Dangerous Paradise

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Dangerous Paradise Page 29

by Debra Andrews

  Evidently, Robert didn’t want to leave her alone with Alex for even a moment because he shouted through the doors for Max to go with her to town.

  A minute later, the glass doors from the house opened. Tammy stepped out, purse in hand. “Max is on the phone. I’ll go with Kelly.”

  “No, Kelly,” Robert ground out. “Wait for Max.”

  “I can’t.” Kelly moved to the driver’s seat and tapped her watch. “I don’t want to be late for my appointment.”

  Tammy slipped into the passenger seat and shut the door.

  * * *

  A few minutes later, Alex watched the gates shut behind the Mercedes as Kelly drove away from the ranch with Hillyard’s assistant––without even a backward glance. Inner turmoil stabbed at his heart.

  Hillyard rounded on him. “Drake, why are you here? Trying to seduce her again? I know all about you two.”

  Alex didn’t answer. Hillyard had every right to be angry, but that didn’t explain the overwhelming jealousy surging through him that she’d decided to stay here with this man.

  Hillyard clenched his hands at his side. “Stay out of my way. She’s going to marry me. I love her.”

  “Really?” Alex mocked. “I know how much you grieved for her after we were lost. The day you returned from the cruise, your assistant moved into your house.”

  Hillyard’s face darkened. “I thought Kelly was dead.”

  “I haven’t told her, but I’d suspected you and Tammy were having an affair before the cruise. I had only to ask around L.A. to get that information. While we struggled to survive, you were living with her. Not to mention, you had no one scouring the islands to see if Kelly had survived. Your love for her is deep, isn’t it?” Alex took a long, hard look at the arrogant man. “I don’t want Kelly hurt.”

  Fury blazed in Hillyard’s eyes. “Me, hurt her? I want to make her my wife. You used her, you bastard. I bet you laughed behind my back the entire time you took what should’ve been mine.”

  Alex’s loathing for Hillyard increased. “She’s not your plaything.”

  “She’s not yours either. You knew she was my fiancée, yet you couldn’t keep your hands off her.” Hillyard slammed his fist into Alex’s face.

  Alex lifted his hand to his throbbing jaw. “I suppose from your perspective, I deserved that, but don’t try it again.”

  Hillyard snorted. “I know what you’re thinking, Drake, that Kelly’s rich. Don't waste your time. She’s in deep debt, and Cochran Investments is in shambles.”

  “I’m aware of Kelly’s situation.”

  “Damn it. I won’t have you interfering. And when I think about you two . . . and what you did with her . . . ” Hillyard swung again, but this time, Alex blocked the punch. With one quick movement, he flipped Hillyard flat on his back onto the concrete driveway.

  Hillyard groaned and then snarled up at Alex, “Damn you to hell, Drake.”

  Max strode out of the house, portable phone in hand. “Boss, you have a call.” Shock rose on his face. “What happened?”

  Hillyard shoved away Max’s extended hand and rose to his feet, clutching his back. “Drake, I don’t give a damn that I promised Kelly I wouldn’t take it out on you. I’ll make sure you never work in Hollywood again. You’re fired. Finished.”

  Alex’s jaw tightened. So, Kelly had protected him as well—another one of Hillyard’s manipulations used to control her?

  Max held out his hand with the phone. “It’s Detective Spagnola. The Fiji Police found David Lewis’s island house deserted. He wanted to warn you and Miss Cochran as they have reason to believe he’s come to the U.S.”

  “Damn it,” Hillyard said, swearing. “I shouldn’t have let her go alone. We’ve got to go after her.” He took the phone. Before he spoke into it, he put his hand over the receiver. “Drake, if you’re ever on my property again, I give Max permission to show you what we do to trespassers.”

  * * *

  Driving the winding road through the hills, toward town, Kelly kept her trembling hands clenched on the steering wheel, blinking back tears. How can you do this to me, Alex? I don’t have much more heart to break.

  She drove toward the main street of the small town and lifted her gaze to the rearview mirror. A black Cadillac followed closely behind. She pulled into the doctor’s parking lot. As the car behind her drove on, she exhaled in relief and shut off the engine.

  She glanced at Tammy who had not spoken one word in the past twenty minutes. “Why did you volunteer to go into town with me? You don’t like me and went to great lengths to produce that incriminating picture from Fiji to hurt Robert. You could’ve driven your own car if you wanted to go shopping.”

  Tammy shifted in her seat. “It’s not that I don’t like you, but if you marry Robert, you’re going to ruin all our lives. Did you know he and I lived together while you were missing?”

  Shock ripped through Kelly. What a liar he’s been. Then a huge blast of relief ricocheted back. She didn’t owe him anything. Well, anything except nine million dollars, but he’d been fine with her gone, so she didn’t owe him any loyalty as his fiancée.

  Stunned by Tammy’s confession, Kelly strode into her physician’s office. She stepped out later in even more shock, the elderly doctor’s words still ringing in her ears, “Young lady, I hope you’re prepared for this. You’re three month’s along.”

  She had hoped he was joking, but by the look on his face he was deadly serious. “You mean I’m pregnant? I’ve always been irregular—I can’t be.”

  * * *

  Her worst fears confirmed, moments later she walked down the sidewalk on wobbly legs and in a trance, her surroundings a blur. The only man she’d ever been with was Alex. He’d turned her life upside down, stolen her heart, showed her what passion could be, and then deserted her.

  She couldn’t handle a baby right now. And Alex’s baby? She put her hand to her mouth. That thought was scary and thrilling at the same time. She blew out a shallow breath. He wouldn’t be happy about this at all. How could she tell him? He’d think she was trying to trap him as Vanessa had done.

  The only good thing about a pregnancy was Robert would have to give up insisting she marry him. He’d lied by omission about his affair with Tammy––so he wasn’t spotless, and if he married Tammy, Kelly would be free of the guilt he continually heaped on her.

  Still jittery about the baby news, she strode to the boutique where Tammy shopped. When she reached for the door handle, a hard, metal object poked into her back.

  “I’ve been waiting for you to step outside your fortress,” said a familiar, deep male voice. “Get in the car.”

  Fear edged Kelly’s spine as she turned. David Lewis lifted the jacket draping his arm and flashed a semi-automatic with a silencer on the tip. A shudder ran through her. She glanced around, but the sidewalk was empty.

  “I’m not going anywhere with you,” she whispered.

  “If that’s your answer, here’s mine.” He raised the butt of the pistol and swung.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Wanting to warn Kelly, Alex raced the car toward town, wishing the damned car could fly. Even if Hillyard was on his way, he was going to make damn sure she was safe––for himself. Remembering the name of her doctor, Alex found the location on his phone, then drove down the main street of the quaint town. A few people strolled along the sidewalks, past boutiques and shops. At the curb ahead, David Lewis shoved an auburn-haired woman into a black Cadillac. Kelly!

  Fear tightened in his chest as Alex followed David’s car. With three cars between them, he was afraid he’d lose them. The light turned red, two cars in front of him. He slammed his fist on the steering wheel. Finally, the light changed and he moved through the intersection. Traffic cleared, and he continued to drive. He reached the parking lot of a warehouse where he spotted the parked car. Lewis carried Kelly’s limp body in his arms and entered the second of the huge metal buildings.

  Alex called 911. With adrenalin pumping, he
popped the trunk, opened his suitcase, and pulled out the gun he’d recently begun to carry. Clutching the weapon in his palm, he blew out a deep breath. This was real.

  With no time to wait for the police, he pounded his fist on the warehouse door. “Mister, someone’s impounding your car,” he lied, in his best Californian accent.

  David Lewis yanked open the metal door with a squeak. “What the hell? I paid cash—”

  Alex aimed the gun at Lewis. “I’m here for Kelly.”

  With a smirk of satisfaction, Lewis said, “Oh, what a sweet reunion this is, Hollywood. Come on in. I was going to track you next. You’ve saved me a lot of trouble.”

  Alex advanced forward. “I’m the one with the gun this time, so shut up. Put your hands over your head.”

  Lewis raised his arms and backed into the cavernous warehouse. “Despite your killing Ralph, I don’t believe you got the guts to pull the trigger.”

  “Try me.” Alex thrust the weapon toward Lewis’s ribs. “Now take me to her.”

  With a sneer, Lewis shrugged and led Alex to Kelly. “I didn’t get my money, but I got my revenge. You can have her rotting corpse.”

  Limp, with her eyes closed, she lay on a pile of rags on the concrete floor, a coiled rope lay nearby.

  “Kelly?” Alex asked numbly. When she didn’t respond, his throat ached in despair. “You bastard, what’ve you done to her?”

  Lewis took advantage of Alex’s distraction and lunged. They crashed into a wall, knocking the gun from Alex’s hand. Pain shot through his head and his recovering shoulder. He connected his knuckles with Lewis’s jaw. Lewis swung and hit Alex in the eye. Alex landed a round of punches until the bastard staggered backwards.

  Rage shot through Alex and took over as he wrestled the man to the floor. “You’ve hurt her—you die.” He slammed his fist over and over in Lewis’s face, satisfied with each bone-crunching sound and the blood spurting from his nose.

  Sirens blaring, the sound screeched closer. Alex heard the police cars tearing into the parking lot. He took a deep breath and reigned in his anger.

  Through bloodied lips, Lewis mumbled, “I’m not the only one who wants her dead.”

  Though disgust and fear edged him, Alex took a deep breath and moved away as the police stormed in and leveled their guns on them.

  Rubbing his jaw, Alex rose from the floor. “He’s your man,” he said, in heavy gasps. “He grabbed this woman and I came after him.” He handed the officer his driver’s license. “Call Detective Spagnola at the LAPD You’ll find out that David Lewis is wanted on multiple murder charges and his accomplice is a guy named Mick. I’m sure you’ll find him nearby.”

  He dropped beside Kelly and pulled her into his arms. She was warm. He pressed his wet face against her hair and felt for a pulse.

  “Kelly, you’re alive,” he whispered, tenderly rocking her in his arms. “You’re going to be all right, love.”

  When the officer got off the phone, he said, “An ambulance is on the way. And you’ve been cleared.”

  The police led Lewis away.

  Lewis last words to Alex were, “Mick will get her.”

  Alex clenched his jaw, satisfied he’d beaten the man, for what he’d done to Kelly––to both of them––on the island. Although Lewis would go to jail, Kelly still wouldn’t be safe. Not when Mick was out there along with anyone else who’d hated her father.

  The medical emergency team rushed through the door. Alex moved back while the paramedics lifted her onto a stretcher. Then one of the paramedic’s lifted her eyelids and checked her pulse. “She has a lump on her head and might have a concussion, but based on this quick check, she should be okay,” the man said.

  Another paramedic dabbed something that stung onto Alex’s eyebrow and then his chin. “You okay?”

  Alex nodded. “Yeah.”

  The team wheeled Kelly to the ambulance.

  Hillyard, along with his bodyguard, strode toward the truck and shoved past Alex. “What happened?”

  One of the officers said, “David Lewis tried to kidnap her. He’s been taken into custody.”

  When a news crew arrived and wielded cameras, Alex grew tense.

  When Hillyard leaned over Kelly, her eyelids fluttered open. “Robert. You’re here? I thought Alex was. . . I guess I was wrong . . . David Lewis hit me.”

  Hillyard ran a long finger down her cheek. “I’m always here for you, honey. It’s always me.”

  Clenching his aching hands, Alex stifled the impulse to swoop Kelly up in his arms and make his way out of here, but he’d have to fight both Hillyard and Max, and she needed to go to hospital.

  “I’ll be right back, Kelly.” Hillyard stepped up to Alex. “Drake, I can protect her. I’m hiring six more men to guard her at the ranch, and wherever she wants to go. I have the money to help her stabilize the company, so we can pay back all of her debts so one day her life can be normal. What can you do for her?”

  Simmering with anger, Alex kept his temper under control, but everything Hillyard said was true.

  “Besides, hell,” Hillyard said under his breath, “you’re a married man. How seedy, Drake? She deserves better than to be dragged through the mud as your mistress. With you out of the picture, she might rethink her life with me again. Don’t you want what’s best for her?”

  Alex clenched his jaw, and despite the nasty look from Hillyard, Alex moved into her field of vision on the other side of the stretcher and leaned close. “Kelly? I’m here as well.”

  “You didn’t leave me after all?” she said groggily. She reached out and her hand fluttered down his cheek. “You’re hurt again. Did you fight with David? Please . . . ride with me in the ambulance,” she begged.

  Alex shook his head. With him out of the picture, he thought Kelly might decide to marry Hillyard. Could she be happy?

  He leaned over her and kissed her on the brow. “Hillyard and Max will accompany you. I’ve some things I need to take care of.” He gave her a bland smile and hated the look of disappointment on her face. “You’re safer with him.”

  * * *

  The next day, released from the hospital and back at Hillyard Rancho, Kelly hung up the phone. Her head ached miserably, but she was relieved that Doctor Arnold had assured her the baby would be okay.

  And Alex? She sighed. Detective Spagnola had called this morning and said the police had a Mick Shepherd in custody. “Alex Drake helped us track down the man last night.” She had such hope welling up inside her that that was the reason Alex had left her, but then when she’d ask the detective if he would be meeting Mr. Drake soon and that perhaps they could all get together, he’d said, “No. Mr. Drake said he was on his way back to England and he’d only been happy to help capture the man.”

  So that was that. Tears gushed in Kelly’s eyes. After having rescued her yet once more, he’d left her again to go back to his home in England. Perhaps, after yesterday’s ordeal, he thought she was just too much trouble, even to live with. And last night, his sending her off with Robert spoke volumes.

  You’re safer with him.

  Her mouth turned down unhappily. Perhaps for Alex it was better. Look at how many times he’d been hurt on her behalf, and she didn’t want anything to happen to him. She’d be the most selfish woman in the world if she wanted him to endure any more of all they’d been through. She had to let him go.

  * * *

  Acutely aware she needed to confide in someone, Kelly had called Aunt Kaye from the hospital and asked her to come stay with her. Kelly was grateful when she arrived later that day. She gave her dear aunt a tight squeeze.

  “Oh, my poor niece, I can’t believe that horrible man hit you.”

  “I’m fine, but I have to take it easy for a couple of days.”

  “After all he’s done to you and our family, I’m glad the police have that nasty man in custody.”

  “Me, too. There will be a trial to deal with, Aunt Kaye, but Detective Spagnola assured me David Lewis should go to p
rison for life for what he’s done.”

  Kelly escorted her aunt into the once-inviting library. Its mahogany shelves and overstuffed leather furniture had been replaced with chilling art and lean, white chenille sofas and glass tables. Even the magnificent stone fireplace had been changed to black ceramic tile.

  Aunt Kaye slapped her hands to her face. “Oh, my! Robert hasn’t left one inch of this house alone.”

  “Unbelievable, huh? The attic is the only place that’s the same,” Kelly said with a sigh. “This used to be one of my favorite rooms.”

  “He can’t expect you to be happy about this?”

  “I don’t even think he really notices what I like or don’t like. But it doesn’t matter anymore. This is his home now. I only came here because he convinced me it was for my safety, and I’m getting tired of him telling me that. No way will I allow Robert to talk me into marrying him.” She squeezed her hands together. How could she tell her aunt the rest?

  “What else is bothering you, sweetie?”

  Kelly let out a deep breath. “I’m pregnant. Alex Drake is the father.”

  Aunt Kaye’s hand rose to her throat. “Oh, my.”

  “I’ve shocked you. You’ll be embarrassed that I’m going to be an unwed mother?”

  “Sweetie, nothing you could ever do would embarrass me. I’m so proud of you.” Aunt Kaye embraced Kelly. “I never wanted to say it, but I didn’t think Robert was right for you. He’s too controlling. Have you told him you can’t marry him?”

  “Over and over again,” Kelly said rolling her eyes. “But he still thinks he can change my mind. I hate to hurt him, but news about the baby should do it. I’m telling him tonight, then I’m moving out.”

  * * *

  After dinner, Kelly asked Robert to meet her in the library. “I need to talk to you.”

  He strode to the bar and poured a drink. “Sounds serious. What’s this about?”

  “This is tearing me up, but I can’t let you go on thinking you’ll convince me to marry you.”


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