Out of Uniform Box Set: Books 4-6 plus 2 Bonus Novellas

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Out of Uniform Box Set: Books 4-6 plus 2 Bonus Novellas Page 67

by Kennedy, Elle

  “Relax your jaw. I want to see how deep I can go.”

  He pushed in farther. When his tip prodded the back of her throat, her gag reflex kicked in. She breathed through it, trying to get used to the feeling of a massive erection lodged in her mouth.

  “That’s it, Mia. Breathe. Take it all in.”

  He waited patiently as she inhaled through her nose, her lips stretched tight around the base of his shaft.

  “You okay?”

  She peered up at him and nodded.

  “Good, ’cause I’m gonna fuck your mouth now and you’re gonna suck hard on every stroke.”

  He wasn’t kidding. He withdrew swiftly before ramming right back in, the force of the stroke nearly knocking her backward. Jackson immediately steadied her by threading his fingers in her hair, but he didn’t slow his pace. His hips thrust and retreated as he drove his cock into her mouth, plunging deep each time, filling her completely.

  Flames engulfed Mia’s body. She couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think, couldn’t focus on anything but the thick erection tunneling in and out of her mouth. The salty, masculine taste of him infused her senses. His low groans fueled her hunger. She was wetter than she’d ever been, a realization that shocked her. Blowjobs didn’t usually turn her on, and certainly not to this level.

  “Ah, you love this, don’t cha, darlin’?” His voice was low and mocking.

  She whimpered against his shaft.

  “Is that a yes?” He chuckled, his cock sliding out of her mouth with a wet popping noise. “Yeah, I think that’s a yes. Now be a good girl and give me your hand.”

  She quickly held out her hand, and he brought it to his hard shaft. Her pulse careened as he curled her fingers around him, then covered her fist with his and gave a sharp squeeze.

  “Pump me hard,” he muttered. “And tease the head with your tongue.”

  She wasted no time doing what he asked, and her eagerness to please him absolutely floored her. Every sound that reverberated in the bedroom sent a dark thrill shooting up her spine. Every time her tongue danced over his tip and he moaned, a rush of satisfaction flooded her core. He might be dictating her actions, but Mia realized she had all the power. Right here, right now, Jackson Ramsey was at her sexual mercy and damned if that didn’t stoke the fire sizzling inside her.

  “That’s it. Lick me up, nice and slow. Just like that.”

  She swiped her tongue over his slit, moaning when a pearl of moisture formed there. She lapped it up, then explored the two silver ball bearings, sucking gently on each one.

  “Fuck yeah.” Growling, he grabbed her hand and forcibly moved it down to his sac, which was drawn tight. “Play with my balls, sugar. I’m gonna fuck your mouth again.”

  That big, throbbing cock plunged through her parted lips before she had a chance to breathe. She gasped and loosened her jaw again, while her fingers stroked and squeezed his sac.

  “Put your other hand between your legs,” he instructed. “Make yourself come while you’re sucking me off.”

  She brought her hand to her pussy and found it slick and swollen. As she desperately rubbed her clit, Jackson maintained his relentless rhythm, pumping hard and deep, fast and furious, reducing her entire world to…to him, damn it. He was all she tasted, all she saw, all she felt, and it wasn’t long before release consumed her.

  Her cries were muffled against his cock, the overwhelming pleasure amplified by his low, satisfied laughter.

  She’d barely regained her senses when his fist tightened in her hair, pulling to the point of pain that only heightened her pleasure.

  “You wanna swallow or should I blow my load on your tits?”

  She just increased the suction, telling him with her lips exactly what she wanted. And God, she wanted it. Wanted to taste him, to swallow every last drop.

  “You ready for it, Mia?” His strokes slowed down, grew lazy.

  She moaned.

  “Good, ’cause I’m coming,” he rasped.

  He rested his cockhead flat on her tongue and a second later, strands of semen jetted out. She swallowed heartily, milking him dry, taking everything he had to give her, and through it all, Jackson kept a firm grip on her hair and shuddered with release.

  “Ah, that was real nice, darlin’,” he drawled after he’d pulled out.

  Before she could blink, he yanked her onto her feet and kissed her. His mouth was hot and firm, his strong hands on her waist the only thing keeping her from falling to the floor in a sated puddle.

  “So what do you say?” he murmured once they’d broken apart. “Do you think you can handle a demanding SEAL in your bed?”

  It took a while for her to find her voice, and even then it came out hoarse and wobbly. “Y-yes.”

  “You sure about that?”

  She spoke more firmly. “Yes.”

  “Good answer.” His expression darkened with sensual promise. “You ain’t gonna regret this, Mia. I guarantee it.”


  Mia’s cell phone rang on Thursday evening as she was walking through the door. Her heart skipped a beat because she figured it was Jackson calling about their date tonight, but when she saw the unfamiliar number flashing on the screen, her excitement died.

  It was a Nevada area code. She didn’t know anyone in Nevada.

  But she did know someone who moved around so much they might be in Nevada.

  Anger rose in her throat, but she forced herself not to get unnecessarily riled up. She might be wrong about the caller. Maybe it was an old college friend she hadn’t heard from in years. Or a lawyer calling to tell her she’d just inherited a gazillion dollars from a relative she hadn’t known existed.

  Wariness crawled up her spine as she swiped her finger on the touch screen to answer the call. “Hello?”

  “Mia! Oh, baby, it’s so good to hear your voice!”

  The rage returned in full-force, hardening her insides and stiffening her shoulders. It took a serious amount of effort to respond, though her words were cold and biting.

  “What do you want?”

  On the other end, Brenda Whatever-her-current-last-name sounded devastated. “Baby, it’s me. It’s your mom.”

  “I know who it is,” she said through clenched teeth. “And I repeat, what do you want?”

  A soft sob met her eardrums, but Mia wasn’t put off by her mother’s crocodile tears. The woman was a master manipulator who knew precisely which buttons to push. In Mia’s case, Brenda knew to appeal to her daughter’s innate tendency to take care of others in need. But after years of playing this game, Mia knew better than to fall for it.

  “I just wanted to see how my daughter was doing.” Brenda sniffled. “It’s been so long since we’ve talked.”

  A cloud of disbelief swirled through her. “And why do you think that is, Mom? You dropped Danny off on my doorstep two years ago and haven’t been heard from since!”

  There was another sniffing noise. “I told you, I needed to focus on my marriage, baby. I needed time to nurture the new relationship.”

  Mia was so angry she was ready to burst. “No, what you told me was that you needed me to watch Danny while you went on your honeymoon. I didn’t think you were giving me a teenage boy to raise.”

  “Our wires must have gotten crossed. I thought you understood what I was asking for.”

  “Oh, you mean a two-year hall pass from motherhood?” she snapped. “Is that what you were asking for?”

  “Mia, calm down. You know I get anxious when people yell at me.”

  Every muscle on her face froze in a mask of shock and fury. She wanted to whip the phone across the room and watch it shatter into a million pieces. No, she wanted to reach into the goddamn phone and strangle her mother through the telephone line. The woman was unbelievable. A despicable piece of work.

  “Well, I get anxious when someone rearranges my entire life without asking me!” she yelled. “You left Danny, Mom. You just left him and expected me to take care of him.”

’s not like he’s ever been a handful,” Brenda argued. “Your brother is a wonderful, well-behaved kid.”

  “How the fuck would you know? You were never around when he was growing up, and you haven’t been around these last two years.”

  “Well, I’m going to be around soon.”

  Horror slammed into her chest. “What are you talking about?”

  “Danny emailed me last week begging to see me. I was swamped with work so I couldn’t make it then, but I’ve been shuffling my schedule around. I’m going to try to drive up to San Diego in the next week or two. I can’t wait to see you guys.”

  “Since when? You fucking abandoned us!”

  “Watch your language, young lady.”

  “Don’t you fucking ‘young lady’ me!” Mia struggled to regain her composure. “And don’t bother coming here. Neither one of us wants to see you.”

  “Your brother’s email says otherwise. He wants to see me, Mia.”

  “Danny is a naive kid. He doesn’t know what he wants.”

  “He needs his mother.”

  “He needed you two years ago.”


  “I mean it, Mom, don’t come to San Diego. There’s nothing for you here.”

  With that, she ended the call and let out a roar that bounced off the apartment walls. The fucking nerve of that woman! She disappeared from their lives for two years and now she wanted to waltz back for a visit as if nothing happened?

  Breathing hard, Mia stormed into the living room and threw her phone on the couch in a fit of anger. She was going to slam the door in her mother’s face. Yep, that’s exactly what she would do if the woman followed through on her visit threat.

  Brenda Weldrick-Jordan-Davis-Schwartz-Parker-Hassan-Reilly-Diaz-Reynolds had no place in their lives. Not anymore.

  And not ever.

  * * *

  An hour later, Mia had calmed down drastically, thanks to a long shower and nonstop self-reassurances that her mother was full of shit. There would be no visit. Nope, because Brenda’s ADD rivaled that of a preteen in math class. She’d get distracted by something shiny and forget all about her kids again, just like she always did.

  Mia didn’t know what had inspired the phone call in the first place, and she wasn’t sure she wanted to. No doubt another divorce. Or maybe there’d been a family-centered episode on one of her mother’s favorite talk shows and the woman had felt guilty or something.

  It didn’t matter. If there was one thing Brenda could be counted on, it was not being counted on. She hadn’t kept a single promise in her miserable, self-absorbed life, so there was really no reason to believe she’d actually show up in San Diego.

  When Mia stepped into the living room, freshly showered and feeling centered again, she found her brother huddled over the coffee table with an open textbook, scribbling in his notebook.

  “Hey,” she greeted him. “When did you get home?”

  “While you were in the shower,” he answered absently, his gaze glued to his homework. “Practice ended early.”

  “You hungry?” She drifted toward the kitchen. “I can heat up that leftover lasagna.”

  “Actually, is it cool if I go over to Angie’s for dinner?”

  “Sure, but only if you finish all your homework first.”

  “What does it look like I’m doing, dum-dum?” He promptly buried his nose in the textbook and proceeded to ignore her.

  Mia smiled and inwardly praised herself for bringing up such a good kid, but along with the joy came a pang of bitterness. How dare their mother ring her up out of the blue and announce a visit? The woman had deserted her son. She didn’t deserve to see Danny again.

  Swallowing her resentment, she focused on nuking yesterday’s dinner. A part of her was tempted to tell Danny about their mother’s call, just so she’d have someone to vent to, but she fought the urge. For some fucked-up reason Danny had a soft spot when it came to their mom, and Mia feared the news might actually make him happy.

  She couldn’t tell him. And not just because she didn’t want to see a flicker of excitement in his eyes. She refused to get his hopes up only to watch them splinter to pieces when their mother didn’t show up.

  “Oh, Mia, I forgot,” Danny called out. “Can we stop at the bank tomorrow before school so I can deposit my check?”

  “No problem,” she called back, pulling the warmed-up lasagna out of the microwave. “Leon finally paid you, huh?”

  “Yep. Finally.”

  She was glad he couldn’t see her face, because her displeasure was written all over it. She really wished Danny would find another part-time job, but he insisted on doing manual labor for a landscaping company owned by a jerk named Leon, who openly took advantage of his young workers and always “forgot” to pay them. Mia had urged her brother to quit on numerous occasions, but he was too damn trusting for his own good. She did appreciate his work ethic, though; he’d been saving money since he was fifteen, putting aside every penny in order to pay for college, or, hopefully, to supplement the athletic scholarship he was bound to get.

  After she’d served herself a big helping of lasagna, she drifted out to the living room and ate her dinner while Danny finished up his work. Fifteen minutes later, just as her brother had slid out the door with a hasty goodbye, her cell phone buzzed.

  A smile filled her face when she read the incoming text.

  On my way. Meet me outside?

  She typed back, No need. Little bro went out, so we can stay here. Come up and let yourself in.

  Jackson responded with six words that sent a blaze of heat to her core.

  Be naked when I get there.

  They were going to have sex tonight. The s-word hadn’t come up in the texts they’d exchanged these past two days, but Mia knew it was inevitable.

  And she didn’t plan on objecting.

  In fact, she couldn’t wait for it. After the other night’s warm-up, she was more than ready to explore a sexual relationship with Jackson.

  Just a sexual one, a little voice reminded her.

  She nodded in resolve as she rose from the couch and quickly went to the kitchen to rinse her plate. She might have caved and embarked on a fling with the guy, but she had every intention of keeping things between them light and complication-free. Because the truth was, her issues about sex didn’t even compare to her issues about love.

  As in, love didn’t fucking exist.

  She’d decided a long time ago that there was no such thing as forever. If her mother had taught her one thing, it was that all love ever got you was broken promises and a broken heart, and another set of divorce papers to sign.

  Well, screw that. She was perfectly content with her life, and she had no interest in letting a man destroy it. Jackson might be sweet and sexy and incredibly easy to be with, but this was nothing more than a temporary arrangement. Some good company, even better sex.

  And nothing more.

  * * *

  Mia’s apartment was quiet when Jackson strode through the unlocked front door. He entered the living room and found it empty.

  “Where you hiding, sugar?” he called out, a smile tickling his lips.

  Her faint voice drifted from the hallway. “I’m in the bedroom.”

  His cock thickened with each step he took, growing into a full-blown erection by the time he reached her door, which had been left ajar. No light seeped out of the room. She must have closed the curtains. He liked that. There was something deliciously dirty about fucking in the dark.

  He walked inside to find Mia lying naked on the bed. One hand rested idly on her thigh, the other was flat on the mattress, toying with the soft blue bedspread.

  She was so pretty she took his breath away. Tanned shapely limbs, perfect breasts, a flat belly and narrow hips. Her dark hair was loose and curling over one shoulder, looking silky to the touch.

  “Beautiful,” he said simply.

  “What?” she murmured.

  “You. I could stand here st
aring at you for hours.”

  “Is that what you’re planning to do? Stand and stare?”

  “No way, darlin’. I have more interesting plans for tonight.”

  Without delay, he began to strip. His shirt came off first, followed by his wifebeater. Socks and boots were next, and then his jeans and boxers joined the rest of his clothing on the floor.

  Mia’s breath hitched and his ego got a nice boost out of that. So did his cock, which hardened even more and rose to salute her.

  Jackson gripped his erection and gave it a firm pump, smiling when Mia’s lips parted in delight.

  “You like watching me jerk it?” he asked.

  She nodded.

  He continued to stroke himself, his gaze roaming her body as he did so. The signs of her arousal were hard to miss—bright eyes, a rosy blush on her breasts, the way her thighs clenched.

  Jackson toyed with his piercing for a moment, enjoying the sharp tugs it gave to his cockhead.

  “Let’s talk protection,” he said gruffly. “I brought condoms, but if you’ve got another method of birth control and you wanna forgo the condoms, I want you to know I’m clean as a whistle.”

  “I’m on the pill and STD-free,” she admitted. Then she hesitated, those mesmerizing green eyes fixed on the tip of his dick. “Will I feel the piercing if you wear a condom?”

  He shook his head. “Not really.”

  “Do you want to use one?”

  He ran his tongue over his lips. “What I wanna do is come inside your pussy and watch my seed drip down your thighs. And then I want to rub my come on my fingers and watch you lick it off.”

  “Oh Jesus.” Her chest rose and fell rapidly. “Your dirty talk is…”

  “Is what?” he prompted.

  “The biggest turn-on ever.”

  “Damn right,” he said smugly. “So what’s your final answer, sugar? Do I need to reach into my pocket and get those rubbers?”

  There was no more hesitation on her part. “No.”

  “All righty then.”


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