Tequila Blues: A Second Chance Romance (Serrated Brotherhood MC Book 3)

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Tequila Blues: A Second Chance Romance (Serrated Brotherhood MC Book 3) Page 5

by Bijou Hunter

  “Probably. Now get the kid, and I’ll take him to the zoo.”


  “Why not?”

  “He doesn’t know you.”

  “Whose fault is that? I’m trying to get to know him right now, but you’re standing in my way.”

  “What are you trying to do here?” she asks, walking outside and shutting the screen door so the dog won’t follow.

  “I told you.”

  “Harmony won’t think you’re boyfriend material if you kidnap her boy.”

  “I’m not kidnapping no one. If I was, then telling you about it ahead of time is an amateur move.”

  “Kids are loud and messy. You should find a woman without one.”

  “I already found those women, and they were shit. Every single one of them. Now don’t go telling me how you know someone who isn’t shit because I already found that someone you’re talking about, and she was, in fact, shit.”

  “I’ll tell you what,” she says, giving my chest a poke. “If you want to take him to the zoo, then you need to take me too. Otherwise, I can’t let you take him without a fight, and I’ve been hoping to use my new shotgun.”

  I look her up and down. “All right, but only because I like dogs and I don’t shoot old ladies.”

  “You’re a sugar cookie, aren’t you, child?”

  “That’s what I hear. So, is the kid ready to go?”

  Charlie stifles laughter. “You really don’t know children if you think he can pop out of the door that fast.”

  I don’t believe it’ll be such a hassle. After all, Keanu comes to the door once Charlie calls his name. He’s a cute little guy even if I don’t like how his existence always reminds me of how Harmony fucked some asshole.

  “Do you want to go to the zoo?” Charlie asks.

  His dark eyes light up, and he jumps around. Once Charlie tells him to find his shoes, Keanu bolts into the trailer, and I figure we’ll be on the road in five minutes tops.

  Twenty minutes later, we’re finally walking to the parking lot.

  “I brought a club SUV since I knew he had to sit in one of these things,” I say, jiggling the kiddie chair in my hand.

  “You knew that, huh? You’re a regular Michael Landon, aren’t you?”

  “I don’t know who that is.”

  “Of course not. Kids today grew up watching crap.”

  Ignoring her, I glance back at Keanu under his army green bucket hat. We arrive at the SUV, and I decide to make chit chat with the kid that should be mine.

  “Do you like the zoo?” I ask. When he only nods, I turn to Charlie. “Does he talk?”

  “You know he does,” she mutters, taking the kiddie chair from me and strapping it into the back seat. “He isn’t an attention whore seeking out conversation with strangers. Keanu just wants to see the animals.”

  Climbing into the seat, Keanu waits to be strapped in. Charlie walks around me and gets into the passenger seat, but I don’t shut the door.

  I study the boy and wonder what he’s thinking. Does he care one way or another about the stranger taking him to the zoo? I remember how my cousin, Bonn, used to want a dad in his life. He’d watch dads with their kids and then get that look in his eyes like a puppy dying for a treat.

  Does Keanu ever get that look too? I don’t know anything about kids or how they think at different ages. Could be this one doesn’t know about dads yet.

  I finally shut the door and walk to the driver’s spot. Soon, we’re on the highway toward Nashville. Charlie controls the radio channels, but otherwise, ignores me for the ride.

  I’m happy for the silence, but I can’t help thinking Charlie must have called or messaged Harmony. Will my woman show up at the zoo and admire my fatherly ability? Nope, she’ll freak out, but I like when she gets mad. Rage is a sexy look on her.

  Twelve - Harmony

  Millie doesn’t allow people close to her, and many staff members quit when she gives them a hard time. Once she bonds with someone, though, she becomes incredibly attached and loving. Now that she views me as a friend rather than an intruder in her personal space, I’m one of her favorite people.

  Leaving work early isn’t an option, but I’m about ready to come out of my skin once I read Charlie’s texts.

  First, she mentions Dayton’s visit. Then, she says they’re on their way to the zoo. I call her, but she promises I don’t need to worry. She and Keanu will enjoy the zoo and even score a free meal out of it. Isn’t that fun?

  My texts to Dayton go unanswered. He once explained how he never answers his phone because doing so encouraged people to call him.

  “I’ve got a system, see?” he said, giving me a wink.

  I’d thought he was so freaking funny back then. Now I want to slug him. Well, maybe not since my hand remains tender from punching Bryana. Okay, so I’m not a fighter, but I plan to make that boy pay a serious price for pulling this stunt. No one messes with my kid.

  The last hour at work is the longest of my life. I stand near Millie’s door, peeking in regularly to ensure she hasn’t started picking at the healing scratches on her arms. I want to clean, but the house is pristine. I want to cook, but the girls already had their snack. With nothing to keep me busy, I check my phone constantly.

  Charlie sends me photos of Keanu pointing at a giraffe and squatting down to see through the bars at the elephants. I get one of Dayton pushing the stroller. There’s one of them eating a giant ice cream cookie. Followed by a shot of Keanu covered in the giant ice cream cookie. At three, he’s completely incapable of eating so much food.

  In all the pictures, my son looks happy. He isn’t scared of Dayton. Keanu’s just having fun with Charlie and some guy.

  As I leave work and head to the zoo, I receive a picture from Charlie with Keanu and Dayton’s faces painted like tigers. Okay, so they look adorable. I’m also admittedly impressed Dayton allowed someone to paint all over his manly face when club guys aren’t known to be silly.

  Still I refuse to forgive the asshole’s behavior just because he looks cuter than shit with whiskers or because my son is grinning from ear to ear in the picture. Nope, I’m mad, and I’m staying mad, and he has no idea what kind of mama bear instincts he’s riled up.

  The drive to the zoo takes forever yet goes by in a flash. The entire time, I imagine confronting Dayton. What I’ll say to him and how I’ll say it all while wearing a smile, so Keanu won’t know I’m pissed. I have a whole damn speech planned.

  I know exactly where they are too, after Charlie sends me a photo of Keanu sitting in his stroller and staring at an aquarium. Next to him, Dayton rests on the ground like he owns the freaking place. Typical Rutgers crap.

  I use my zoo membership pass to hurry through the line. Dodging strollers and toddlers, I nearly run the rest of the way to where my son and not-boyfriend watch tropical fish.

  Then I just stop. The sight of them kills my anger and leaves me confused. For the first time, I ask myself why Dayton would pull this stunt in the first place. What does he want besides to drive me crazy?

  Charlie appears at my side. “Give me your keys.”


  “I’ll head home, and you can catch a ride back with those two.”

  “Are you sure?”

  Charlie glances at them and nods. “Dayton told Keanu that once you got here, they could have hot dogs for dinner. He’s been feeding him all kinds of crap. That man would kill anyone’s diet.”

  “Staying here for hot dogs will only encourage Dayton.”

  Charlie tries not to laugh in my face. “I don’t suspect he needs much encouraging from you. I think the voices in his fat head do that enough already.”

  Frowning at where Keanu and Dayton still stare at the fish tank, I shake my head. “I screwed up letting him into my life. Now I don’t know how to get him out.”

  “Dayton’s not so bad.”

  “He showed up at your trailer and wanted to take Keanu to the zoo without even asking me. That
’s bad, Charlie.”

  “Yeah, and he made threats and talked tough, but I figured something out about him today.”

  “What’s that?”

  “A good half of what comes out of that boy’s mouth is utter bullshit. You can’t take him literally. I’m not saying you and him are a match made in heaven, but you shouldn’t write him off completely. After all, his brother seems like a good husband to Daisy.”

  “Ugh, don’t talk about husbands. I haven’t gone on a single successful date with Dayton. He hasn’t even reached boyfriend status yet.”


  Rolling my eyes, I hand her my keys. “Thanks for dealing with this today.”

  “It wasn’t all bad. He bought me an ice cream and a super-sized soda. Coming here was a lot more fun than sitting at the trailer park all day.”

  Smiling at her expression, I consider asking her to stay and act as a buffer between Dayton and me. I decide not to make a chicken move, instead telling her goodbye.

  After she leaves, I watch Keanu and Dayton who are oblivious to me. For a few minutes, I nearly forget about how we ended up here. I’m too busy taking in the sight of my sweet boy chilling next to my long-time sexy crush. Despite my common sense, I can’t control my smile, and that’s why I know I’m in trouble.

  Thirteen - Dayton

  While I never much cared for the zoo as a kid, I can’t complain about my day with Keanu. He doesn’t bitch and whine. No crying either. If I had one complaint, it’s that he doesn’t say anything. How am I supposed to show off my daddy abilities with a mute kid?

  When we reach the Tropical Rivers attraction, I ask, “So what are you into?”

  “I don’t know,” he says, giving me a double shoulder shrug.

  “What do you like?”

  Keanu points at the tank in front of us. “Fish.”

  “That it?”

  “LEGOs,” he says, showing me the little man he’s held the entire day.

  “You like building stuff, huh?”

  Keanu nods, but he’s staring at the fish like a stalker on the hunt. I study his face, looking for Harmony in his features. Even knowing I take after my mom, I see only Mojo when I look in the mirror.

  “Building is cool. I built a house one summer to help our club brother after a storm knocked his place down. Cool shit, but I wouldn’t do it for a job, you know?”

  Keanu doesn’t react to my words. He’s in awe of the fish swimming back and forth in the giant tank. I plop on my ass and sit next to him on the ground. The people around us mutter about me acting like a rude fucker. I only smile because annoying people is my crack.

  “You know who I think is cool?” I ask, and he does his double shoulder shrug again. “Your mom. She’s my favorite person.”

  Keanu instantly smiles and all I see is Harmony in his expression. I share his grin.

  “She’s a cool chick. I want to keep hanging out with her. You cool with that?”

  Keanu nods, but I don’t think he’s listening. I’m used to people ignoring me, so I don’t take it personally. Especially not with a three-year-old. I remember when Hudson was little and everyone thought he was deaf because he didn’t react to them. My brother was barely out of the womb when he learned to con people.

  We watch the fish for twenty minutes before I hear a voice I know in my bones. Glancing back at where Charlie was sitting on a bench, I see a wisp of blonde hair. Harmony will read me the riot act soon, so I look back at the fish and enjoy the quiet before the storm.

  Harmony doesn’t rush over to us. When she does show up, she dips her head around the stroller and whispers into Keanu’s ear. The boy’s eyes light up as he touches her worried face.

  “Are you okay?” she asks.

  “I don’t see the blue fish,” he says. “Where did it go?”

  “I don’t know, baby.”

  Harmony kneels next to the stroller and gives me a pissed look.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I wanted to see if I could get along with your kid without you around to entertain me.”

  “What gives you the right?”

  “I’m a spoiled man, Harmony. No one hands me anything. I expect it, and I take it, but the good news is Keanu and I got along fine. We’re eating hot dogs pretty soon.”

  Keanu studies his mom before climbing out of the stroller. He reaches for her and Harmony picks him up. The kid rests his head on her shoulder and smiles like he’s her biggest fan.

  “Did you look at the piranha?” Harmony whispers.

  Keanu whispers something back. And just like that, I’m on the outside looking in.

  Watching Harmony cuddle with her son makes my dick hard for some reason. I think it’s because she’s extra sexy when she smiles, and her family never fails to make her happy.

  I need to make her smile like that too. Not just in bed either. I can fuck a grin on her face day and night, but that won’t keep her from dismissing me as a mistake she doesn’t want to make again.

  Fourteen - Harmony

  I ignore Dayton while Keanu shows me his favorite fish. He likes the piranhas, and we see if we can name them for next time. I walk with my baby while Dayton pushes along the empty stroller. More than once, I consider looking back at him, but I’m not in the mood to see him pout. Dayton’s sad face brings out my mama bear instincts, and I get the urge to give him anything to make him smile again.

  “I’m sticky,” Keanu says, showing me his shirt.

  “That’s why we have bath time.”

  He smiles at me and then looks back at Dayton. “We have paint on our face.”

  I finally relent and look at Dayton with his tiger-painted face. The orange color brings out his dark brown eyes while the red brings out his miserable frown.

  “You both look adorable,” I say, cupping Keanu’s face and then Dayton’s.

  I get a smile out of them both. Dayton’s makes me immediately regret my kind gesture. The pompous ass is back on the prowl.

  “Your kid couldn’t handle a whole cookie.”

  “He’s three,” I say, narrowing my eyes and giving him the dirtiest look I can manage.

  Dayton leans closer and whispers, “Stop flirting in front of the boy.”

  Rolling my eyes, I turn away and take Keanu’s hand. We spend another twenty minutes looking at the fish and naming the pretty ones. Dayton offers a few options, but I ignore him. After all, we’re naming fish, not strippers.

  “Who’s hungry?” Dayton announces when we finish the Tropical Rivers attraction.

  Keanu jumps. “Me!”

  I smile at how excitable my baby gets about the smallest things. He’s a ray of sunshine walking around in the body of a little boy. Lifting my gaze to Dayton watching me, my smile falters. Where Keanu offers me simple joys, this man comes with a long list of complications.

  “I could eat,” I tell him.

  “Well, then, little man, why don’t you jump in your stroller and we’ll round up hot dogs.”

  My baby darts into the stroller. Dayton wraps an arm around my shoulders and then pushes Keanu to the food court.

  “Ain’t this cozy,” he whispers in my ear as we maneuver around people.

  “Today, you crossed a line. I’ll play nice for Keanu’s sake, but after we eat, you’ll take us home and then go the fuck away.”

  “So young and naïve.”

  “You suck.”

  “Ah, you remember our night together,” he says, smiling wider. “I’ll do that tonight until you howl at the moon.”

  “What’s with you and howling at the moon?”

  “I dig werewolf movies.”

  “I’m sorry I asked. Let’s just eat and go our separate ways.”

  “Again with your youthful naïveté. What’s it like to see the world through rose-colored glasses? It’s fun, isn’t it?”

  “What does that mean?”

  “You can’t get away from me,” he whispers menacingly. “I’ll never give up until I claim you as mine. You
can run, and you can hide, but I’ll find you, and I’ll make you submit. If you see any other ending to this, you’re living in a fantasy land with unicorns and fairy farts.”

  We arrive at the food court and find an empty table. I get Keanu in a seat and then shove myself up against Dayton.

  “I’m not scared of you, buddy. Stop threatening me. Stop pulling stupid stunts. And for fuck’s sake, stop pretending I’m a girlish teenager who’s never met a big strong man like you. I’m a mom, and I’ve fucked more guys than you have brain cells. Now go get us hot dogs.”

  “Fries too?”


  Dayton glares at me. “What kind of crap does the kid drink?”


  “I’ll be back.”


  I hold my frown until Dayton is in line. Sitting next to Keanu, I run my fingers over his.

  “Did you have fun today?”


  “Was Dayton nice to you?”

  “He’s funny.”

  “Funny how?”

  “He said the elephant smelled.”

  “Well, they do smell.”

  “He said it funny.”

  I glance at Dayton who stares at the menu as if it’s printed in a different language.

  Focusing back on Keanu, I sigh. “Whose idea was it to get your face painted?”

  “Charlie wanted us to do it.”

  “Did Dayton whine like a baby?”

  “No. He was brave.”

  I smile at how serious Keanu says the words. “Did you like your big cookie?”

  “It melted.”

  “Yeah. They melt fast.”

  “I made a mess,” he says, showing off his sticky shirt again.

  “Did Dayton get mad at you for not eating it fast enough?”

  Keanu shakes his head, but he’s focused on the big scary biker man approaching with a tray of food.

  “Hot dogs,” Keanu says full of awe.

  “I got two juices. One is for the ride home,” Dayton says, handing them to Keanu.

  “Thanks,” I tell him, and he catches my softer tone.

  “Someone isn’t so naïve anymore.”


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