Crossing Lines

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Crossing Lines Page 3

by KD Williamson

  Williams blinked.

  “Well damn,” Sean said.

  Kelli laughed.

  Their drinks arrived, and they put in food orders.

  From the corner of her eye, Nora watched as Kelli drank from a bottle of Sweetwater IPA. This was a fairly recent obsession for Nora, and she had yet to figure out what exactly appealed to her about the act. Kelli smirked in what Nora assumed was quiet acknowledgement as she set the beer down and glanced at her.

  “We should just get our own table,” Sean said to Williams.

  “I know, right?” Despite agreeing, Williams made no move to leave.

  Kelli rolled her eyes for the hundredth time. “What are you trying to say? I can’t help it if I got a life.” She grinned.

  “You implying that I don’t?” Williams’s eyebrows shot upward.

  “Yup that’s exactly what I’m doing.” Kelli turned to Nora. “Hell of a grip he has there, isn’t it?”

  That was certainly a fascinating question.

  Williams’s mouth dropped open.

  “Ohhhh shit.” Sean laughed.

  “Did you…did you just insinuate that I masturb—”

  “Draw your own conclusions,” Kelli said with a smile.

  Williams glanced at Nora and leaned forward to whisper to Kelli. “There’s a lady present. It’s not okay to talk about a man’s—”

  “Are you kidding me?” Kelli asked through her laughter.

  “Ah hell, she’s used to Kelli’s mouth by now.” Sean waved his hand, fanning the topic away.

  Yes, she had to agree. Kelli’s mouth was capable of such interesting things. Nora glanced at Sean, only to realize Kelli and Williams were staring at him, too.

  Sean took a swig of his new beer. “Wha—” He turned bright red. “Dammit, you know what I meant!”

  Williams and Kelli laughed uproariously.

  Sean hid his face in his hands.

  Nora smiled and decided to add to the madness. “As a doctor, I can recommend a regular masturbatory schedule. Research shows it prevents cancer and strengthens the penile muscle.”

  Kelli laughed even harder. She banged her fist against the table. Sean looked away, but not before Nora saw his smile.

  Williams groaned.

  “The more you know,” Kelli said between chuckles.


  “Fuck!” Kelli cried out. She almost choked when water filled her mouth. That little incident didn’t stop the way her body was quivering. She felt that particular orgasm all the way to her toes and back. The warm pulsing jets of water all around her made it worse…or better. Kelli couldn’t decide. But it was Nora…doing that thing with her tongue that was really dragging things out. Blessed be. Instead of holding Nora’s head between her legs as she had been a minute ago, Kelli tried to pull her away. She didn’t think she could take anymore.

  “Fuck…stop. Don’t touch it.” Kelli looked down, but she couldn’t see a damn thing. It was like they were in the clouds or something. Next thing she knew, Nora rose out of the steam like some sort of pagan goddess, brushing every inch of her naked, damp skin against Kelli. Blessed fucking be. Kelli moaned. Nora’s lips grazed her neck, before Nora nipped at her chin.

  Kelli could see her now, blond hair slicked back and positively dripping. To make matters even more interesting, Nora was smiling.

  A residual tingle shot through Kelli, but she still smirked. “You…ah, like watching me drink…that much?” She asked breathlessly.

  “Mmm.” It was the only sound Nora made before kissing her.

  Kelli wrapped her arms around her and held on.


  Kelli stood at the printer, waiting for her two pages—a witness statement to add to a current file. She looked at the stack of paper already in the tray and the shit ton still printing. Kelli picked up a few pages and glanced at the number at the bottom to see how much was left. She groaned.

  “Dammit, Johns! You couldn’t print this shit out in the morning?” Kelli stared him down from across the room.

  Johns picked up the can of Coke off his desk and took a long swig. He burped and said, “Nope.”

  Kelli shot him the finger.

  Johns grinned.

  “I would like to go home early at least one night this week.” Kelli scanned the room. There were still quite a few people around, and she really didn’t want to be one of them. She was surprised to see Sean walk through the door. He glanced at her and then made a beeline for her desk where he practically threw himself into a chair.

  Kelli abandoned the paperwork and walked toward him. He didn’t look right. She sat down and stared, waiting for him to lift his head and look at her. Kelli couldn’t take his silence anymore. “I thought you were going to see Travis.”

  Sean cleared his throat. “I did.”

  He sounded horrible, as if there were rocks in his mouth and it hurt to talk.

  “You and Travis fight about something?” Kelli asked. That didn’t make sense, but it was all she had at the moment.

  He shook his head.

  “You gotta give me something to work with. What’s going on with you?” A sinking feeling started in her stomach. “Is Travis okay? Is it Mom?”

  Sean shook his head again and finally looked up. His eyes were red rimmed and swollen. “They’re fine.” He sucked in a breath. It was loud and shaky. “I wanted to come here and tell you myself.”


  This had to be about Antony.

  Kelli stood. She had to do something to get rid of the crushing weight sitting on her chest. “No, no, no.” Each instance of the word got louder. The sudden blast of misery that shot through her was almost a physical pain. It tore through her chest and landed in her stomach, sitting there like a block of cement. She hovered over Sean. He looked up at her. She hadn’t seen her little brother look this helpless since their father died. “He…left, didn’t he?”

  Sean nodded once.

  “Fuck!” Kelli banged her hand against her desk. For a fraction of a moment, she wished him dead. He would be at peace. They all would. Guilt smacked her hard. She didn’t mean it. She didn’t. Kelli desperately wanted things to be like they were before their dad died. They were all happy. Weren’t they? Suddenly, Kelli was aware of everyone’s eyes on them, but she just didn’t give a damn.

  “I know a security guard there. He…called me. Tony didn’t even discharge himself. He just walked out.” Sean wiped at his eyes.

  On second thought, maybe they shouldn’t do this here. If she was going to lose her shit, she didn’t want it to be in front of everybody. Kelli grabbed Sean. “Let’s go somewhere we can talk in private.”

  After making sure they were alone, Kelli closed and locked the door to one of the interrogation rooms. She took a deep breath and tried to center herself or at least give the illusion that she was okay. “We don’t have time to wallow.” Kelli sat on the edge of the table and squeezed Sean’s shoulder.

  “I know. I wanted you to know first. No more secrets. I’m gonna go check out his old haunts.”

  “Good, I’m coming with you,” Kelli said.

  “No, you’re not.” Sean’s tone was firm.

  “Yes, I fucking am!”

  “Fucking listen to me for once! I got this. He has to be somewhere binging. I did it before and I can do it again. You don’t need to see—”

  “Sean, I was in the Drug Enforcement Unit, for God’s sake.” Kelli knew that world well. She didn’t need to be sheltered.

  “He’s our brother! It’s different. You’ve never seen him like that. I have.”

  They quieted, but continued to stare at each other.

  “I know,” Kelli said. “That’s why you need—”

  “No, I’ll do the canvassing. You can see if anyone in the DEU has some info. We’re doing this together, just from different angles.”

  Kelli nodded. They were so much alike. Just like her, when Sean wanted something, he got it. She was counting on that determination. It was pretty much
all they had. What he said made sense. They could cover more ground that way, and if Tony was dealing, someone in her old unit would know who the big players on the street were now. “Please be careful.”

  “I’m not gonna go near the dealers. Not ’til we get something solid. Tweekers have their favorite places. You know that.” Sean sniffed. “What are we gonna tell Mom? We can’t keep it from her. Not this time.”

  “No, we can’t. I don’t think we’ve been helping him by hiding things. This is the third time he’s left rehab. She needs to know. Like you said, no more secrets.”

  “She’s working late. It gives us time to figure shit out. I’ll find him.” Sean stood.

  Kelli didn’t say a word, just shook her head miserably. Shit was about to hit the fan. What the fuck was up with the universe? How could everything be golden one minute and headed toward FUBAR the next? That voice in her head came back with a vengeance.

  “I will!” Sean tried to reassure her, but didn’t sound confident at all.

  “I hope so.” Kelli’s voice quivered. She wanted to have faith, but she was tired. So fucking tired. It was as if all the hope had been sucked out of her with this one piece of news. Kelli couldn’t remember ever feeling so empty.


  When Kelli was home, it wasn’t unusual to find her door unlocked. Nora shouldered the bag of Chinese takeout and let herself in. The living room and kitchen were quiet and dimly lit, but she could still see everything, including Kelli. She was stationary and hunched over the sink, staring at something only she could see.

  Nora felt a sense of unease.

  “Kelli?” Nora walked slowly toward the kitchen.

  Kelli didn’t answer.

  As Nora got closer, she took note of Kelli’s body posture. Her strong shoulders were sagging, and her usually tall frame seemed diminished somehow.

  Something was very wrong. Nora set the bag on the counter near the refrigerator.

  “Kelli, please tell me what’s going on.” Nora kept her tone calm while on the inside she teemed with urgency.

  Finally, Kelli acknowledged her presence. She glanced up and whispered, “Hey.”

  Kelli’s eyes were rimmed with red, and she looked disoriented. Nora pushed away her own rising anxiety in order to focus on Kelli. “Just talk to me.” She closed the distance between them and took Kelli’s hand. Nora traced her thumb over Kelli’s knuckles before entwining their fingers.

  Kelli swallowed loud enough to hear. Nora grew even more concerned. Still, she waited.

  “Antony… He left rehab.”

  Nora gasped but did her best to remain silent, knowing there was more to come.

  “I was sure it was gonna work this time.” Kelli closed her eyes and sighed. “I don’t know what to do anymore. He hates me. I could hear it in his voice the last time he called. What am I supposed to do with that, huh? How am I supposed to fix it?”

  Nora saw the helplessness etched into every line of Kelli’s face and heard it dripping from her voice. Instead of answering, Nora slid her hand around Kelli’s neck. She wanted to return some of the strength Kelli had given so freely to her when she’d needed it. Kelli melted into her. She held on tightly, pressing her nose into Nora’s neck and inhaling deeply.

  “He’s not gonna stop,” Kelli’s voice was muffled but still understandable, “until he’s dead or locked up again.”

  Nora’s heart lurched in her chest. There were no words strong enough. So, she poured everything she had into what seemed adequate. “I’m sorry.”

  Kelli trembled.

  “How…can I help?”

  For several seconds, there was nothing.

  “I—I don’t wanna feel like this. Just…make it stop.”

  This was a large request, and Nora had no idea how to fill it. A splinter of panic worked its way down her spine. “I—I’m not sure—”

  Kelli brushed her lips against the skin just below Nora’s ear, and Nora gasped.

  Kelli bit into her flesh and raked it with her tongue in a rough imitation of comfort. But, there was nothing soothing about Nora’s sudden flash of arousal. When Kelli nibbled at Nora’s earlobe, she shuddered hard. Kelli tangled her fingers into Nora’s hair, prolonging her body’s reaction.

  “Nora,” Kelli said her name with such need.

  In an instant, everything changed. Her attempt to provide solace transformed into salaciousness.

  Nora’s breath caught and turned ragged. Her stomach tightened fiercely. This happened so quickly. Didn’t they need to talk? Sex wasn’t going to fix anything.

  If she didn’t stop this now, she might not be able to later. “Kelli, maybe we—”

  “Let me have you,” Kelli said hotly.

  Those words nearly derailed Nora completely. Every nerve ending came to life, blistering her with a vicious charge. Her nipples hardened, and the pull between her legs reached an epic intensity. For a few seconds, Nora couldn’t speak…couldn’t breathe.

  Kelli didn’t wait for permission. Before Nora could find herself, Kelli swooped in. When their lips met, everything went nova. Kelli’s hands tightened in her hair. She was ravenous. She nipped at Nora’s mouth and demanded entry.

  Nora was drowning in need, losing herself to it. Despite the circumstance, she needed to reassert herself, and Kelli had always allowed her to do so. She cupped Kelli’s cheek and attempted to gentle the kiss.

  Kelli growled in refusal. Nora’s body betrayed her and arched toward the sound. Kelli grabbed one wrist and then the other, pulled them behind Nora’s back, and held them there. There was no teasing. Her grasp was tight, painful. Apprehension swam up to meet Nora. Her heart pounded against her chest as her arousal careened higher, usurping her rising sense of panic.

  Nora had no control over this situation.

  And even though her mind screamed for it to stop, there was no denying how much her body liked it.

  As Nora surrendered, Kelli groaned and devoured her once more. Kelli’s grip loosened, and then her wrists were free. Nora should have pushed Kelli away to regain some semblance of herself, but her body and her brain were not working together.

  Abruptly, Kelli propelled them backward into the opposite counter. Effectively trapped, Kelli’s hips rolled into her own. There was little stimulation, but the act alone sent Nora’s arousal toward inferno. Kelli’s hands blanketed her thighs, moving upward along with her skirt. Then, Kelli lifted her onto the counter, and Nora opened her legs wide. Kelli stepped in as Nora’s body gave her an open invitation.

  She started thrusting again, this time making powerful contact in all the right places.

  Nora cried out at the abrupt change in friction and the increased speed that sent electrified tingles to her swollen sex. Needing more, she clutched at Kelli. Her fingers dug into Kelli’s pumping hips and slid over her buttocks.

  Kelli moaned. The sound was muted, but shared between them.

  Dangerously close to being overwhelmed already, Nora sobbed as the constant stimulation of Kelli’s undulating hips sent her reeling. Nora couldn’t understand how she could be so high on pleasure and, at the same time, so distraught by the fact that her body no longer belonged to her. Kelli played her like a well-oiled instrument.

  There was no space between them. Somehow, Kelli was still able to find a way. Despite Nora’s clothing, Kelli’s fingertips teased her nipples. She plucked and pulled at the hardened tips, and the rough touch sent shock waves through Nora’s body, culminating between her thighs. Greedily, she arched into the caress.

  The kiss ended abruptly. Kelli pulled violently at her shirt. The material ripped and buttons went flying. Cool air rushed over the heated skin of Nora’s torso. With a hard tug, the front clasp of her bra gave way. Literally and figuratively, Nora was exposed and laid bare. One of Kelli’s hands slid to the small of her back and pulled Nora toward Kelli’s descending mouth while she continued to tweak her aroused flesh with her fingers.

  Then, Kelli bathed her nipple in wet heat.

  “God!” Nora was in no way prepared for the jolt of arousal Kelli’s mouth sent through her body.

  She sucked hard, and flicked her tongue rapidly. There was an answering pulse in Nora’s clit. Kelli moaned and it heightened Nora’s pleasure as well as her sense of urgency. Nora tried to keep her eyes open, but it was useless.

  Kelli trailed her mouth upward and captured Nora’s in a searing kiss. Her hand slithered up the inside of Nora’s thigh, trailing over her silk stockings. Kelli didn’t tease when she arrived at Nora’s panties. She yanked the material aside. The scent of her own arousal pierced the air and amplified Nora’s desperation. Hungrily, her hips canted forward, seeking contact. Kelli obliged, as her fingertips smeared the viscous moisture that clung to Nora’s skin.

  Kelli shuddered.

  A moment later, Kelli plunged her fingers deep inside Nora.

  She cried out and clawed at Kelli’s shoulders.

  The pleasure coursing through her was thick and heavy, trickling over Nora with unbelievable intensity.

  Then, she was empty again. Her inner muscles clenched, helplessly, at nothing.

  Before she could take another breath, Kelli sent her soaring, raking over her sensitized walls with each subsequent thrust. Shamelessly, Nora met each movement with her own, causing the tips of her breasts to rub tantalizingly against the material of Kelli’s shirt.

  With each breath, Kelli whimpered, betraying her own enjoyment, her own need.

  The loud, wet slap of flesh mingled with their harsh breaths and low moans. The symphony took Nora higher.

  Their lips clung hotly to each other, broken only by the play of their tongues.

  Nora locked her legs around Kelli, opening herself wider and pulling Kelli in deeper.

  Jagged white light flashed behind Nora’s eyelids, as the hard smack of Kelli’s palm against her clit brought her to the precipice.

  She embraced the burning ache that filled her belly. Her thighs quivered, and her whole body felt liquefied. Sounds she had never heard exited her throat…vulgar, desperate, and keening.

  Kelli whispered her name.

  Nora broke apart into tiny pieces.


  Nora blinked. It took a few seconds for her eyes to adjust to the dimness of the bedroom. Her brain, slower to awaken, came to life in increments, putting everything together a short time later. Lethargy claimed her limbs, and a deliciously satisfying soreness settled between her legs.


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