In The End (Butterfly #1)

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In The End (Butterfly #1) Page 8

by Isabella Redwood

  ‘Oops, my bad.’ Cross stifled a laugh, sitting himself on the edge of my bed.

  ‘Can you leave please.’ My voice was as hostile as I could muster, glaring at him and trying to remember why I ever thought he was attractive.

  ‘I just wanted to thank you for the update, very sweet of you and especially at that time of night. Were you thinking of me before you fell asleep?’ he asked, grinning arrogantly. I resisted the urge to throw my hairbrush at him and instead walked over to the door, opening it wide.

  ‘I thought I had judged you too harshly on the company you kept and that as a father you would want to know how your son was doing. Now I realise you’re exactly how I imagined and not in a good way. Get the hell out of my room.’ I raised my voice sufficiently to get my point across without causing alarm to the children, and as soon as Cross left, I quickly finished getting dressed before checking in on the boys and proceeded downstairs to find Nicholi.

  ‘Hey, baby, are you ready to go?’ Nicholi asked, reaching his arms out to greet me as I descended the stairs.

  ‘Sure, has Cross gone?’ I questioned, still seething from his unwelcome visit earlier.

  ‘Yes and I am sorry you had to see him that way, he was not always such a…’ Nicholi paused, and I interjected.

  ‘Arrogant asshole, petulant child, delusional idiot.’ Nicholi laughed, pulling me into his arms and kissing me so passionately I forgot I was angry and instead burned with desire, not rage, for more.

  ‘So,’ Nicholi began, as though reading my mind. ‘The lake house has a few guest bedrooms, but mine has an exceptional view,’ Nicholi teased, stroking his fingers down my arm. We were interrupted by the patter of little feet raring to go and headed out to the car to start our journey.

  We arrived at the lake house five hours later after stopping for lunch en route. The house was beautiful and just as Nicholi described, perched on the edge of the lake, its water sweeping out, secluding us from the landscape around. It was a three-storey timber structure with a glass side that overlooked the lake. To the front of the house, a wooden deck was suspended, providing a safe passage to the boat dock. Inside was just as spectacular with open fires, modern furnishings and the customary technological accoutrements.

  We unpacked the car and settled inside, starting dinner prep when the sound of a car pulling up, its tyres straining on the gravel path, sent Nicholi to investigate. I could not believe my eyes when in strutted Cross and a female friend who would not have looked out of place in a Victoria’s Secret catalogue.

  ‘Hi, all,’ Cross announced. ‘Come and give daddy a hug, Maximus,’ he shouted, reaching to lift Max into his arms. Cross smiled at me as though we were old friends.

  ‘Well this is a surprise,’ Nicholi volunteered, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

  ‘I thought we could use a little family bonding time,’ Cross announced, and Nicholi interrupted.

  ‘Really, oh, and what is she doing here then?’ Nicholi pointed at our second uninvited guest.

  ‘Well, you can’t have all the fun, big brother. This is Lily, a good friend of mine.’

  ‘Hi y’all,’ Lily piped up and leaned around Cross to smile at me. I just looked at Nicholi in dismay and excused myself to go finish making dinner. We were planning to grill, so I was making the marinade for the meat and some salad accompaniments when I felt someone touch my arm. I jumped in response and groaned when I saw my kitchen guest.

  ‘What now, Cross? More innuendo? I cannot be bothered arguing with you right now, go play with your supermodel.’ This was not how I imagined the evening’s events to unfold.

  ‘Do I detect a little green-eyed monster?’ Cross smirked, I turned around and looking him straight in the eyes, spoke so clearly there could be no misunderstanding.

  ‘I’m sure that you are used to women fawning all over you and falling to their knees at the slightest bit of attention you deem to throw their way, but let me make this super-clear for you and I will say it slowly so there can’t be any misunderstanding. I’m not interested, go bother someone else or better yet, grow up, get a pair and be the father your kid deserves, not some embarrassing loser who thinks he is god’s gift to all women, when in actual fact he is nothing but a fake pathetic waste of space.’ I abruptly turned and marched out onto the deck into Nicholi’s arms and tried to extinguish Cross’s remark; why in the world would I ever be jealous?

  Dinner was delicious, Nicholi grilled steak, chicken and salmon and along with the garden salad I had prepared, followed by chocolate cheesecake, my stomach was purring with satisfaction. Cross’s friend Lily had eaten a salad leaf and spread the rest of her food around her plate, something I did as a child, attempting to create the illusion that I had eaten my vegetables, and pouring herself another glass of wine declared she couldn’t eat another bite.

  I had taken the kids upstairs for bath time and was just adding some blue bubbles, for Sebastian of course, when I heard screams of laughter coming from the bedroom with Jake and Max bouncing around, Cross swiftly following as the big bad monster. I could not help but smile that upon catching his victims, a tickle attack ensued, both boys in hysterics by this point and I could not resist lunging in and joining them.

  Somehow or another, Cross had managed to switch the tickle attack to me and had me pinned down on the bed with both boys joining in the tickle feast. I attempted a counter manoeuvre and succeeded, pinning Cross down underneath me when Nicholi walked in.

  ‘Looks like I’m missing all the fun,’ he sneered, reaching his hand out for me to take and I quickly untangled myself from Cross, flushing crimson. ‘Cross, your little friend has just thrown up her lettuce leaf and a bottle of wine over my rug,’ he explained, looking slightly annoyed, though at what exactly I was not sure.

  ‘Some people can’t handle their alcohol,’ Cross mused and pulling himself up off the bed, proceeded to locate our puking guest.

  ‘Did your phone calls go okay?’ I questioned, leaning in closer, feeling guilty for what he had walked in on, but at the same time, knowing it was completely innocent.

  ‘Yes, the renovations to the security at the house will be completed in two days, Earl is overseeing everything so I can relax and enjoy our time together here.’ Nicholi, eyeing the bed, without warning picked me up and threw me onto it, rousing the boys to come join in the new tickle game that ended up with a four-sided pillow fight. I conceded defeat and commenced the delayed bath time.

  The boys had their stories and were tucked up in bed. I returned downstairs, finding Cross sprawled out on the sofa and Nicholi nowhere to be seen.

  ‘Where’s Nic?’ I asked, Cross, looking particularly comfortable with an array of pillows under his head, seemed reluctant to reply.

  ‘He has driven our puker back to town, you pining already?’ he crooned, back to his obnoxious self, after the momentary glimpse of someone else earlier.

  ‘You know for a second there, I thought I was wrong and maybe you did actually have some redeeming qualities, but then you have to open your mouth and blah blah we are back to square one again,’ I raged. ‘Why didn’t you take her anyway?’ I complained, annoyed at the fact that he was ruining my night once again.

  ‘A little too much red wine, I’m afraid, tends to wreak havoc with one’s driving abilities,’ he retorted, sitting back up. ‘So you and big brother,’ he scoffed. ‘Not that I’m surprised, Nicholi always had a way with the ladies, he has got that dark mysterious Italian facade down. I’m just surprised you fell for it so easily, I expected more from you, Sophia, must admit I’m a little disappointed.’ I was so shocked by the spiel that was coming out of his mouth that I hesitated, and he saw it. ‘Ah, not so sure about big brother then? Maybe there is hope for you yet.’ He pulled himself up off the sofa and strolled out of the living room, as though he had just pulled the pin and would leave to let the chips fall where they may.

  I just sat there in silence processing the speech that Cross had given. The, he always had a way with the ladies com
ment was making me feel very uneasy. I was so distracted I did not hear the footsteps approaching me from behind and jumped out of my skin at his touch on my arm.

  ‘Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you; I did call your name several times,’ Nicholi explained, sitting down in front of me. ‘Did you get my text messages?’ he asked, reaching for my hand that I immediately withdrew. ‘Baby, what’s wrong?’ Nicholi questioned, clearly puzzled by the response he was receiving.

  ‘So you have a way with the ladies then?’ I voiced, bordering on incoherency.

  ‘I have a way with what?’ His expression changing from puzzled, rage simmering in his eyes. ‘What the hell did he say to you?’ He raised his voice, something I had not experienced before.

  ‘He pretty much implied that I had fallen for some kind of Italian seduction scene and that it was something you were accustomed to using.’ Tears started to form in my eyes and I attempted to swallow them away before looking up to meet his.

  ‘Sophia, you know me, he is just playing you and you’re falling for it. I thought you knew better than that,’ he began, I interjected.

  ‘That’s the thing though, isn’t it, do I really know you? You haven’t told me anything about your past; I’m usually so careful and guarded, not letting anyone in, but with you,’ I choked, the tears starting to build to the extent I couldn’t hold them much longer, ‘I have fallen in love with you.’ The tears had breached their holding position and were now flowing freely down my face, traitorously without regard.

  ‘Oh, baby, come here.’ Nicholi reached to pull me into his arms and I willing accepted, desperate to feel something else, anything other than what I was feeling right now, confused and insecure. Nicholi just held me while I composed myself before vocalising a response, and pulled away, just about to start when the patter of little feet entered the room.

  ‘We can’t sleep,’ Jacob whispered, holding Max in one hand and in the other his raggedy bear.

  ‘Would you like Uncle Cross to tell you a bedtime story?’ Cross suggested, re-entering the room, and sat on the sofa beckoning for Jake and Max to join him.

  ‘Yay, Uncle Cross’s stories are always the best,’ Jake shouted, sitting next to his clearly favourite narrator, ready to start. I excused myself and went to the bathroom, splashing cold water on my face, and noting the window seat, pushed open the window and breathed in the moonlit air. The earlier rain had long gone and the autumn leaves were starting to fall off the nearby oak tree, clinging on until they could no longer take the gravitational pull downwards, scattering themselves on the ground, bewildered and dejected, exactly how I was feeling right now. There was a knock on the bathroom door, Nicholi entered, joining me on the window seat and taking my hand in his, kissed my fingers.

  ‘My mom is coming to visit tomorrow and if you would do me the honour of accepting my invitation, I would like to take you out for the evening,’ Nicholi explained, looking slightly apprehensive of the reaction he would be receiving.

  ‘Like a date?’ I questioned, still feeling very unsure of him and myself.

  ‘A date, yes. Would you like to?’ He was stroking my hand with his fingers and instead of answering him I reached across, brushing my lips over his when he pulled me onto him and I forgot everything other than his arms wrapped around me, my legs around him and he groaned briefly, pulling away.

  ‘Is that a yes then?’ he asked, his voice husky and breathless.

  ‘Yes,’ I confirmed, untangling myself and headed back to the living room, re-joining the children and eyeing Cross suspiciously as I sat down to listen to the end of the story. All three of them were duelling pirates using plastic golf clubs for swords and ended with a raucous crescendo, walking the plank across the sofa.

  I managed to settle the kids back to bed easily, considering how hyperactive Cross had gotten them and decided to go take a shower to reap the healing properties of water. We had not formally discussed the sleeping arrangement, so I just searched for the room Nicholi had left my belongings in and noted that alongside my suitcase lay his travel bag. I smiled to myself, heading to the bathroom and as soon as the water touched my skin I felt instantly revived. I had changed into my pyjamas and was just brushing my hair when I heard movement outside the door.

  ‘Hey, it’s just me,’ Nicholi confirmed. ‘I took the liberty of leaving your stuff in here with mine when I was hauling everything from the car earlier, but I can move mine or yours to another room if you prefer?’ He was trying to be cool in his tone, but failing miserably.

  ‘This room is fine,’ I began. ‘For all our things,’ opening the door and finding Nicholi perched on the end of the bed, arms reached out to greet me. I padded over and climbed into his arms and he announced it was his turn to shower. I flopped back onto the bed, surveying the room.

  There was the standard wooden king size bed in the middle of the room, a large open fire as the focal point with an exquisite print above of the lake house and the surrounding wilderness.

  ‘That picture is beautiful,’ I began. ‘Who is the artist?’ raising my voice a little as Nicholi had left the bathroom door open.

  ‘That’s my mom, she is an amazing artist,’ he confirmed proudly. ‘I can’t wait for you to meet her tomorrow.’ I suddenly felt nervous, meeting the parent.

  ‘Hey, Nic, you mind if I switch the TV on?’ I asked, looking somewhat perplexed as the usual standard was plasma screens and here there was no TV to be seen.

  ‘Sure.’ I heard the electric razor shut off, its motor ceasing abruptly and Nicholi walked back into the room. ‘Find it yet?’ he asked, grinning at my failed investigation into the drinks cabinet. ‘Sit back on the bed and I will show you,’ he requested and as he hit a button on the side of the headboard that I had clearly missed, the TV screen rose from the foot of the bed.

  ‘Now why didn’t I think of that?’ I was slightly annoyed at myself. Nicholi kissed me gently on the lips and wandered back to take his shower. I clicked on the TV and was just channel hopping between the news, a music channel and then finally settling on a rerun of the Gilmore Girls. I had loved this show and was so engrossed I had not heard Nicholi leave the bathroom.

  ‘Wow, you’re like a ninja, such stealth,’ I exclaimed, marvelling as he launched himself onto the bed next to me, pulling me on top of him in the process.

  ‘You still want to watch TV?’ he asked, his voice husky and demanding.

  ‘Hmm,’ I began as Nicholi flipped us over, him on top of me. Our mouths met, slowly at first until we were both breathless and Nicholi pulled away.

  ‘I was thinking about what you were saying earlier,’ he began and my heart was beating so fast, it took a little longer for me to process what he was saying, recall and then make a verbal response.

  ‘I talk too much, ignore me,’ I replied, leaning back in to resume where we had left off.

  ‘No, you had a valid point,’ Nicholi confessed. ‘I want you to know everything there is to know about me so shoot, ask me anything,’ he suggested. I was puzzled initially as he had moved himself back up into a sitting position, clearly ending our brief moment earlier abruptly, but curiosity got the better of me and I was more than happy to play.

  ‘Okay, let me think.’ I started with every aimless question I could think of before hitting with the harder ones and the ones I did not really want to know, but needed to anyway.

  ‘Favourite holiday destination?’

  ‘Italy and New Zealand.’

  ‘Favourite movie?’

  ‘Before Sunrise.’

  ‘Oh, that’s a great one,’ I expressed, enjoying this game more and more.

  After about thirty minutes, I had asked every easy question I could think of and now it was time to learn the things that had shaped Nicholi’s life, though I was not ready to receive all the answers I did.

  ‘Did you love Jacob’s mother?’ I was desperately trying to shield the impact of his answer, but failing miserably.

  ‘Very much so,’ he responded, reaching
in to take my hand and locking our fingers together.

  ‘If she were to say that she wanted to be with you, what would you say?’ I had not asked the, what happened with Jacob’s mother question yet, but skipped to the part that really mattered in the here and now, and my heart was thundering in my chest awaiting his response.

  ‘I would say the same to anyone, I’m taken,’ he announced, pulling me closer to him and sealing his proclamation with a kiss. I felt suddenly weightless, jubilant and overwhelmed all at the same time. I took a breath to compose myself.

  ‘Oh, I have a good one; tell me the history of the Veneto family,’ I commanded, flipping over to my stomach, propping myself up with one arm, eagerly awaiting his response. He paused momentarily and smiled.

  ‘Well that’s a long story,’ he replied, and I interrupted.

  ‘I feel like I should have popcorn or something,’ I half joked, though I was starting to feel a little hungry.

  ‘Your wish is my command,’ Nicholi grinned, returning to the bed with a packet of popcorn that he had retrieved from the cabinet I thought had housed the TV.

  ‘The Veneto history lesson 101 will begin momentarily, make sure you pay close attention as there will be follow up questions and a wrong answer will have dire consequences,’ Nicholi joked, trying to sound menacing, but failing miserably when I reached up to kiss him for the popcorn and he completely lost his train of thought.

  ‘Ready when you are,’ I confirmed, returning to my stomach position, popcorn in arms.

  The Veneto Family

  Nicholi reached for a handful of popcorn and sipped some water, clearing his throat ready to begin.

  ‘Once upon a time,’ he grinned. ‘There was a lonely fisherman called Crocifisso, who lived a humble, minimal, simplistic life in a village called Scopello, west of Palermo. He worked hard seven days a week, taking his family’s trawler out in all weather conditions to earn an honest living and that was his sole existence as the eldest son, to provide for his family, his father now too old to support them any longer.


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