My Lord Immortality

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My Lord Immortality Page 13

by Debbie Raleigh

  "Is that all?"

  Mr. Ryan once again cleared his throat in a modest manner. "Actually, I do have a few questions, sir, if you will allow."

  Sebastian smiled wryly. He knew quite well that it was a command rather than a request, no matter how cleverly worded.

  "Of course."

  "First, I fear I must tell you that there has been another murder in the neighborhood."

  Sebastian grimaced. He did not need to feign his regret.

  "How unfortunate," he murmured. "Did it occur last evening?"

  "Yes, not far from here," Mr. Ryan confirmed. "Could you tell me if you noticed anything was amiss?"

  As was his usual custom, Sebastian carefully pondered his answer. His first thought when Mr. Ryan had so inopportunely arrived had been to send him on his way with all swiftness. He was far too aware that one unfortunate noise from his hidden guests could ruin everything. A risk that was becoming ever greater as he sensed the presence of Amelia, who was even now hovering just outside the door.

  With an effort, however, he quelled his anxiety. What was needed now was cool logic. He would wring Miss Hadwell's lovely neck later.

  He searched for some means of using Mr. Ryan's presence to his own advantage.

  "Unfortunately, no. I was home most of the evening."

  "You did not leave the house at all?" Mr. Ryan persisted.

  "Only once, though that was quite late." Sebastian tilted his head as if attempting to recall the events of the previous evening. "Indeed, it must have been well past three. I awoke and was unable to return to sleep so I stepped out to have a smoke. My housekeeper is rather a tartar when it comes to a gentleman enjoying a cheroot, even in his own home."

  Although the broad face did not react to the offhand words, there was no missing the sudden tension that tightened about the runner.

  "Yes, sir. Quite understandable." He rubbed his chin absently. "Did you happen to notice anyone about?"

  "No, I..." Sebastian paused deliberately. "Well, I did happen to see Mr. Ramone pass by. He must have been in a hurry since he did not appear to hear me when I called out a greeting."

  It was clumsily obvious, but thankfully Mr. Ryan did not appear suspicious. Instead, his eyes abruptly narrowed in concentration.

  "Mr. Ramone? You are certain he was the gentleman you saw?"

  Sebastian lifted his brows. "Of course. Even at a distance, his well-pampered curls are unmistakable."

  The runner struggled to repress a wry smile. "Quite right."

  "I fear I did not notice anyone else about."

  "Very good, sir." Mr. Ryan subjected Sebastian to one last searching glance before offering an awkward bow. "I will trouble you no further."

  Sebastian graciously escorted the man back into the foyer and opened the door. He was uncertain if he had managed to fool the runner completely, but he could at least be assured that the man's entire attention would not be focused on William.

  Stepping onto the front porch, Mr. Ryan paused abruptly and glanced over his shoulder.

  "Oh, Mr. St. Ives."


  "If you do come across young William, would you please send word to me at Bow Street?"

  He smiled easily. "You may be assured I will not forget."

  The runner smiled thinly, perhaps well aware that Sebastian was not being nearly as forthcoming as he would desire. Still, there was little he could do without direct proof.

  "Good day, sir."

  Turning, the man continued down the stairs and Sebastian firmly closed and locked the heavy door. Only then did he step toward the center of the foyer and cross his arms over his chest.

  "All right, Amelia. You may come out," he commanded in exasperated tones. There was a long pause before she stepped slowly from behind a large urn. He heaved a long-suffering sigh. "I thought I told you to wait in the kitchen."

  She had the grace to blush, although her eyes flashed with a stubborn fire.

  "I had to hear."

  "And William?" he prompted.

  "He is busily washing the dishes. It is a chore he enjoys."

  Sebastian was not at all reassured. The devil take her. What if William had dropped a plate? Or come in search of company?

  "It was a risk you should not have taken."

  She could not have missed his stern expression and the hint of censure in his words, but astonishingly she moved brashly toward him, the enchanting dimples making a sudden appearance.

  "Thank you," she said softly, not halting until she was standing far too close for his peace of mind.

  Sebastian struggled to contain his annoyance. Amelia might have ruined all with her impetuous behavior. But even as the thought went through his mind, he already knew it was a lost battle.

  How could he possibly remain immune to those dark eyes that shimmered with open admiration, or the sweet smile that made so much pleasure swirl through his body?

  He was a vampire, not a bloody saint.

  "Thank you for what?" he demanded absently, his mind far more consumed with the sheer muslin that revealed a great deal too much.

  "For confusing Mr. Ryan, of course." Seemingly unaware of the sudden prickles of heat in the air, she placed her hands trustingly upon his chest. "You were ... marvelous."

  He did not intend to move, but somehow his hands found their way to her shoulders. Once there, it was only natural that they would sweep toward the plunging bodice of her nightrail. The warm satin of her skin was like a magnet.

  "Hardly marvelous," he was forced to protest, his heart kicking as he felt a shiver race through her body. "I do not believe Mr. Ryan is entirely convinced that you and William have left London."

  Her eyes darkened, her hands tentatively smoothing over the muscles of his chest.

  "Perhaps not, but now he must consider Mr. Ramone as a suspect," she said, her hands audaciously lowered toward his tightly clenched stomach. "That was quite brilliant."

  Sebastian caught his breath, his teeth gritting as her touch sent a violent surge of need through his body. Blessed Nefri. A few more moments and he might forget it was the middle of the morning and they were standing in the center of the open foyer.

  It would be so delightfully easy. A few tugs upon the muslin nightrail. A few steps toward the nearby rug. A few kisses. And then ... paradise.

  So much for his notorious restraint, he acknowledged wryly. At the moment he would gladly exchange every book he had ever owned for a soft bed and several hours of delicious privacy with this maiden.

  Closing his eyes, he shifted to grasp her roaming hands. The sweet torture was more than any lusty vampire could bear.

  "Amelia," he groaned in ragged tones. "You truly are a minx."

  Her low chuckle did nothing to ease the aching tension that gripped his body.

  "Are you sorry that you were sent to protect me?"

  "No." He lifted his lids to gaze deep into her eyes. "No, I am not sorry."

  A stillness settled about her as she regarded him with a haunting glimpse of vulnerability.

  "Neither am I."

  Amelia was on the library floor putting together a simple wooden puzzle with her fretful brother when Sebastian entered the room. Glancing up, she felt her heart skip a beat at the sight of him.

  Despite the fact that she had been sheltered beneath his roof for the past two days, she had rarely been al-lowed to catch sight of him. He claimed that he had been busy ensuring that the devious Mr. Ramone did not make any further attempts to approach her. Perhaps it was a genuine excuse. But she had a deep suspicion that he was deliberately avoiding her company.

  Now she found her gaze sweeping avidly over his body and lingering upon the chiseled features that plagued her dreams without mercy.

  Her breath caught. The horrifying knowledge that he was not even human should have made his faintly exotic beauty repelling rather than fascinating, and the honey-accented voice something to be feared.

  Unaccountably, however, Amelia could not gaze upon him and se
e a monster to be feared. Nor even a mere guardian who would protect her and then vanish at swiftly as he had arrived.

  He was, quite simply, the man who had charged into her lonely world and made her remember that she was a woman.

  In silence she watched his approach, sensing the strain that he was careful to keep hidden. She wished she had the power to ease his burdens. Unfortunately, he remained far too aloof for her to offer her comfort. All she could do at the moment was avoid adding to his concerns.

  A faint smile touched his lips as he watched William fiercely concentrating upon the puzzle piece in his tight clutch. Then he slowly turned to meet her searching gaze, the male features seeming to soften at her hint of concern.

  "Come." He held out a slender hand. "I have brought you a surprise."

  "A surprise?" Amelia readily placed her fingers in his and allowed herself to be pulled to her feet. "What surprise?"

  Firmly tugging her arm through his own, Sebastian led her toward the open door.

  "Patience, my dear."

  She grimaced at his mysterious manner, but in truth she did not mind. It was enough just to be allowed to spend a rare few moments in his company.

  Breathing deeply of his warm scent, Amelia shamelessly shifted closer to him as they moved through the hall and down the stairs. She had a dozen questions she wished to ask him, not the least of which was what the demonic Mr. Ramone intended to do next. Hut her lips remained closed. Her entire body was tingling with the wondrous sense of him. It was too pleasant to distract herself with distasteful thoughts of the treacherous vampire.

  In silence, they continued toward the back of the house, and then, pushing open the door to the kitchen, he waved her through.

  "What on earth are you up to?" she demanded as she stepped into the narrow room. Only then did she notice the slender woman standing next to the table. Rushing forward, she clutched the work-roughened fingers in her own. "Mrs. Benson," she breathed in pleasure.

  "My dear." The servant smiled, although there were tears in her eyes. "I have been so worried. How is William? Has he been eating properly? Does he have his favorite slippers?"

  Amelia chuckled at the flurry of questions. She suddenly realized just how much she had missed the hectic chatter and unwavering love that this woman offered.

  "He is quite well," she assured the older woman. "He will be very pleased to see you. I fear I do not make his muffins in the manner that he prefers."

  A flush of pleasure touched the wrinkled cheeks as she instinctively glanced about the kitchen with an experienced eye.

  "Well, I shall soon have him a batch in the oven."

  "You will have ample time later," Sebastian said, firmly interrupting the happy reunion. "First you will wish to settle in your rooms."

  "Yes, indeed, that would be lovely," Mrs. Benson was swift to agree.

  "There is a sitting room and bedchamber just off the pantry."

  Sebastian moved to escort her out of the kitchen, only to be imperiously waved away.

  "No, no. I can find them. I shall have a bit of a rest and then see about those muffins. Oh, and there is dinner to consider ..."

  The housekeeper bustled toward the side door, her mumbles following her all the way to her chambers.

  Pressing her hands together, Amelia regarded Sebastian with a bright smile.

  "Thank you," she said with all sincerity. "I am very relieved to have her with us. I was concerned she might be harmed."

  "As was I." He stepped closer, his hand rising to tuck a stray curl behind her ear. Almost absently, his fingers lingered, lightly stroking the sensitive line of her neck. "Unfortunately, your home is being closely watched by Mr. Ryan. I was forced to use a chimney sweep to get word to her that I desired a meeting. It would not have done for me to have been seen upon your doorstep."

  Amelia moistened her suddenly dry lips. She wanted to concentrate upon his words. She was certainly interested in how he managed to whisk Mrs. Benson away from danger. Unfortunately, her mind possessed a will of its own. It seemed far more eager to dwell upon the dazzling enjoyment of his touch.

  "No, of course not," she at last managed, hoping her expression did not reveal she was a breath away from swooning against him. "How did you manage to bring her here?"

  His own thoughts did not appear to be entirely upon their conversation as his gaze followed the distracting path of his fingers.

  "I had her walk to her sister's with an obvious bag of belongings. Once there, she slipped out the back and into a hackney I had waiting. It is hoped that all will believe she is set to remain with her sister for some time."

  Despite her bemusement, Amelia discovered her more sensible self quite impressed with his ingenious plan.

  "You truly are a very clever gentleman."

  His lips twisted at her words. "Not clever, merely desperate. I could not bear another day of eating my feeble efforts at cooking."

  She gave a sudden chuckle. In truth it would be lovely to have Mrs. Benson's deft hand in the kitchen. The past few days she had existed on eggs and porridge with the occasional slice of ham to break up the monotony. Sebastian was undoubtedly a skilled, intelligent, fascinating vampire. He would never, however, be mistaken for a chef.

  "It was not so bad," she hedged with a flash of dimples.

  His fingers moved to cup her chin, his expression amused. "What a terrible liar you are, my dear. You should always tell the truth."

  Her gaze searched over the male features that were so achingly familiar.

  "While you give nothing away. It is very difficult to know what you are thinking."

  A fine tension settled in the air between them, a shimmering web that connected them more forcibly than any physical touch.

  "No doubt that is for the best," he murmured, his gaze reluctantly lifting to probe deep into her eyes.


  He flinched at her question. "Amelia, we both know why."

  Of course they did. He was not a London gentleman in search of an on-the-shelf spinster. He was not even a gentleman in the general sense of the word. His only purpose was to ensure that the Medallion was pro-tected. Once he had dealt with Mr. Ramone, he would return to his people and she would be no more than it distant memory.

  While she... she would be alone again with no one but William to fill her days.

  A thought that was far more depressing than it should be.

  She lowered her lashes to hide the grief that lanced through her heart.

  "Yes," she said softly.

  His fingers tightened, all too easily able to sense the pain she sought to keep secret.

  "Oh, Amelia, please do not be unhappy," he pleaded.

  Knowing that she was only adding to his burdens, she stepped back briskly and tilted her chin to a firm angle.

  She did not need his pity. That was the last thing she desired.

  "I am not unhappy," she lied bravely, "merely concerned. William and I cannot hide here forever."

  Although he could easily read her heart, Sebastian thankfully followed her lead to less dangerous waters. Folding his arms over his chest, he regarded her with a steady gaze.

  "It will not be forever. I am certain it will all soon be behind you."

  "How can you be so certain?"

  "Mr. Ramone . . . Drake, is notoriously vain. His pride will not allow him to remain without the Medallion for long."

  She grimaced at his explanation. "That is hardly reassuring, Sebastian."

  He smiled wryly, belatedly realizing that his words had hardly been designed to inspire comfort.

  "Do not fear. He might very well come to his senses and return to the Veil. If he does not, and continues his pursuit of the Medallion, then I will stop him."

  A frown tugged at her brows at his unperturbed tone. "I do not like the thought of you placing yourself in danger."

  "No more than I enjoy knowing that you are at risk," he pointed out softly.

  "But who will protect you?"

  He b
linked, as if surprised by her concern. She felt a stab of impatience. For goodness' sake. Surely he must realize that she could not bear it if something happened to him?

  "I assure you that I am well able to take care of myself."

  She was not about to be so easily soothed. Sebastian had been commanded to protect the Medallion She did not doubt for a moment that he would sacrifice himself to fulfill that duty.

  She settled her hands upon her hips, her expression stern.

  "But you said yourself that this Drake possesses powers that you do not have."

  "True enough, but I was given a dagger blessed by the most powerful of vampires. If necessary, I will use it to destroy Drake."

  His features remained set in determined lines, but Amelia did not miss the sudden darkening of his eyes. For the first time, she considered more than just the danger to Sebastian.

  "It would be difficult for you, would it not?" she demanded.

  The elegant features tightened. "The most difficult thing I have ever done."

  Her expression softened in sympathy. "You were close to this vampire?"

  There was a long pause before he shrugged his shoulder. "The relationships between vampires are rather different from those of humans. We are all of one family and connected by more than mere blood. When one of my brothers is lost it leaves a wound that cannot be healed."

  "Oh, Sebastian." She closed the small space between them to lay her hand upon his arm. She could physically feel the dread that filled his heart. And the unmistakable sadness at the thought of harming a brother. "Is there no other way?"

  He drew in a deep breath. "Who is to say? The future is not yet established. Not even a vampire is capable of peering into such murky depths."

  Amelia sighed, well aware that his hope was fragile, indeed. "I am sorry, Sebastian. I did not realize how very difficult all this must be for you."

  A silence descended as he regarded her with an odd expression. "You are a most astonishing maiden, Miss Hadwell," he murmured.

  She lifted her brows in confusion. "Astonishing?"

  "Most mortals would be mindless with terror at the realization that they were surrounded by vampires. If they were capable of believing it at all."


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