Cards Of Love: Queen Of Pentacles

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Cards Of Love: Queen Of Pentacles Page 7

by Leah Holt

  I wanted to fire the guy so bad. But the fact we had dated made that almost impossible. Not to mention his father and my father grew up together.

  Clint's father had been our biggest investor in the beginning and still was to this day. As much as I hated to accept it, he had a job here, forever according to the handshake between our parents.

  The guy would have to fuck up royally for me to have any grounds to fire him and not have it come back to bite me in the ass.

  “Wait, wait. . .” Holding up his hands, he leaned in. “We need to kiss and make up, Baby. I'm tired of this back and forth, let's just make it official. How about later you and I—”

  “How about no.” Slapping his advance down, I snapped, “And I'm not your Baby, I'm your fucking boss, Clint, so start acting like it.”

  Attempting to slam the door in his face, his arm whipped up hard and fast, palm crashing against the glass. “Is that right?”

  Glancing over his shoulder, no one else seemed to notice his demeanor or body language. Either that or they were tuning it out completely because of my idle threat to fire them all if they weren't working.

  Pinning the wood between my fingers, I held on with a death grip, trying to keep him from storming inside. “Do I need to show you who signs your paychecks?”

  An evil chuckle fell from his mouth as his eyes twisted. Forcing his way into my office, he shut the door behind him, trapping me inside. “I think you might want to step down off your fucking pedestal princess. I tried to play nice, but this isn't a fucking social call anymore, you crossed the line.”

  “I crossed the line?” My voice rose and fell in disbelief. “Who the fuck do you think you are?”

  “I'm the man who's going to set you straight.” Taking a heavy stride forward, he forced me to step back. “I gave you a chance to come clean with me, you chose to lie to my face. I asked you straight out and you said no.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?” Straining my voice, I ran my hand down over my hair and stared at him confused.

  “I tried to be nice, thinking maybe it was just a one time thing—obviously I was wrong. I don't like being wrong.”

  Holding out my arms, I bounced them in the air. “What the hell are you talking about?”

  His tongue swept over his teeth, creating a high pitched squeal that hurt my ears. “Do you remember how you left me at the banquet?”

  “We weren't there together, Clint. I don't understand what you're trying to get at here.”

  Growling, his eyes turned from brown to black. “I made it clear that we weren't done, I tried to show you that I still have feelings for you.”

  “No, you were drunk and you tried to force yourself on me. You weren't listening to me at all when I was telling you flat out for the millionth time that we were over. Just like you're not listening to me right now.”

  “You should have said yes, everything would be so much easier if you had just said yes. I told you exactly how I felt about you and you tore my heart out.”

  “What heart? The one you used to dump me with your new girlfriend sitting on your lap? That heart?”

  Shaking his head, his lips drew back. “And then you lied to me, you bold-faced lied to me.” Biting his bottom lip, he stuffed his finger in my face. “And the fucked up part is you did it so easily. I know everything, Nola, every last fucking detail.”

  Pinching my bottom lip, my eyes dropped off of his and onto the floor. I wasn't sure I wanted to know where he was going with this anymore.

  “You were drunk that night and acting like a complete asshole.” Chuckling a little, I couldn't hide the sarcasm in my voice. “But it's more than obvious you don't need the booze to be a dick, do you?”

  His lips drew taut as his jaw cocked to the side. “You think you're fucking funny, but I know a secret about you. Do you want me to tell you what it is?”

  “What the hell are you talking about?” My throat started to close as I swallowed thick and took a long step backwards. “What secret?”

  My eyes kept shifting to the door, my legs trembling and ready to bolt around him and get to safety.

  There was this look in his eyes, one I hadn't seen before, and it scared the shit out of me. Clint had always had this entitled attitude. He walked around like the world owed him and he could take whatever the hell he wanted from it.

  But this was different. His pupils were as big as saucers, the muscles in his face were tight, his movements stiff and jerky. Clint looked like he was losing his damn mind because I wasn't conforming to his demands.

  Tisking me under his breath, his mouth curled. “I could tell you, but I think showing you would be so much better. . .” His voice trailed off as he pulled his phone out of his back pocket.

  What the hell is he talking about? What the fuck is on his phone?!

  His gaze was on the screen as he scrolled, his eyes lighting up with tiny pictures in his black pupils. “Ah, here it is.” Turning the phone with a war winning smirk, he hit play.

  My jaw dropped and tears prickled the back of my eyes as I watched the video. It was Ash and I at the banquet, my body bent over the railing as he nailed me outside from behind for the whole world to see—and tape evidently!

  Ash's back was to the lens as his hips slammed in and out of my body. My face was clearly recognizable as he pulled my head back with a firm hand around my neck.

  Oh god. . . No, no, no, no, no.

  How? How did he get that?!

  The air in my lungs seemed to vanish as I threw a hand to my chest and struggled to breathe. Taking long strides deeper into my office, he stalked forward, making sure I could still see the two person show with a sick grin on his face as he enjoyed every second of torture.

  My heart was racing and my stomach turned, ready to expel my breakfast onto Clint's shiny black dress shoes.

  “Wh—where did you get that?” I asked, doing my best to not just break down and collapse on the floor.

  “Get it? I fucking took it. After you ran off on me, I tried to find you so I could make you see more clearly, but you were too busy with everyone else to make any time for me. And then I spotted you two at the bar, and let me tell you, I had to do everything I could to not walk up and knock him on his ass.” His head tilted as he watched me, his smile growing deeper and more sinister. “I saw you two go off, so I did what any worried boyfriend would do, I followed.”

  My lip trembled as I tried to hold in the explosive tears threatening to consume me. “But we're not together,” I mustered out, my voice frail and weak. “You're not my boyfriend anymore.”

  “You're wrong, you're still mine, Nola, you always will be. And if you think I'm going to allow you to sneak around behind my back with some lowlife asshole, you're wrong.”

  “You can't do this.” Veering my stare, I struggled to control my body.

  I wanted to breathe, but couldn't; I wanted to scream, but couldn't; I wanted to kick him in the balls and tell him to go fuck himself, but I couldn't.

  All I could do was stand motionless, balancing on a tight rope that was my life.

  “Stop seeing him, tell me you'll never let him touch you again, and I won't have to do anything.”

  “And if I don't?” His fingers swirled across my face, searing my skin. Swatting him away, I growled through clenched teeth. “And if I don't?” I asked again.

  “If you don't, then this lovely little sex tape of yours is going to be sent to every major magazine, newspaper, and reporter I can find.” Taking a firm step in, Clint lowered his face closer to mine. His breath stunk of coffee and toothpaste, causing my stomach to cramp.

  “I'll burn you to the fucking ground, you and your father's fucking legacy. All of this. . .” Waving his hand around the room, his gaze circled my office ceiling to floor. “I'll destroy it all.” Snapping his cold eyes back to mine, his face contorted as if he was pleased himself. “I'm sure your daddy won't be too happy about that, now will he? Do you think you'll still have any of this after he wa
tches his whore daughter get railed by one of her own employees?”


  I couldn't stop it. My hand swept up, open palm, fingers wide, smacking him in that stupid fucking face of his.

  “Fuck. You.” Balling my fists, I lifted my head, staring him down. “Get the fuck out of my office!”

  Rubbing his cheek, he turned on his heels, and stuffed his phone back into his pocket. “I hope you understand how serious I am, Nola. You'd be really fucking stupid if you thought you could fight me on this.”

  “I'll call the cops, I'll tell them you're trying to blackmail me.” My voice fluttered as I tried to steady my vocal cords, hoping I could take control of the situation.

  Clint laughed as he looked at me over his shoulder. His long brown hair swept over his eyes, giving his stare a devilish glow. “Do you think they'll believe you? Because they won't, my father funds all their community events. Remember?” My eyes grew wide, brows dipping in and creating a wrinkle across my forehead. “You're playing with fire, Nola. I'm giving you an easy way out, don't fuck it up anymore than you already have.” He was gone before I even had time to get another word out.

  I stood in shock, unsure if what just happened was even real. Flashes of Clint's video kept playing in my head, each frame slow motion and more upsetting than the last.

  I was ruined. My world was now hanging by a thread, ready to crash and burn with one little snip.

  What the hell am I going to do?

  Bolting to the door, I locked it. Resting my back against the glass, it felt like my lungs were being ripped out of my chest and my insides had been doused with gasoline and set ablaze.

  Holding a hand to my ribs, I stared off into space as I stumbled like a zombie to my desk. My brain was a swelling mess of worry, anger, sadness, fear. Every emotion that was painful and stung, every feeling that made your blood boil and heart hurt; I felt them all at once, like a freight train hitting a concrete wall.

  Slow breathing wasn't calming me down, there was no air making its way into my lungs. Clint had absolutely fucked up my world, he wrapped my neck in a tight noose and was strangling me to death.

  Do I tell Ash? Should I tell him about any of this?

  I wanted to be honest, to tell him everything, but I didn't know if I should. I wasn't sure how he'd react. I didn't know if he'd go to Clint's office and make a scene. The last thing I needed was this getting out in any way.

  All it took was one person to overhear the conversation and that would be it, I'd be royally fucking screwed. Rumors were one thing, but proof, visible proof would destroy everything my father had built.

  Oh god, what the hell am I going to do? Dropping my head onto my desk, my arms hung lifelessly by my sides. I'm fucking done, my life is over. . .

  The cards had shifted and my Queen Of Pentacles was upside down. I went from having total control, from being on top of the world, into a puddle of unrecognizable mush. This video could destroy me, and it was in the hands of a monster.

  The intercom buzzed with Beth's voice. “Ms. Yor—I mean Nola, Clint is wondering what you want for lunch today?”

  Lifting my face, the paper calendar stuck to my cheek. Pulling it free, I rubbed the skin. “Tell him nothing, I'm not hungry.”

  “Alright, will do.”

  A gentle knock caused my head to snap up. Fucking Clint. He just doesn't get it!

  “Go away!” I yelled, balling my fists in my lap.

  Knock Knock

  “I said go away!”

  Rat a tat tat tat

  My ears perked at the sound, heart racing in my chest. The handle jiggled back and forth, but the door didn't open.

  You locked it, you idiot.

  Pushing back in the chair, I walked to the door, trying to see through the foggy glass. But all I could make out was a shape. It was definitely a man, but I couldn't tell who it was. The silhouette rocked back and forth, shifting on his heels.

  Open the door, Nola.

  My hand came out and gripped the thin tab. Turning the lock, I heard the low ping of metal as it popped open.

  A thick arm reached forward and the handle moved down slowly. The door creaked open as if I was in a horror movie and the killer was about to pounce. You know those scenes, where you scream at the television, wishing the character could hear you tell them not to open it up.

  You shouldn't have done that! Shut it! Lock it!

  Don't let him in!

  My brain was slapping me sideways for unlocking the door, reminding me that the evil bastard was a stone's throw away. But my heart was screaming that it wasn't the bad guy.

  The door swung in so slowly it was torture. Goosebumps pounced across my skin in waves, my hands itched to just lurch out and open it themselves, my feet stayed cemented to the floor, refusing to walk into the danger willingly.

  What the hell am I doing?

  Ash popped his head inside, his smile broad and soothing. “Hey, I just wanted to make sure you didn't die in here.”

  Thinning my lips, my arms loosened and dropped to my sides. Letting out a rush of air, my body relaxed. “It's you.” Sticking my head out the door, I looked around to see if Clint was nearby.

  Good, he's gone.

  “Yeah it's just me. Beth ran to bathroom, so I figured it's a good time to come see you.” Ash's lids hooded, his mouth twisting with curiosity and concern. “Are you alright?”

  Waving my hand, I guided him inside. “Yeah, I'm fine.”

  “You sure? You don't look fine, you look tense and upset. Did something happen? I saw that ass talking to you to earlier.”

  “I'm fine.” Shaking my head, I took a few steps backwards and looked out the window. “It'll be fine, I'll figure it out.”

  “What is it? Maybe I can help, tell me what I can do.” Ash stood beside me, placing his hand on my back and rubbing it with long even strokes.

  Tell him, tell him everything. . .

  Flicking my eyes onto his, I forced a smile. “Nothing, I can handle it. Don't worry about it, it's not your problem, I'll take care of it.” Wriggling my brows, I bit the inside of my cheek.

  I couldn't say it. My thoughts wouldn't articulate into words. I could fix this before anyone else found out, I had to, I didn't have a choice.

  There was no way I could risk losing everything. All of this was mine, and the thought of it being gone hurt. I wasn't sure who I'd be without this place.

  The tips of his fingers traced my spine, drawing circles across my shoulder blades and back down to the top of my ass. “Are you sure you're alright? Because I'll go fuck up someone if I have to, I'm not above physical violence.”

  Leaning into his side, I laid my head on his shoulder and laughed. “Would you really?”

  Could he be my hero, my answer to everything?

  No. This ends with me.

  “I would.” The pads of his fingers walked over my collarbone and kept gliding down until they hit my pebbled nipple. Rubbing the hard bump, he pinched it between his fingers and plucked it softly. “I at least know I can make you feel better.”

  Sharp hairs stood up on my arms and my back bent into a hard arch as my breast tingled. His touch was everything. It was relaxing, it was soothing and secure. I wanted to wrap myself around his body, letting him engulf me in the safety of his arms.

  No, you can't! You're too close, get away from him!

  Lightening crashed around my skull as the video of us on Clint's phone slapped my brain, turning my body stiff.

  'Stay away from him.' Clint's voice rang in my head. 'I'll destroy it all.'

  My head was battling my heart. I didn't want to think Clint could be so cold. We had known each other since we were kids; we went to school together, we played together, rode bikes together. And when we started dating, I only really agreed because I thought he was the person my father would want me to be with.

  It was boldly apparent he didn't give a shit about anyone but himself. And I had been completely wrong to let him into my life to begin wi

  He had known since day one that I had slept with Ash. He probably watched the video so many times all he saw was red now. He just couldn't get it in his damn head that there would never be anything between us.

  'How do you think he'll feel about seeing his whore daughter get railed by one of her own employees?'

  The muscles in my stomach clenched, filling the back of my throat with fire. The thought of my father seeing me like that made me sick. That scared me more than anything.

  The idea that my father could be eating dinner one night and clips of the balcony sex could pop up in his news feed or on the television killed me inside. I couldn't embarrass him like that, I couldn't allow that type of shame to hang over his head.

  I know what I need to do. I don't have a choice.

  “You know what,” I said softly, trying to find the strength to say what I needed to help us both. “I think we should take this a little slower. . .” Looking up at him, I pulled his arm off my shoulder and took a step to the side.

  Cocking a brow, Ash eyed me. “Slower?”

  “Yeah, slower. I mean we just met, I'm your new boss, this kind of thing is usually forbidden.” I tried to act casual, as if this was my idea and not a threat from the ex with a knife to my throat.

  Veering his stare, his brows dropped hard as he stepped into me, softly cupping my face. “This doesn't sound like the same person who was screaming for me to go deeper and harder last night.”

  Fuck his hand felt so good on my skin, his voice soothing and arousing all in the same breath. My body reacted instantly, swelling in all the right places, pushing the blood through my muscles and turning me weak.

  The video! Did you forget the video?!

  Reaching up, I gently pulled his hand away. “I've just been thinking about how this looks, Ash, and this doesn't look good for either of us.”

  “Well that's a load of shit, because I know you look good on me.” Pursing his lips, he tried to lean in and kiss me.

  Fuck did I want to kiss him back. But I had to get ahead of this thing before Clint did something stupid, something he'd never be able to undo, something that would forever live on the internet like mold on a shower wall.


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