Club Thrive: Agenda (The Club Thrive Series Book 3)

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Club Thrive: Agenda (The Club Thrive Series Book 3) Page 9

by Alison Mello

  “I know, and I’m sorry I gave you a hard time before, it’s just a lot to take in. Especially because I’m not sleeping well,” I look to the floor, trying to hide my emotions.

  “Maybe we should stay home tonight?” he questions, kneeling in front of me.

  “No, please. I need to get out of this house and see our friends. We can leave early, but I want to go, even if it’s just for a little while.”

  “All right, we’ll go for a little while.” He lifts my chin. “I need to shower, join me,” he demands and I can’t help the small smile that spreads across my lips, because if there’s one thing I really enjoy, it’s a shower with Stone.

  “I’d love to.” He pulls me up from my seat and presses his lips to mine.

  “Thank you.” He grabs my hand and pulls me toward the bathroom. He starts getting the water ready while I strip off my clothes. He turns to my fully naked body and glances up and down, licking his lips. He lifts me up, setting me down on the counter. “I need to make sure you’re good and dirty before I make you clean.” He spreads my legs wide and kneels before me, licking up the inside of my leg. When he gets to the top, he buries his face in my pussy, licking and suckling on my clit. I lean back on my hands, shoving my hips forward, giving him better access. He moans against my clit, the vibration sending a shiver through my body. Suddenly, as if from nowhere, he pulls out a little bullet and presses it to my clit while he fucks me with his tongue. It feels amazing.

  I whimper and moan as he rubs the little vibrating bullet over my clit, my hips grinding in rhythm with him. My breathing is out of control as I’m about to explode. “Fuck, Stone,” I scream. My legs are shaking as I try to close them around him, but he pulls them apart, lapping up every drop I have to offer. He stands up, showing me his cock is stiff as a nail. He picks me up, seats me on his cock, and carries me into the shower. He presses my back to the wall and kisses me hard. I can taste my arousal all over his wet, messy mouth, but I don’t care because it’s the passion behind the kiss that grabs me. He’s telling me everything in this one kiss He’s showing me his love and his fears all at once and it nearly breaks me. His hips are thrusting up as his hands pull down on mine. He continues grinding his cock into me until I tighten around him and we both come together. He pulls away from me. “I love you so much,” he says, looking into my eyes.

  “I know you do and I love you. We just have to figure this all out so we can move on with our lives.”

  “We will. I promise.” He lowers me down so I can stand on my own. “I would like to spend some time gathering anything that’s left at your place that you want to keep. Once that’s done, I’ll take care of emptying the remainder of your apartment for you.”

  “Thank you, I think that’s a great plan. I’ll email my landlord and let her know I’ll be out by the end of the month.” He smiles at me. “Does that make you happy?”

  “You make me happy, and the thought of you living with me before the holidays makes me happier.” I giggle because he looks so rough with his long hair, muscular body, and the ink he sports, but he’s really such a soft, caring man, and I love him dearly.


  “Are you ready, baby?” Stone yells from the hallway.

  “Just about,” I shout back. I walk out of the bathroom, grab my boots, and run out to the living room where Stone is already dressed in a pair of fitted jeans and a V-neck t-shirt with his signature black boots. That’s all he ever wears unless he’s out for a run, and I swear his running sneakers are the only ones the man owns. His hair is tied back, showing he needs his sides shaved.

  “Someone needs a haircut.” I run my hand along the sides of his hair.

  “I’m going tomorrow.” He presses his lips to mine. “That’s why I shave it sometimes while it’s short so it doesn’t get out of control, but someone has had me a bit distracted.”

  “Are you blaming me for your overgrown hair?” I question with my brows raised.

  “Why yes, I am. Is there a problem with that?” He pulls me close, pressing my body to his.

  “No, but I better be the only woman distracting you.”

  “You know you are. Now get those boots on so we can go.” He slaps my ass as I walk away.

  Security knocks on the door a minute later to let us know the car is ready and waiting. We’re going in the truck and they’ll follow in the car. Stone doesn’t leave the house without a gun these days and it’s a bit nerve-wracking, but I understand and know it’s to keep me safe.

  We get to the truck and he ushers me in, looking around as he does. He climbs in the other side and takes off with the security team following right behind us. Since my two security guards protected Katie, they know a bit of the deal and how we do things. They’ll stand post outside Logan’s door while we enjoy some time with our friends. Logan has already informed the management company of his building that we would have security.

  We pull up to Logan’s and the doorman is standing there as usual. We get out of the truck, and as Slade climbs in, Stone says, “Nine-thirty.” He nods and climbs in to move the two cars. The doorman greets us and we head straight up to see our friends. When we get there, Logan answers the door. He hugs me and asks how I’m doing. We get inside and I see everyone is already here and we instantly become the center of attention.

  “I know you’re all concerned and I appreciate that you care, but I really don’t want to talk about this all night long. Higgins is a nasty man who tried to manhandle me. Thankfully Stone showed up when he did and took care of it. Since then, he’s been very professional and I’m hoping it’ll stay that way.”

  I turn to Logan. “I’m sorry if this has caused any issues for Club Heat.”

  “We’ll figure it out. They’ve done some more vandalizing, but this time it was employee cars. Mainly dancers. I think he’s trying to get them to quit, but because I told them I would pay for the damages, they have all agreed to stay so far.”

  “I wish I knew how to fix this. I’m not even sure why he’s so angry. You had a right to kick his goons out.”

  “Everyone here knows that, but he’s a dirty guy. He doesn’t play by the same rules we do and that’s why security is so important for you. Stone told me they’re driving you crazy, and I get it, but they’re important.” Logan gives me a sympathetic look.

  “Miranda, Katie and I both know what you’re going through, but Logan is right. This is serious.” Sky gives me a warm smile and rubs my arm.

  I sigh. “I get that it’s important. That’s not the question. The question is, how do we fix it? Even if I give him a kick ass grand re-opening party, he isn’t just going say ‘thanks’ and go away.” I run my hands through my hair. “He’s pissed because Stone beat the shit out of Benny. He says he chose me and he expects me to do as he asks. I really thinks he thought he was going to get more than some marketing out of me.”

  They all look at Stone. “He had it coming. He told me she had a beautiful rack and wouldn’t let me into the club.” The girls all giggle at him and he shakes his head. “Besides, if I hadn’t kicked him in the nuts, he’d reproduce and we’d have more losers running around.” Now the guys are laughing.

  “This isn’t funny.” I giggle. “Okay some of it is, but seriously. We really need to figure this out.”

  “We will. Katie’s father is helping us. Her sister has started working at Club Thrive, and we have a new bouncer there as well. Plus, I’m hiring another bouncer for Club Heat. We’ll have plenty of staff around so that Stone and I can figure out what to do to catch these guys.”

  I give Logan a small smile. “Thanks.”

  He puts his arm around me. “You’re welcome!” Then he turns his attention to the rest of the room. “Now on a much happier note. Sky and I have some news of our own.”

  Sadie shouts, “She’s pregnant!”

  Logan sighs. “No, Sky’s not pregnant. Can you stop rushing baby number two, please?” Sadie starts laughing. “We’re buying a house not too far from here. We’re
going to have some work done to it first, but we’ll be in before the holidays, and we’d like to celebrate Christmas with each of you there. Will you all join us?”

  We all start cheering and clapping because we finally have something to celebrate amongst the drama in our lives. This is a great group of people, but we need to catch a break. First it was Sky with her stalker, then Katie had her father’s felon after her, and now me with this club guy! Please Lord, give us a break! I shake my head at my thoughts.

  “What’s wrong, baby?”

  “I was just thinking about how nice it is to have something so positive happening amongst a family that has had to deal with nothing but drama for the last few years.”

  “Welcome to LA,” Jonah says. “Drama is all around us. We work in and around clubs, it’s the life we live.”

  “True story,” Logan says. “We just try hard to keep our noses clean so it doesn’t affect us too much.”

  “I’ll work on that,” I say with a grin, and everyone laughs.

  “Good, because we want to keep you around for a very long time.” Logan smiles

  We all start making plates as we talk in the kitchen. Sky tells us girls about the house and Logan tells the guys about the yard. They found a large house that was up for a short sale, so they got it for a great price. The yard is huge and it’s not too far from either club. It has five bedrooms and three and a half baths, an office for Logan and Sky, and a playroom for Stephan.

  Sky says, “When we get into the new house, we’ll have a dining room big enough that we can actually have everyone over for a meal. We plan on getting a dining room set for twelve.”

  “That’s a big table,” I tell her.

  “Yeah, well, I’m sure we’ll continue to grow. At some point we’ll have to figure out how to cut it off, but for Christmas we want to invite our friend Mikey too.”

  “Do I know Mikey?” Katie asks.

  “Not yet. He’s Logan’s friend and the owner of Club Temptation. I sing for him once in a while when he needs someone.”

  “Oh cool,” Katie says.

  “He’s a really nice guy,” Sky says, scraping her plate.

  “Are you still singing a lot?”

  “Not really. I sing at Club Thrive during Singles’ Night once in a while, and then at Club Temptation when Mikey needs me. It’s fun to do it once in a while, but I’m having way more fun with the baby and it’s important to us that I’m here for him as much as possible.”

  “I wish I could be a stay at home mom when the time comes. My mom wasn’t there for me much growing up. My father bolted when I was a baby, and my mother always busted her ass to provide for me the best she could, but with one income she usually came up short.”

  “Are you close to your mom?” Sky asks me.

  “She died while I was in college,” I say, biting my cheek. Katie rubs my back. We’ve talked about our losses and have been there for each other during the tough times like birthdays and anniversaries.

  “I’m so sorry.” Sky gives me a sympathetic look.

  I shrug. “It’s okay. I miss her but I can handle discussing it now. It was a shock at first. She was out buying my birthday present when she was hit by a drunk driver while crossing the street.” I pause for a minute, replaying the call in my head. “I got pulled out of class by one of the counselors. They told me and I hurried home. I got to visit with her in the hospital, but she didn’t make it.”

  “I lost my parents in a car accident too. I know the feeling of shock you experienced. It’s tough to know one minute they were there and the next they’re gone.”

  “What’s with all the heavy conversation tonight?” Logan asks.

  “Just getting to know each other, I guess.” I shrug my shoulders. “That’s how you come to realize you have more in common with the people around you than you know. Conversation like this makes you realize who your family really is even if not linked by blood.”

  “I hear that.” Sky raises her glass.

  A minute later there’s a knock on the door. “That’s the security team. I told them to be ready by nine-thirty.” Logan goes to the door and tells Slade that we’ll be out in a minute.

  We say our goodbyes to everyone, but when I hug Sky, she holds on to me a second longer. “If you need to talk or vent, you know how to reach me. I promise we’ll plan a girls’ night soon.”

  “Thanks, Sky.” I try to hold my tears at bay. I’m a bit emotional over this situation and some of it probably has to do with my lack of sleep.

  Stone takes my hand and we walk down to the waiting car. He says, “Thanks, Slade.” Slade shakes his hand and goes back to his car while we climb into ours.

  “Thanks for the night out. I really needed that. Although I feel like I ruined Sky and Logan’s big night.”

  “Nah, you were fine. Like Sky said, they understand and they care about you. They want you safe just as much as I do.”

  “I’m glad we have such good friends.”

  “Yeah, me too.”

  Chapter 11


  Holy shit, I think as I dial Katie’s extension, “Come check this out,” I say into the phone before hanging up, not even giving her a chance to respond. I got another email from Higgins, and apparently he’s been working on the club. The pictures he’s sent me of the VIP rooms are amazing.

  “What the hell?” Katie asks, walking into my office. “Why did you hang up on me?”

  I pull her around my desk. “Look.” I turn my laptop to show her the images.

  “That’s gorgeous. Who sent that?”

  “Higgins. That’s one of the new VIP rooms.”

  “No way.” She clicks through the images.

  The rooms are painted in a gorgeous silver color and the curtains and furniture around the room are now purple to match the new awning that’s going up outside the club. There are potted plants scattered around the room and some really nice black coffee and end tables in the room.

  “Do you think he’s taking Stone seriously? I haven’t heard from the guy other than by email since Stone burst through the door and took out Benny.”

  Her brows shoot up. “I don’t know, but I hope so. It would really make life a lot easier for all of us.”

  “Not all of us. There’s no way Stone is just going to let up on security because it’s been almost two weeks since he’s called, and a week since he’s messed with Club Heat.” I sigh. “How am I supposed to throw this guy a grand re-opening party if he can’t meet with me? I certainly can’t go into his club.”

  She takes the seat across from my desk. “Do you have to be there for it?”

  “Think about that. Would you take charge of throwing a party for one of your clients and not be on site to make sure it went perfectly?”

  “No, you’re right, I wouldn’t.” She shakes her head.

  “Don’t get me wrong, I fear this guy, but we are supposed to finish this job and then leave him on his own, and if we’re not careful and I don’t finish the job to his satisfaction, it can ruin the company. He has deep pockets, I know it.” I bite the inside of my lip while contemplating what to do. “If he does something in the meantime, the hope is we’ll catch him, right?”

  “Right,” she says flatly.

  “Maybe I need to make arrangements for my security to go into the club with me for a planning meeting. There’s no way he’s going to try anything with security around. If it’s a day meeting, Stone can go too. That way I’m sure to stay safe.”

  “Then what? I know you want to be there for the event. I understand, but I really don’t think it’s a good idea for you to be in the club with it in full swing. That gives him prime opportunity to try something and he is not your everyday client.”

  “You’re right and we need to protect Millennium’s name as well. I can inform him at the meeting that I’ll set everything up but he and his staff are on their own the night of the party. I’ll talk to Tanya about how she wants to do the billing for an event that I set up, b
ut won’t take part in. Then I can hand him his final bill at that meeting and let him know everything will be arranged once he pays half the bill, and that the other half is due upon completion of the job.”

  “Not a bad idea, but you really need to discuss this with Tanya as well as Stone. He needs to be okay with you going into that place again.”

  I nod my head and let out a deep breath. She’s totally right, and for all I know Stone could totally freak out on me over it. I pick up my phone and dial my boss. “Hey Tanya, I was just meeting with Katie over Vixen. Do you have a minute for me to run something by you?”

  “Of course, I’ll come to you guys.”

  “Thanks.” I hang up and tell Katie she’s on her way.

  When she gets here she takes the seat next to Katie and we fill her in on all the details of our discussion. I show her the pictures and the work he’s done to the club. She seems happy with his progress on the upgrades we suggested, which will make the promo part much easier.

  “So you want to throw the party, but not attend it?”

  “Yeah, I don’t think it’s wise for anyone from the company to be in the club during the event. I think he’s bitter toward all of us and I’m not sure I trust him. Not to mention I’m quite sure he’s got something else illegal going on in the club. I’m just not sure what it is.”

  “If we don’t show, it’s going to look really bad for us.” Tanya lets out a deep breath and I can see she’s really thinking this over.

  “You don’t think our lack of participation could be easily explained should he decide to throw us under the bus for not going?”

  “True, it wouldn’t look good for him if we were to tell people that we weren’t there because he put his hands on one of our employees. I could simply explain that we offered to finish the planning portion of the job, but refuse to step foot in his club.”

  “Especially if he’s trying to reach high profile clients,” Katie adds.

  “You know, we could always make him sign something that says our name stays out of his grand re-opening all together. We don’t need him to promote us. We plan it. He pays us and takes the credit.” I give her a look with my brows raised. I’m not really sure how she will feel about this.


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