Punishment (Light My Fire Series Book #2)

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Punishment (Light My Fire Series Book #2) Page 5

by Alexa Phoenix

  More questions bombarded my mind on a whole different level this time.

  “Like five minutes after I talked to you I headed to the airport and took the first flight out.”

  This girl; so spontaneous. What a lifestyle.

  “That’s awesome. I literally just got out of work. You want me to grab you from the airport? It’s only fifteen minutes away.”

  “Girl, I don’t need to live in LA to know that fifteen minutes away in reality means like an hour with traffic.” We both laughed at the truth to her comment. “Besides, I’m already up the street from your house. I’ll probably make it there before you,” she laughed.

  “Wait, how the hell do you know my address? I don’t even remember giving it to you.”

  “You didn’t,” she started seriously; “I looked you up. Hello, search engines online girl. Get with the program,” she joked.

  “Oh, hell I forgot all about that. Alright, well I’ll be home in like ten minutes or so. I’ll see you soon.”

  My stomach was in knots. I wanted to tell Roxy everything going on with the Captain, but for whatever reason I was nervous to tell her everything. Maybe I was afraid of her opinion. She was one to have no filter with the truth.

  The sound of horns echoed around me as I sat in traffic. I awaited the lights change, all the while reminiscing the moments that happened less than an hour earlier. Am I ready for such a change?

  Chapter Thirteen

  -Captain Michaels-


  All I wished for her to do was to make contact.

  My day will consist of thinking of her; as it had been for the past three years. Every day I have thought of her. Every day I have wished for her to notice me in a way other than her superior.

  That day has finally come.

  That day is finally here.

  The ball is now in her court. It is up to her to take control of the situation.

  Control she craves.

  Control she lives for.

  I release that power to her.

  Mhhm, the smell of her sweet pussy is still upon my lips and my fingers. I hope it lingers there for me to indulge in. I hope it stays long enough for me to fantasize to her scent. I want to envision her body atop of mine, and then mine atop of hers. I want to replay our bodies together; in sync in motion, in sync in rhythm.

  My guard is down for you Phoenix. My walls are ready to let you within.

  Ring. Ring.

  The momentary escape of my thoughts was reminded of the reality of my life with the sound of my ringtone on replay within my desk draw.

  “Curtis? Hey, what’s going on?”

  “Yo, man, so this is what’s up, we are going out tonight.”

  “Oh, yeah, hey man, I’m doing great too, thanks for asking.”

  “Yeah, yeah, hope you’re good, glad to hear it, whatever, bro. Listen to me, this new club just opened up downtown. It’s this sick virtual reality club or some shit. You wear monitors or whatever and it’s like you’re in the music videos upon the screens. How sick does that sound?”

  His excitement was undeniable. Normally, I would have brushed it off, but after the day I had, some guy time would be useful.

  “Well, that definitely sounds interesting to say the least, man.”

  “So, are you down? I mean come on man. You need to get out,” he whined with the utmost masculinity to his voice.

  “Alright, you got me. I’m down,” I huffed. I wasn’t sure if I was in the mood for such a club to attend, but hell it was something to do to try to get my mind off of her.

  “Sweet, I’ll meet you at your crib. We’ll grab a taxi to go downtown. I don’t feel like wasting my money on parking tonight, or time trying to find a space.”

  “Honest gesture,” I agreed. “Alright, I’m gonna shower, I’ll see you in a few hours.”

  “Alright, man. I’ll swing bye around ten. That gives you like four hours to get ready. It should be an ample amount of time, right?” His sarcasm was beaming through the phone.

  “I don’t know man, anything short of four hours and fifty nine minutes may not be enough,” I joked back.

  “You’re such an ass, bro,” he huffed. “See you soon.”

  As we hung up the phone I felt a sense of relief. I needed to get my mind off of Phoenix. I thought of her long enough. I finally had her where I wanted to, to think of me. My mind needed a night off; but first, a shower to the last thoughts of her replayed within my mind for the night.


  The steam fogged up the glass as the heat from the faucet poured upon my body. Mhm, the warmth is so relaxing. My muscles ached every once in a while from my security jobs during my youth, but the shower always relaxed the pain. If only a simple shower could relax the pain within a man’s heart. I would have surrendered to dozens of them if it could have healed the aches and pains associated with Carolyn.

  Flashes of that day still lingered within my memories; coming home with a dozen roses, a huge box of chocolates, and two tickets to Cabo for our much needed getaway. Man was I over the moon ready to piece our lives back together. To help her regain the husband she loved, that somehow she felt was no longer with her. I was willing to go as far as I needed for her to stay with me and love me as I loved her still after all we went through. But, to walk in seeing John there in my living room fucking my wife…my wife, in my house, that I worked my ass to pay for; now, that was something I couldn’t contain myself over.

  That was something I couldn’t change.

  That was something I couldn’t control.

  I thanked God everyday my reaction wasn’t physical. I swear I could have killed them both, but that’s not me. That’s not the man I was raised to be. Yeah, they were both wrong in their choices, but I would be wrong in mine to choose to take two lives, over the loss of love. Who was I to be to chose their fate? Karma comes around. I know it well. I don’t wish bad upon them; that’s not me either. I just wished for answers. I wished for closure. Hell, I still wish for closure. Four years later and I ponder over the same damn questions. It’s pathetic really. What grown ass man questions everyday what he can’t control? What he can’t understand?

  I will never understand her choice. I will never understand his reasoning. I don’t think I have to. I don’t think I even want to. All I want is for closure. All I want is for civility.

  The shampoo massaged my scalp as the suds built up within my hair. It felt soft against my fingertips. The heat from the water rolled off my back smoothly, as did the suds.

  I needed to clean my mind of thoughts of them. Tonight would be a night to go out and enjoy myself. It would be a night to get out and stop thinking and just act.

  A dab of body wash saturated my wash cloth as I rubbed its contents against my skin. The friction of the two felt compelling to my body. As I lathered the soap all over me, I pondered thoughts of Phoenix once more. I envisioned her soft skin undermine, our bodies clasped together. The smell of her body was intoxicating. I could still faintly smell her pussy upon my upper lip.

  Mhmm. I can’t wait to smell her again.

  To taste her again.

  Hell, I can’t wait to just see her again.

  My cock was hard at the thought of her. I wanted nothing more than to just feel her. The touch of my hand upon my shaft was enough to arouse me. I wanted a release. I needed another release. I needed to cum to thoughts of her.

  The flex of my hand back and forth upon my cock felt intoxicating. Not to the degree of being within Phoenix, but mentally enough to turn me on.

  Harder I felt within my hand. The tip of my head released a small amount of precum, enough to allow for some lube. The friction of water wasn’t slick enough against my cock. Visions of her naked body below me flashed within my mind. Thoughts of thrusting within her warm and wet pussy flooded my memory. I jerked my hand faster and faster at the images that resurfaced. My grip was harder upon my shaft. I could feel the warm water trickle between my legs and roll down my balls. Its warm
th was soothing.

  The buildup within my body was intense like the thoughts that filled me. I couldn’t go much longer. A few more strokes and I was ready to give in to my seduction. My body tensed. Every inch of me felt the moment build up. One more good grip and that was it. Cum escaped the tip slowly, as my body lightly shook within the water’s grasp. Moans escaped my lips as my body released its feeling of ease.

  I paused for a second once it was done. The tension was gone and only pleasure remained. Pleasure I wished to endue upon Phoenix. Pleasure I wished for us to continuously partake upon with one another. But tonight, pleasure was all mine. Tonight, it was about me, for the first time in a long time. Tonight was another release.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Six designer bags lined my driveway as I pulled up. Roxy looked as if she was about to move in, not to stay for a few days. The headlights beamed down on the petite woman who sat within the stacks of luggage.

  “Phoenix!” she screamed, as she stood up quickly.

  “Rox!” I hollered back. I put the car in park, removed the keys from the ignition and went to welcome a friend I hadn’t seen in three years.

  Our arms interlocked around one another. The closeness of our hug felt warm and refreshing. It was nice to have someone who knew me around for once. In the three years that I’ve lived with LA, I haven’t befriended anyone. Sure, I had ample opportunity if I wanted to, but instead I focused my attention on my work, and my sex life. Who needed someone to talk to, when Roxy was a simple phone call away, and apparently tonight - a simple plane ride.

  “Damn, girl, it feels like forever!” Roxy declared as she pulled back from my grasp.

  “I know. Holy shit! Damn, girl you look good.”

  She spun around, as her long black hair glowed under my garage light. Her designer jeans made her ass look tight and approachable and her tank top showed her recent tit job.

  “Nice adjustment,” I commented as I referred to her breast work.

  “Thanks,” she looked down and smiled. “Dr. North did an amazing job. Don’t ya think?” Her breasts flexed back and forth as she pushed it out for me to get a better view of her achievement. Roxy was always in search for the next best thing to make her more “presentable.” Who knows what she even means by that. She’s drop dead gorgeous, rich and pretty smart when given the opportunity to show it. Any man would be lucky to have her, yet she was still always searching. I hoped eventually she would find what she was looking for. Maybe LA would help her achieve that.

  “Let’s get inside. I feel like I’m gonna be eaten by more freaking mosquitos. I swear they love my damn blood.”

  “Who wouldn’t,” I laughed. “Damn, girl, did you pack enough?’ I tried to get a grasp on the luggage she brought. “How the hell did you fit all this on the plane? Or in a taxi?” I struggled to pull as many bags as I could upon my shoulders.

  “Hey what’s a girl to do? Who knows what the weathers gonna be like or how long I’m gonna be here? Hell, who knows what we are gonna do? I had to bring all types of clothing and accessory possibilities for all those questions. It was all I needed Nix,” she smirked.

  “Of course they were girl. I mean, it’s not like I didn’t have anything for you to borrow or anything. I mean, I only have a uniform in my closet, no other clothes.”

  “See that’s exactly what I feared,” she pointed at me as if I proved the point she assumed was true.

  “I’m joking Rox!” I laughed. “Do you really think that’s the only clothing options I have? I mean really girl?”

  “Phew. Thank God. I really feared that would be a problem. Thank you for clearing up that issue.”

  I paused for a second unsure of whether she was actually serious or not. Was that the type of persona I gave to others? Was that what everyone who knew me thought of me? Well, not tonight.

  Tonight was about to change.

  Tonight was about rejuvenation.

  “Damn, girl! This place is awesome!” As Roxy gleamed at my loft style home, I smirked at how proud I felt for what I accomplished. It took me two years in LA and hundreds of hours prior to my move to have enough money to put down the percent needed for my purchase. I worked my ass off, and it was nice to have someone admire it; especially someone close to me like Roxy. She was, well, very conceited at times, and very judgmental. So, for her to appreciate what I had was an accomplishment all in itself.

  “Thanks girl that means a lot. I worked hard for it. I almost didn’t get to close. That was a week of panicking and paper pushing, let me tell you,” I huffed as I relieved the nightmare of that time.

  “Well, you did good, girl. You did good,” she patted me on my back as if to congratulate me. “So, what are we doing tonight?” she dropped back in my recliner sofa and stared back at me blankly.

  “I don’t know. I mean there is so much in LA to do. Did you see anything you’re interested in?”

  “Well, actually, I was reading this magazine on the plane and it said something about some new club downtown. I guess it’s all like futuristic or some shit and they have these monitors on you to make it like you’re in the music video they play in the background. How sick is that?”

  Roxy was always looking for the next best thing to participate in and I guess she already found it.

  “Alright, well I guess we found out what we are gonna do tonight, huh?” I laughed back whole heartedly. “Come on, girl. Let’s get you settled in and have a few pre-party drinks. How’s that sound?”

  “Let’s do this!” she agreed, as she shot up from where she laid.

  Always the adventurer.

  I wondered what Captain Michaels was doing tonight. I debated internally whether I should make a phone call or a text to him to meet up, or just leave tonight as a girls night. Fuck it. Girls night it is, but a simple hello text wouldn’t hurt.

  I snuck into the bathroom and grabbed his number from my pocket, where it was now stored, just in case. My nerves were tense as I dialed his number in my phone. I wasn’t sure what to say.

  Phoenix: Hey, it’s me, Phoenix. Just wanted to say hey and I was thinking about you.

  Simple. That was all I needed. Simple.

  Now, the ball was in his court whether to respond or not. Until then, we were gonna get dressed hot and sexy for a ladies’ night out.

  “Eek! I’m so excited,” Roxy screeched. “I feel like we haven’t done this in forever!”

  “Well, actually girl, we haven’t; at least three years’ worth of forever’s.”

  “Sweet, well I’m ready to look hot! Come on! I have a whole wardrobe for us to go through.” She dragged me to her luggage.

  “I can see that,” I mocked.

  Tonight was going to special.

  Chapter Fifteen

  -Captain Michaels-

  One more spray of cologne and I was ready. My hair had just the right amount of gel and mouse to stay in place through the sweet of a club. I hadn’t been to anything like this since I was with Carolyn, so this was going to be a night of surprises.

  Nerves accompanied my excitement as I grabbed my jacket. Fall in LA still had a slight chill to the air some nights, and tonight was one of them. The cab was called. All that was left to do was wait. Curtis gave me the address so we figured meeting up there would be easier, and less expensive. I would probably have to pick up the tab for his cab fair to get here so it would be all around better this way. As I sat there in silence for the moment, I thought of Phoenix once more. I wondered what she was doing. I wondered if she was thinking of me, like I was of her.

  I shook the thoughts out of my head. Tonight was about the guys. No woman aloud, not even in my head.

  The phone showed 9:45pm on the screen. I had fifteen minutes to meet up with Curtis. That should be enough time as long as the cab was here any minute.

  “Hm, that’s strange.” I looked down to see I had a text message. “I didn’t hear anything come through.”

  Scrolling through my phon
e, there it was – a missed text from her.

  “Shit, this was hours ago. Fuck! She probably thinks I’m freaking ignoring her. Good job, Jax. You finally get her to put the ball in her court and you look like you don’t give a fuck.”

  I could beat myself up with insults all night, but instead I needed to take action.

  Captain Michaels: Hey, so sorry I missed this. I was in the shower and didn’t hear it go off. ;) I’m thinking of you too. I can’t stop thinking about those beautiful lips (your choice as to which one I’m referring to…)

  “Damn, I could turn myself on with that comment,” I joked alone.

  I held back the urge to call her. Don’t make any more moves Jax. It’s back to her. Let her chose. Damn, I wish I could choose. I would choose to bend her over once more and fuck the shit out of her in the cab. The poor taxi driver. Hell, or I should say the lucky taxi driver. I wondered for a second how many times that must happen to them during their career.

  Beep. Beep.

  It was here.

  It was time.

  Tonight was going to be special.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Lights flashed, music bounced from within the walls of the club, and the line stretched back beyond the side door.

  “Rox, how the hell are we supposed to get in if everyone and their fucking mothers are out here tonight?” I stressed. I stared at the crowd before us second guessing our choice to come out here. We were nobody’s. Who the hell would let us in?

  “Don’t worry babe. I’ve got it covered.” She pulled a wad of money from her bra and pulled two benjamins out for me to view.

  “Well hello, ladies,” the security guard glared us up and down as if we were a pieces of meat.

  “Well, helllloo-“ Roxy stared, her hand lightly caressing the man’s upper shoulder and neckline. “Now, I see you have a long line tonight, but I have a set of twins, that would love to play within your pockets tonight,” she pulled the bills from her exposed cleavage slowly. “Do you wanna play?” she licked her lips.


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