Dangerous Paradise

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Dangerous Paradise Page 4

by Debra Andrews

  He grinned. “We met briefly today.”

  “I’m surprised you remembered,” Kelly said through tight lips.

  His grin sent shivers rippling through her. “Now how could I forget the way we met?”

  Kelly glared at him, infuriated by his smiling eyes and the smirk on his face.

  “Can you blame me for wanting to know you better?” he asked, obviously finding it amusing to annoy her.

  Susan’s glance flitted back and forth between them in confusion. “Alex, we were just discussing you.”

  “Oh, you were?” he drawled. He dragged a chair beside Kelly and sat at the table—uninvited. “And?”

  Kelly thrust up her chin. “Let me assure you, it was only for a moment.”

  “I was telling Kelly about your latest film,” Susan interjected. “She’s from Los Angeles.”

  “I should have guessed you were an actor,” Kelly muttered under her breath.

  Alex leaned toward her, so close she breathed in his cologne. She found it hard to concentrate.

  He smiled. “You must be in the industry as well. You’re obviously a good actress.”

  “I’m not an actress,” she admonished him. “I just received my MBA.”

  His blue eyes gleamed mischievously as he reclined in his chair. “So you’re the serious, business type living in the film capital of the world. A strange combination.”

  She narrowed her eyes. To conceal her exasperation, she said, “Name one of your movies. Perhaps I’ve seen one.”

  He ran through a small list of British and American films. She recognized some titles, but she had not had the time to enjoy the luxury of movies these past months.

  She shrugged. “No. I guess I’ve been too busy.”

  His gaze dropped to one of her bare shoulders, causing an unexpected tingling at that spot. Finally, he lifted his eyes. “I’ve had some parts, villains and such in the States, but this is my first leading role. I’m keeping my fingers crossed this is my lucky break.”

  With his English accent, he was different from the usual American movie star hunk––but devastatingly beautiful he was, with golden good looks and sophistication all in one package. Based on appearance alone, he seemed destined for stardom.

  The waiter stopped at the table. Alex ordered a round of drinks.

  Kelly shook her head. “I can’t stay too long.”

  “Alex is the best actor in England,” Susan said with unabashed pride and a toothy grin.

  He smiled indulgently at his cousin. “Thanks for the compliment, but enough about me. Any more problems, Kelly?”


  His eyebrows drew together. “After considering what had happened today, I’ve come to the conclusion after seeing the strange lettering on that envelope, something in that letter frightened you.”

  Susan’s eyes widened quizzically.

  Now knowing the threat had arrived by mail, Kelly had to keep the matter quiet because she didn’t want anything leaked to the press––anything that might hurt Cochran Investments’ chance of recovery.

  “No, it was nothing.”

  Alex opened his mouth to respond when an overblown blonde in a white dress and swiveling Marilyn Monroe hips, ambled up to the table. She slid a napkin and ink pen before him.

  “May I have your autograph?” Her ample bosom threatened to spill out of her ‘V’ cut dress if she leaned any lower. When she whispered something into his ear, he returned a smile, which appeared to dazzle the woman.

  Kelly rolled her eyes, recognizing his type—a womanizer . . . and a lying, cheating, and married, womanizer at that. The blonde didn’t seem to mind that he wore a wedding band.

  His lips curved into a smile and that grated on Kelly’s nerves as he scratched his pen across the napkin. He had the typical attention span of all the other vain actors she’d met while living in L.A. They were like butterflies, sampling one flower after another.

  And why she cared, she hadn’t a clue. She was going to marry the most wonderful man in the world. On Saturday. Her stomach tightened in a knot.

  “Mr. Drake, why don’t you join us?” The blond woman pointed toward a table where three more attractive women sat. They waved and lifted wine glasses. “We’d all love to hear about your latest movie.”

  Kelly thrust from her mind an unwelcome image of Alex lounging in bed with all four women. If he were truly separated, his wife probably filed for divorce because of his infidelity.

  Kelly leaned toward him and asked in a low voice, “Yes, why don’t you join them?”

  “Pardon me,” he said. “The music is loud. What did you say?”

  “Nothing.” She rose from the chair, having had enough of the Alex Drake Fan Club. “Goodnight, Susan. Nice to meet you.”

  “Night, Kelly,” Susan said. “I’m off to bed as well.”

  Kelly gave Alex a curt nod as he rose beside her. “Mr. Drake, do enjoy your . . . your evening,” she added dryly, tipping her head toward the four women who watched with interest.

  He stopped her with a warm hand on her elbow, sending a tingle up her arm. “Must you leave so soon?” A hopeful glint lit his blue eyes. “Stay. We could dance.”

  She frowned. There were plenty of interested women to dance with. Was he interested in her because she was the only woman not fainting at his feet? He seemed sincere now and all cynicism gone.

  Her heart fluttered. She loved to dance, while Robert hadn’t seemed to care too much for it. What would it be like to forget about killers and bankruptcies, if only for an hour?

  Then her jaw tightened. Maybe Alex wanted her to stay because he thought she would be easy to get back into his cabin and undressed . . .

  As if he read her thoughts, he said, “I’m only asking for a dance.”

  Not believing him, she flashed her left hand. “No, thanks. I’m engaged.”

  He lifted her hand and examined the ring on her finger. To her chagrin, a warm sensation shot up her arm at his touch. She flushed miserably.

  “You weren’t wearing that rock this afternoon,” he said. “I thought your claim of a boyfriend was a ruse to put me off.”

  “Kelly became engaged this evening,” Susan interjected.

  Alex cocked his head. “My, my, you’ve had a busy day. Where is the lucky guy?”

  She tugged her hand from his grip, but the pressure of his fingers held hers fast. “My fiancé had to leave.” Scowling, she jerked her hand from his grasp.

  He lifted an eyebrow. “The disappearing fiancé. He’s never around when you need him.”

  “I suppose that’s somewhat similar to what must be a very inconvenient wife.”

  He ignored her comment. “Your fiancé left you alone, love? He’s not worried someone might come along and try to snatch you away?”

  She lifted her chin. “As if anyone could—and I’m not your ‘love.’ Now, excuse me.” She turned to Susan. “Have a nice evening.” When Kelly reached for her handbag on the table, she stared at her ring-less left hand in horror. “My ring! I must have just dropped it.”

  How would she explain the loss to Robert? She raised her long dress over her knees and lowered herself to the floor.

  When Susan knelt to help, Alex shook his head and touched his cousin’s shoulder. “Go ahead. I’ll help Kelly find it.” To the women who hovered nearby, he said, “Ladies, I’ll try to stop by your table later.”

  Kelly peered up at the women from the floor. The sour expression on the blonde’s face suggested she thought Kelly had been more clever in capturing Alex’s attention. She was so wrong.

  “No. Please, don’t waste your time here,” Kelly said to him. “I’ll find my ring.” She waved him off. The ladies leaned forward, interested.

  He bent down near her ear. “I didn’t invite them over. Let me help you.”

  She considered the serious expression on his face. Did he really find those attractive women a nuisance? Cautiously, she nodded, remembering the last time he offered help. He knelt beside her.r />
  Trailing her fingers over the carpet, she said, “It has to be here. You must think I’m always getting myself into trouble.”

  “You do seem to have a few mishaps.”

  Tears pricked her eyes. “Well, this one tops them all. That ring has to be worth a fortune.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Is the diamond real?”

  “Of course.”

  He cleared his throat. “Of course.” He turned back toward the floor.

  Kelly searched beneath the table. She wrinkled her nose when all she found were a few crumpled napkins. Several minutes later, Alex had stopped looking at the floor and his line of site was leveled on her cleavage.

  Straightening, she gave him a stern look. He was so annoying. “I thought you were helping me find the ring?” She stared back at the floor and bit her lip. “What will I tell Robert?”

  “Perhaps that the engagement is off?” Alex asked, with a lopsided grin.

  She glared at him. “Will you ever stop?”

  “No doubt, he’ll be disappointed if his beautiful fiancée doesn’t bear his mark.” He moved to the next table and continued the search.

  She followed him. “If you’re trying to flatter me, you’re wasting your time. Actors don’t interest me. I’ve lived in L.A. long enough to know what you’re all like.”

  He grinned. “All of us, love? Is that a challenge? I find you quite lovely even with your wild, red hair.”

  She raised her hand to smooth her hair. Having been teased about its color and unruliness all her life, she considered his statement an insult. “What’s wrong with my hair?”

  “It’s untamed, like the captivating face that goes with it.” An easy smile played at the corner of his mouth. “Like I imagine you are. Would be . . .”

  How dare he? “Please, go away. I’ll find my ring myself.” She turned her attention to the floor.

  He said to her back, “If your fiancé wants to break the engagement because you’ve lost the ring, I’ll be happy to console you. But next time, knock on my door first.”

  She faced him. “If he did,” she said, giving him her iciest voice, “and excuse this cliché, I wouldn’t go out with you if you were the last man on the planet. Besides, you’re married. I don’t buy that about-to-be divorced bit you told me. Next time you hit on someone, remember to remove your wedding ring.”

  His eyes glittered.

  She reveled in his reaction. He probably didn’t receive many rejections. Too bad. He might benefit from a few more.

  He looked down his straight nose. “Who said anything about going out? I thought we might pick up where we left off this afternoon.” When she gaped at him, speechless, he added, “I almost didn’t recognize you in clothing.”

  Narrowing her eyes at him, she said with sarcasm, “I could say the same about you.”

  “Yes, but you should be familiar with the shirt. It’s the same one you wore against your sweet, nearly naked skin,” he said, in a low seductive voice.

  She turned to crawl away, determined to find her ring and get the hell out of there. Down on the floor, not two feet from her face, were a pair of men’s black dress shoes.

  She tilted her head upward and winced in surprise. “Robert. I thought you were working?”

  “I wanted to check on you. You weren’t in your cabin.” A frown creased his deeply tanned forehead. “What’s going on here?”

  Despite the nightclub’s cool air conditioning, heat stole over her. “I-I lost my ring. We were searching the floor.”

  Her fiancé threw a hostile glance toward Alex. “We?”

  “Yes. He was helping me.” She sprang to her feet and adjusted the long dress. “It’s insured, isn’t it?” she asked hopefully. Alex rose beside her.

  Robert didn’t answer, but glowered at Alex. “I’ll help my fiancée.”

  Caught off guard by the blatant jealousy on Robert’s face and in his stance, Kelly gaped at him. She’d never seen him like this before.

  Alex opened his palm. “I believe I’ve found it.”

  “Thank goodness.” Then she caught the mischievous gleam in Alex’s eyes. He’d had the ring the entire time. He pressed it into her palm, allowing his fingers to linger longer than necessary. She yanked her hand from his grasp.

  “Thank you, Mr. Drake, for all your help,” she said, through tight lips.

  Robert narrowed his eyes. “Did you say Drake? Alex Drake? I should’ve recognized you. I’m Robert Hillyard.”

  She blinked at Robert, her heart thumping. “You know him?”

  “Yes. We’ve never met, but he’s Vanessa’s husband and our guest on this trip.”

  Chapter Three

  Alex Drake was Robert’s associate. Could her luck get any worse? Thank goodness the nightclub’s air conditioning cooled her heated face because Kelly thought she might faint.

  Robert crossed his arms over his chest. “Drake, I expected you to arrive tomorrow with Vanessa.”

  Alex extended his hand. “I arrived this morning and left a message for you at the main desk.”

  Robert didn’t shake Alex’s hand. Clearly, he didn’t like the man. Why?

  “I didn’t get it.” Robert nodded his head toward the nearest vacant table, still littered with glasses from the last customers. “Take a seat.” After he pulled out Kelly’s chair, he whispered in her ear, “Feeling well, honey?”

  Kelly drew a weary hand across her forehead. “It’s late. I’m just tired.”

  He sat in the chair beside her. “We’ll get out of here soon.”

  A waiter approached and cleared the empty glasses, but Robert waved him away.

  “Nothing for us,” he said in an autocratic manner. He glanced back and forth between her and Alex, then raised a dark eyebrow. “So you two just met?”

  She didn’t want to lie. “I think I need something to drink.” She motioned to the waiter. “Water, please.”

  Alex leaned casually in his chair. “Actually, we met by accident earlier in the day. Didn’t we, Kelly?” He turned amused eyes on her.

  So much for him being a gentleman. After the waiter served her water, she drank to relieve her dry throat.

  “Why didn’t you tell me you’d met Vanessa’s husband?” Robert asked.

  She met his gaze. “You never mentioned his name. I had no idea who he was.” She shot Alex a disgusted glance. “So you’re married to Vanessa Caine?”

  “Yes,” Alex said, with a shuttered look.

  Robert shot her a quizzical glance. “Vanessa is due to arrive tomorrow.”

  Alex jerked his head toward Robert. “I thought you wanted to discuss an offer with me. I wouldn’t have come if I’d known she was involved.”

  “Vanessa wanted this project to be a surprise.”

  Alex blew out a deep breath and sat back, his expression darkening. “I can work with her if I must, but our divorce will be final in four weeks. Nothing will stop that from happening.”

  Kelly’s heart skipped a beat. So Alex had told the truth.

  “Drake, my concern is signing Vanessa for another project. I’m only hiring you because this is what she wants. Frankly, I don’t care if you do, or don’t take the part. I preferred Timothy Michaels for the lead. You don’t have the box office draw in the U.S.”

  Alex inclined his head.

  Robert rose from his chair and offered his hand to Kelly. When she stood, he lightly stroked his palm against the small of her back as if she were his property. “Kelly and I will be married in a few days. If you don’t want to stay with Vanessa, you can move into Kelly’s cabin then. We’ll discuss the details for the movie tomorrow at breakfast on the deck at ten.”

  Robert guided Kelly by the arm across the floor. “Hell. I leave you alone for a moment, and return to find the bastard trying to pick you up is Vanessa’s husband.”

  “You don’t need to worry about me. I can take care of myself.”

  His hand tightened on her elbow. “You’re not experienced with men of his caliber. Drake
had a reputation with women, which didn’t stop with his marriage.”

  When they reached the doorway of the nightclub, she stole a glance toward Alex. At least now, he’d remain silent and drop the seduction bit. After all, her fiancé was the man hiring him.

  The blonde and one brunette hovered around him, but his gaze locked on Kelly’s. For an instant, she was entranced, until one of the women tugged on his arm and said something into his ear, and he turned away.

  With a sinking feeling in her stomach, one she didn’t understand, Kelly let Robert lead her out of the nightclub.

  * * *

  The next morning, Kelly stepped from her room and nearly stumbled over the mountain of luggage stacked in the narrow hallway. A porter wheeled a large suitcase into Alex’s cabin.

  Although his back was to her, she recognized Alex. He faced yet another female. Kelly shook her head in disgust and planned to walk right past him. Then she glanced at the woman, with long brown hair. Vanessa Caine. A small gasp escaped Kelly’s lips. The actress’s legendary talent had entranced millions of fans around the globe.

  She was dressed in a beige suit that displayed her tall, toned figure while her skin glowed and her features appeared nearly perfect––except for lips that seemed puffier than Kelly remembered.

  On the flight, Robert had boasted that when Vanessa’s name was on a marquee, a movie was sure to be a box office success. Kelly knew he wanted Vanessa for this project, and he’d do anything to get her signature on the contract.

  Afraid she’d been gawking, Kelly stepped forward to introduce herself, then paused.

  With a gleam in her green eyes, Vanessa trailed a red manicured nail down Alex’s arm.

  “Not happy to see me, darling? You should be eager to make amends, since this part could make you a star in the U.S.”

  “Bloody hell, Vanessa. I don’t want to be anywhere near you. You’ve set me up on this trip.”

  Vanessa peered past Alex’s shoulder and pointed in Kelly’s direction. “Where in the hell did you pick up this cheap slut? Get rid of the bitch.”

  Kelly stiffened in shock. The famous star’s crude language was nothing like she had expected.

  Alex whirled around, his eyes flashing in recognition when he saw Kelly.


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