Flirting with Deception

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Flirting with Deception Page 3

by Ava Catori

  When we got home, we stripped down and climbed into bed. She was clingy and groped at me, but I wasn’t in the mood to be groped. Any other time, I’d be all over her, but the time at the bar was haunting me. As if it wasn’t bad enough that Tony got shot, it was Charlie that pulled the trigger. Nobody said a word. We all covered for him. I didn’t even know why. I guessed we followed Tony’s lead. If he was keeping quiet, we sure wouldn’t betray him.

  Thinking back, I realized that the nanosecond after it happened, I took action. I dove over Gia to protect her. I wanted to be her shield, in case more shots fired. I’d protect her with my life if I had to. I didn’t even think about it. At least I wasn’t a coward. You never know how you react, and just hope you won’t end up a fool.

  The more I thought about it, the more I realized something was wrong. Who would have covered Gia if Tiffany had still been sitting at the bar? Would I have scrambled to cover Tiffany first? I would have, right? My stomach somersaulted. I honestly didn’t want to know which direction I would have gone if they were sitting side by side. I squeezed my eyes shut, thinking it would push away the thoughts that laced through my brain. Of course, it would be Tiffany; don’t be silly. You love her.

  “Baby,” Tiffany sighed, “let me help you relax.” She slid her hand over my flaccid cock and started to stroke me. I hated to disappoint her, but I didn’t think I could get it up. Not tonight.

  My mind went back to Gia and the way she’d taken action so quickly. I guessed with her family’s history, it wasn’t the first bullet wound she’d ever taken care of. Though, when I walked her to the bathroom she had looked broken, almost fragile. I hoped she was okay.

  “That a boy,” Tiffany whispered in my ear. “Get nice and hard for me.”

  Gia and her long, dark hair, Gia breathing heavy under me after I shielded her, Gia…I lost myself in the sensation of Tiffany working her hand over the length of my cock.

  Only the moment was lost.

  Bang! Bang! Bang! Somebody knocked loudly. I moved her hand away and slid out of bed. I put my jeans back on and went to the door. I didn’t expect to see Barbara standing there.

  “Gia’s taking me to the hospital. I think I’m in labor,” she said calmly. She stopped, inhaled, placed her hands on her stomach and continued. “I don’t know if we have time to pick up my stuff. Can you meet us over there later with my bag?”

  “Where’s Ryder?” It seemed odd that Barbara was the one to knock.

  “Ah, yes, well, your brother passed out when I told him my water broke. The guys at the bar helped me toss him in the back of the car, and Gia is driving. She stayed in the car because I needed to walk to ease the pain. Ryder’s coming around.”

  I broke out laughing. “Ryder passed out?”

  “It seems he was a little freaked out about the entire thing. He’s nervous, but he’ll be fine.” She caught her breath. “Okay, I better go.”

  “I’ll get your bag and meet you there shortly,” I said. I was amazed how even in chaos Barbara seemed to keep it together. I respected that woman. The more I got to know her, the more I liked her. I was happy for Ryder; he’d found his perfect match.

  * * *



  Ryder moaned softly in the car and began to stir. I looked into the backseat and saw he was still out. Who would have thought this big, macho guy would faint and hit his head on the floor? It was a good thing there were still a few people at the bar to help us tuck him into the vehicle. He was way too heavy for Barbara and me to lift.

  The street was dark and deserted. Ocean Crest was in dire need of city light maintenance. The door opened and Hunter’s silhouette appeared in the halo of light. With only jeans on, he looked scrumptious. One hand and then the other ran through his hair. He did that when he was nervous. They talked for an instant and then, leaving the door open, Hunter walked Barbara back to the car. Halfway back she froze and held on to him. Her face contracted and even though she remained silent, concentrating on taking short breaths, I could see she was in pain. Soon enough the contraction passed and she took small steps in my direction. Hunter opened the door for her and helped her climb in.

  “Are you sure you’re going to be all right?” he asked looking concerned.

  “We’ll be fine,” I snapped back while helping Barbara put her belt on. “Can you please close the door now?”

  I couldn’t tell if he was hurt or surprised by my tone, but Hunter looked at me strangely, and after shutting the door, took one step back.

  “What was that about?” Barbara asked.

  “His phone should have been on,” I growled. “For heaven’s sake, after his father’s second heart scare, he promised he would never turn it off. And now he knows you’re at term and …”

  Watching a smile grow on Barbara’s face, I didn’t finish my sentence. Any further ranting on my part would bring fuel to her fire. She thought there was something going on between Hunter and me. She was so wrong. He only had eyes for his blondie. We were friends and it’s precisely because friends have each other’s back that I agreed with Ryder. Hunter deserved so much better than that damn silicone doll.

  The good thing about living in a small town is that nothing is very far and news travels like wildfire. As I approached the doors of Ocean Crest’s hospital, they already had a stretcher and wheelchair waiting for us. I was about to cut off the engine and jump out of the car when one of the orderlies said, “You can’t park here. Let us take them out and come back by the main entrance, okay?”

  I nodded and watched the man help Barbara descend from the truck and sit in the wheelchair. Two other guys and a nurse pulled Ryder out and laid him on the stretcher. The fresh air helped him come around. His loud protest reassured me about his condition. No one at death’s door would be making such a racket.

  While driving the truck to the hospital parking lot, I had to laugh. With Barbara’s water cascading in the street and Ryder passing out, a tidal wave of adrenaline coursed through my veins. I wouldn’t be able to sleep for two days. I guess that was good after all. I wouldn’t wake up screaming from gunshot related nightmares.

  Following the advice of the orderly, I entered the hospital by the main door. The secretary at the reception desk looked two hundred years old and appeared unable to understand what I was telling her. Repeating for the fifth time that I wanted to know where the maternity ward was located, I wondered if she sleeping with her eyes open. Unable to get a coherent answer, I walked to the elevators. This was Ocean Crest, not some major city hub. Finding my way through this place shouldn’t be too difficult.

  It wasn’t. Maternity was with internal medicine on the second floor. Surgery and various specialties were on the third. The ward was quiet. I sat on one of the worn out two-seaters by the nurse’s station and waited for someone to come out. I couldn’t resist the urge to close my eyes for a minute. It had been a long day, and tomorrow would be even longer. I needed to call my mother and figure out what visiting hours were in the facility where my father was being held.

  * * *

  A nearby conversation woke me. At first I didn’t know where I was, but it was fine because the only thing I could smell was lavender. It was delicious and reminded me of Hunter. The essence of lavender would always linger in my office after he left. But then I made out words like concussion and my eyes flew opened as I remembered Ryder’s fall. It was only when I tried to sit up that I realized my head was on someone’s lap, and one strong arm was holding a leather jacket over my shoulders.

  “Hey, slow down, tiger.” I recognized Hunter’s laughter. “Do you always start your days like a Jack in the box?”

  “What happened?” I asked shaking my head as if that could actually help me get my ideas back into place.

  “Well, you drove everyone here and fell asleep in the waiting room,” he told me with a tone fit to talk to a capricious child.

  “I remember that,” I snapped back more aggressively that I wanted. “What I want to kno
w is how is everybody doing?”

  “Everyone’s fine,” said the nurse who’d been talking to Hunter.

  Despite my aggressive tone, Hunter gave me the full report.

  “Ryder’s skull is too hard for him to have a concussion, and Barbara delivered in record time. Their little boy is fine.”

  “Oh that’s great,” I said. “Then I guess I just need to find a taxi and get back home.”

  “Let me drive you back,” he offered.

  “Nah, don’t be silly. Stay here, call your dad, and enjoy your family.” The words were spontaneously out of my mouth. I didn’t mean to brush him off so brutally, but I had nothing to do there anymore. This was a private time for the parents and those closest to them. Even if some sort of friendship had developed in the weeks spent with the Bishop clan, I wasn’t family and didn’t want to intrude.

  “As you wish,” Hunter said taking the jacket I handed back to him.

  For an instant I thought I saw a glimpse of regret in his eyes, but I told myself it was just wishful thinking on my part. I hadn’t even walked two steps away when he was already exchanging pleasantries with the nurse.

  While waiting for the elevator I looked at the way she bit her lower lip and batted her eyes listening to him talk. She was into him. Maybe he’d see that and realized there were plenty of lovely girls out there for him, most a lot nicer than Tiffany.

  * * *



  I wasn’t sure why Gia was so stiff and defensive. She seemed touchy, but after a shooting, not to mention Barbara going into labor, I chalked it up to stress. I stretched and went to see my new nephew. Ryder beamed with pride. He couldn’t stop smiling. He was beside Barbara as she cuddled with the tiny bundle in her arms. They’d swaddled the baby. Only his tiny face showed.

  “Wow, he’s so little.” I moved in for a closer look. “You guys did a good job. He’s cute. The girls are going to be standing in line at your door.”

  “I guess it’s a good thing he’s a boy,” Ryder said. “When we have a girl, she’s not dating until she’s thirty. They’ll have to get through me first.”

  Barbara teased her husband. “Come on, be reasonable… She’s not even conceived yet and you’ve already made plans to turn her into some old maid.”

  Ryder flashed a grin, even though the long hours had worn him down.

  “You must be exhausted. How are you feeling, Mom?” I took another gander at my perfect nephew.

  “I’m starting to feel it now. It’s a good tired, though. The best kind,” she said. “I’ve got a beautiful son to show for it.”

  “I’m going to call it a night. Tiffany’s waiting for me, and I’m bushed. I just saw Gia; she’s taking a cab home. I offered her a ride, but she refused it.” I turned toward my brother. “Did you talk to Dad?”

  “Yeah, I told him the news. He’s coming up later.”

  “Sounds like a plan. I’ll stop by too, well that is if you guys are still here. When do they send you home these days, twenty-four hours or forty-eight?” I asked.

  “I think our insurance splits the difference at thirty-six, go figure,” Barbara said. Her gaze never left the baby. She looked absolutely blissful.

  “Alight, I’m out. Get some sleep,” I said and then turned to leave the room.

  Tiffany was home in my bed. She opted not to come up to the hospital, and I didn’t have time to run her home. It would be nice to snuggle into a warm body.

  My mind drifted to Gia. Again. She was angelic as she slept. I loved watching her. It’s a shame when she woke that she’d turned into a growling tiger. I wasn’t sure what was going on with her. We usually meshed better. Maybe she was on edge now that I knew about her family.

  I drove home and sat in the driveway. I was stuck and didn’t want to move. There was a gorgeous girl waiting for me, and all I wanted was a few minutes alone. I drew in a deep breath and forced myself to climb out of the truck. No point sitting out here. I opened the front door and headed to my bedroom.

  Tiffany was stretched out and had kicked off most of the covers. Her naked body sprawled sensually across my bed. If I wasn’t so tired, the things I would do to her. She always smelled so good. That girl was a vixen, a vocal lover that squirmed and squealed when I slid my tongue-

  “Oh, hey,” she whispered. She was barely awake. Tiffany climbed out of bed and padded to the bathroom. If the female form needed a mold, Tiffany would make a great candidate. Her hourglass figure was pure perfection. When she came back she asked about Barbara. “Did she have the baby?”

  “Yeah, a little boy,” I offered as I stripped off my clothes.

  “Okay,” she said, and then squeaked out a small yawn before crawling back into bed.

  I curled up next to her and held her tight. Her long bangs fell across her eyes. I brushed them gently aside and kissed her forehead. “Sleep well, babe.”

  “Night,” she said, snuggling in closer. She was back to sleep in no time.

  I must have been overtired, because no matter how long I tried, all I could do was stare at the ceiling. I thought about my new nephew, along with Barbara and Ryder.

  Life was so much more than the day-to-day stuff. They had purpose now, a family. I felt like I was missing out on something.

  Maybe taking the next step in my relationship would offer a sense of family. Tiffany had everything going for her, and we’d known each other for ages. I wasn’t sure what else I could want in a woman, and yet the idea of asking her to marry me felt foreign. Maybe I wasn’t ready.

  I must have fallen asleep at some point, because on rolling over, the slats of the mini-blinds let enough light through the cracks to tell me the night had passed. I reached behind me for Tiffany, but she wasn’t there. Coming out of my sleepy stupor, I heard the shower. She was already awake. I should ask her if she wants to do breakfast before she leaves.

  Breakfast with Tiffany would be a change. During the week, I usually met Gia for breakfast, before we headed to work. Ever since she’d been hired to take charge of the architecture for the call center, we’d become fast friends. We bonded easily.

  Only now, I wondered if she held other secrets. She seemed weird at the hospital, almost like she didn’t want to be near me. Had I done something to offend her, or was she pulling away, afraid that I’d blow her cover?

  I heard the water shut off. Tiffany stepped out of the bathroom a moment later wrapped in a towel. “Good morning, gorgeous,” she said.

  “Hey, baby. Why don’t you climb back into bed for a while?” I encouraged her to strip off her towel and join me.

  “Can’t today,” she said. “I have plans, but I’d happily take a rain check for tomorrow?”

  “What plans?”

  “The girls and I are going into the city to do some shopping,” she said and shrugged. “Jess and Michelle would be pissed if I bailed on them. I still have to run home and get changed.”

  “Sure, right, have fun.” I watched her dress and gather her things.

  After Tiffany left, my mind drifted back to the bar. I’d never been that close to a shooting before. It kind of freaked me out. I didn’t even know Charlie had it in him. And damn, Tony, it could have been so much worse. I made a mental note to give him a call and see how he was doing. For sure he would still be at the hospital. I’d check while I was up seeing Ryder and Barbara. I didn’t even think of him while Barbara was in labor. Some friend I was.

  My mind rehashed the same thoughts, and I replayed what I’d done as the gun went off. What if Tiffany had been closer? Would have I still thrown myself over Gia? The thought puzzled me since I’d acted on instinct.

  Was there more to that then trying to look out for a friend? She was a good kid, girl, woman, okay gorgeous woman, but she was a friend. We had boundaries. If it hadn’t been Gia, I’d have shielded someone else. Right? It bothered me that I didn’t know what I’d do again in the situation had Tiffany and Gia been sitting side-by-side.

  * * *

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  “Oh, it’s so nice, you got me presents!” Barbara laughed going through my wicker basket filled with assorted chocolates.

  “I figured everyone else would be bringing you baby stuff,” I said watching the baby in his crib. “And it’s totally unfair, because you’re the one who should be celebrated for manufacturing a tiny human from scratch.”

  “Well, I didn’t do it on my own,” she protested.

  “Fair enough,” I had to admit. “But then you know, there’s the hormonal mess that some woman go through after birth, and I heard there was nothing better than chocolate to take care of it.”

  I made a run for it shortly after Ryder and his father arrived. The old man was getting all mushy and talking about his dead wife. I took it as a direct hint to name the baby after her and excused myself from that discussion.

  Back in my car, I took a deep breath. Gino was waiting for me in Atlantic City. I never called him back, and when finally I got around to charging my second phone, there was a message summoning me today.

  Now that he knew I was in Jersey, I couldn’t avoid it anymore. Especially since there were probably things about my father’s situation that I needed to know which couldn’t be said over the phone. Honesty, I didn’t want to know. Ignorance was bliss.

  I wasn’t happy that my father could spend more time in jail, but that was a risk inherent to the life style he’d chosen. This wouldn’t be his first rodeo. He’d already spent several years in the system; five years when he was young, and then three years and change when I was a teenager.

  During the drive, I told myself there was nothing, absolutely nothing, he could tell me that would draw me back into the family net. I’d spread my wings and that was it. I’d never be part of the family’s business, never.


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