Smokin' (The Hot Boys Series Book 1)

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Smokin' (The Hot Boys Series Book 1) Page 17

by Olivia Rush

  He gave me a wink, making it clear that it was going to be my job to break the good news.

  “OK, good,” said Chloe, “because I’ve got some major news here.”

  She scanned the room, looking for something. Once she laid eyes on the remote for the TV she pounced on it and pressed “power.”

  The TV flicked on to a local news station and we all listened in.

  “…We’ve just learned here at the station that the arsonists responsible for a string of fires around Brooklyn and Queens have just been apprehended.”

  The footage cut from the talking heads to a feed from a city street, where a swarm of police was gathered around a trio of men.

  Our men.

  “Now, Karen,” said the male reporter, “is it true that these are the arsonists responsible for the fire down at PS 204 just a few nights ago?”

  “Our contacts with the NYPD won’t say for certain, but what they have told us is that these are the prime suspects in all the fires that have ravaged local businesses around the city.”

  I watched the TV intently, my eyes locked on the screen. Sure enough, among the crowd of police and reporters I managed to catch a glimpse of the scarred man, an expression on his face that made it clear that he was none-too-pleased about being taken into custody like this.

  “Goddamn,” I said. “The NYPD got ’em.”

  “Good to see those pieces of shit are off the streets,” said Chief. “Hope they’re nice and cozy in Rikers tonight.”

  Chloe squeezed my arm and looked up at me, her eyes sparkling, maybe a little misty. I couldn’t help but lean in and plant a kiss on her forehead.

  “You did it,” she said.

  “We did it,” I corrected.

  Before she had a chance to say anything else, the phone on the stand next to the chief rang.

  “Now, who the hell would be calling me in my damn hospital room?” he asked, clearly frustrated.

  Chief struggled to turn his body around and grab the phone, grunting and groaning as he shifted. I stepped over to pick up the receiver, but he quickly swatted my hand away.

  “I’m not in the grave yet,” he said.

  Chloe and I shared a knowing look.

  Finally, Chief grabbed the phone and brought it to his ear.

  “Who the hell is this?” he barked.

  Then he listened, nodding along with whatever the person on the other line was saying.

  “I’m gonna cut you off there,” he said. “You got the wrong guy. The man you want is standing about five feet away from me. Here.”

  Chief held out the phone to me and shook it a little bit.

  “Here you go, Acting Chief,” he said. “First duty in your new role.”

  Out of the corner of my eye I watched as an expression of shock formed on Chloe’s face.

  “Acting Chief?” she mouthed, not speaking a word.

  I shrugged as I put the receiver in my ear.

  It was a representative from one of the local news stations on the other end, wanting to know if I was interested in having a press conference about the fires and the recent arrests.

  “When would this conference be taking place?” I asked.

  “Um, are you in the hospital now?” spoke the woman on the other end.

  “I am.”

  “Then take a look down at the entrance.”

  I placed the receiver under my arm and walked toward the window. Sure enough, down at the entrance was a gaggle of reporters, their news trucks forming a loose perimeter around them.

  “Guess you all didn’t really give me a choice in the matter, huh?” I asked. “Then again, I’m sure I could find a way out through the garbage chute or something.”

  “I don’t think that’d be very fitting for the new chief of your station,” said the woman. “Come on, let the public see your face. Everyone wants to meet this hero firefighter the whole city’s been talking about.”

  “Let me think about it,” I said. “If my answer’s ‘yes,’ I’ll be down in a few minutes.”

  “Hope to see you then.”

  And that was that.

  Chief let out a barking laugh as I hung up the phone. But then his eyes bugged out as some stitch of pain ran through him.

  “Goddamn bruised ribs,” he said, shaking his head. “Anyway, Ethan, I bet you didn’t think your first act as chief would be putting on a big smile for the press, now did you?”

  “Are you serious?” asked Chloe. “The press wants to talk to you?”

  “Yep,” I said. “And they’re down there right now. Wait a minute, Chief—this promotion wasn’t all about getting out of your PR duties, was it?” I flashed him a half-grin.

  “Hey, a man’s gotta get his rest while he can.” He coughed again. “Stokes, I need a damn nap. Go on and speak to your adoring fans—this job isn’t all rescuing kids from burning buildings, you know.”

  I shook my head, knowing he was right. “Hmm,” I said, considering.

  “What?” asked Chloe.

  “Maybe they’d also like to hear a few words from the hero teacher who led her kids out of the burning school?”

  Chloe’s gorgeous eyes went wide.

  “Uh uh,” she said, shaking her head. “No way. The only crowds I can deal with are those comprised of third graders.”

  “Think about it,” I said. “The kids would get a total kick out of seeing their teacher on the news. And hell, maybe it’d even a fun couples-bonding experience.”

  Chloe crossed her arms over her breasts and thought the matter over. “Fine,” she said. “When you put it like that.”

  “Then let’s do it.” I turned to Chief. “Get some rest, old-timer,” I said. “We’ll keep these dogs at bay.”

  “Oh, believe me,” he said, “I’m about to have all the time for rest in the world now that I’m retired. Maybe I’ll buy that damn boat I’ve been talking about.”

  Then he slapped me on the arm, his expression turning serious.

  “I’m proud of you, Ethan,” he said. “I couldn’t be leaving this crew in better hands.”

  I said nothing, instead placing my hand on his and giving it a squeeze.

  “You ready to meet the press, Chief Stokes?” said Chloe, her hands on her hips.

  “About as ready as I’m ever gonna be,” I said.

  “Then let’s do it.”

  With that, Chloe and I left the chief and headed to the elevator.

  “Nervous?” she asked as the doors slid shut and the elevator began to descend.

  “I could ask you the same thing.”

  “Not even a little. And you?”

  I searched my feelings for a moment, realizing that the answer was “no.” I felt…something else entirely.

  “I’m not,” I said. “I’m…actually really fucking excited.”

  “Now, Chief Stokes,” she said. “I never would’ve thought I’d hear you say such a thing about giving a press conference.”

  Then she looked away for a moment, mouthing something I couldn’t make out.

  “‘Chief Stokes,’“ she said, a sly smile forming on her full lips. “That’s something I could get used to saying…and not just outside of the bedroom.”

  I returned her sensual look and wrapped my hand around her waist.

  “I’m excited about everything next,” I said. “This new job’s going to be tough, but I’m ready. And then there’s the matter of you and me…”

  “And what about you and me?”

  “Handling you is a different kind of challenge than putting out a burning building, but I think I’m ready for it.”

  “Why don’t you show me how ready you are?” said Chloe, turning to face me and wrapping her arms around my shoulders.


  I leaned in and kissed her deeply. As always, Chloe’s taste was like pure heaven. I couldn’t get enough of this woman.

  Right as our kiss hit its crescendo, the elevator doors slid open revealing a swarm of reporters, all of them clamoring
and shoving their microphones into my face. Cameras went off, catching Chloe and I mid-kiss.

  “I guess they’re going to have another little detail about the new chief to report,” said Chloe.

  I flashed Chloe one last smile, then turned my attention to the crowd. My hands raised, I cleared my throat and spoke clearly.

  “Now,” I said. “I’m sure you all have a lot of questions…”



  “…And that’s why I’m more than happy to be the new acting chief of Ladder 128. I have all the faith in the world in my crew and their ability to handle any situations like this that might arise in the future. My men are some of the best in the city and serving as their commander promises to be one of the greatest honors of my life.”

  I sat curled up next to Ethan on the couch in his apartment, watching the replay of the press conference from earlier in the day. I knew that I shouldn’t have been surprised that a man like him would be able to handle the press so well, but I still couldn’t get over just how calm and confident and…in charge he was as he addressed the reporters.

  And, of course, there I was in the frame, my face still red from the blush that exploded across my face when the doors opened while Ethan and I were kissing.

  “Now,” said Ethan, “the crew and I have a great deal of work to do, so I’m going to have to cut this…surprise press conference short. Thank you all.”

  The reporters burst into questions as Ethan stepped away from the microphones, leading me by my hand down the hospital hallway. The two of us disappeared around the corner.

  “Those were some words by Acting Chief Ethan Stokes of Ladder 128, the station responsible for the heroics last night,” said the male reporter.

  The female reporter sitting next to him had a strange look on her face, as though she were a little taken aback by something. Finally, she shook her head and spoke.

  “And the city surely owes a debt of gratitude toward Chief Stokes,” she said. “I’m sure we’d all agree that if even half the public servants in this town were as good-looking, um, uh, that is to say, heroic as him, we’d all be in safe hands.”

  The male reporter gave her a quizzical look.

  “We’ll…be back after the break,” he said.

  Then commercials.

  “Look at you!” I said, slapping Ethan on the chest, barely able to contain my laughter. “You’ve got a new addition to the Ethan Stokes fan club! Maybe she can be the treasurer or something.”

  Ethan chuckled.

  “I think I’ll leave the fan club up to the kids.”

  “Oh, that’s no fun,” I said. “I mean, if she joins, the priorities of the club might change. You know, the kids will want to climb down the fire pole, and she’s going to want to, um, I guess, climb a different kind of pole.”

  Ethan laughed.

  “You’re sick,” he said.

  “I don’t know,” I said. “I’m just thinking what with your newfound fame that I might need to start worrying about fighting these girls off.”

  A warm smile formed on Ethan’s face.

  “You’re not going to need to worry about anything like that,” he said. Then he kissed me softly.

  “Now,” I said, looking away in thought. “If you’ll remember, you and I were in the middle of something before those reporters so rudely crashed the party.”

  “Now that you mention it,” said Ethan, “I think you’re right. We were in the middle of going over some very important matters.”

  I placed my hand on his leg and moved it up slowly along the cool denim of his jeans, coming to a stop on the bulge of his crotch. “Though things got a little crazy after that,” I said. “I think you might need to…refresh me about the details of the conversation.”

  “I’d be happy to,” said Ethan.

  I didn’t need to hear another word.

  Ethan kissed me again and I fell deeply into it as soon as his lips touched mine. My eyes closed, I fumbled for the remote, clicking it at the TV when my hand fell on top of it, the chatter muting instantly.

  I leaned back, and Ethan moved on top of me as we kissed harder and deeper. He tasted so goddamn good that I couldn’t believe it. Each kiss had the same intensity and heat as our first, and the physical connection we shared was so real and intense it was almost a little bit frightening.

  But it’s good to be scared every now and then.

  Ethan’s hands moved along the curves of my hips as we kissed, slipping under my blouse and onto the cool, flat skin of my stomach. I focused on the feeling of his hands, that coarse, rough feeling that reminded me that I was being held by a real man, a man who’d proven time and time again what he was willing to risk to keep me safe, to make me his.

  His fingers inched upward, moving to the bottom border of my bra. He slid them around and to the clasp, undoing it quickly and easily. I helped him out by unfastening the buttons of my blouse, goose bumps breaking out across my skin as I pulled the shirt off. Ethan finished with my bra, slipping the red straps around my slim shoulders, my breasts spreading flat as I lay underneath him.

  Ethan then repeated the process on my slacks, undoing the button and pulling them down my legs. I took off my socks with my toes and by the time we were both done, I was underneath him in nothing but a pair of dark red panties.

  I closed my eyes in anticipation of what he was going to do next, but nothing happened. After a moment, I opened my eyes just a bit to see just what Ethan was doing.

  He was on top of me, looking down at my body with an expression that was both hungry and…something else.

  “There something wrong, Mr. Stokes?” I asked, a sly smile on my lips.

  “Just…having a hard time with how goddamn beautiful you are,” he said.

  A warmth spread through my body at his words. I didn’t know what to say. Then, I realized just what that strange expression was on his face—it was arousal, sure, but it was also…love. And I knew this because I felt the exact same way.

  “And that’s ‘Chief Stokes,’” he said, a playful smile on his gorgeous, impossibly handsome face.

  “My apologies, sir,” I said.

  Ethan then lowered his head over my breasts, his tongue moving past his lips and onto my pink nipples. The sensation of his tongue against the sensitive skin was like the sweetest rush of coolness over me imaginable. My nipples became hard instantly as he licked me, his hand squeezing my breasts as he did.

  And as he licked and sucked my breasts, my pussy grew wet and hot. I needed him inside me right at that moment, but I knew Ethan well enough to know that he was the sort of man to take his time, to draw things out in the most sensual way imaginable.

  Besides, I still had to get him out of his clothes.

  I reached down and grabbed the bottom hem of his Ladder 128 shirt and pulled it up. He took his mouth away from my breasts for just long enough to let me pull up the shirt. When I finally had it over his head, I took a long look at the gorgeous physique I’d just exposed. His pecs were like bricks, his stomach toned and taut, his hip muscles forming that impossibly sexy belt shape I’d only before seen on statues of Roman gods at the museum.

  He was like nothing else, both inside and out.

  I needed him naked more than anything I could imagine. We kissed more, and as we did, I worked on the button of his jeans, undoing all that nonsense and getting him quickly down to the basics. He kicked off his heavy black boots as we kissed, and soon he was stripped down to his coal-black boxer-briefs, the fabric so tight on his gigantic package and enormous leg muscles that it almost looked painted-on.

  He lowered his body as we kissed, his cock rubbing against my clit through my panties, the sensation sending pulses of hot electricity through my body. I needed more, more, and I couldn’t wait any longer.

  Ethan must’ve been able to read my yearning, because his next move was to take his lips from mine and move his kiss down my body. He kissed along my jaw, then down along the subtle slope of my neck, then a
long my collarbone.

  More tingles broke out through my body, and I shifted my hips from side to side in anticipation, feeling my pussy getting wetter and wetter. Ethan took another pass at my breasts, taking one nipple into his mouth and then the other. After this, his kiss traveled along my stomach, my chest rising and falling with each charged breath. Then he was down to my hips, his lips warm against my skin.

  Finally, he was right where I wanted him. He slipped his hands under the waistband of my panties and pulled them off slowly, the backs of his fingers dragging against the ripe flesh of my curvy thighs. He positioned himself over the trimmed tuft of my pubic hair, lowering himself so slowly that the anticipation was almost too much to bear.

  I couldn’t take it anymore. I placed my hands on the glossy hair on the back of his head and guided him down lower and lower. He flashed me a smile, knowing that his teasing had paid off. Seconds later his mouth was on my wet, wet lips, his kiss now more intense than I’d thought possible. He kissed around my pussy, licking and sucking my lips just as he had my nipples.

  When he’d had his fun, Ethan placed his fingertips on my now-soaking lips and spread them open. His tongue touched my clit and right away it was an intensity that I couldn’t believe.

  “Ah, ah!” I screamed out, my hips shifting to the side as I struggled to contain myself.

  “That’s a good ‘ah,’ I hope,” said Ethan, his voice as smooth and rich as butter.

  “Very…very good,” I moaned. “Just don’t stop—please don’t stop.”

  He knew the time for teasing was long over. Ethan lowered his eyes and turned his attention back to my pussy. Quick darts of his tongue onto my clit was his opening move, each flick of his tongue-tip on me like a whipcrack of pleasure. I took in breath after breath, running my hands over my full breasts as my chest rose and fell again and again.

  Already I could sense the stirring of an orgasm. Ethan slipped a pair of fingers into me, my cunt so wet at this point he was able to enter me like liquid. He curled his fingers inside of me, forming a “come-hither” gesture that hit my G-spot in a way so precise I could swear he was able to read my mind. As he fingered me, he licked me in a different manner, dragging the flat surface of his tongue over my clit, the sensation so powerful my eyes went wide in disbelief.


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