Journey To You

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Journey To You Page 19

by AJ Adaire

  Paige used her tongue and her lips to bring Peri to the edge, before backing off and slowing down. Teasing her to a peak the second time, she complied as Peri begged for release. Peri moaned and called out Paige’s name, as Paige’s mouth closed over her, a talented tongue bringing release at last.

  “Shh. They’ll hear us.” As Peri quieted, Paige kissed her center and allowed Peri to pull her up next to her. “You taste so sweet.” Paige licked her lips and lowered her head for a kiss.

  Peri sighed in contentment enjoying the sensation of Paige’s roaming hand. Her light touch was perfect. Light enough that Peri had to concentrate to feel it, yet not so light that it tickled. She stroked in one place and switched to another place. Each part of Peri’s body hoped it would be the next to receive attention from the delightful touch of Paige’s fingers.

  “Umm, that’s wonderful. If you keep that up, you’ll lull me to sleep. And that’s not possible, because I want to make love to you so much.” Peri pushed Paige onto her back. She kissed her softly. Her lips still touching Paige’s, she whispered, “Turn over.”

  Peri kissed Paige’s cheek then traced the contour of her ear with her tongue. “That was wonderful,” she whispered. “You’re a wonderful lover, and you made me feel cherished. Now it’s your turn.” Peri pulled Paige’s earlobe into her mouth and tongued it. “I love your body.” She sat straddling Paige’s behind. Leaning forward she brushed her breasts across Paige’s back.

  Paige’s breath hitched when Peri ran her tongue down her spine from her hairline to the small of her back. She drew a low moan from deep inside Paige as she explored the base of her spine with her tongue. Rocking back on her knees, she began to massage Paige’s calves. The strokes she used varied in pressure. She made deeper strokes with her palms to relax the muscles and lighter strokes with her fingertips to stimulate her skin. Working her way up Paige’s body, she tugged on Paige’s shoulder. “Turn over. Enough appetizers. Time for the main course.”

  Paige complied, and Peri fit her body the length of her lover’s.

  Reaching forward, Peri kissed Paige deeply, as she flicked a nipple with her thumb. Deliberate in its progress, her hand traveled its way to Paige’s core. Peri pressed her palm flat against the triangle between Paige’s legs, covering her sex. Her fingers slid down the length of Paige and circled her wet opening, teasing by entering just a bit before withdrawing.

  “Please. Inside. Now.” Paige rose to meet Peri’s fingers. Peri entered with one, then two fingers. Paige opened her legs, granting full access, and raised her thigh to fit between Peri’s legs. They moved together, climbing as one, while Peri stroked. “Oh God, now. Come with me, Peri.”

  They peaked at the same time, and Peri collapsed against Paige seeking her lips once again. “I’m sorry. Touching you got me so excited. I couldn’t help myself. I’m not usually so selfish. I owe you one.”

  Paige adjusted so that Peri fit against her. “You don’t owe me anything. I love that you loved me, and that making love to me excited you as much as it did me.”

  “I have a lot more exploring to do. We’ve had appetizer and main course.” Peri let her hand roam. “Now it’s time for dessert.”

  Chapter Twenty-nine


  Kim was sitting on the bed, pillows propped behind her against the headboard. Allie sat next to her on the edge of the mattress. Leaning across her friend, she placed her hand next to Kim’s hip, bringing them face-to-face. An angry expression flashed across Kim’s face, leaving it tinged with red. “What are you talking about?”

  “I’m talking about you. What’s the matter with you?” Allie knew that Kim was jealous and was hoping to get her to admit it. “You’ve been surly and out of sorts all day. Your behavior gives new meaning to the word whining, and your self-pity isn’t the least bit endearing. When did you become so selfish?”

  Kim’s eyes filled with tears at Allie’s blunt words. “Well, I guess you’re sorry I came all this way, then?”

  “No, Kim.” Allie softened her tone and wiped the tear tracking down Kim’s cheek. “I’m glad you’re here. I told you that. I don’t know what I’d have done without you and your friends’ help.”

  Kim wiped her face with both hands. “Have I been that bad? Don’t answer that!” Kim grew pensive. “I guess it shocked me to see Peri and Paige hold hands tonight.”

  “Shocked you?”

  Kim thought about what she’d said. “Yeah, I was shocked. I didn’t see that coming. Lately, it seemed to me that Paige had withdrawn a bit and was pretty distant. I expected her to get here, maybe stock up with some supplies, and after a rest, head out again.”

  Allie sensed that Kim still hadn’t recognized that she was jealous. “So, you were shocked. And now that you’ve had some time to think about it, are you happy for them?”

  “Well, I…” Kim sighed and looked up to meet the warm expression in the eyes of her friend. “I am happy for them. I’m a bit jealous too. I love Peri. I’ve always loved her. I don’t think it’s fair.”

  “Didn’t you tell me that you and she decided you don’t have those kinds of feelings for each other? You love her, true. Not in the way she and Paige are relating though.”

  “I know.” Kim exhaled a long sigh. “It’s scary being alone.”

  “I agree.” It was Allie’s turn to sigh. “You’ve told me you thought about Peri, about Paige, and even mentioned another woman, Jennifer.”

  “I know. Jennifer is so far away, a long trip again. I don’t even know if she’d still be thinking of me. It seems forever since I saw her.”

  “It seems that way, I know. Think about it. It’s been what…less than a month since you left her uncle’s farm?”

  Kim calculated the time. “Yes, I guess that’s true. It seems so much longer.” Kim reached for Allie and pulled her into an embrace, allowing Allie’s head to rest on her shoulder. “Thanks. You never did pull any punches with me. And, you’re right. I have been an ass. I’m sorry.”

  “Come on, let’s get to sleep. I intend to work some of that orneriness out of you tomorrow. We have fertilizing to do.”


  “Good morning.” Peri kissed Paige’s lips. “Umm. Sleeping with you, making love with you, kissing you…it’s all I imagined and more. Did I ever tell you about the hot dream I had about you?”

  A mischievous smile appeared on Paige’s lips. “I don’t care about that right now. Reality is so much better.” Her hands roamed freely over the now familiar territory of Peri’s back, and down over her bare bottom. She pulled her lover on top of her, pressing their centers together. She started a slow undulation. Peri adjusted to get better contact between them. Release was quick and intense.

  Peri snuggled against Paige’s chest. They could hear the murmur of voices from the kitchen. “Oh God, do you think they heard us?”

  A chuckle erupted from Paige. “If they haven’t, we could try again. I can’t get enough of what you do to my body. Am I being selfish, wanting that?”

  “Am I selfish to want you?”

  “No, of course not.”

  “Then why is it selfish for you to want me?” Peri traced Paige’s lip with her finger.

  Paige closed her eyes to hide the mist of tears there. “How were we so lucky to find each other, and how is it possible that I want you again?” Paige pulled Peri close and nuzzled her neck. “Umm, the mere smell of you makes me wet.”

  “What you are smelling is pure sex. We need showers before the day begins. We can’t appear in public without one.”

  “A shower? Together?” Paige’s eyebrows wiggled.

  “No. You first. Then me. I’ll tidy up in here and make the bed, while you bathe.”

  “Wonder what Allie will have on the agenda for us today? I’m glad we’re here. Imagine her facing all this work on her own.”

  “I know.” Peri sighed. “And when the vegetables come in, there’ll be even more. The picking, then canning…it would be impossi
ble for her to do it all. Imagine what must have gone through her mind when her husband died.”

  “Nothing is certain any more. It’s all the more reason to enjoy life while we can. If there’s an opportunity, maybe we can slip away for a dip in our pond later?”

  “Our pond?” Peri’s arched eyebrow indicated her puzzlement.

  “Yes, won’t it always be our pond?”

  “Yes.” Peri smiled. “Let’s try to slip away. I love it there.”

  “I need to take Murdoch out. Do you mind going first to shower?”

  “As much as I hate this first night to end, I know we need to get going.” Peri stood up and took her time putting on the T-shirt Allie had given her, pausing it at her waist.

  Paige’s eyes feasted on Peri.

  Peri winked as she dropped the shirt over the lower part of her body. “See you at breakfast.”

  Chapter Thirty

  “I’VE BEEN INFORMED THAT I’ve been an ass.” Kim’s surprise announcement took everyone off guard. Her fond glance in the direction of Allie brought a smile to her friend’s face. “Although I hate to admit it, she’s right.” Kim turned to Paige and Peri. “I want you to know I’m very happy for you.” She smiled. “I admit it. I’m a bit jealous, although, that doesn’t diminish my genuine joy for your relationship. I wish you nothing but happiness. Both of you.”

  Peri stood up and wrapped an arm around her friend, giving her a hug. “Thanks, Kim. I’d hoped you’d feel that way.”

  In no time, breakfast was out of the way and cleaned up, thanks to everyone pitching in. Allie turned toward the door. “I have to go milk the animals.”

  “How about you give us a lesson? That’ll free you up to do other things, if we can take over for you,” Paige suggested.

  Allie smiled. “It is not a chore I mind, although I think your suggestion has validity.”

  The goats were waiting at the barn door by the time the women arrived. Allie got the first goat into position and began her lesson.

  “She’s awfully low to the ground for me,” Paige joked. “Maybe we can stand her on a table.”

  “She’s not short, as much as you’re tall.” Allie looked up at the woman from her stool and smiled. “She seems to be the perfect height for me.” Her comment drew laughter from the onlookers.

  It took a half-hour longer than normal, but the animals were milked, at last. Each woman had successfully managed to get milk into the pail, without the goat knocking it over. They moved back outside.

  “Would you like me to muck out the barn for you?” Kim asked. “Or is there something else you’d rather I do?”

  “Thanks, Kim. That would be a big help.” Allie gave her friend a sweet smile. “I appreciate your help.”

  “I have a suggestion, Allie.” Kim looked to each of the others before she continued. “It might make things easier for you and us as well. Tonight, maybe you could make up a chart or list of things that need to be done every day or at specific times during the week or month.”

  “That’s a great idea, Kim.” Peri added. “I’m sure each of us likes doing certain things better than others—like Paige might not enjoy milking the goats because she’s tall. Others have more talent at things than others. Because Kim is used to landscaping, it might be easier for her to make a transition to maintaining the fields than it would be for me. I’ve got a bit of experience cooking and canning with my grandmother. Maybe I can help with that, if you can teach me the methods you use.

  “That’s a great idea. I’ll work on the list this evening.”

  “And if there are chores that none of us want to do, we all pitch in to do them and get them over and done with.” Peri shrugged. “That way nobody gets stuck doing something they hate all the time.”

  Allie laughed. “We can do that today. The chicken coop needs cleaning, again. It’s a disgusting job. With all of us pitching in, it won’t be too bad.”

  “Do we spread it today too?” Peri asked.

  “No, it needs to age.”

  “You mean like fine wine?” Paige laughed.

  Kim spoke up. “If we use the fresh manure, it can burn the crops. Once it ages into compost, it really adds wonderful nutrients to the soil.”

  “Come.” Allie pulled Kim’s hand. “I’ll show you where to put it, and then we’ll go clean out the coop.”

  By lunchtime, they’d finished the chores. Together they made sandwiches. Allie said, “I’ll deal with dinner. I have wash to do, too”

  “I can help with that,” Kim volunteered.

  “What about us?” Peri asked.

  “DJ always made a trip around different parts of the property every day. Sometimes we’d do it together. He’d check the alarms and fences. Maybe you and Paige could do that?”

  “It would be a pleasure, not a chore. It’s something Murdoch would enjoy, too.” Paige took a bite of her sandwich, and glancing over at Peri, she arched one eyebrow.

  Peri knew exactly what Paige had in mind. “What time do we need to be back?”

  “How about six? That should give you plenty of time.” With her back to Kim, Allie winked at the two women causing a blush to appear on both their faces.


  Before they went to the pond for a dip, Paige and Peri agreed they’d check the fence and make sure the sensors weren’t obstructed. Murdoch ran ahead a few yards, sniffing the trees and leaving his mark. They approached the top corner of the property near the road they’d come down when they first arrived. As they neared the gate, Murdoch circled back to Paige and growled.

  “What’s the matter, boy?” Paige reached her hand behind her and pulled her pistol. With her free hand, she guided Peri behind her. “Stay close behind me.” Holding her revolver behind her leg, she moved forward cautiously.

  About fifty yards away, standing in the road, was a tall, grey-haired man dressed in fatigues. He had a shotgun in his hands. Seeing the women, he made a point of breaking the weapon, and with the barrel pointing to the ground, draped the gun over his arm. He waved with his free hand and started to approach.

  Paige watched him walk slowly toward them.

  “Hey. I see a dog and two women. Jack and Buck told me there were three women. Are you the ones who left them in the middle of the road?”

  “Murdoch, heel.” Paige started forward. Peri, as she’d been instructed, followed close behind. Paige drew near the man, close enough that they no longer had to raise their voices to hear each other. “Yes. They didn’t behave themselves. So, we gave them an appropriate punishment. Who are you?”

  “My name is Ernie Parker. I came to extend an apology on behalf of Jack and Buck.” He smiled. “They were not, um…very enthusiastic about meeting up with you again, especially the dog.” The man scratched his beard. “The other members of the club wanted to say we’re sorry for their behavior. Those two idiots have been taken care of. We’d like to assure you that our group patrols our area regularly, as I see you’re doing. We’ll try to keep an eye out here too, and are available if you need help. Anything that doesn’t seem right, fire two shots then one about five seconds later. We’ll come to help.” He laughed. “Don’t shoot us. We all have this emblem on our hats.” He pointed to his baseball cap. “I can assure you that you won’t have any more trouble with Jack or Buck, and I apologize for any trouble they caused you.” The man stuck out his hand. He chuckled again. “Although from the way things came out, maybe you should be apologizing to them. They definitely came out on the bad end of that encounter.”

  Paige turned to Peri. “Wait here. Murdoch, guard.” She crossed the distance between them and took the man’s extended hand. “Apology accepted. Thank you for the offer of assistance, Ernie.”

  The man gave a glance at Murdoch whose eyes hadn’t wavered. He turned to go and tipped his hat. “Nice dog.”

  As they watched Ernie walk up the road, Paige reached down to pat Murdoch’s side. “Good job.”


  Paige stripped her clothes and jumped into
the pond, leaving Peri standing on the rock. Submerged to her shoulders, she waited for Peri to get in.

  “Is it cold?”

  “It’s refreshing. Come on, I’ll keep you warm. I know how to do it.”

  A slow smile spread on Peri’s face. “And you do a great job of it, too. What if those hunters are watching?”

  “They’re not. I had a good feeling about Ernie. He seemed like a genuine guy. Come on. Keep your clothes on if you feel uncomfortable.”

  “If I do that, how will you make love to me?”

  “I can be very ingenious.”

  Peri chuckled. She glanced around before removing her clothes. As she slipped into the water, Paige swam over and pulled her close.

  Peri wrapped her arms around Paige’s neck. “This feels good, the cold water and your warm skin.” Peri ran her hands over Paige’s back. “I like it.”

  “Tell me you’ve never skinny dipped before.” Paige put her hands on Peri’s bottom and pulled her up against her.

  Peri wrapped her legs around Paige’s hips. “I haven’t. Umm…that feels good.”

  “I can think of something that feels better.”

  “Me too.” Peri leaned in and kissed her lover. Her erect nipples, especially sensitive in the cool water, brushed against Paige’s. “I love this, being this way with you. It feels so right.”

  “It does.” Paige lowered her head to Peri’s welcoming lips.

  They were nearly late for dinner.

  “Did you have a nice swim?” Allie asked Peri as they rushed in, hair still damp.

  “Exceptionally nice. We have big news though. Wait till we tell you who we met.”

  They told Allie and Kim about their encounter with Ernie Parker. Kim, especially, listened with interest. “I hope they strung them up by their testicles. Not that I’m still upset or anything.”

  Laughter surrounded them as they sat for dinner, and Allie shared the story about how LC got her name. After the meal, she brought out her list of chores. “The focus of most of our work for the next several weeks will be on the garden. We have to weed and water different sections of the garden daily. There’s also milking to do, feeding and watering the animals, collecting the eggs, and cleaning the coop.”


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