he had on were some grey sweatpants and socks, his whole chiseled, tattooed chest was on full display.

  “Bring yo ass on!” Choppa yelled to her.

  Aries rolled her eyes. Just that quick, she had forgotten how much of a rude asshole Choppa could be. It was after five o'clock in the morning but he was out here yelling like he was in the middle of a field.

  Aries got out of the car and made her way to the front door. She couldn't help but to notice Choppa’s dick print that was showing through his sweatpants.

  “Fuck is you looking at?” Choppa asked as he grabbed his dick. “I'm up here, Aries.”

  “Whatever, Brandon, can I come in? Or did you call me over here just to keep me standing out here?” Aries questioned, embarrassed that she had been caught staring.

  “I should leave you out here,” Choppa said as he stepped to the side to let her in.

  Aries walked in, admiring the house while Choppa admired her ass in her leggings. Her little ass think she slick, Choppa thought as he walked up behind her.

  “You got panties on?” he asked while slapping her on the ass.

  “Oww! What the fuck?” Aries whined. “Choppa, stop playing, it's too early and I'm tired.” Aries pulled out her phone to send her sister a text that she would read when she woke up.

  Me: I'm okay, with Choppa and about to turn my phone off.

  As soon as she sent the text, she felt arms wrapping around her waist.

  “You really missed me, ma?” Choppa asked.

  “Yes,” she sighed as she fell back into his embrace. Aries accidentally placed her ass against his dick but when she tried to move, Choppa just held her tighter so she couldn't move.

  “Why you miss me?” he questioned as he slid his hand in her leggings. “I knew your little freak ass ain't have no panties on. You came over here anticipating getting some dick, huh?”

  “No, I—”

  “Why you miss me, Aries?” Choppa asked again, cutting her off from the lie he just knew she was about to tell.

  “Ho…how am I supposed to think straight with your finger in me?” Aries shuddered.

  “Figure it out.”

  Aries tried to respond but the only thing that came out was a moan as Choppa used his fingers to explore her most sacred place. She tried to move his hand but Choppa used his free hand to slap hers away. Aries almost lost her mind when she felt his kisses on her neck. The harder Choppa kissed and sucked on her neck, the quicker he moved his fingers.

  Just when she was about to cum, he stopped and removed his fingers. Aries snapped her eyes open and looked at him like he had just grown two heads.

  “Why you do that?” she whined.

  Choppa didn’t respond as he walked away and headed for the stairs. Just like a lost puppy, Aries followed behind him. When they reached the master bedroom, Choppa stopped her before she could cross over the threshold.

  “You can’t wear that shit in here,” he told her.

  “What?” Aries asked, truly confused.

  Choppa grabbed her hand and twisted her ring off her finger. He looked at her as if he was daring her to say something about it. Aries just looked down, refusing to say anything because she wasn’t in the mood to start an argument with him. Choppa used that same hand to guide her into the room.

  He led her over to the bed where he stood directly in front of her, looking down at her. Aries used her finger and traced the tattoos on his chest.

  “You gonna tell a nigga why you miss him or what?” he asked.

  Aries looked up at him. “I miss you because I love the way you make me feel whenever I’m around you. I didn’t mean to make you mad or hurt your feelings, Brandon.”

  Choppa lightly pushed her back so she fell on the bed. “You know if I get it, it’s mine, right? I don’t share for shit.”

  Aries just looked away, contemplating her decision. She still had some unfinished business to handle with Kevin but she knew if she crossed this line with Choppa, it could do more damage than she needed it to. Choppa didn’t give her any more room to let her think as he started taking her t-shirt off. Aries tried to help him but he moved her hands away.

  “I didn’t ask you to do shit, chill out,” he told her.

  Aries let out a little chuckle. She thought it was cute how he always wanted to be in control and always had to have things his way. After he removed Aries’ shirt, Choppa went straight for her leggings. After he had her as naked as the day she came into the world, he just stood there staring at her.

  “Move up there,” he directed her to the middle of his bed.

  Doing as she was told, Aries moved to the middle of bed and waited on him. Choppa placed his hand in his waistline of his pants and dropped them, letting his dick spring to life. Just like the last time she saw it, Aries got nervous as hell. Choppa got in the bed and climbed up Aries’ body, stopping at her pussy.

  He pushed her legs back and dived in head first. As soon as his tongue connected with her pussy, Aries damn near bucked off the bed. She had never received oral sex before because Kevin said he just wasn’t into it and could never see himself doing it. On top of that, he was on this kick where he wanted to refrain from having sex until their honeymoon, so she was basically in a drought.

  “Shit!” she yelled out through a moan.

  Choppa licked Aries as if he were licking an ice cream cone. He licked her from her opening all the way up to her clit, where he moved his tongue in quick circular motions that drove her crazy. Aries had no idea what Choppa was doing to her but all she knew was she loved it. The sensation felt so good that it had her ready to pull her hair out.r />
  “What the fuck you running for?” Choppa asked as he pulled her body back down to him.

  “Wait, Brandon…shit!”

  Choppa ignored her as he continued to nibble, suck and lick on her clit like his life depended on it. The last time he had a chance to have Aries the way he wanted her, they were interrupted. So this time, he was going to make it do what it do.

  “Oh fuuuuuuck!” Aries yelled out just as she came for the first time that night.

  She thought Choppa was going to come up after that but she had surely thought wrong. He kept his tongue moving over her throbbing knob that was now sensitive. Once again, Aries tried to scoot back because she couldn't take it but Choppa had locked down on her thighs, holding her in place.

  “I…I can't!” she cried out as she tried to push his head away.

  Choppa moved his head away from her hands before latching back on and sucking even harder than before. He nibbled and moved his tongue over her sensitive clit as fast as he could while using his fingers to probe inside her tight walls.

  “Fuck, Choppa. Pleaseeeee!”

  That's two, Choppa smiled to himself as he finally came up. He tried not to laugh when he noticed the tears in the corners of her eyes.

  “You alright?” he asked.


  “Good, now turn around. Face down, ass up,” he said.

  Aries obliged him as she turned around on her stomach and hiked her ass up in the air. Her body shuddered as Choppa rubbed the tip of his dick up and down her slit before he eased inside her. Choppa let out a low hissing sound as her tight walls pulled him in.

  “Shit,” Aries moaned out.

  Choppa grabbed her hips and wasted no time going to work.

  “Oh God! Choppa!”

  “What the fuck I tell you about that running shit?” he said as he slapped her ass.

  “Oooh, wait! I can't take it!” Aries moaned.

  Aries didn’t know what type of dick Choppa had. He was hitting spots that she didn’t even know was there. She was scared that if he kept fucking her like this, she was going to fuck around and fall in love. It was as if he was fucking her like he had a point to prove.


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