Country Girls 4 (Country Boy)

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Country Girls 4 (Country Boy) Page 8

by Blake Karrington

  “Now I feel overdressed…” Gwen said, walking up to him. “Just give me like 30 minutes so, I can—

  “Nah, you don’t gotta change. You look good.” he smiled, checking her out from head to toe.

  She had on a black leather skirt, a yellow blouse with a white, hip tuxedo-style overcoat and a pair of Charlotte Olympia platform pumps. She opted for a simple ponytail, but even then, she still looked good.

  “So where are you taking me this evening?” Gwen playfully asked.

  “You wanna know something crazy? I still haven’t decided yet,’’ he said, getting onto the elevator behind her. “I know they have a carnival going on downtown.” Terrence suggested.

  “A carnival?” Gwen asked, surprised he would pick that to be the destination for the night.

  “Yeah, a carnival. Don’t tell me you’re too good to go to a carnival,” Terrence shot back.

  Gwen smiled and shook her head. She actually loved the carnival and had been to the very one he was about to take her to just a couple of days ago with the twins. Gwen probably looked like it, but she was far from boogie. In fact, she enjoyed the basic things in life over the more luxurious. It’s always been like that, and though Terrence wasn’t aware of what he was doing, in Gwen’s eyes, he was starting out good this evening.

  Tianna sat in front of the bar watching female after female enter the establishment. Wednesday night was ladies night at MHB’s Bar and Grill. Free food, open bar and male bartenders who strip, drew women there in droves every week.

  A tap on the passenger side window made Tianna jump. She leaned over to see Tiffany standing motioning for her to roll the window down. Tianna didn’t at first, but then two other females walked across the street and surrounded the car. She could see that at least one of the females was strapped. She rolled the passenger side window down to see what the females wanted.

  “If you’re a cop, we have boys in blue night on Sundays,” Tiffany said, looking around the inside of the car.

  “Do I look like a fuckin’ cop?” Tianna shot back with an attitude.

  The female who was strapped placed her hand on the butt of the gun resting on her hip. Tiffany gave her a quick glance to let her know to cool out.

  “Well, if you’re not a cop, then who are you, and why are you sitting out here instead of in there?” Tiffany asked, nodding at the bar.

  “I heard about this place, but I see I’m not welcome here.” Tianna said and stuck her key in the ignition.

  “Wait, wait… It’s ladies night. You are welcome here.” Tiffany told her.

  MHB was still growing, and new recruits came through daily. Tiffany could see from her response to the cop comment, that Tianna had some fire in her. Females like her learned to love being a part of MHB.

  After a few minutes, Tiffany convinced Tianna to join her inside the bar. Right before she got through the front door, a silver 2011 Chevy Camaro pulled up to the front of the bar and caught everyone’s attention. Tianna and Tiffany watched as Diamond hopped out of the car. Tianna knew that it had to be somebody of importance because Diamond just left the car running with the door wide open. It only took a couple of seconds for another female to run over, jump inside the car and pull off, only to park the vehicle down the street. It was at that moment Tianna realized that it was something more to this all girls club than what she thought.

  Gwen and Terrence strolled side by side as they exited the carnival. Gwen had one giant stuffed animal in her arms and Terrence had another in his, both of which, he won by shooting a basketball.

  “It’s definitely better when you come at night,” Gwen said, holding her giant bear in the air.

  Terrence had been the perfect gentleman, totally different from the man Gwen thought he was. Conversation was everything on this date. Terrence talked about being from South Carolina and gave a brief history on how rough it was coming from the streets to making it to where he was now. He talked about his business, and some of the goals he had planned for his future. He even had the courage to talk about relationships.

  “So, what time do I gotta have you home by?” Terrence asked, opening the passenger side door for her. “And don’t tell me that you’re grown either.” He smiled and grabbed the bear from her to put in the back seat.

  Gwen stood outside of the car watching as other carnival attendees left. She didn’t know why, but she was really feeling Terrence. She was digging his whole persona, and that was confusing because she hadn’t looked at another man in that manner in a long time. At times, she even felt a sexual connection, picturing her naked body wrapped up in his strong arms. It was crazy.

  “Well, I did tell my babysitter I would be home by 1:00, which gives you approximately one and a half hours before I need to be back at my car.” Gwen told him.

  Terrence closed the back door then walked up to Gwen, who was leaning against the car. He confidently placed his hands on her waist and gazed into her eyes.

  Gwen looked up at him, and for some odd reason, she felt submissive to him. She didn’t know if it was his size or the way he looked down on her, but Gwen felt like she wasn’t in control of her body at that moment.

  “I’ma make you mine.” Terrence said, pulling her body closer to him then leaning in to kiss her. His full thick, soft lips pressed against Gwen’s ever so gently.

  Oh my God! I’m kissing this boy! Gwen thought to herself.

  She couldn’t believe it, and neither could Terrence, who swore he was going to be rejected.

  “I just wanted to get that out of the way, so by the end of this date, it won’t be awkward for either of us when I kiss you goodnight.”

  Gwen just shook her head with a smile on her face before turning around and getting into the passenger seat. Not only was Terrence handsome, successful, and a gentleman, he was also spontaneous, another good quality Gwen looked for in a man. Terrence was catching all green lights riding with Gwen down this road.

  Chapter 9

  “Housekeeping!” the Spanish maid yelled as she knocked on Chad’s door in the early morning hours.

  Chad didn’t answer, so the maid took it upon herself to enter the room despite the “Do Not Disturb” sign on the door.

  “Housekeeping!” she yelled once more as she walked through the door. The smell of urine and feces smacked her clean across the face almost immediately. “Oh God!” she said, covering her nose with a towel.

  The TV was on and there were bags of food on the bed, but no sign of Chad. That is until the maid walked up to the bathroom door, which was slightly open. A pair of legs was the only thing she could see through the small crack.

  “Sir! Sir, are you okay?” the maid asked, pushing the door open.

  She jumped back in fear at the sight of Chad lying face down on the floor. His blood and brain matter was everywhere, along with urine and his own shit. She didn’t even check to see if he was alive or not; like a professional sprinter, she bolted out the door. It was the first time she’d ever seen anything like this.

  The motel manager darted up to the room after the maid informed him of what she saw.

  “Hey guy!” the manager said, kicking Chad’s lifeless leg.

  The manager, covering his nose with a towel, leaned in and checked Chad’s wrist for a pulse. There was none. Judging from how cold and stiff Chad’s arm was, the manager determined that he was long gone. The only thing he could do at this point was reach in his pocket, pull out his cell phone and call the cops.

  Bringing drugs and cell phones into the jail wasn’t all that Mayo wanted from Ms. Nealy. He also needed somebody out in the streets making moves for him and getting messages to the people he needed to send messages to. Not only that, but Mayo wanted some pussy, bad. Hell, everybody in jail wanted some pussy, but some were more fortunate than others when it came down to having a female guard in pocket. Mayo was close to that point.

  “Yo, you make my day every time you walk through that door.” Mayo told Ms. Nealy w
hile standing at her office door. “It’s crazy, cause you know what you do to me too.”

  “Is that right?” she responded with a smile.

  “Yeah, you sexy as hell too. You can’t imagine the shit I’ll do to you.” Mayo said in a seductive way.

  “Boy, you better stop playin’. You couldn’t handle half of what I got.” she shot back.

  Mayo grabbed a handful of his dick through his sweat pants and looked at her with lustful eyes. At this point, he was trying’ to fuck now. The heavy flirting had reached its peak. It was time for Mayo to go all the way in.

  “How about we just fuck and get it over with?’’ Mayo bluntly said. “After you do the count for the night, let me out with the other two unit orderlies,” he suggested.

  “But what about them?” she said, referring to the other two orderlies. “Where are they gonna be?”

  “Don’t worry about them. I’ll take care of all that. You know I run this block.” he assured her.

  Ms. Nealy sat there and thought about it for a minute. She was trying to see if she was going to be able to get away with what she had in store for Mayo. Everything had to be planned perfectly or she could end up losing her job.

  “Look, I got the next two days off. When I come back, we’ll find a way to make it happen.” Ms. Nealy told Mayo.

  Mayo was a little disappointed that it couldn’t go down that night, but waiting a couple more days wasn’t going to kill him. He had Ms. Nealy right where he wanted her, and once he finally got a chance to put his dick inside her, he was going have her moving out hard for him, both inside the jail and out on the streets. She was going to really be his bitch.

  Terrence and Randy sat in Terrence’s office waiting for Tianna to come through. She had called Randy early that morning and told him that she needed to talk to him and Terrence about what went down at the MHB bar the night before. It had to be important, because she sounded somewhat excited over the phone.

  “Yo, my nigga, we gotta do something fast about this Dink situation.” Terrence told Randy. “My lil’ sis and his people keep callin’ up here wanting some answers. I know it won’t be long before they send somebody up here to make dis muthafuckin’ city hot, and you know I can’t afford for that to happen.” Terrence said.

  “Yeah, I spoke to this connect and she supposed to be right by the end of the week. She told me to call her today for the time and location where we suppose to meet.” Randy explained.

  “Plus, we gotta get this money to the bank too. The first of the month is in a couple of days, so we gotta push as much money through the wash as possible this month.’’ Terrence added.

  Their conversation was interrupted by Tianna who walked into the office, slung her bag on Terrence’s desk, and took a seat on the leather couch next to it.

  “Tee Tee, tell me something good.” Terrence said, focusing his attention on her.

  “I was at that bar last night, and one thing about those bitches, they sure know how to party.” She laughed and laid back on the couch.

  “A’ight, get to the point.” Terrence urged.

  “Well, I was sitting outside when one of the chicks from MHB approached my car… To make a long story short, I was on my way into the bar when a nice, silver Chevy Camaro pulled up in front of the door. I don’t know why I remembered Randy telling me about the truck and the car that the witness saw pulling off from the track the night Dink was killed.”

  “That could have been a coincidence.” Randy said.

  “Yeah, I thought the same thing until I saw the license plate number.” She pulled out her phone.

  Tianna was so smooth with her work, that after she left the bar, she took a couple pictures of the Camaro.

  Terrence took the phone and started looking through the photos. There were about five or six pictures from every angle of the car.

  “A sports car,” Terrence mumbled to himself thinking about what the witness had told him.

  When he got to the license plate pictures and saw MH-443 across the tags, his heart started to race. Tianna was a right. This wasn’t a coincidence, and from the way she had described the female that got out of the Camaro, it sounded like these were the chicks Terrence was looking for.

  “I know her from somewhere.”

  “Oh, and that’s Diamond,” Tianna said pointing to the screen. “That’s the one who got out of the car. I think she might be the boss because the whole night she acted like she ran the place and everybody seemed to know her.” Tianna informed.

  Terrence wracked his brain trying to figure out where he had seen Diamond before. One thing about him, he never forgets a face, but in this case, he couldn’t remember for the love of God where he’d seen her. He stopped thinking so hard, knowing that it would eventually come back to him.

  Terrence sat back in his chair and stared at the pictures. He was finally getting somewhere, and thanks to Tianna, he now had a name and a face to work with. If Diamond didn’t do it, Terrence felt that she more than likely knew who did.

  “If you want me to, I can take care of it.” Tianna offered, reaching over and grabbing her cell phone from him. “It’ll be fast and quiet,” she said, tucking her phone in her bag.

  “Nah, nah, nah. We gone be smart wit dis shit. The witness said he saw three bitches dat night. If Diamond’s one of them, that means it’s two more out there. I’m trying to touch all three of them.” Terrence responded.

  Until now, Terrence been on chill mode, not really getting into any beef. It’d been a while since he had to put in some street work, but to him, it was like riding a bike. He just had to be smart about it because Charlotte really wasn’t his hometown. Maneuvering around the city the wrong way could definitely get him killed ASAP.

  “You starting to become a permanent fixture in this office,” Kea joked.

  Gwen was knee deep in paperwork; sales agreements, deeds, financial reports, bank statements, rent receipts and all other kinds of paperwork cluttered her desk. She looked up at Kea and shook her head, smiling at how true her statement was.

  “Yeah, well as soon as you finish taking care of that situation, I got a nice, cute corner office for you, so you can take care of all this.” Gwen tossed some of the papers in front of her in the air. “So how’s everything coming along? Is he comfortable yet?” she asked.

  “Yeah, he’s real comfortable. I’m just waiting for the green light from you.” Kea said, taking a seat in the chair in front of the desk.

  Mayo thought that he had gotten away with murder and wasn’t going to have to stand trial for what he’d done. He was living as if everything was peaches and cream, but Gwen was plotting and planning his death. At first, she didn’t know how she was going to be able to get to Mayo because he was locked up, but then she concluded that he had to be touched on the inside. The only way that was going to happen was if Gwen got somebody on the inside to touch him. A regular inmate wasn’t good enough. About a year and a half ago, Mayo was stabbed up by Prada’s folks, but he lived through it. In fact, the stabbing just made him stronger. His status in the jail skyrocketed because he got stabbed, fought back and didn’t tell at the end.

  Killing him was going to have to be strategically planned.

  “Just keep ya eyes on the situation and I’ll let you know when it’s a go. It shouldn’t be that much longer,” Gwen told Kea. “But on another note, what’s going on wit you and ya sister? Are y’all cool again?”

  “Whoooo girl. That’s another story.” Kea responded, shaking her head in frustration.

  Gwen knew that the situation with Kea and her older sister was a sensitive issue, so she didn’t ask any further questions. She didn’t want Kea to become unfocused on the mission at hand. Out of all the females Gwen had access to in her crew, she felt that Kea was the only one capable of pulling off the unthinkable. Gwen only wished that she could be the one who looked Mayo in his eyes right before he died, but she understood that it couldn’t be her. It had to be somebod
y else, and as long as it was somebody from MHB, Gwen was cool with it.

  “He doesn’t have any identification on him at all?” the young African American detective asked, looking down at his partner who was checking through Chad’s pockets.

  “No, but he got some oxycodones.” he said, passing him a small Ziploc bag with a few pills left in it. “Do you think it was a robbery or a possible suicide?” The detective was familiar with the drug, which could produce both.

  “There are 80mg too. Shit, one pill is like shooting up two or three dime bags of heroin,” he told his partner. “Hell, that’s enough to make anybody crazy enough to eat a bullet,” he continued.

  “Yeah, but just to be careful, let’s wait for the crime scene crew to come and see if he has gun powder residue on his hands. I’m pretty sure this was the weapon used.” The detective responded while holding the nickel-plated handgun.

  To the detectives, Chad was just another addict, who looked like he had decided to do himself and society a favor. But they still had to find out who he was, so the process had to be followed and that would start with his body being taken to the coroner’s office. They had to find out the official cause of death and run his fingerprints. For now, Chad was going to be labeled simply as John Doe.

  Chapter 10

  The sun shined through Diamond’s living room window as she walked over to the money machine and pushed the start button. She’d been counting money all morning, trying to get ready for the bank run scheduled for 1:00 that afternoon. So far, she’d counted a little more than 200 grand, and the only reason it took so long was because drug money came in all types of bills, mainly tens and twenties.


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