What We're Meant to Be

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What We're Meant to Be Page 9

by P Nelson

  Martin girded his mental loins and placed each of his and Linkin’s suit jackets over one arm and headed to the front of the house. Linkin stood like a statue in the same spot Martin had left him. No matter how angry Linkin might be with Delaney, he would never lay a finger on her that wasn’t consensual. Delaney, however, was throwing a class-five hissy fit, arms flying around, standing on tiptoes trying to get a response out of Linkin.

  This is where so many people went wrong with his boyfriend. They thought a lack of response meant Linkin either wasn’t listening or didn’t care. The fact was Linkin cared very much, and he was listening very hard, his mind working to put all the pieces together in a logical format for proper processing. Martin stepped up beside them and waited until Delaney had to take a breath.

  “We’ll meet you at The Feather Flogger tonight as planned.” Martin leaned in and placed a chaste kiss on her forehead. “I had a wonderful time last night and this morning. Delaney, you have a little submissive who wants to come and play. She’s calling to us to set her free.” Martin watched as Delaney’s eyes darkened with renewed desire. They had pushed her hard last night, and this morning Martin had given her no time to retreat into her shell. But as a good Dom, he recognised her need to process. “Be ready, because tonight Master Linkin and I intend to see that beautiful sub who has been winking at us for years now.”

  “Accounting really isn’t your thing.” Delaney sighed, and a reluctant smile spread across her face. “You should write girl porn.”

  “I’d only write it with the intent of getting your pussy wet and ready for me,” Martin replied and leaned down to give her a proper kiss. His cock kicked in his suit pants, demanding to be inside Delaney again. Stamping down his need, Martin pulled away. “You don’t need me to tell you this, but go inside, lock the door and have a hot bath. I want you to think about all the dirty, nasty things I’m going to do to you when we go home to our private dungeon tonight.”

  “No touching that pussy.” Linkin interrupted. “Your pussy belongs to us now.” Delaney’s face turned mutinous for a split second, and he cursed Linkin for ruining all his good work.

  “Yes, Master Linkin.” She lowered her eyes, but Martin was wary of exactly how submissive she was feeling.

  “Good, we’ll meet you at The Feather Flogger at 7 p.m.,” Martin said as he watched Linkin get into Delaney’s space. Their sub allowed him the familiarity and surrendered to his lips as Linkin slammed his mouth down on Delaney’s inhaling her on the front lawn. Martin cleared his throat a couple of times, worried Linkin would get carried away and use the garden hose neatly tucked away near the front of the house to create a scene on Delaney’s front lawn.

  “Be good, little sub. I’m always watching.” Linkin nodded towards the house. “Go inside so we know you’re safe.” Delaney looked as if she wanted to argue, but she only gave him a dirty look before rising on her tiptoes to kiss Martin’s chin. He watched as she stomped back to her open door and went through without looking back.

  “You know that sounds really creepy.” Martin turned and looked around for Linkin’s SUV.

  “I messed up.” Linkin’s shoulders sagged, and Martin wanted to put his arm around his lover and best friend to comfort him, but Linkin wasn’t built to accept kindness in that manner. He liked affection, but it could only come in certain forms, and pity was not one of them.

  “You sure did, big guy.” Martin spotted the vehicle a little down the street. “I’m always watching? Stalker much?” He saw Linkin’s shoulders bunch up next to him.

  “I’m nothing like that dropkick ex-Dom of hers. Where the hell did she pick him up?” Linkin grumbled as they walked down the street in the rumpled suits. It felt kind of refreshing to be doing the walk of shame.

  “No, but you need to try and work on your people skills. Do you think subs like Delaney come around very often?” He went to the passenger side door and waited for Linkin to unlock it.

  “We’ve never had a sub like her,” Linkin announced. “She’s perfect.” He frowned as he unlocked the SUV and opened the door. Once they were sitting inside, Linkin turned to him, “But if she’s the one for us, she must accept me for who I am.”

  “Delaney does accept you.” Martin leaned over the centre console and gave Linkin a hard kiss. “You and I just need to ease her into the insanity of our lives.”

  “Our lives are very well ordered,” Linkin grumbled and turned the engine on.

  “Well ordered and about to change to accommodate Delaney. You still want that, right?” Martin asked worried about the answer.

  “The front of my pants holds the answer to that,” Linkin replied as he pulled his SUV away from the curb. Martin looked down and saw Linkin sporting some serious wood.

  “Let’s get home so I can take care of that for you.” Martin smiled and eased back into his seat. He wanted something permanent with Delaney and knew he had to work extra hard to make it happen; otherwise, Linkin was going to scare her away.

  Chapter Eight

  Linkin stood restlessly glancing around the dungeon of The Feather Flogger. Saturday night was their busiest night of the week, with kinksters from all over Vancouver coming in to fly their individual freak flags. He had argued with Martin all afternoon about going back to Delaney’s house to make sure she was safe, and the two had fought. Linkin was surprised they’d argued and needed a couple of hours to cool down.

  As it stood, Linkin had insisted Martin contact Delaney to make sure she was safe by informing her they’d ordered a cab for her tonight. It was sneaky, and Linkin hated not just coming out with what he wanted, but Martin was adamant they needed to go a bit slower with Delaney.

  “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re wavering.” Martin gave him a hard look. “On the inside, of course, and don’t worry you still look scary as hell. I think Master Brandon’s sub might have peed in his leather boy shorts, and that isn’t one of Master Brandon’s kinks.”

  Snorting, Linkin stared at his best friend and lover. “I can hardly be blamed if the boy is incontinent. It probably stems from some childhood trauma involving an overzealous guardian and the potty.”

  “Did you just use the word potty?” Martin wore an expression of fake astonishment. “Now I know something isn’t right.” Linkin opened his mouth to set Martin straight, but his boyfriend continued talking. “You’re anxious over Delaney, and I know it’s got more to do with than her safety. You’re acting like a possessive Dom. It’s a new experience for both of us, but if we want to show her we can be Masters she needs, we need to dig deep.”

  “I don’t want to pretend to be someone else with her,” Linkin replied stubbornly. “She can take me.”

  “Yeah, Delaney can take both of us. That’s why we need to show her we accept her need for some freedom and space. This is all new to her. We both know she has never really submitted to a Dom before. Last night and this morning, she definitely made a breakthrough, but she wasn’t anywhere near attaining subspace.”

  “We should have stayed and administered aftercare.” Linkin wasn’t ready to let the argument rest.

  “Yes, we should have had her in a nice hot bath and lathered up her sexy as sin body, but she wanted us to leave.” Martin sighed, and Linkin knew he was disappointed he hadn’t taken care of Delaney the way he wanted. “But Delaney is not some newbie sub; she knows her own limits, and we have to trust her to tell us when she needs us and when she needs space.” Martin was silent for a minute. “Besides you hate doing the aftercare, what do you care if Delaney got a little pampering after our session?”

  “I’m into aftercare now.” Linkin saw the astonishment on Martin’s face and for a moment analysed whether he was such a bastard that he couldn’t even comfort anyone. No. He might not be as savvy as Martin when it came to cuddles and bubble baths, but he had his own brand of aftercare.

  “I was hoping you might be here tonight.” The owner of The Feather Flogger came over with a harassed expression on his face.
r />   “Good to see you, Master Lovett.” Martin smiled warmly at the other Dom.

  “Is there a problem with the system?” Linkin pounced on the other man’s anxiety; clearly, something wasn’t right in Master Lovett’s world of kink.

  “Only as far as the surveillance showing much more happens in the dungeon than I ever realised.” He sounded tired. “Your crew and the cameras have really opened up my eyes. In the last week alone, I’ve had to speak to two separate Doms I thought were practitioners of safe, sane, and consensual about bullying subs. I even caught one of the bar staff stealing. I always thought the patrons of The Feather Flogger would use the back rooms with a little more respect, but people just fuck in there like bunnies. I could be shut down.” He shook his head. “Some Dom I turned out to be.”

  Linkin had heard the same story many times over the years and wasn’t surprised. The camera never lied, and it was part of the reason he liked the security business. Everything was pretty much black and white. The only room for grey in his life was Martin and now Delaney, of course.

  “Some Doms are better than others.” Linkin agreed with Master Lovett. “You need to ban Master Rex McGregor from The Feather Flogger.” Linkin had done some surface research on the web about Delaney’s ex-Dom, and he didn’t like what he had found. Martin had caught him before Linkin had a chance to infiltrate Master Rex’s personal devices, but it was only a matter of time.

  “First, you’re not only a Dom here, but you’re a business owner, as well,” Martin intervened. “Have you thought about hiring a Dom in residence? We played in a club in Toronto a few years back that had one dominant whose job it was to run all the scenes and supervise the dungeon monitors. It really helped to keep all the players in line.” Master Lovett was nodding his head at Martin’s words. “And second, it would be a favour to us if you banned Master Rex. Frankly, his behaviour is disturbing, and he could end up being dangerous. We have too many predators in our world already.”

  “And as I’ve learned over the past week, some of them think subs at The Feather Flogger are unprotected.” Master Lovett stood a little taller and pushed his shoulders back. “I’ll take the advice about a Dom in residence under consideration, Master Martin.” He turned to Linkin. “Thank you for all your hard work.” Master Lovett walked stiffly away.

  “I love you.” Martin said simply beside him with a wry grin on his face.

  “I know you do,” Linkin replied puzzled by why Martin would express his feelings right now.


  Delaney was tired as she tried to pay the cab driver once she reached The Feather Flogger. He told her the fare was on account. She thanked him and gave him a tip before stepping onto the pavement. The sunny morning had turned sullen. Delaney sniffed the air. There would be summer showers tonight. After her Doms had left this morning, she went to her room with the intention of curling up under the covers. She took one look at the mess of sheets, blankets and ropes, the smell of sex still in the air and tore everything off the bed and started the washing machine.

  Her anger at Master Linkin’s overbearing behaviour had faded as she realised that was just him. He was a dominant man who worked in security and, of course, her crazy ex showing up at the house was going to put him on edge. She understood, but she needed him to understand she was a big girl. Having finished her bath, soaking all the secret places on her body where she was sore, especially her ass from the spanking the night before, Delaney got pissed off that she sent her two sexy Doms away.

  Standing out front of The Feather Flogger, she realised that if she wanted more than just a taste of the submission she had felt with them, she needed to be in this all the way. Within reason, of course. First, she would apologise to Master Linkin for arguing with everything he said even though some of it made sense. She would then apologise to Master Martin for not allowing him to give her proper aftercare. It was a bit manipulative, but a girl couldn’t change overnight.

  “Are you going to stand out here all night?” Janey walked up to her wearing a leopard print overcoat, her pin thin legs that Delaney had always admired flowing down to a pair of ankle breaking heels.

  “Just thinking about how I’m going to start the sub revolution.” She grinned at her friend, and they hugged for a minute.

  “Don’t let your new Doms hear you say anything about a sub revolution.” Janey laughed as she opened the discreet door to the club. “You may never sit down again.”

  “How do you know about my new Doms?” Delaney had been busy with work all week, and she was positive neither Master Martin nor Master Linkin would have announced they signed a contract with her.

  “Sub wireless.” Janey waved her hand in the air before greeting the receptionist on duty tonight. “And we all put it together after the incident with Master Rex.”

  “You were right. He was an idiot.” Delaney pulled the sign-in sheet towards her after Janey finished filling in her details.

  “I’m not happy about it, and I’m never going to say I told you so.” Janey waited until she finished before pushing into the girl’s locker room. They went over to their assigned cubbies. “I just see you floundering in there sometimes even if you don’t think you are.” She opened her own locker and started to undress. “I think Master Martin will be great for you. Not sure about Master Linkin. He’s pretty much the scariest Dom I’ve ever seen.”

  “Master Linkin is a true dominant. Besides the scariest Dom I’ve ever seen was Master Flynn. I don’t know many subs who were willing to take that beast on.” Delaney heard herself defending Linkin after their apocalyptic argument this morning and realised he was growing on her. A soft spot in her heart had appeared out of nowhere, and Master Linkin along with Master Martin were making their Dom selves at home. Closing her eyes, she took a couple of deep breaths. She couldn’t give them anymore. When they left, she didn’t want to be broken. She wanted to feel the same annoyance and anger she had over Douchebag Rex’s betrayal.

  “You really like them.” Janey said in a singsong voice only used by eight-year-olds. She stood with her hands on her hips wearing a leopard print bustier and matching thong. Her dark eyes spoke of her parent’s eastern ancestry, her long black hair up in a delicate bun at the back of her head.

  “They’re going to break me.” Delaney admitted as she stared into the locker after stashing her long coat. She was wearing a corset of blood red with a matching pair of silk panties and sky-high heels. The panties were to see what her Doms were really going to do about her wearing undies.

  “Finally, someone is going to take you in hand.” Janey leaned in and gave her a hug. “You need this Delaney. I trust Master Linkin and Master Martin. They might be sticklers for the rules and be kind of annoying sometimes about all the subs’ safety at the club, but I would rather you place your trust with them than with Master Rex.”

  “Douchebag Rex,” Delaney replied absently.

  “Again. I don’t think you should let your Masters hear you use that language.” She gave Delaney another hug before shutting the door on her locker. Delaney did the same. “You should come over for dim sum. Mom would love to see you.”

  “It’s a date.” Delaney felt warm for the first time since Master Linkin had knocked on the window this morning, alerting her to Master Peeping Rex’s presence in her life again. “You know I love your mom’s dumplings. I could eat about fifty of them.”

  Janey laughed as she led the way out of the locker room. “I know. She keeps trying to get me to set you up with my brother. A good eater is a good wife or something like that.” Janey spoke as they both glanced around the dungeon, packed full of people looking to relax on a Saturday night and enjoy their kink of choice.

  Martin spotted their sub as soon as she walked out of the ladies’ changing room. He knew Linkin had too by the way his body shifted into predatory lines. Giving a good think over whether he wanted to elbow his boyfriend to make him behave, he watched as Delaney spotted them. Colour infused her cheeks, and she looked like a
strawberry dipped in chocolate waiting for someone to devour her in her red corset and silk panties.

  “Panties,” Linkin muttered under his breath.

  “She’s pushing us on purpose,” Martin reminded him. “This is all a part of the game. For once, enjoy it. Delaney is the kind of sub you savour before devouring her whole.” Martin grinned at Linkin’s look of disbelief. “I’m not going to try and hide the fact I’m already hard for her and by the bulge in the front of your own leathers, I’d say you are about as well off as me.”

  Linkin only grunted at him as they both watched Delaney give her friend a quick hug and a kiss before walking over to them. Martin’s mouth went dry as he watched her cleavage ride the top of her corset. He wasn’t above showing off his sub, but he would control how and when it happened. Delaney’s body belonged to him and his own body began to thrum in anticipation of the night to come.

  “Remember our plan,” he murmured before she reached them.

  “Perfect recollection, remember,” Linkin said. Before Delaney was there, standing in front of them for a moment, before sinking down to her knees into slave pose.

  He swore he could almost feel her breath on his straining cock as her face pressed forward before rocking back on her heels. Had she not been covering her pussy. Martin would have a perfect view of the silken folds he had enjoyed so much this morning. She was waiting for them to respond, and for once in his life he didn’t care that Linkin took the offensive.

  “Little sub, you’re wearing panties.” Linkin reached out and put a hand in her hair. She had chosen to wear it down. The silken strands falling down her back in a heavy wave.

  “Yes, Master,” Delaney responded in a small voice.

  “What happens to naughty little subs who wear panties?” Linkin demanded in a hard voice. The barked question made several subs standing around them jump.


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