Dangerous Paradise

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Dangerous Paradise Page 6

by Debra Andrews

  “Oh . . . someone made an unflattering comment.”

  “Imbecile or jealous witch.” When he pulled her to him, she tensed. “No need to be anxious with me, honey. We’ll be married tomorrow. I’m still tired, but never too tired for you. I promise I won’t take it too far today. Why don’t you stay?” He ran his hand down her cheek and then pushed her robe away, baring her shoulder. “You have beautiful skin.”

  “Uncle Robert,” she blurted, without thinking, and backed out of his embrace.

  “Kelly,” he muttered. “I hope you don’t think of me that way anymore. We’re going to be married.”

  At his frown, she babbled nervously, “I-I mean Robert, of course. I don’t know why I said that. Anyway, I planned to grab something to eat.” She hurried to the door and said over her shoulder, “Why don’t you sleep? We’ll talk later.”

  He said to her back, “I know how much this dive means to you, but we’re not positive we weren’t followed. You’re not to go, Kelly. I mean it.”

  She stepped out of his cabin and couldn’t believe she’d nearly freaked out when he touched her. He would be her husband, and of course, he would touch her.

  This would take some getting used to.

  And on top of that, should I really be worried about the dive? A flicker of apprehension shot through her, but not enough to stop her from going. Later, she would explain to Robert that she couldn’t pass up the chance. Besides, he didn’t need to tell her what to do as she made her own decisions. She had to hurry to get her things because the dive boat disembarked in an hour.

  She was lost in these thoughts and nearly bumped into Alex in the hallway. Her heart thumped wildly at the sight of him. He was only inches away and she tilted her head to see his face.

  She clutched her robe closed at her throat. “You’re up early.”

  “Has the honeymoon already begun?” he asked in a cool voice. No smile flashed for her on his handsome face today.

  Her shoulders stiffened. Let him think whatever he wanted. She’d be married tomorrow.

  “I’m so glad that what I do is none of your business,” she said through tight lips. However, the imp in her couldn’t resist adding, “And how was your night?”

  He raised a cynical eyebrow. “Why, does Hillyard need some tips?”

  “No,” she choked out. Alex didn’t move out of her way so she sidestepped around him to get to her cabin. Infuriating man. She slammed the door behind her.

  * * *

  Glad to get away from the stifling confines of the cruise ship, Kelly stepped down the gangplank onto the dock. She wore a black t-shirt and a short, green skirt over her bikini and had pulled her hair back in a French braid. Besides globs of sunscreen, she had donned a baseball cap to protect her face from the strong, tropical sun.

  She was determined not to let anyone spoil her dive today. Inhaling the fresh sea air, she scanned the area. Already the docks bustled with suntanned tourists strolling in either direction down the street. The locals grilled and sold exotic, mouth-watering foods. South Pacific music floated on the breeze and mixed with a variety of languages.

  Nearing the long dock that led to the vessels for the excursions, she halted. Ahead of her were Alex and his cousin, Susan.

  “Don’t ignore me, Alex,” Vanessa called from behind her.

  Not wanting to run into them, Kelly slipped behind a group of large metal storage lockers. She explored around the back and couldn’t find a way out. Damn it.

  “Alex, don’t go,” Vanessa said in a shrill voice as the three of them met up beside the lockers. “And, Susan, where are you going?”

  “You usually sleep late,” Susan said meekly. “I didn’t think you would care if I went on the dive.”

  “Should I remind you that you’re not here for a family holiday,” Vanessa said. “Now do not make me get frown lines. If you value your job, you’ll head back to the ship.”

  “I’ll meet you back at your cabin,” Susan said sadly. “Enjoy the trip, Alex.”

  Kelly peered around the corner of the lockers, hoping they had all departed . . . only to find Vanessa and Alex glaring at each other as if they were going to brawl. Kelly ducked back into her hiding place.

  “You could’ve studied your lines by yourself for one day,” Alex snapped.

  “I pay her salary. She’ll do as I tell her.”

  “Why do you have to control everyone and make them miserable?”

  “I don’t want to make you miserable.” The actress’s voice turned into a caress. “I haven’t seen you in a while. I find it incredible that you’re even sexier than the day we met. Why don’t we spend the day together? Alone.”

  “You’re out of your mind if you think that’s going to happen.”

  “Please, give me another chance to make our marriage work.”

  “Damn it, Vanessa. I never loved you, and you know why we married. Let’s not pretend there was any other reason.”

  Kelly’s eyes widened at his confession. Was he so unscrupulous that he married the actress for her money and his career?

  “I’ll arrange for dinner and champagne to be sent to the cabin tonight,” Vanessa said in a lowered voice. “I expect you to be there.” Kelly grimaced at hearing their intimate conversation. She’d die if they found her now.

  “Don’t,” he ground out. “My part in the film, and your joining this cruise, changes nothing.”

  “I’d rather see you dead than to let you marry someone else.”

  “Remarrying is the last bloody thing I’d ever do after being shackled to you. Our legal separation time is up. There’s nothing you can do to stop me.”

  “Oh? Think really hard about what you want, Alex. If the media gets word of a nasty divorce, negative publicity might hurt The Spy’s success. Hollywood won’t give you another chance. I’ll play the betrayed wife to the hilt for the press.”

  “Save the ultimatums.”

  “You bastard,” she hissed. “You are mine. This is mine, and don’t you forget it.”

  “Skip the crude groping. Nothing you could do would ever seduce me.”

  Kelly slapped her hand over her mouth to keep from gasping. She had a good idea where Vanessa’s hands had roamed on his body.

  He stepped backward and into her line of vision. Kelly held her breath and flattened herself against the locker. Her heel tapped the metal, making a clunking sound.

  He turned his head. He saw her, and his eyes flared. Then he glanced toward Vanessa. “Vanessa, go back to the ship.”

  “Just remember, Alex, I can make or break you. It’s all up to you. I’ll be waiting for you in our cabin to rekindle our love. I’ll need refreshing company after spending the day with Robert and his fiancée––now there’s a real opportunist. Until later, darling. Don’t disappoint me.”

  Outrage spread through Kelly. She stepped after Vanessa’s retreating form. Alex gripped Kelly at the waist and pulled her behind the lockers.

  She struggled against his tight hold. “I’m going to tell her I think she is the most obnoxious person I’ve ever met, even more obnoxious than you––”

  “Don’t say a bloody word to her. It’s not worth it.”

  She stared down at his fingers, still clasped around her waist. A jolt of heated awareness shot through her. Disgusted with herself, she said, “You’ve no right to put your hands on me.”

  “Don’t I?” His eyes flashed angrily. “What do you think you were doing hiding behind these lockers? Spying on me?” He released her and glared. “Well?”

  “I wasn’t spying on you.”

  “You heard every bloody word.”

  Vanessa called out again. “Alex, have you decided not to go? Why not spend the day with me?”

  “Damn. I’ll get rid of her.” Alex gave Kelly a scathing glance, warning her to be quiet, and then he stepped from behind the storage bin out to the open dock. “Bloody hell, Vanessa, go back to the ship.” His footsteps sounded on the boards as he walked away.

Wiping the perspiration from her brow, Kelly blew out a deep breath. No wonder Alex was bitter. He paid a heavy price for being married to the shrew. In addition, he had some nerve and was awfully pushy where she was concerned. She’d have words with him about that later.

  She hurried to join the line behind the other divers waiting to board the Blue Dolphin.

  A few minutes later, over her shoulder, Alex said, “Now I’m convinced you’re following me.”

  “Me?” She whirled to face him. “I was here first, and this is my dive trip.”

  “Why didn’t you make your presence known back there, Kelly? It’s not polite to listen to other people’s conversations.”

  “I didn’t intentionally eavesdrop, if you must know. I didn’t want to run into any of you. I thought I’d walk around past those lockers, but there wasn’t another way out. Believe me, I didn’t want to hear your . . . your heated discussion with her.”

  He sighed and gave her a long look. “It was more than hot, wasn’t it? And I suppose you have every reason to avoid me.”

  “You’ve got that right,” she muttered.

  He shrugged. “So where’s your significant other? I’m surprised Hillyard doesn’t still have you in his cabin rehearsing for the honeymoon.”

  Bristling at his rudeness, she narrowed her eyes. “Were you always this rude, or did you pick it up from your wife?”

  “Ah ha,” he said with a chuckle. “Perhaps you’re right, and I think you’ve finally realized Vanessa’s true personality.”

  “I don’t know why she dislikes me so. I’ve done nothing to offend her. And I admit she’s not the person I expected her to be.”

  “Of course not. She’s a . . .” Although he didn’t elaborate, Kelly guessed what word he wanted to say. He pushed his sunglasses back on his head. “Seriously, where’s Hillyard? You’re not scuba diving alone?”

  He was goading her again and she should be angry with him, but she was angrier at herself . . . at the way her breath caught at the sight of his glorious blue eyes that studied her. The sunlight made his hair gleam like antique gold. A man shouldn’t be so good-looking.

  Angry with herself for the attraction she felt for him, she finally said, “So you’re a male chauvinist as well. How many other charming traits do you have? I’ve seen a few.”

  “Before you get on your feminist high horse, love, you know as a diver, it’s not a good idea for anyone to dive alone. It’s not safe. However, in your case, I only thought you’d be trailing after your rich fiancé. Aren’t you afraid another woman might try to take him away while you’re gone?”

  Refusing to let him goad her again, she lifted her chin. “Robert loves me. We also have trust, something I doubt you know anything about.”

  Alex laughed, causing dimples to appear in his cheeks. “Trust? Really? What about what happened in my cabin?”

  Her shoulders stiffened. “Will you ever drop that topic?”

  “All right,” he said, but she heard amusement in his voice. “I do agree with you on one thing. Trust is something I have yet to experience where women are concerned.”

  At an uneasy feeling someone stared, Kelly turned toward the docks. In the distance, Vanessa stood with her hands on her hips, watching them.

  “She’s jealous of you,” he commented.

  “Whatever for?”

  At that moment, his eyes held a hint of bleakness. When he didn’t answer, she frowned and murmured, “Is she jealous just because I’m speaking to you?”

  He nodded. “It doesn’t take much to provoke her.” He seemed to say it more to himself than to her, but then he recovered and his gaze swept over Kelly. “With your provocative looks, it’s hard to blame her.”

  She blushed. Did he really think she was pretty? She shot a guilty glance toward the docks. Vanessa whirled and headed, with a defiant stride, in the direction of the cruise ship.

  The line to board the dive boat moved forward.

  “Allow me to assist you.” Before she could object, he picked up her bag, and then she had to follow him aboard the vessel.

  A man with a freckled, sun-baked face, and the most startling, bright blue eyes Kelly had ever seen, shook their hands. “Welcome aboard. I’m Captain Brian. You’re in for a spectacular sight today.”

  When they reached the cushioned benches, Alex set her bag on the deck and sat down. She reluctantly dropped on the seat beside him. He casually stretched out his legs.

  His wedding band, with three diamonds, glittered in the sunlight. Vanessa had alluded that it was important for him to have a quiet divorce, but if so, why would he even wear the ring? Was it an attempt to keep the hordes of women away?

  Feeling uncomfortable with his nearness, Kelly turned her attention to the diving vessel. Cushioned seating ran around the outer edge of the deck. She counted fifteen additional divers, plus the captain with a crew of two. In the center of the boat stood an air-compressor used for refilling the scuba tanks. Lunch and refreshments were stored in large coolers up front.

  “As jealous as Hillyard is,” Alex commented, “I’m surprised he allowed you to take this trip by yourself. All I have to do is look at you, and I see the hatred cloud his eyes.”

  So, she wasn’t the only one who had noted Robert’s jealousy. “My fiancé knows he doesn’t have to worry. You’re not my type.”

  He cocked an eyebrow. “Too young for you?”

  She ignored the putdown about Robert’s age. “No. Because you’re an actor.”

  “Ah, we actors do get a bad rap.”

  The engines rumbled to life. A moment later, the crew untied the boat. Slowly, the Blue Dolphin slid away from the dock.

  The captain’s voice bellowed over the speakers. “We will be at the reef in forty-five minutes.”

  Alex nudged Kelly’s arm with his elbow, then pointed toward the docks in the distance.

  “Seems like your fiancé is concerned after all.”

  She shielded her eyes and gasped. Robert ran down the long dock, waving his arms.

  “Oh, dear,” she said, putting her hands to her face. “Vanessa must have told him.”

  Robert shouted something. Could he see Alex sitting beside her? She flinched, knowing she’d have some explaining to do later. Plastering a smile on her face, she waved at Robert.

  “Doesn’t look like he wanted you to go,” Alex said blandly.

  With a sigh, she slumped in the seat. “He didn’t.”

  How would she explain this? Not only would Robert be upset she’d gone on the dive, he would be angry she was with Alex again.

  “You’re not even married, and you’re not listening to your future spouse,” Alex said, nodding his head knowingly. “Sounds as if the honeymoon is already over.”

  She grimaced at him. Was he still teasing? “Getting married to Robert doesn’t mean he can run my life.”

  “Don’t be surprised if he tries.” Alex must be referring to his own marriage.

  The boat entered the open, rougher waters. Kelly lost her balance and hastily groped for a steadying hold on the cushion to keep from falling against Alex.

  For safety reasons, the first mate came by and assigned each diver a partner. He pointed at them. “You two together.” Before she could protest, Alex confirmed the pairing, and the man moved on to the next passengers.

  She shook her head at Alex. “No way am I diving with you.”

  “Look,” he reasoned with a shrug, “the man assumed we were together. Why don’t we call a truce for today?”

  She narrowed her eyes. “I never started the war.”

  He raised his hand. “I acknowledge that. Having to tolerate Vanessa hasn’t put me in the best of moods. I’m sorry if I’ve taken it out on you.”

  “Do you mean it?” She would love not to deal with this stress anymore and not to have to worry about Robert finding out how she’d met Alex. And it was safer having Alex along on the dive trip—whether Robert approved or not.

  Alex nodded. “Listen, I know you�
�re marrying Hillyard tomorrow, and since I can’t stand being near Vanessa any longer, I’m leaving the ship in the morning.”

  She gave him a sharp glance, surprised to recognize a small part of her didn’t want him to leave.

  “So, what harm would there be if we enjoy the dive together?” he asked, smiling at her innocently enough. “We probably won’t see each other again after today.”

  He was right. After filming, she’d view the finished product, but Alex would be at a safe distance on the screen. Then she could smile and remember the day she had kissed a dangerously handsome actor—one who had made her senses reel.

  She offered him a smile. “I suppose it can’t hurt. At least you can’t make any nasty comments under water.”

  He grinned, his dark blond hair ruffling in the breeze. “Dear girl, I promise while we’re diving I won’t insult you.”

  She laughed. “Is that the best I can hope for?”

  * * *

  The boat motored over the deep blue sea to the reef. Captain Brian gave a signal that the divers could prepare to enter the water. Kelly placed her sunglasses and engagement ring in her bag.

  With Alex next to her, and self-conscious, she turned her back toward him to undress and suit up. She quickly stripped down to her pink and yellow, tropical-print bikini and slipped on her wetsuit.

  When finished, she turned to face him. Looking muscular and fit, Alex zipped up his suit and watched her. She waited for him to make a sarcastic comment about them dressing together again, but he didn’t.

  He nodded toward the dive platform. “Let’s go.”

  They donned their tanks. During the diving safety procedures and the buddy-checks of each other’s equipment, Kelly had misgivings about agreeing to be his partner. She was crazy to place herself in such close proximity to this man. His job was to make women swoon, and he did that merely by breathing.

  No wonder Robert was jealous. He must have seen the smoldering looks Alex had sent her way over breakfast yesterday. Had he noticed her heated reaction to Alex as well? She clenched her teeth. She wasn’t going to think about Robert this morning. She was going to enjoy the dive, and Alex’s company for what it was—nothing more than a fun excursion, and the last time they’d be together. Robert would have to understand.


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