Blackrift Gate

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Blackrift Gate Page 13

by Parijat Mukherjee

  “I am the shaman that converses with Mighty Rtur! The sky shall strike you down if you anger him!”

  As lightning flashed across the sky behind him, he took a step towards the creatures, who looked back at him, apprehensive, but snarling and not ready to leave.

  “I am the shaman that converses with Mother Limbaa! The earth shall tremble and crack and swallow you whole if you anger her!”

  The shaman stomped his foot on the muddy ground, splashing the water. There was indeed a tremor in the ground, and it mixed with the roaring thunder.

  The creatures still did not leave. They started to mutter something in unison, in a vile language that sent shivers down my spine for some untold reason. Shocked I saw that Lud was also mumbling the same things. The fog suddenly started to get thicker, and I could see some vague lights here and there. All of them glowing brighter by the moment.

  Kenthuggas. They were coming towards this site.

  The shaman took another step forward. It was taking a toll on his body. He was about to fall. I hope Fihy was at least safe. There was no way we could survive this. Even if the shaman would be able to ward off the nebulous Kenthuggas, the creatures would get us.

  The shaman turned towards the Kenthuggas, staggering, he stretched his hands towards the sky, and then started to bang them upon the ground in the muddy waters, chanting.

  “Are you trying to get into a trance and commune with the gods? Shaman, there is no time!”

  He did not answer me, of course, and kept on doing what he was doing.

  Suddenly one of the creatures tried to jump on him. I could not let that happen, so I decided to dash with my spear. But other creatures also came upon me, and before I was getting ready to give them a fight of their lifetime, everything stopped.

  Lud, I did not know how and when he did it, was atop the monolith. He was naked. His body was shiny in sweat or water, and his slender form was not looking like a human. He said something in an unknown language, and the scars on his back seemed to be glowing, as he turned and chanted.

  The creatures all turned to Lud and started to chant in chorus, bowing to him in unison. I did not know what it was. The kenthuggas were all upon us now, and the light was quite intense. I could see the grotesque features of these creatures, all looking upto Lud as if he was some sort of god. The fog started to grow thicker and thicker, and even in this light started to obscure everything. I could not stand the croaking chant of these creatures, getting louder by the moment. I could see shadowy shapes behind Lud, shapes that I did not want to see again…

  Suddenly, elder shaman got up, and turned back towards us. He stretched his arms by his side, and chanted loudly. The ground trembled.

  The wind suddenly started to blow, and with that, the fog started to dissipate. The Kenthuggas were going away with it. The creatures all screamed. Lud was staggering on the top of the monolith,and he shambled to the edge.

  I ran, and as Lud fell, I stopped his speed of fall by grabbing him. His head almost hit mine, but fortunately I was able to take it on my arm, and the monolith was not too high, else I would surely have broken something. We both fell down. He was unconscious. The creatures all ran away from us. I sat down, lowering him near me. I set him beside me. The elder shaman came to me, at the foot of the monolith.

  “We must go from here. We must.”He panted. “The fog will be back. The fog will always come back here.”

  I raised my hand. We needed to catch our breath a bit. I massaged my arm, which was aching from the hit. Elder shaman apprehensively rested a bit, and got up.”Let’s go.”

  I picked up Lud on my back and followed him.

  “How did you find us?” I asked, as we trudged through the marshes.

  “I have been here before.”Elder shaman said.”This is the cursed stone that brings the fogs. I knew Lud would come here. The evil that influenced him was the same with this stone that came from beyond the stars.”

  “You never talked about these!” I said, as I struggled keeping my balance with Lud on my back. While he was weaker and skinnier now, he still had a large frame and was not exactly light, so my feet were often getting deep into the mud.

  “Forbidden. Most forbidden. ”Shaman said.”But these are strange times. Come, I have rested enough. We must leave.”

  I nodded in agreement and carried Lud behind him. Shaman took my spear and used it as a cane.

  “Where is Fihy?”

  “She is back at our camp.”Shaman said.”We need to get back somewhere. I told her to go back tomorrow morning if we do not return.”

  “Good thinking.”I thought.

  After a while, we reached back at the edge of the swamp. It seemed much faster than when I had come there, even though now I was carrying Lud. Elder shaman seemed to know the way around here quite well. The fog was again accumulating around us, as the wind summoned by shaman had died down. Still, we had nothing to fear anymore, as we were almost there. I could see the end of the swamp ahead of us, and the lines of trees. I could feel the mud thinning out, and the water puddles slowly being less and less in number.

  “Are we here back at the camp?”I asked.

  “Yes, we are here.”He said.”But…”

  “But there is no fire.”I said.”Did you tell her to put it out?”

  “No.”Elder shaman said. I could feel he was anxious.

  “Let us go there and see.” I said. We moved as fast as possible.

  Chapter 3

  We came upto the camp to find the trashed fire pit, stones scattered, charcoal and half burnt wood all smeared around the mud. The shelter was broken, and things in it were scattered around, mostly the firewood we had collected for the night. There was no sign of the donkey or Fihy. The supplies were strapped on the Donkey, and with it those were gone too.

  “You did not tell her to go back to the tribe, did not you?”I asked, examining the pit, knowing fully well that it was not the case. Even if she would go back, why would she do this? And why would the firewood be scattered around?

  “She did not go on her own.”Elder shaman said.”Something happened here. Someone attacked…or something.”

  “We must look out for her” I said.”Gather some wood, we need torches.”

  We began to collect some of the scattered firewood hurriedly. My torch was long gone, and I left the burnt remnant near the monolith. Fortunately most of the scattered firewood was on dry ground, as the camp was well beyond the cursed dank edge of the swamp. Quickly, we made two torches and lit them, while I tied up Lud well before engaging in something else. He was still unconscious.

  I was going through the motions but could not think straight. What could have happened to Fihy? I was worried sick and blaming myself for letting her come with me. It was I who convinced Boary, that she would like to come with us.

  Now, whatever might have made her go away could not be anything good. I had to go look for Fihy.

  We examined the spot after making the torches. There was no sign of other humans, or marks of any other predator I knew of, but there were some strange, giant marks. Marks that looked like frog paws. I did not like the look of it, as it seemed to have come from the swamp, and attacked the pit. Then went on to trash the makeshift shelter we had created using twigs and leaves.

  I could see the donkey’s tracks, that was going towards the west, running as fast as it could. Could not find any track for Fihy though it could be better seen in daylight. I could not wait that long. Anything could have happened. She might have gone with the donkey, to escape the giant frog like tracks that was chasing after them.

  “I am going after them. Will you be fine by yourself, shaman?”I asked.

  “I will be fine, and I can take care of Lud, but you should not go after them.” He said.

  “I have to.”I shook my head.”You know I have to.”

  “It is dangerous. You can not help them. If they can make it beyond the swamp, they will be safe.”

  “You know what this is?”

think I might, but now is not the time. This path to eastern mounds have changed. Things that should not happen are happening. I am not sure about anything now.”Shaman spoke, and I could feel the helplessness in his voice. “But even if it is not what I fear, it must be a giant beast. You can not do anything to it alone.”

  “I can not let Fihy face that alone.” I took my spear and looked at the donkey tracks again.”I wish if I could take you, but then Lud would be alone, and I can not carry him and go after them. So you stay here, and I would go after the beast.”

  “I will make a fire here. If you see the beast, do not try anything foolish. If you find FIhy, go straight back to tribe. I will bring Lud back myself.” He said.

  I was not going to do that. He might be a mighty shaman, but I knew after using that much magic he can not do a lot right away, and certainly bringing Lud back would need more power of the body than the mind.

  Somehow, it seemed off. The marks indicated there were two of such beasts, though they were all moving in a line. I could also see the donkey marks, going as quick as possible into the bushes. The light of the torch was not enough, and it was not going to last too long. I brought the other one with me, and planned to light that one when this one is about to go out.

  As it was almost out, I found it. It was a clearing in the bushes, almost to the edge of the forest, where the donkey might have been safe. The clearing was not natural. Bushes were broken and mashed, and sometimes ripped out of the ground with incredible force. It felt like a mammoth had rampaged around here. Then, I saw the blood on the ground, patches of blood here and there, and a track that dragged something towards the swamp.

  My heartbeat stopped for a moment, and I followed it. I ran through the bush and undergrowth, seeing drops and blotches of blood here and there even if I did not want to, and soon found the dreaded edge of the swamp, just to recall in this part it was flooded to make a shallow lake. There, in the moonlight, shrouded behind the fog, I saw the dreaded silhouette of the beast. It was going down into the lake. It was elongated, and there were long, slender, jointed legs. There was only one beast, and there were more than four legs.

  “Fihyyy!”I cried out, as I ran towards the beast and the edge, but the beast did not seem to bother. It went into the lake, submerging itself into the mysterious water, covered in fogs.

  I sat there beside the lake for a while. Grabbing my spear in my hand so tightly that my fingers felt numb. The world seemed bland, colorless. I could hear splashes in the distance. I did not care anymore. I was crying.

  After a while, I got up, and dragged myself back to the camp. Elder shaman was sitting there. He got up as I came closer. He understood seeing my face. He called me to him, and I ran to his old arms like I was still the little child that sought comfort in him.

  He hugged me, with his skeletal fingers digging on my back.

  “Cry a river, Huj. It helps.”He sighed. I could see him getting wet eyes as well.

  I could see Lud looking at me, almost curiously. I could not feel but envy from him now. He does not even realize what we both lost now.

  “What are you looking at?”I said with a sad grimace, as I was trying to control my tears.

  “You did not see her corpse though, right?”He said a bit later.”Maybe she did not go with the donkey at all!”

  I knew he was not very hopeful at this idea, and simply was trying to give me strength. I sobered up from my sorrow. I could not wallow right now. I lost one of my closest friends, and now would lose other one if I could not put myself together. Shaman would have no option but to retreat if I break down.

  “Tomorrow, we return to the tribe.”He sighed.”Okay? We shall bring more people and look for her.”

  “No, we shall push through.”I said, sniffling, and freeing myself from his embrace.”Fihy came here for this, and this is what she would have wanted.”

  Elder shaman thought a while, and then nodded.

  We sat beside the fire. Elder shaman gave me a handful of nuts. He kept some in his bag that he always carried with him.

  “I do not want it.”

  “You have to eat. Tomorrow we travel again, and I would not be able to drag him with us if you get weak. I already gave him a few.”

  “You ate?”I asked.

  “I do not eat much. I am old.”He commented, and again offered me the nuts.

  I took them, and downed them somehow.

  “What was that? Shaman, do you know?” I asked before we slept.

  “I do not know, as I did not see it.”Elder shaman said. I felt he was still keeping something to himself, but I did not press the matter.

  “I will hunt it.”I sighed. “After I help Lud, I shall come back with many men and hunt it down. Then I will eat its lIver and hang its head on our…my tent.” My throat ached at the last bit.

  “You will do no such thing. Tomorrow we leave early. Sleep now, but keep the ropes of Lud with you.”

  Next morning, before we left, I examined everything greatly, but saw no other tracks. She definitely rode the donkey. Its hooves were all digging into the dirt. I may not know the secret lores, and may not be the strongest of our tribe, but I knew tracking an animal. I sighed once, and then before going away, took a bit of the half burnt wood with me.

  “I will make an amulet out of this.”I said.

  Elder shaman nodded, and handed me the rope of Lud.

  “We have to cross the edge of the swamp as soon as possible.”He said.

  “Was this rout always like this? You used to go to eastern mounds all the time!”

  “No. I knew there were dangers, but I knew how to avoid them.”Elder shaman struggled to get by, even though I was walking slow.”The things in the swamp leave you alone if you do not go disturb them. But disturb them we did, and..”

  “And?” I asked, as he had trailed off.

  “Nothing.”He panted.”Do not make me talk while I am walking. I am old. This is dangerous area now, that is all.”

  I did not talk a lot. Even though it was less than a days walk, due to elder shaman and Lud, we still were a little more than half the way when the sun started to go down. As he had been catching up all the time, and I had to drag Lud behind me, I collected some fruits and berries on the way, though I had no appetite, and collecting berries reminded me of her. Still, we were going on a journey, and we needed food. Water was plentiful, as the swamp had lots of water puddles in it, though shaman urged us not to drink from random ones. We collected some from a pond he considered safe. He was trying to walk as fast as possible, fully understanding that he was slowing us down, but he had no way. He seemed apprehensive for some reason, and often looking at swamp and behind us.

  As we stopped, I started to make a camp. But elder shaman told me not to make a fire.

  “What is it? What is the issue?”I said.

  “The thing…”He said.”It should not be it, but if it is what I think it is, we might be followed.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “We must not make fire.”He said.

  I did not say anything, but started to collect firewood.

  “Did not you hear?”

  “I am not going to make fire beside us. I will make it far away. If it comes to the fire, I could be able to see it.”

  Elder shaman agreed, and we made a big fire pit far away from us. We had a few torches made and had tinder with us just in case some regular animal comes to bother us, but our chief focus was the big fire pit and the pile of firewood I collected.

  It was early night when we saw it. Like a cursed shadow monster, it emerged from the waters of the swamp, as if it was coming out of the mud. It raised itself up from the swamp with its giant stalk like legs, bent at the joints oddly, and walked towards the fire, too silently for such a creature. We were far away, but we could see it was walking with all six legs, stepping like a tree frog.

  It did not sneak too much when it neared the fire. It came upto it, and stomped, kicked and scattered the half burnt wood all over. It
could see its grotesque face, the frog like mouth, and the round, yellow eyes. It had snake like things growing out of its back, dangling, writhing and squirming around the beast.

  “The guardian of the swamp!” The shaman whispered.

  “You knew about this?”I almost felt mad at him.

  “I never saw it in my eyes! Only descriptions in ancient tales!”He gasped.”It is not even supposed to be awake. It is supposed to be in slumber!”

  “I am going to slay it.”I said in pointless rage.”After I come back with more men..”

  I knew it was not going to happen. We would surely lose a lot of hunters if we do that. Chief and the tribe would never agree to do that for a girl. People die all the time for all the causes. She could have died any day while she was gathering.

  It was just that she was with me here when it happened.

  “You can not do anything to the guardian of the swamp.”The elder shaman said.”It is immortal. It is not of this world.”

  I saw it thrash around the space for ages, but could not find anything. Then it slowly went back to where it came from.

  “How is it following us?”I said.”It does not seem to be able to track us by smell.”

  “I do not know. “Elder shaman eyed Lud. “I think he might have something to do with it. He did something at the monolith.”

  “We have to get out of the swamp quickly. Why not we move to the mainlands?”

  “This is the only way to the entrance to the eastern mounds. The woods will eventually lead to the highlands around it, and it would take us months. Besides, I do not know that way well. Many things have changed here. I do not know if other dangers would be there. Once we reach the eastern mounds, we will be safe.”

  “We will also have to return!”

  “I think once we cure Lud, this will go away too. This change..”Elder shaman sighed, eyeing Lud, who seemed to be asleep.

  Next day, the fog was thicker. We were trying to walk as fast as possible. Far away, we could see the highlands that surround the valley of the eastern mounds. There was the pass, ahead of us if we could keep on the way.


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