Coming Together With Curves

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Coming Together With Curves Page 5

by Victoria Blisse

  One of the two men spoke from behind his balaclava, simply saying "Go!" Rubber squealed again as the driver burned the tires and pulled away from the curb.

  Gasping, dangerously close to hyperventilating, Zoe struggled to calm herself and think. She reasoned that giving these two much trouble would serve no purpose. She could feel the van moving quickly through the streets. There were at least three of them, and only her. No way could she fight off three men. Her best chance was to try and escape when they stopped at a light or something. She would run—faster than ever before right now, with all the incentive in the world.

  Speech might be her best bet at gaining her freedom. Taking a deep breath, she tried to calm her voice, sound sane and rational.

  "Please, you need to listen to me. I'm nobody. I truly think you've made a terrible mistake. You've got the wrong woman."

  The loud sound of something tearing filled the van. Fear cut through her like a bolt of lightning. Heart racing, Zoe's words died away, her mind frozen once more. Scuttling crab-like she moved backwards until she bumped painfully against the far wall of the van.

  She sensed one of the two men coming towards her. The bag was half lifted from her face. Blinking against the lights, Zoe opened her mouth to speak again, but a pill was popped past her lips. A warm, gloved hand closed her mouth and pinched her nose.

  Zoe lashed out with her hands, her panic instantaneous as she struggled against her captors. Unable to breathe and utterly terrified, Zoe's natural response was to swallow the pill, struggling to clear her airways.

  Relief flooded her as she was released.

  "What the fucking hell do you think—" her words were cut off as the balaclava-clad man who knelt in front of her reached out a hand to his partner. Receiving a length of duct tape he plastered it across her mouth, forcing her to breathe carefully through her nose and again silencing her.

  "That was a sleeping pill I just gave you." Her captor spoke gruffly in a deep, unrecognizable voice. "It should start to work in a moment. Things will be made clear to you when you awaken."

  Zoe tried to speak but it was muffled behind the tape. Everything became fuzzy as the pill began to take its effect. Scared of further hurting herself, Zoe reluctantly lay down. Everything swam hazily and the last thoughts Zoe had were fear, and resignation that her birthday suddenly didn't appear to be going so well after all.

  * * * *

  Zoe groaned and buried her head in the pillow. Subconsciously she was aware of being surprised at how thin it felt. Her head ached and she wondered for a moment if she had slept through her alarm. What day was it again? Surely she didn't have to get up for work just yet?

  She tried to pull her bedcovers higher and roll over. She wanted to find a more comfortable position and fall back to sleep. Shockingly, her hands couldn't move more than half a foot in any direction.

  What on earth?

  Blinking her eyes open she tugged her wrists, trying to lower them. Soft, supple leather restraints bound her to the wrought iron headboard and held her captive. She could move her arms around in a circular motion a very short distance, but the restrains tethered her to the bed.

  Her eyes widened as memories flooded her brain. Shock and adrenaline surged in her body. Her cheeks flushed. Heart hammering, Zoe struggled and sat up. She shivered, the mild air feeling cool against her naked skin. With mounting alarm she looked around the shed-like room she was in.

  A dirty window let in streaks of late afternoon sunshine. The concrete floor appeared grimy but not dusty. Either this room was frequently used or someone had recently cleaned it up. She lay on an old cot bed with a sagging mattress. The sheets, at least, appeared clean.

  "Ah, I'm so glad to see you awake." A deep, sexy voice spoke from behind her.

  Zoe turned her head and saw him sitting there on a simple wooden chair in the corner.

  The man stood and Zoe's fear mingled with a strange tingling of curiosity.

  Tall and lean, he appeared fit and darkly handsome. His shaggy hair was black, the inky colour of midnight. His pale skin set off his hair and eyes so brown they, too, almost appeared black.

  "I'm Kieran." The man continued. His voice rich and smooth, it rolled over her skin and sent goosebumps along her back. In this room it was like liquid sex, deep, sultry and mesmerizing. "I'm sorry if my friends gave you a bit of a fright, but, well, I wasn't sure you would come willingly had I asked. I decided to take more firm action with you, my pretty one."

  "What—?" Zoe swallowed hard, attempted to bring some moisture into her mouth as she found it dry. She licked her lips and cleared her throat before trying again. "What do you want with me? I need my clothes and…are these really necessary?"

  She tugged on the restraints. She reassured herself if Kieran wanted to hurt her—if those strange men in the car had planned to kill her- she'd be dead. She felt terribly naked, vulnerable by more than just her flesh being exposed. Zoe raised her legs, uncaring that she knew the position made her thighs look thicker or her stomach crease. Right now, the more of her she could hide behind the better.

  While still on edge and nervous, much of her panic abated. Kieran appeared threatening, but in her heart she didn't feel he'd murder her in cold blood.

  "Oh yes, they're necessary," Kieran replied smoothly as he crossed the room and sat on the edge of the thin cot. "And you won't be needing your clothes. Not any time soon, at least."

  Kieran's words made her heart stammer in her chest. His manner wasn't aggressive, but she felt nervous as well as a thin trickle of excitement she'd never admit to aloud. She tried to jerk away when he reached out his hand, a scared squeak escaping her lips, though he only glided his palm down her side, tracing the indentation of her waist lower to where her hips flared out. He seemed smitten by her thighs, cupping and squeezing them like a favorite toy.

  She shivered, baffled at how tender his touch was. More worrisome were the confused mixture of feelings the gentle strokes began to awaken inside her. Alone in her bed, in the middle of the night when she allowed her most secret fantasies to slide wickedly into her mind she'd sometimes dreamed of such a strong, sensual man taking her. Using her. Punishing her sensually.

  Some darkly erotic, unashamedly wanton part of her wanted to move into Kieran's caress, to splay herself open and let him have his way with her.

  Resolutely she pushed aside the thrill of awareness that raced through her body. She ignored the electric, sexual zing his touch stirred deep within her core. This man was a stranger. He'd kidnapped her for heaven knew what kinky, torturous purposes. She was completely at his mercy and despite the sensual jolt that moved through her, Zoe also knew this couldn't possibly end well.

  "I'm not rich," she said in a shaking voice. "I can't offer you much in the way of money. But my husband—"

  A look of rage crossed Kieran's face and he hissed out a breath. Zoe's words cut off, fear spiking through her blood again. She could never have believed it was possibly to feel both fright and arousal simultaneously. Her pussy grew damp. Shifting on the bed, she tried to hide her reaction, but her movement drew his attention.

  He leaned close to her body and sniffed, his face registering pleasure.

  "Oh, no, Zoe," Kieran said warmly. "It's not your money I'm after. I seek something far more…intimate from you."

  He stared lustfully at her, looking her up and down as if he wished to devour her on the spot. He reached one pale, long fingered hand down between her thighs. Pressing with only enough pressure to spread her legs he stroked a long digit over her swollen lips. His thumb rubbed a delicious circle over her clit and despite her resistance a moan fell from her lips.

  Seeming satisfied, he brought his hand to his lips and licked her juices, clearly enjoying her taste.

  She watched him, astounded and even more turned on.

  Kieran stood and unbuttoned his black shirt. With agonising slowness he revealed a lean but well muscled chest, completely hairless and well defined. Zoe licked her lips hungrily,
her fear forgotten in her lust for his body. Instinctively she moved her hands, eager to reach out and touch him, only to be reminded of the restraints.

  Kieran's grin widened. Amusement and an answering lust filled his eyes. He seemed pleased she found him enticing. Lowering his hands tauntingly slowly to his waist, he unbuckled his belt and removed the pale, faded jeans he wore. Zoe's gaze trailed down as he pushed the denim from his body, revealing he wore no briefs, nor shoes or socks.

  With those two items gone he completed his strip tease and stood before her, his cock deliciously hard and his body naked. Zoe swallowed at the thick, heavy prick that sprang from his body. His erection was so long its tip grazed above his belly button. Zoe could feel her pussy heat more, her slick juices belying her desire and readiness. Emotionally she felt torn—the restraints heightened her lust, the anticipation of what Kieran would do to her a living, breathing thing inside her. She felt with every breath how she was at his mercy, her complete lack of control both frightening and unbearably arousing.

  "I don't think—" she started but Kieran pressed his fingers over her lips.

  She smelled her musky scent on him.

  "I will gag you, if it comes to that," he murmured. Every word held weight, she knew he meant it. The recklessly dangerous part of her wondered what that would feel like, if he'd push her that far, but for now she remained meekly compliant.

  Kieran leaned closer to her and his hand reached out to cup Zoe's jaw. She trembled at the contact, his palm warm and soft against her skin. He stroked his finger out to rub tantalisingly over her lip. A part of her wanted to flick her tongue out at him, lick the digit that caressed her but she firmly repressed the desire.

  Kieran chucked, the deep rumbling sounding dark and as if he were some fallen angel determined to seduce her insensate.

  "We're going to get to know each other very well, Zoe," he whispered huskily to her, his voice thick with lust.

  Kieran scooted closer to her on the bed, so his thigh pressed against her skin. He turned, brought his leg up onto the thin mattress and leaned onto it. His cock pressed between them and Zoe could feel the slick moisture of his pre-cum smear over her, seemingly hot enough to brand her.

  "Can you imagine all the things I want to do with you, beautiful?" he murmured to her, his voice itself dripping with seductive temptation. "I'm going to possess you, mark you, claim you and then take you. And that's only where I plan to start."

  "You can't," Zoe choked off, her heart fluttering wildly. "You can't just kidnap women off the street, drug them and then use them for your own perverted purposes. It's not possible to—"

  "Of course I can," Kieran corrected her firmly. "Look around you, little girl. I have taken you and I will fuck you until you beg for me to stop, and then continue until you plead for more."

  Each word caressed her and Zoe shivered at the erotic, blatantly sexual way he stressed the pet name little girl. It sent shivers of delight down her spine and her pussy creamed.

  "I have every intention of using you in every way imaginable, and probably some that have never crossed your mind. You're mine, body and soul, now. And I plan to make you submit to my—how did you describe it so delightfully? Ah yes. My perverted purposes."

  Zoe blushed at the rich inflection he gave those particular words. Kieran grinned at her, clearly enjoying himself.

  "Oh, yes, my darling," Kieran purred. "You have no idea how very perverted my desires can be. But I'll show you, I promise. Restrained like you are, I can do anything and everything to you and with you for as long as I like."

  Leaning in, Kieran bent his head, cupped her face and kissed her lips. Passion exploded in her belly and heat rose up into her chest as her stomach somersaulted wildly. Zoe moaned, and then bit down hard on her lip to stop herself.

  Fire boiled in her blood and she refused to wallow in his seductive temptations. It would be all too easy for her to spread her legs for him, plead for every wicked promise he made her. Zoe jerked her head back, anger directed both at herself and him mingling with panic at how easily she reacted to his seduction.

  "You can't take me," she spat out. "Sooner or later I'll get free and when I do you'll be caught. I'll press charges. For kidnapping and rape—"

  "Why, Zoe," Kieran chuckled. His eyes glinted, betraying his amusement. "Don't you realise how hot it makes a man when you fight him? Hit back at me all you want. Bite and mark me in return. Everything you can throw at me will only make it that much hotter. It's always the passionate ones who struggle and fight that make these situations so much more delicious. It makes the possession and eventual conquering of the victim so much more satisfying."

  With that he kissed her again for a brief second, a simple press of their lips together to seal his words and leave them echoing in her ears. When he pulled back, Kieran stood and crossed the room into the darker shadows where she couldn't see very well. Zoe heard him rummaging around. She twisted and pulled hard on the leather restraints and peered as best she could.

  Zoe caught a faint glimpse of what appeared to be a duffel on a scarred wooden bench, but she couldn't be sure. Although she heard items moving against each other, she had no clue what might be contained within the bag itself.

  After a moment Kieran returned, his hands closed into a fist around small object. Worried it might be something dangerous or gross—an animal or weapon—she crawled back as far onto the small cot as she could.

  He stood before her, drawing out the moment. The thing in his hand didn't move, and so she tried to calm herself. It had to be inanimate, surely?

  Kieran seemed to enjoy her reaction. His prick remained firm and leaking, its head slick and pulsing with blood, right in front of her face. Kieran opened his palm to reveal two small alligator clips held together between a long, thin chain. Even as her mind assured her those sharp looking teeth would hurt, she couldn't help but relax. Tension drained out of her body as she realised he wasn't going to put something alive or icky onto or into her.

  "I wouldn't relax too quickly, little girl," Kieran warned her.

  She shivered, hearing a ton of sensual promise in his words. "These are not for the faint of heart."

  Zoe had never been brave enough to try using nipple clamps. She'd heard they could bring unimaginable pleasure, but also great pain. Kieran's words had a trickle of curiosity mingle with her nerves. Before she would work herself up too much over it his grin deepened and he sat back down on the bed. His thigh brushed her once again, the contact of their skin sending tingles racing through her.

  Anticipation hummed in the air, an electric sensation that had the fine hairs on her arms and neck rising. Zoe felt wet, hot and both curious and anxious at what his dark imagination had in store for her.

  "Let me demonstrate," he said in a low, sexy tone.

  Bending down, he captured her nipple in his warm, wet mouth and suckled her hard. Zoe fluttered her eyes shut in pleasure as her body responded instantly. Hot, liquid fire burned through her bloodstream, her pussy igniting with the craving to be touched, filled until she could burst from the possession.

  With a hungry groan Kieran grazed his teeth delicately over her tight nub, laving his tongue roughly over her peak as he sucked and toyed with it within his mouth. The hand not holding the clamps eagerly cupped her other breast, rolling her nipple between the index finger and thumb. He squeezed her, eliciting a strangled sounding moan she barely recognized as coming from her own lips.

  Desire swept through her. Zoe arched her back up, thrusting her breasts into his hand and mouth, silently pleading for more.

  "So responsive," Kieran mumbled around her nipple.

  Zoe could only groan and nod as electric sensations ran between her breasts, through her belly and down lower. Wet heat creamed in her pussy, her lips now slick and desperate for more. Dripping, her skin was super sensitive, the rasp of his tongue sending thrills across her whole body. When Kieran manipulated her nipple with finesse and skill she pressed her breast further into him
, pleading with incoherent sounds.

  She moaned in denial as with a wet plop Kieran released her breast, peppering a dozen or more kisses on and around the aureole. Heat zinged through her and her nipple remained tightly erect, pleasure running like a current from her breast to her clit. Her eyes flew open in shock when a sharp, stinging pain encompassed the teat, chasing all the pleasure away.

  "Wha—?" Zoe's complaint was muffled seeing as the moment Kieran placed the alligator clamp over her erect nipple he covered her mouth with his hand and shushed her.

  "I really want to hear your screams." His voice sounded thick. Kieran stroked his fingers over her cheek in an oddly gentle motion. "But if you're going to ask questions too soon then I'll gag you. Don't think I won't, darling."

  Zoe swallowed and nodded, showing she understood him. When he looked into her eyes he must have seen her submission to him. He cupped her other breast, pleasuring it. Now that she understood what would come, it took Zoe a minute to relax into it. Kieran had skill, some wicked devil's touch. All too soon he sensually inundated her body, flooding her with need and strumming her like a well-learned instrument.

  He built the fire up within her, lifting her higher and drawing the moment out until all reason and sense had left. Need crawled over her skin, she panted for breath and couldn't care if he stole every ounce of oxygen in the room.

  Never had Zoe experienced such devastating arousal. Kieran played her perfectly. Giving her more and more. She could feel the beginning of a momentous orgasm build, in her stomach, her pussy and her breasts. Riding that crest she rose higher. He kissed her lips and the growing pressure within both her nipples overtook any remains of hesitancy or resistance she could have dreamed of.

  The alligator clamp worked its magic, pressuring her nipple tightly and the restricted blood flow made the air moving in the shed-like room stimulate her over-sensitive tip.

  Kieran worked his skillful fingers, added his own brand of assault. Pinching, coaxing and kneading the response he desired, he worked her so she truly believed his hands alone could give her the most intense climax of her entire life. Zoe once again groaned her approval of Kieran's working of her body, pressing her large breast into his hand, sounds of pleasure falling from her lips as she rocked herself closer to him.


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