Murder Mysteries # 4

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Murder Mysteries # 4 Page 22

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  "I'll play this case by the book Connie. No defense attorney will catch me with my pants down. We've got some, I see on a list here, some hits on the Plano Texas victim and the Allentown victim. Also the friend of our church victim is on his way to Eugene to help us with our investigation. It's a little early yet, but it appears the so called radical group by the church, an organization with the acronym POINT, is being targeted by traditionalist from the Methodist Church."

  "That's my thinking too Stacy. However, we must uncover the killer or killers who are responsible for the murders. Regardless of who or how high the orders came from, they must be held accountable. Tread carefully Stacy."

  Stacy hung up and sat thinking about the ramifications of high ranking church officials being charged with murdering gay wanabe pastors, would rock the religious community sending shock waves around the world. Stacy never smiled wondering if she was the one who would reap a harvest if she uncovered the killer or mastermind, or was she the sacrificial lamb. She almost could smell a rat who, by agreement, would offer up an underling to take the rap leaving the hierarchy unscathed to carry on business as usual. Regardless, three fine people lay dead because they desired being a pastor of a church. Is the penalty for being a gay pastor death? Stacy stood up angry vowing to do her job the best way she knew how. He cell was making jingling noises.

  "Stacy, this is Dan with Paul at the airport. We're on our way to the office now. See you in twenty minutes."

  Emma was alerted and to protect her backside, Stacy wanted a video in addition to a recorded interview with Paul Deveraux. She also thought he might be a little hungry. She asked Emma to get some whole grain bakery and juice to drink. Meanwhile, Ben came with the news of Paul arriving. He'd be on the list of witnesses to the statement. Stacy had a flashing notion to call Cathy. Cathy told her she'd love to come and sit in on the interview.

  Paul Spills the Beans

  Stacy was pacing the floor wondering what she'd forgotten. She told herself to relax and let it flow. Just think clearly. Ask the proper questions. Forget the speculation and stick with what is known. The 'why' question is stuck in the person's head who asked it, not in an answer with strings hanging all over it. In other words, to ask why somebody did something is pure speculation.

  Stacy was ready and she'd no sooner relaxed when Dan came in with Paul Deveraux. Stacy first take on Paul was seeing a nice looking man with an average build. He'd a full head of blondish hair with typical blue eyes. He also had a nice smile as he stuck out his hand for a shake with Stacy.

  "Paul we've a snack for you as you probably haven't had much to eat for a while," said Stacy.

  In a clear voice with perfect pronunciation, he said, "I'd like a snack with something to whet the whistle if you have any."

  Emma dashed out as they gathered around the circle conference table in Stacy's office. "While we're waiting Paul, for the record, as we must be very legal here, we'd like to both record and video the interview. Do you have any objections," asked Stacy seeing Cathy stroll in.

  "None what so ever Marshall. I'm here to help and to help find a way to put Clancy's killer in jail."

  "Thanks and for the record I'll use your family name when asking a question. Off the record call me Stacy, but when we interview call me Marshall. Ah, here's something to munch on Paul." While he snacked, she introduced all that were present. He nodded while wolfing down the good bread with cream cheese.

  Dan set up the video and Emma had two recorders on the table. The stage was set. After Paul took a restroom break, the chairs were occupied and ready to begin. Paul came back and Stacy took command.

  "State you full name and both your home address and present address if different," said Stacy getting the formalities out of the way. After all was established who and where he lived, Stacy asked her first question. "We don't have positive Identification on the victim, so until we have positive proof that that the victim is Clancy Struthers, our questions and answers will soon be a matter of record, that indeed the victim who is significant to you Paul Deveraux, is in fact the victim of foul play.

  What is or was your relationship to the deceased Clancy Struthers," asked Stacy.

  "Clancy was my significant other that when the opportunity arose we'd be a married couple by law.

  "Where did you meet and how long have you been together as a couple," asked Stacy.

  "We met in a gay gathering in LA in 2008. From that point on we were attracted to each other."

  "Okay Mr. Deveraux moving forward to the present time. Where were you and Clancy living and doing?"

  "We lived together in an off campus apartment going to graduate school at Claremont School of Theological in Claremont, California. We both had aspirations of being a pastor of our own churches. We both joined the program on the basis it was a progressive minded church backed school that would admit gays to the pulpit. However, when the first of our gay group became eligible for becoming a pastor, the ordainment never came. We, as a group, formed an organization to debate the subject with the church's elders. They refused. We went public with our organization naming it People Opposed International Tenets or POINT. Our small group was spread out across the continental USA and eventually into the UK. We tried desperately to engage the church in discussion, but we're blocked on each occasion. We finally decided to use the press if no debates arose. That's when we lost our first member back east in Allentown, which is the residency of the traditional elders who dictate policy. At first we thought it a random killing, but when the second member of our group was murdered in Plano, Texas, we became scared and paranoid.

  But Clancy kept at it and we warned him not to continue. The rest you know."

  "Mr. Deveraux we need names of the other victims please," asked Stacy. All saw Paul wet his lips and take a sip of his juice. He said:

  "Because we've not heard from either one of our members, Ross Walker in Allentown and Sylvia Lilly in Plano, Texas. I know you're wondering why nobody filed a missing persons report on them, but like Clancy's parents, both Ross and Sylvia were disowned by their parents. Each has a mate but they're scared for their lives to report them missing."

  "Mr. Deveraux do you have any names of members of the church or governing individuals that you know are connected to these homicides?"

  "Those people are very cautious and professional Marshall Foreham. If the governing council and or power-wielding traditionalists are behind the killings, then we, as a group, only know two names. One is Ronald Tempest and the other one is Welford Ashley. Both live in Allentown.

  We have, but I can't reveal the name, an insider that is privy to sensitive information about the church and it's governing body."

  "Mr. Deveraux that person could testify under anonymity to a grand jury, but if it went to court, that person would become known. I realize this is speculation, but do you think this person could be persuaded to come forward?"

  "When we are true believers, we realize that the truth is the best option at all times. This person certainly is a believer in our God. If push comes to shove, this person would do the right thing Marshall. However, as you say, it's pure speculation on my part."

  "I think we need a break for now Paul. How about Dan transporting you to where your mate is. I remind you that it's not a pretty sight, but if you need closure, we'd be glad to help."

  "Yes, regardless of how he looks or appears, he's with his maker now. I'll just have to wait my turn. There's more I'd like to tell you about our organization. We'll not roll over and play dead. All of us are in for the long haul. We've put in place all of our gathered information on each member of the church who are the main players. But we don't want to throw dirt back and forth. What we want is a debate on the subject of gays in a religious setting."


  A short while after they left for the morgue, Cathy, Ben, Emma and Stacy sat discussing what they'd heard. Ben said, "We now know the other two victims by name. What we don't know is who killed them and from who's order did it c
ome from?"

  "We need that church 'deep throat', don't you think," said Cathy.

  "Like Watergate," said Stacy. "I remember my father talking about Nixon and Watergate for years. Even while most realized Nixon was guilty, he went out and won reelection. Then his house of cards began to crumble. To complete this case, we need that inside person very badly. Well, it's almost lunch time. How about we do the fortune cookie thing again?"

  "I'll order while you make a call," said Emma. Emma smiled knowing full well Stacy would call her boss to inform the ID of the other two victims. Em guessed Stacy would be flying east before long.

  "Stacy, we seem to have a lot of information to pass back and forth. I'll wait on mine while you tell me what transpired with the friend of your Eugene victim."

  Stacy gave her the highlights and when she finished, "We need that mole really bad, but I'm afraid for its safety." Stacy could almost hear the wheels grinding away inside Connie's above average head in intellect.

  "I'll authorize a witness protection plan. See if Paul Deveraux will pass on the offer to the person in our talks here. You might stress that it's that person's duty to be a good citizen. I'll not go into the religious part. Oh and by the way, we've a total of five people watching your back. Some are male and some are female. Rest easy Stacy. Get back to me soonest on the church mole."

  Stacy went to the small kitchen only to find the table too small for all of them. They went to her office and the round table. It didn't take long for the place to smell like a Chinese market in Shanghai. All were hungry. All dug in. All read their fortune cookies. Nobody said a word. Stacy was hoping for one thing: testimony bringing down the killers of three good people. While she thought about the case, in walked Dan and Paul. There was more than enough to feed both. Stacy made room at the table, as she needed the restroom. Em jumped up making more room fetching some drinks for the two men.

  Ben watched Paul as he hoovered the Chinese food like there was no tomorrow. Between bites he said, "There's no question it's Clancy my mate. To make sure, for the record, I asked Dan if he would ask the pathologist to see my tattoo that says, 'For Clancy'. It's now a matter of record." Ben thought how ridiculous it must seem to others that a male is in a morgue showing a tattoo on the underside of his unit to a deputy Marshall and the resident pathologist. He smiled thinking about what if he told his wife and or his kids this story.

  Stacy returned after a long absence. Paul was just finishing up and he said, "Stacy, let's talk privately please." As all were finished eating, Cathy and Emma cleaned so fast it would make your head swim, as my mother used to say.

  With the door closed, a fresh cuppa for Stacy and coffee for Paul, he said, "I'll contact our member back east about turning what evidence has been accumulated. We need to prevent any more deaths. Three really good people have been needlessly murdered just because they're gay."

  "Thanks Paul. I talked to my superior while you were away. She will offer your member a witness protection program complete with new identity and funds to live on. It's quite a sacrifice as you lose contact with relatives and friends, so to speak. What do you think your member would say to that offer Paul?"

  "I think it would fly Stacy. Right now that person is stressed to the maximum. If it were me, I'd jump on it."

  "Here's the contact number to my boss Paul. I'm curious as to your other members who might be vulnerable to attack?"

  "We always go round in pairs and never out at night alone. So far so good. Well, Marshall, I'm sure happy to meet you. Progress has been slow, but we've made some giant strides over the years. Nowadays states are granting us marriages. That was unheard of just a few years ago. The idea of a gay pastor is not in the near future, but we'll keep arguing our case. Discrimination is always with us."

  "Before you leave Paul, we've typed up your statement and would like your signature if you would. Also if you've some ID on you, let us make copies for our records; along with your fingerprints please. We're not leaving anything to chance in this case."

  "In case something happens to me Stacy, I want to leave you with our spy in the church's name. Her name is Claire Morgan. She's single living with her mother who's an invalid. Here's her secret e-mail address…………Also, here's mine…………….."

  A Close Call

  After the dust settled, Paul with Dan to the airport, Ben hanging around if needed, Cathy went back to work and Emma put the polish to the interview. The finished product was sent to DC. Stacy waited for a few hours before she called Connie. She had everything but the video part of the interview.

  Stacy sat in her office thinking about her own safety. What scared her most was a sniper. From long range there'd be no way to protect her from a shooter with a rifle. Stop thinking like that, she chided herself. She picked up the phone to call Connie.

  "Great job Stacy. I think it's time to pack your bag and visit me here in DC. I want to do two things, one is to introduce you around and the other is to visit this mole and convince that person to accept our witness protection program. I don't think there's a lot left for you to do in Eugene on this case. Our focus now is securing some factual information on who gave the go signal on taking out three fine people."

  "Okay Connie. I'm almost ready to go. Would you have your secretary call Emma here to make travel arrangements. Should I travel alone or have company that has been watching out for me?"

  "I'll have Bill and one other on the same flight. I think it best for you to fly out of Portland. Our two members will follow you to Portland in an unmarked car. They'll make sure you're not followed."

  "Alright Connie. See you soon." Stacy hung up and then rang up her father.

  "Dad, it's still raining here so Bandon must be flooded by now," Stacy said playfully.

  "I never notice anymore daughter dear. Fran follows me around with an umbrella over my head. She's afraid I'll catch the death of me. What's up?"

  "We're getting close to ending this case. I'm flying to DC to see if I can convince a certain person to testify and give evidence of a crime that was committed. If we're lucky, that person may have a recording of a conversation ordering the killing of a person."

  "You playing with some big time operators. You'd best be careful my daughter. I think you'd need more than just that one person to lock up the mastermind."

  "I agree father. I've two special body guards with me at all times. I don't even know what they look like. I want to add father, Dan made a special observation and from his information, the state swat team took the man out. I'm proud of him. Okay dad, hug for Fran and I'll call you when I can," said Stacy with a tear in her eye.

  "I read about that incident, but the report was vague. I'm guessing the guy was gunning for you. Rory would have a fit if he knew," said her father laughing.

  A Political Jungle

  Other than a bland in-flight dinner, Stacy slept all the way to DC. Upon landing she was quickly picked up and delivered to her hotel not so far away from where the Justice Department resided. The building, thought decades old, was renamed in honor of Robert F. Kennedy. It was seven floors of legal activity.

  Stacy had called Connie when inside the car on the way to the hotel. "Stacy, check in, take a shower, and I'll treat you to a breakfast you'd die for. I know it's early, but as someone said: 'Time waits for no man.'

  "Give me an hour Connie. I'm young and strong. Who knows what in ten or twenty years, but for now, I'm good to go."

  True to her word, the breakfast was to die for. Stacy could hardly choke the oatmeal down. Connie chuckled while she spooned her scrambled eggs and wheat toast down. "An hour from now you won't remember how bad it was. I do promise to take you to lunch at a nice restaurant." Stacy really wondered if this nice restaurant was on a par with this place. It might even make Rory's appetite wane.

  Upstairs on the fifth floor was Connie's domain. Her office was befitting the era it was constructed. Old dark wood had been brightened up by drapes of pleasant warm colors. The carpet was also a maroon th
at matched the drapes. Her desk was a massive oak that probably had a story behind it. Bookshelves and watercolors were interspaced as if an interior designer had been hired. Stacy sat down opposite Connie at a medium sized rectangle conference table.

  So far Stacy had only been introduced to her secretary. A pleasant woman of about the same age as Connie. She too sat at the table for note taking. Connie said, "I've read your report and all powers agree on a witness protection program is in order. What do you think our next move should be Stacy?"

  "I've an e-mail address that is only known to the members of POINT. I should send an e-mail soonest. I'll make it brief and to the point. I'll meet her anywhere at any time kind of thing."

  "I've a laptop that you can use Stacy. If the message is somehow compromised, it's virtually untraceable to us. That should protect the mole. Nancy would you get the laptop please."

  Ten minutes later Stacy had sent a message to the mole in Allentown, Pa. Now it was sit back and wait time. Stacy took the opportunity to speak highly of Deputy Dan Swollow's action with the former Ace Harmon incident. "If possible Connie, is there some commendation we can award him?"

  "Heavens yes we sure do. Nancy will get one for you out of our safe. You can award it to him back in Oregon. Also make a document outlining what the award is for. So far Stacy we've been blessed with good people. Some not so good news is Jacob Holden our US Marshall in Portland. He's been diagnosed with liver cancer. We'll have to replace him very soon."

  "I see," said Stacy. "That is not good news. Cancer is such a dreadful disease. I'm very sorry to hear that and I'm kind of ashamed I've never met the guy."


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