Cards Of Love: Queen Of Pentacles

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Cards Of Love: Queen Of Pentacles Page 4

by Leah Holt

  'Hello, Beautiful. Nice surprise.'

  Clint snapped his head over his shoulder, veering his stare, waiting for the last person to exit and the door close. Reconnecting his eyes with mine, his voice was low and harsh. “What the fuck was that all about?”

  Pushing up from my seat, I grabbed my stack of folders. “What?”

  “Don't play stupid, Nola, you know what I'm talking about.” Hanging his head, he let out a heavy breath. “Do you know that asshole or something?”

  “What the hell are you talking about, Clint? You're acting crazy right now.” Trying to step around him, he blocked me from passing. “Let me by, Clint.”

  “You didn't answer me. I asked you if you knew him, because normally you would have kicked his ass out the second the door opened.”

  Breathing in slowly through my nose, I kept my attention on the folders I was adjusting. “I don't always have to be the bad guy, Clint. You were right, he caught me on a good day. Don't make this more than it is.”

  Stretching out his arms, he tried to wrap them around my hips. “Look, I'm sorry, Nola, it's just, you know I don't like when someone else looks at you like that. He was fucking you with his eyes, I could see it.”

  Stepping back out of his hands, my lips drew taut. “Stop, just stop. We,” I said, flicking a finger back and forth between us. “Are not together. We dated months ago, and if I remember right, you dumped me for some bimbo named Lauren from the coffee shop up town. You know, brand new tits with half a brain Lauren. So stop treating me like I'm your girlfriend.”

  “I told you Lauren and I are over, there's no reason for you to bring it up.” His tone grew high pitched and playful. “Nola, you try to play hard to get, but I know you. You saying shit like that doesn't matter, I know that we have something, and I know you feel it too.”

  “Just because she dropped you for a man with deeper pockets, doesn't mean we have anything for you to come back to.” Walking around the table, I snapped at him. “It's over, Clint, get it through your head. I told you before and I'm saying it again—WE. ARE. DONE.”

  An evil smile spread up his lips as he pulled his phone from his pocket. “Well, I guess we'll just have to see about that.” Scrolling over his screen, his eyes flashed devil red.

  Stopping short, I hugged the folders to my chest. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

  “I think you should just take some time to think about us, that's all.”

  Furrowing my brows, my tone turned harsh. “I don't know what kind of game you're trying to play, but I'm not interested. You need to cut this shit out, I'm getting sick of it.” Stalking quickly to the door, my fingers wrapped the handle, ready to tear it open.

  “Just reconsider where we stand, that's all I'm asking. I'd hate to see you make the biggest mistake of your life.” His smile arched high as his eyes turned black, filling my heart with hate.

  Scoffing, I threw the door open and stormed out. I didn't give him the satisfaction of a snippy comment or letting him see just how much he was getting under my skin. I was done with that man.

  As far as I was concerned he was just another employee here. That was where I had drawn the line and I wanted him to stay on his side of it.

  If he thought he could just dump me for someone he thought was better and then weasel his way back into my life when he was tossed to the curb, he was wrong. When he chose to leave me, that was it.

  I don't chase people, I don't have time to try and mend fences that weren't worth saving. As far as I was concerned, there was nothing to salvage between us. I didn't love him, I wasn't even really that hurt when he dumped me. If anything, I was relieved that I didn't have to try and fit a relationship into my already filled life.

  What got to me was how he did it. How he asked me out to lunch, and dropped the mother of all bombs on me. Him and his new girlfriend were sitting there, cozied all up to each other, making kissy faces.

  The motherfucker made me feel so small that day. He told me I was boring, that all I did was work. He said that Lauren made him feel young again, like he was an old dog; the man was thirty.

  But what struck me the most, the one thing he said that shattered any chance he might have had for a future relationship with me was when he told me that our sex was sub-par and Lauren was far more nimble than I would ever be.

  I mean, what the hell was that? Who says that to someone?

  I think the words I chose that day were straight forward and probably the most honest I had ever been. I told him he was a dickhead.

  That wasn't how you treated a woman, that wasn't the way to break up with someone. It was just cruel.

  Stepping into the hallway, the small group of people were all huddled in a knitted circle. Forcing my way through, my shoulders bumped and bounced off the crowd.

  I knew Ash was watching me, but I didn't search him out. I just wanted to get the fuck out of there, I needed to get as far away from Clint as I could.

  Inhaling short quick breaths, I was trying to calm myself down so I didn't go all ape shit and make a fool of myself. I couldn't lose my shit, not here, not like this.

  What I really wanted to do was fire his ass, unfortunately that wasn't possible. Our relationship and who he was as a person, couldn't be intertwined at work. He was good at his job, and so long as it stayed that way, I couldn't get rid of him.

  Not without being handed a big lawsuit for wrongful termination. And that was not something I wanted to deal with.

  Shoving my office door open, I slammed it shut behind me. Resting my back against the frosty glass, I could feel my face turning redder and redder as the anger bubbled to the surface.

  I fucking hate that guy! He's such a dick!

  “Nola, are you alright?” Beth asked, softly knocking on the door.

  Holding the handle, I cleared my throat. “Yes Beth, I'm alright. Can you make sure no one bothers me? I need some time to myself, just tell Mr. Jacob's I said Julia for the cover, please.”

  “Sure, should I hold all your calls?”

  “Please, that would be great.”

  Beth walked back to her desk and I slid down the door, coming to a halt on the base of my heels. If I had to catalog this day in a single word, I'd say it was fucked.

  My ex was relentless and pushy, not getting the message at all.

  The guy who left me breathless and disoriented had shown up again unexpected.

  All I needed was my high school love to pop in and we'd have a friggin relationship circus.

  What else could get thrown my way today?

  Chapter Three


  Sitting at my desk, I kept looking over at her door. I had the perfect view of her office. I could see her silhouette moving against the glass, the shape of her delicate arms and hands as she stretched them above her head only made it harder for me to work.

  I stared blankly into space, wondering what she was thinking, if she was thinking about our night together, if my presence made it more difficult for her to concentrate.

  Because I couldn't focus on shit.

  “So you're the infamous Ash.” A man's voice came in from behind me. Turning around, there was guy peeping his head over the top of his cubicle with a toothy grin on his face. “I've heard a lot about you, you used to work in Chesterfield at Inked Daily, right?”

  The man's hair was cut short, reminding me of someone in the military. Buzzed on the sides and flat on the top, he had this stiffness to him that just screamed soldier. He looked to be in his late thirties if I had to guess, with light crows feet at the corners of his eyes, and hair that was starting to turn a mixed shade of salt and pepper.

  Nodding, I swiveled my chair a little and leaned back. “That's right. How'd you know that?” I asked, fiddling with the pen in my hand and bouncing it against my lips. My eyes kept shifting between his face and Nola's door. I would be damned if I missed a chance to see her.

  She was all I could think about since we met over the weekend. I couldn't get this
woman out of my damn head. It was so bad I even jerked off twice thinking about her on Sunday and again this morning before work.

  Which was the real reason I was late on my first day, not the traffic. But I didn't think announcing that to everyone would go over well with my new boss.

  She is my fucking boss. . .

  The fact that I walked into my new job, to find her as my new boss was a complete shock. What were the odds that of all the places and people in this world, I just happened to fuck my new boss and not know it?

  The odds had to be astronomical, one in a million chance that we would meet the way we had. I wasn't a man who believed in chance or fate, but the idea was starting to settle.

  I met this woman one time, and we had a fucking damn good time together. The way her pussy felt when I was inside her, how warm and wet she had been as we fucked on that balcony, the tiny details of her face and lips, her taste as we kissed; all of it was smothering my brain.

  That had never happened before. I never thought about any other one night stands from my past at all. And yet I couldn't shake Nola out of my head. She was stuck there like glue, slipping into every crease and crevice like molasses.

  Hanging his arm over the thin, particle-board wall, the guy held out his hand. “Vance Tooley,” he said as I placed my hand in his and shook it firmly. “Word travels. . .” Pausing, he smiled. “And I have a few friends over at Inked. Did you really photoshop a dick pic into the cover of last month's issue?”

  A devious smirk teased my lips as I looked away and chuckled. “Rumors, you never know what shit will find its way out.”

  “Rumor? I saw the cover, someone was behind it, and my source said it was you.”

  Shrugging my shoulders, I flashed him a crooked grin. “I don't know anything about it, but I'm sure the asshole boss had it coming.” My gaze anchored on her office door, fixating on the idea she would come out any moment.

  Vance's eyes followed mine as he arched a brow. “Nola isn't who you expected to see as your boss, huh? She's way better to look at than her father was.” His body shivered as he scrunched his face with disgust. “You know she's out of reach to you, right?”

  “Oh yeah, says who?” Keeping my eyes plastered to her door, I watched her shadow stalk the room, walking towards the exit, only to turn back and walk away.

  Sucking in a breath of air, Vance started counting his fingers. “For one, she's your boss, she fucking runs this place, that in itself cock blocks you. Plus she'd never be seen with, never mind date, one of us regular assholes. The woman probably pisses gold, she'd never look at you as anything more than someone to get her coffee.” Grabbing his middle finger, he continued. “Two, Clint and her have had a thing for a little while now. He's her right hand man around here, you don't stand a chance, no offense.”

  Oh yeah? He doesn't have a damn clue.

  She has a boyfriend dumb-ass, of course you don't stand a chance.

  Or is that a challenge?

  Frowning to myself, I hung my head, looking down at my desk. “None taken.” My voice was low and flat. “So, they're together?”

  Shaking his head, he dropped down from the wall and stepped into my measly work space. “No, not right now. But it doesn't matter, the guy is fucking loaded. He's a fucking prick, but he's a rich fucking prick. They'll probably kiss and make up by the weekend.”

  “But you said she doesn't date employees.”

  “She doesn't, but he's different. Clint is a breed of his own. Rich father who has leverage, a family name that controls half of this damn city. You have the York and the Strauss families, they come from the same world, unlike us.”

  I knew his name sounded familiar.

  Clint's father was a high profile lawyer, his name was on billboards and the back of the coupon insert in the paper. Garrett Strauss was the go to lawyer for movie stars and musicians, he had his hands in so many pockets he made Rockefeller look like a peasant.

  “Money isn't everything, Vance.” Flicking my eyes up to his, I spun the pen in my lap. “Why did they break up?”

  “You want my opinion or the rumor version?”

  “Humor me.” My eyes found their way back to her door. Nola was standing, her body creating this black hourglass I wanted to break open with my cock. The way her hips moved, the way they swayed back and forth as her hands gripped her sides, it was a fucking turn on.

  Images of her bent over the railing flashed through my mind, making my cock twitch and my veins ignite. Her plump ass was the holy grail of perfection, with just the right amount of wiggle as I fucked her from behind.

  Not the time big man, not here. Shifting in my seat, I forced myself to picture something else. Old neighbor lady from down the hall, seventh grade teacher with the googly eye. . .

  Vance leaned his shoulder against the wall, crossing one foot over the other. “Well, from what I heard, he said she was too jealous of him and his friends, and that she was too clingy, and wouldn't give him the space he needed. I don't know what happened, and I don't even know if it's true, but according to Clint they're working things out.”

  Dropping the pen onto my desk, I stood up. “Well, this low-life asshole is going to go greet his new boss face to face.” Winking, I started for her office. “First impressions are everything, Vance, and I'm going to make a big one.”

  Vance raised his brows high as he said, “She won't answer her door and no one goes in without an appointment.”

  Looking back over my shoulder, I smiled. “Watch me.”

  I could feel the eyes of the other people around me as they followed me towards her office. An older woman was sitting behind a desk just outside her door, her head buried in paperwork and holding a phone to her ear.

  Lifting my knuckles to the glass, I strummed a quick little beat. Rat a tat tat tat.

  The woman at the desk pulled the phone from her ear and covered the receiver. “I'm sorry, Ms. York isn't seeing anyone right now. Ash is it?”

  Stepping to her desk, I picked up her name tag. “That's right. . .” Looking at her name, I placed it back down. “Beth.”

  Holding up her finger for me to wait, she started talking into the phone again. Looking at Nola's door, I could see her silhouette behind the glass, standing inches from the frosted window.

  With Beth occupied, I took my chance. “Ms. York, it's Ash Devoy. I just wanted to introduce myself.”

  Beth popped up from her chair, reaching her arm out and flapping her fingers. “Mr. Devoy, I already told you, she's not seeing anyone. We can set you up with—”

  The door opened quickly. Nola stood holding the handle, her eyes doing their best to stay normal. “It's alright, Beth, I've got a few minutes.” Fanning out her arm, she guided me inside.

  Giving a quick look over my shoulder, I flashed a slight smile at Vance as he stood with his jaw hanging wide open.

  Stepping inside, I looked around the room. There were windows lining the back two walls and a large wood desk perched in the center between the glass. A white leather couch and small table with a coffee maker and cups were on the left.

  A giant book shelf, filled from top to bottom, was on my right. Mixed between the books were glass awards and plaques, all perfectly positioned and showcased.

  Nola closed the door behind me, letting out an audible breath. Pulling the string for the blinds, she let them drop to the ground, blocking the shadows on the glass.

  “So—” I started to say, but she threw a finger to her lips to silence me.

  Jerking her head towards the windows, she used her body to tell me where to go. Following her, my eyes drifted over her ass, watching it sway side to side in tandem with her hips.

  That ass, it's perfect.

  Folding her arms over her chest, Nola turned to face me. Her eyes sparkled the prettiest shade of blue as the sun's arms stretched into the window, dancing across her pupils.

  Her lips folded in this awkward smile as she said, “Ash, let me start by just saying that I had no idea who you w
ere the other night when we—” Her hand came up, gently brushing her lips, and I wondered if she was thinking about how it felt when we kissed.

  I could still taste her on my tongue, I could still feel her body around my cock. If I could feel all that, there was a chance she could too.

  “And if you had, would that have changed anything?” I asked, taking a small step closer. The urge to be near her was too strong to ignore. I had to be able to smell her perfume, to feel the heat off her body, to sense the electricity that flowed between us as it jumped from her skin to mine.

  Her lips pursed as she thought about my question. Shrugging a shoulder, she hugged herself tighter. “Yes, of course it would. I would have had more control over myself, things wouldn't have gone that far. You need to realize that wasn't me that night. I had a little too much to drink and—”

  “What if I told you that it doesn't matter either way?” I asked, not letting her finish.

  Her brows furrowed, creating the cutest little crinkle at the top of her nose. “It should matter, because I'm your boss, that changes everything. What happened needs to stay between us, period.” Throwing out her hand, she cut the air in two. “No one can know about it, I have a reputation to keep here. If everyone knew, they'd think you were getting away with shit, and no one would respect me.”

  “Plus you have a boyfriend, so there's that too.” Veering my stare, I tried to anticipate her reaction. I wasn't sure if she'd get pissed and fire me on the spot or refuse to acknowledge the statement all together. The woman didn't really owe me shit, she didn't have to explain herself at all.

  “Whoa, hold on a minute—” Fumbling with her bottom lip, she let her eyes dart to the window. “I don't know what people are saying, but I don't have a boyfriend.”

  “So you and Clint aren't a thing? There's nothing between you two at all?”

  “God no!” she snapped, her jaw crooking in disgust. “There was barely anything there to begin with. We dated—briefly, very very briefly, but it's been done for months now.” Her body shivered, a visible tremble as she tried to shake her memories of being with that man out of her head. “I just want to forget it all, that's what I want.”


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