First Down (Texas Titans #3)

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First Down (Texas Titans #3) Page 15

by Cheryl Douglas

  “The guys know. We talked about it at a meeting today. Bob’s retiring soon, and he suggested we promote Alana to our accounting manager.”

  “That’s a good thing,” Terri said. “It’ll give her more incentive to stick around. Which will give you the chance to prove to her you’re not the overbearing S.O.B. she’s going to think you are when she hears the whole story.”

  Grayson ignored that comment. There was no sense arguing when he knew Terri was right. “The guys suggested I talk to Cal, which brought up this legal document thing. I feel like a bit of a hypocrite for breaking my own rules, but I never expected someone like Alana to work for us.”

  “You really care about her, don’t you?” Terri asked.

  “Hell yeah! Would I be doing all of this if I wasn’t crazy about her?” Grayson sighed and kicked his feet up on a kitchen chair. “I know I come on a little strong, but my heart’s in the right place. You know that, right?”

  “Of course I do. But I’m not the one you have to convince, honey. Alana is.”

  “I know. The question is how the hell do I dig myself out of this hole? If it were just the contract or just the background checks or just the building, I might be able to make her understand. But all those things combined make me seem guilty as hell.”

  “Background checks plural? Who else did you have checked out?”

  “Her ex-husband.” Before Terri could interject, Grayson added, “I got the feeling he was a dangerous guy. I wanted to know what we were up against if he decided he wasn’t going to leave Alana alone. I was just looking out for her.”

  “I know, but will she see it that way?”

  “I don’t know.” Grayson didn’t know anything anymore, which incensed him. He’d always had it all together, and the woman had crawled inside his head. “I guess I’m about to find out though.”

  “Was that your doorbell?” Terri asked.

  “Yeah, looks like she’s here.”

  “Good luck, Gray. Seriously, I hope this all works out for you. Girls like Alana don’t come along every day.”

  “Don’t I know it.”


  Alana’s toes curled in her flip-flops as she waited for Grayson to open the door. After that kiss in her office, she didn’t know what he had in mind for the night, but she couldn’t wait to find out. She was adamant about not sleeping with him too soon, but that didn’t mean she would mind getting lost in his kisses.

  “Hey, gorgeous,” he said, lighting up when he saw her. Reaching for her hand, he pulled her inside.

  Enveloped in his tight embrace, Alana felt all of her nervous tension melt away. She couldn’t shake the feeling she was exactly where she belonged. “I was going to bring a bottle of wine, but I wasn’t sure what we were having for dinner.”

  He pulled back to kiss each of her cheeks before landing a tender kiss on her glossy lips. “I was thinking pizza and beer. Does that work for you?”

  “I’m supposed to have one cheat day a week, Grayson. Every day is turning into a cheat day with you.” She blushed when she realized how that sounded.

  “I don’t mind you cheating with me,” he said, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. “Just don’t ever think about cheating on me.” Alana sucked in a breath as he stared into her eyes. He framed her face with both hands. “I mean it, Alana. I want you all to myself.”

  It sounded as though he were asking for some kind of commitment, but surely that wasn’t the case. Grayson clearly loved women, and they loved him. He traveled the world for business. Why would he want to be in a monogamous relationship with a woman who wasn’t even comfortable talking about the future?

  “Say something,” he whispered.

  “I don’t know what you want me to say.”

  “Tell me you don’t want anyone else either.”

  She laughed a little, hoping to lighten the mood. “I’m strictly a one-man woman, but we’re still getting to know each other.”

  “The way you kissed me today led me to believe you’d be open to getting to know me intimately. Was I wrong?”

  God, no. “You weren’t wrong.” She slid her arms around his waist and tipped her head back to meet his eyes. “But I’m not one of those girls who subscribes to the three-date rule.”

  “Hmm, is this our third date?” he asked, looking thoughtful. “Dinner at the club, apartment hunting, the barbeque, lunch at the office, dinner at my place… I’d say this is technically our fifth date.”

  She couldn’t help but laugh. “Nice try.”

  He slipped her hand into his as he walked her into the gourmet kitchen. “I wish I could take credit for dinner, but my housekeeper gets all the credit.” Opening the oven door, he gave her a whiff of the warming pizza. “I hope you’re hungry.”

  “Starving,” she said, licking her lips.

  His eyes lingered on her mouth. “You’re not the only one.” He reached into the fridge for a beer, giving her a nice view of his backside. Turning around quickly, he smirked. “I knew you were checking me out.”

  She rolled her eyes as she reached for one of the cold longnecks. “You’re so full of yourself.”

  “You can deny it all you want. I see the way you look at me when you think I’m not looking.”

  He was right, of course, but Alana wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of admitting it. “How was your afternoon?” She hoped he would let her change the subject. Their physical attraction was undeniable, but if he forced the issue, she may not be able to keep her promise about taking things slowly.

  “It was okay,” he said, watching her pop the caps off both bottles.

  She passed him one before taking a short pull from the other.

  “The glasses are in the cabinet,” he said, his eyes lingering on her moist lips.

  “I don’t need one.” She slid back on a stool. She was putting herself at a disadvantage if he decided to move in on her, but the hungry look in his eye told her it was worth the risk. “I grew up with brothers, remember? Drinking beer out of a glass wasn’t an option in my house.”

  He smiled as he set down the beer and braced his hands on the counter, caging her in. “Tell me more about your brothers.”

  Clearing her throat, she forced herself to ponder his question. The mention of her brothers should have been enough to kill her libido, but it seemed nothing Grayson could do or say would accomplish that feat. “Like I told you at dinner, they’re great. Hard-working, sweet, overprotective—just like someone else I know.”

  “That’s definitely a big brother’s job,” he whispered, easing between her legs as thrill bumps rose over her skin. “What do you think they’d say about you being here with me now?”

  “I…” She couldn’t think straight with his breath fanning her neck. “Don’t know.”

  “Do they want you to be happy?” He closed his hands around her waist. “Do they want you to find a guy who can take care of you, who’s crazy about you… who can’t stop thinking about you?”

  Alana couldn’t breathe, much less talk, but she was pretty sure that had been his intent.

  “Well, do they? Or are they afraid you’ll get hurt again?” He stepped back. When she reached for him, he took her hands and looked her in the eye. “I’m serious, Alana. Would your family approve of us?”

  She didn’t know why he cared. It wasn’t as if he would meet them anytime soon. But since it seemed so important to him, she decided to be honest. “I think they’d be concerned about me getting involved with anyone right now. They know I’m still recovering from the divorce.” She touched his cheek, hoping to soften the blow. “If they met you, I think they’d see the same red flags I saw when I met you. Like it or not, you are a lot like my ex. Both physically and your… personality traits.”

  He clenched his jaw. “I’d like to hear about the ways we’re different.”

  Alana knew being compared to another man must be hard on Grayson’s ego, but she’d never sweep her concerns under the rug. “I understand why you are the way
you are. For Ronan, it was all about controlling people. I think you try to protect the people you care about out of concern.”

  Seeming placated, he said, “Go on. I’m listening.”

  Alana found it amusing that a man like Grayson cared what she thought of him. His need for approval was as unexpected as it was endearing. “He couldn’t have been faithful if his life depended on it.” She tipped her head back, studying him closely. “I don’t get that vibe from you. I have a feeling if you’re in a committed relationship, you’re all in.”

  “You’re right,” he said, tracing her lower lip with the pad of his thumb. “I’m glad you get that about me.”

  Given her rush to judgment about Grayson in the beginning, the least she could do was mitigate the damage to his ego. “Ronan was all about making money so he could wield more power. You’re obviously doing what you love. I have a feeling you’d do it even if you didn’t get paid.”

  He chuckled. “I don’t know if I’d go that far. I have to keep a roof over my head and clothes on my back, don’t I?”

  Alana felt a rush of heat when she thought about his muscled chest and bare back. “I suppose so.”

  “Besides, I know the people I love will never have to worry about money.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “My parents, mainly. Ranching is back-breaking work. There are good years, and there are lean years. Now, no matter what happens, they don’t ever have to worry about losing the ranch. They can relax a little. Lord knows they’ve earned it.”

  She gave him a tender smile. She could easily lose her heart to him if he kept talking about his family that way. “That’s so sweet.”

  “It’s nice to know my sisters and their families will be fine too. Terri and her husband do well, but Raelyn and her husband are teachers. There was a strike last year that made it tough for them to make ends meet. Being able to help them out when they needed it felt damn good. It makes all the hard work worth it, ya know?”

  Alana looked down. “I wish I could say I did. My parents have both worked hard all their lives, but accountants don’t make enough to help out all that much.”

  “True, but department heads make a lot more. At least with our company they do.”

  Alana smiled, hoping she didn’t seem ungrateful. In their economic climate, she was happy just to have a job with a stable company. “Maybe someday when Bob is ready to retire, you’ll consider me for that position. Until then, I’m happy with what I’m doing.”

  “Bob is ready to retire now.”

  She snapped her mouth shut as soon as she realized it was hanging open. “But I thought Jaxon said he planned to work for at least another ten years?”

  “Obviously, he was wrong.” Grayson smiled. “Bob’s a great guy, we’ll miss him, but his timing couldn’t have been any better. Now that we have you…”

  Was he seriously offering her a promotion so soon? “Grayson, I appreciate your faith in me, but I have to prove myself.”

  “You’ve already proven yourself.” He leaned in to steal a kiss. “Don’t you know that by now?”

  It would have been too easy for Alana to accept his offer without thinking twice, but they were talking about her career. She couldn’t afford to make mistakes. “How do your partners feel about this?”

  “Bob thinks you’re the right person for the job. So do I. They’re not going to argue.”

  “The pizza,” Alana said, pointing at the oven. “You don’t want it to burn.” She needed a minute to catch her breath, and dinner seemed like a good distraction.

  “Right, the pizza,” he said, looking confused as he pushed away from the counter.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Grayson had expected a much different reaction when he offered Alana the job. She seemed almost hesitant to accept, but why? The only reason he could imagine was that she didn’t intend to make Arlington her permanent home, and that possibility weighed on him heavily.

  As he pushed his empty plate aside, he asked, “Are you going to tell me why you seem so reluctant about taking this job, or do I have to guess?”

  Alana sighed. “At Ronan’s company, I had to deal with a lot of resentment. He hired me right out of school and promoted me quickly, mainly because I was one of the few people he trusted.”

  Grayson sat back and wished he could get through one evening with her without having to hear about the man he despised more with each passing day.

  “Is something wrong?” Alana asked, touching his hand. “You look upset.”

  “No, go ahead. I want you to tell me why you don’t want to take advantage of this great opportunity we’re offering you.” The bitterness he felt seeped into his words. “I’m sorry. I want you to feel you can tell me anything, but it pisses me off that everything seems to begin and end with that jerk who didn’t even deserve to call himself your husband.”

  Alana withdrew her hand. “I know you don’t understand. You think I should just be able to forget about him and move on, but it’s not that easy.”

  The panic edging out his fear made Grayson realize just how much he cared for her. “You’re not saying you still have feelings for him, are you?”

  Alana looked appalled at the suggestion. “God, no!”

  “Then what’s the problem?”

  “When Ronan and I met, I was young and inexperienced. He promised me the world, and I believed him. Being married to him forced me to grow up, and by the time I walked out on him, I swore I’d never make those mistakes again.”

  Grayson released a slow breath, allowing some of his concern to dissipate. Looking into her eyes gave him peace of mind. He didn’t know how he could be so sure, but something told him he could trust her. “Tell me why you think this would be a mistake.”

  “Like I said, some people in his company didn’t feel I’d earned the position. They’d been there longer and felt he owed it to them to promote them instead of me.”

  “Seniority doesn’t trump all,” Grayson said, trying for once to put himself in Ronan’s position. “I appreciate employees who are loyal to us, but that doesn’t mean everyone is cut out for a managerial position. Some people are better suited to it than others. He obviously felt you were, and so do I.”

  Alana looked down at her plate. “Would you be offering me this position if you weren’t interested in getting me into bed?”

  The question shocked and offended Grayson so much he wasn’t sure how to respond. His first impulse was to tell her to go to hell, but forced himself to remain calm. “What do you think?”

  She raised her eyes. “I’m sorry. That was unfair. I know you wouldn’t offer me this job just because you’re attracted to me. I know how much your business and your partners mean to you. You wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize them.”

  “You’re right.” Since things were already tense between them, he may as well mention Cal’s idea. He wanted her to fully understand that he intended to keep business separate from their personal relationship. “Which is why my lawyer thinks I need to take some precautions to protect the business.” He winced inwardly when he realized he’d chosen the wrong words. He’d made it sound as if she was trying to take advantage of their relationship, which he knew wasn’t the case.

  “What kind of precautions?” she asked, looking wary.

  “Cal, my lawyer, and the guys are a little concerned about me getting involved with an employee.” He reached for her hand. “Please understand, Alana, it’s nothing personal. It’s just that we live in a litigious society. Sometimes when a relationship ends and we’re hurt, we do things we never thought we would just to get even with the person who hurt us.”

  “That’s true.”

  Grayson was surprised, but grateful, she’d agreed with his explanation. He assumed the betrayal she’d experienced had prompted her to do things she never thought she would. “Cal suggested it may simplify things and put everyone’s mind at ease if you signed a contract stating you were entering into this relationship voluntarily and didn’
t expect anything as a result.” When she stared at him instead of responding, Grayson felt his chest tighten. “Of course, it’s your decision. Whether you choose to sign it or not doesn’t change the way I feel about you.”

  “Of course I’ll sign it.”

  “You will?” He hoped his disbelief didn’t offend her. He just couldn’t believe she hadn’t lashed out and reminded him that she’d voluntarily walked away from her marriage with nothing.

  “Sure.” She squared her shoulders as she looked him in the eye. “I have no intention of suing you or your company, regardless of what happens between us, so why would I object to signing your lawyer’s document?”

  Her eyes seemed colder, and that concerned him, but he didn’t know how to bridge the gap he’d created. “I’m not sure that I’ve met anyone like you before, Alana.”

  As though she hadn’t heard his compliment, she continued, “I don’t believe in accepting a cent I haven’t earned. That’s why I walked away from my marriage with nothing, much to my lawyer’s dismay.”

  Grayson felt as though he’d lost his footing. She was making him feel things he’d never felt, and it scared him senseless. “You need to know how much I admire and respect you.”

  “I think I do,” she said quietly. “Because I feel the same way about you. It’s been a long time since I’ve met a man who makes me want to believe…”

  He was dying to ask her to elaborate, but he didn’t want to push her. He knew things would continue to progress at their own pace, and he was content with that as long as they kept building a solid foundation.

  “I trust you, Grayson. I think you’re honest, genuine, and sincere.”

  Grayson swallowed, telling himself that was the moment of truth. He had to tell her everything, but before he could, the doorbell rang.

  “Were you expecting company?”

  “No.” He stood and tossed his napkin on the chair. “I’m sorry for the interruption. Whoever it is, I’ll get rid of them. Just sit tight.”

  “No problem.” She reached into the purse hanging over her chair. “I can check my email while you’re gone.”


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