Blackrift Gate

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Blackrift Gate Page 19

by Parijat Mukherjee

  “We have to try. It is not awake yet.”Shaman said.”It will take some time for that.”

  “Can I try?”Lud said.

  “You? What do you know about this?”Shaman asked.

  “Why, do not I have forbidden knowledge?” Lud grinned at him.

  “I am sorry for what happened.”Shaman sighed.”I did not intend to say a lot of things that I was forced to. I was under the influence.”

  “It is fine, elder shaman.”Lud smiled.”You did so much for me. ”

  “That does not mean I do not suspect you.”Shaman said, though he did not stop Lud from taking control.

  Lud pushed the staff hard to a direction, and we started to turn.

  “Where are you taking us? The exit is that way!”

  “The guardian of the marshes had come through some way. So it must have weakened the tentacles of that place. I must find it to escape.”Lud said.

  With excellent maneuvering, he soon brought us to a part where a few tentacles were damaged and missing. The trail of white-grey blood was there.

  “Now, we have to get out.”Lud said.

  “I hope you know what you are doing.”

  Lud dashed the platform towards these tentacles.

  “What are you planning to do?”Shaman cried.

  The platform rushed towards a gap between tentacles. As we neared, he struck the staff hard in its cavity, and the entire platform jumped up. It flied through air for a few man length ahead, and then it jumped again. A few steps like this, and we were avoiding of the enormous tentacles that would come after us like giant trees, with white foam lining their roots as they crossed the water. There was another of them ahead of us, but this time when the platform jumped, it went straight into the water. We were sinking!

  “We are sinking! We are sinking!”I tried in vain to break the magical barried around us, so we can swim, but it did not work.

  “Don’t fear!”Lud cried out. And we saw that the small platform now passed under the water, floating and flying around the avoid the unseen tentacles. The entire circular hill was coming out alive, but we were too fast. We soon were travelling to the shore where we had sat on the platform, going under the water. The pillars were still there.

  “Get us down on the shore!”Shaman cried out, as Lud did not seem to stop.

  “We cannot get into the exit with the ancients angry at us. They would stop us!”

  “We do not have a lot of options!”

  “We have another option. We can follow the course of the underground river, through which the frog faced monster had come.”

  Shaman agreed, as Lud controlled the platform. We were zipping past many things, and I could see the underground of the ocean floor. It was uneven, and wide. There were buildings here, ruins and streets, and all of it was now under the sea. Soon we came upto the river, and Lud put the entire platform into the river, taking an huge risk.

  We crossed the bypass we had to go through, we crossed the middle part of the river. In the early section of the river, we saw many, many ruins. And then, we saw the opening approach. The top opening was still open, where the guardian of this gate was sleeping in its chamber.

  I thought Lud would stop here, but he kept on going.

  “You plan to travel through the underground river?”Shaman said.”I do not think that is possible for us.”

  “These platforms were once used for that purpose.”Lud said.”These carried the resources to their city. Now things have been broken, but some of the channels should be there. We have to escape, and this is the only rout still possible.

  “Try it.”Shaman said.

  Lud took the entire platform through the underground caverns. He seemed to be knowing this,and navigated around arches and pillars and webs of stone that were riddled in our path quite nicely. We were following some pattern, but I was not sure which. Part of the underground cavern system was submerged in water, and some places we could vaguely see strange structures in the light of the luminous stones. We saw creatures in it, things that are beyond our imagination. All of that live there. We got a quite few bumps and hits as well,and if we were not diligent we might all have died. Part of these caverns were pitch black and parts were half illuminated from semi luminous stones being present in the stone frameworks, or glowing crystals. We had this underwater journey for quite some time. I could not keep track of it. I felt uncanny, both safe and unsafe, as Lud was taking us through this mess. It seemed like he was taking us out from here, but how was he doing this? How was he able to do what humans possibly can not? Did I make a mistake? Was he supposed to die? Would we have to pay for the mistakes we had made? It was my mistake after all in the first time. This time it has also been me for a lot of part, and to some extent Fihy. Would we be affected? I could not think anymore. I was told to bring Lud back and cured, and we had done that. I did right.

  Soon we came to smaller branches. I could see a few round shaped humanoid creatures with round, glowing yellow eyes. I had seen them near the monolith, and had no intention to bring back those memories. This must have been the marshes! I was surprised at the speed we arrived here. It was getting harder and harder to navigate, just when it opened into a large space of water, where we could see water kelps making long strands, as they reached upwards to the surface where they were popping their heads up from some roundish openings.

  “It would be harder for us to travel by this any longer.”Lud pressed on the staff, and took this platform upwards. It floated up in one of the ponds. A few of those humanoid creatures were sitting here and there. Some were eating something, white and pale, as if bloated carcass of some corpse. Or it could have been some root or tuber as well. I had no interest in knowing.

  “We are on our way back home.”Lud said, and helped us get down. I could see the monolith in the distance. The platform sank after Lud pushed it down in its hole, and seemed to travel back to the path it came from, being obscured by the muddy waters in the pond, though now we knew it was all part of the caverns. Caverns populated by strange creatures with obscure, cosmic origins. Caverns that Lud seemed to know with a supernatural knowledge.

  Shaman was frowning. I was also a bit weary now.

  “Do not worry. I will not betray us.”Lud smiled.”The horror in the cave now has fallen asleep again, and the things that were coming back, have receded for the most part. The world is back the way it was.”

  “I sure hope so.”Shaman commented briefly.

  We all started to walk towards our home.

  “I have a lot of things to do, Huj!”Lud said, cheerfully. “Do not worry anymore. I have learned many things. It will help our tribe. I always wanted to be of help. I have so much work to do! So much work! But it will all be for the good of all. For the common good.”

  Me, Fihy and Shaman looked at each other. Shaman’s wrinkles deepened, and he frowned hard, looking at Lud, who was going ahead, not looking back except when stopping for us all to catch up.

  “He has changed.”Shaman sighed.”He is no longer the same.”

  “Did we make a mistake bringing him back?”I asked, concerningly.

  “Not necessarily.” Shaman said. ”Ancients, things from the stars, they are all different, and have their own agenda. We are neither of them, and so we have our own. This is our world now, and we have adjusted to it so far. Whatever shall come, we will see what will happen. Maybe this is for the best.”

  “I am hopeful.”Fihy said.”I think we did right to bring Lud back with us.”

  “I think that way too now. At least that is what we all had aimed for.” Shaman said, taking in a deep breath. It was morning now. He paused a bit. Looked at him going before us.

  “I think we did right.”He repeated, this time with more confidence. “As for what he does, and how it goes, we shall all get to see it. We have to be careful, but I think in the end, it will be a good thing, though you both had behaved like lunatics. In fact, I will have to be more careful about you two. Now lets go, catch upto him. He has advanced far a
head of us.

  Lud was waiting for us on a small heap of dirt, relatively dry. The creatures were all coming near us sometimes, but they were immediately fleeing after seeing Lud. They were sometimes stooping before him, and leaving half eaten fish or a fruit at some distance.

  “I have great plans when I go there, Huj.”Lud smiled at me.”Let me tell you all about a few of them. Have you thought about this thing called wheels?”

  “No. What is it?”

  “It is a fascinating thing. I will show you when we get to the tribe.”

  We began to walk on a track shaman knew. Soon we would get back to the path beside the marshes.

  Then to the tribe. We will pick berries on the way. Maybe a yam. Maybe there shall be mushrooms and some small hunt. We will have roasted meat and berries and succulent mushrooms at night, and laugh. Just like before.


  Ceterum Sanguis

  “One day, I shall take you to the beach.”

  Ceterum SANGUIS

  Chapter 1

  “No! No! Get away from me! Get away!”The man cried out, looking behind his back as he ran through the forest road. The sunbeams cracked through the leaves and twigs, getting dimmer and dimmer as the sun slowly cruised through the sky. The bag the man was carrying was half open, and various sachets and pouches were falling off here and there. He was not caring, running through the woods and looking behind his back. Tirki. He must reach Tirki somehow. They were gaining on him! Mother Marie, save me! He cried out, as he could feel his lungs stretched to their limits, feeling the salty, frothy taste in his mouth. Was it blood? He could not care. It was better to die on the road than to fall in the hands of those which pursue him.

  Far away from there, in a peaceful, calm village named Pellosi, two grey haired men were sitting on a table beside an inn, which belonged to one of them. There were two tankards before them, half filled with cheap wine, from which they were sipping at times and talking about a piece of paper.

  “Ceterum Sanguis”Gepetto looked at the flyer held up by Alvaro.

  “This is the only thing that can work, Gepetto.”Alvaro said.”It works wonders. Your son has caught consumption, and nothing else can save his life.”

  “You have told me about many medicines before.” Gepetto shook his head wearily, and placed his empty tankard back onto the table.” I tried my best. But it is not possible for me anymore. I have no more money to waste behind useless elixirs and potions.”

  “But this one works.” Alvaro lowered his voice.”The man who makes this is Miracle healer Mephisto. He has taken the big cities by storm. He does not sell through apothecaries. His apprentices distribute his medicines through their own pharmacy! This one is not usual, Gepetto. I have seen it work! It vitalizes the patient in a day, and you just need to make them drink a few spoonful. It cures all kind of disease that cause weakness.”

  Gepetto gazed at the flyer and the picture of the bottle with red liquid inside it. He also looked at the price.

  “It is beyond my means, Alvaro.” Gepetto sighed.” I do not have that kind of money. Beside, to get it I will have to travel all the way to Bessil or Vermont! He is too sick for me to leave him by himself for so many days.”

  “I can look after him while you go out. I did it before.”Nancy said, filling up Alvaro’s tankard with cheap wine.

  Gepetto stopped Nancy from filling his tankard up. “I told you, I can not afford it. Neither I can pay you anymore. My shop is not doing well.”

  “That we all know you are to blame for. Ever since Sisilia passed you barely ever go to open it.”alvaro said.

  “What other choice I have?”Gepetto said.”I had to care for Peter after Sisilia died. Once he recovers, I will open my shop every day.”

  “Well, I just pray it turns out well for you.”Alvaro said, as Gepetto was on his way back home.

  Gepetto sighed as he crossed his shop on the way. He used to sell herbs and incense woods, and he was quite good at preparing them. The shop is all but a wreck now, paints peeling away from blackened woods, blotches and patches of fungus eating away at the decaying wood, reminding him of the disease corroding his precious son’s lungs.

  Only if he had some money! This would not have happened if Sisilia was still alive. She would have taken care of Peter, and he would be making more than enough from his shop.

  It was then a he noticed a poster stuck on a tree growing by the road. Annual fair at Bessil. He had seen this poster before as well, but this time this struck an idea in his head. He knew that the fairs were excellent business opportunities. He had sold his stuff in fairs before, when Sisylla was alive. They used to go there together before Peter got sick and bedbound.

  He unlocked the shop doors, which he had not opened since last Tuesday. Musty, damp odor of herbs and incense woods greeted him. He had a lot of stock, stacked for months, carefully left to dry out and age. Being left unsold, a lot of these would have aged well. Gepetto’s eyes sparkled. He quickly closed the door, and went back home.

  “Papi, are you home?”Peter asked from the bedroom.

  “Got to go back again once my boy. I am coming back soon.”Gepetto said, as he opened a cupboard, taking out a soft fur shawl. He caressed it a few times, and gently took it close to his face, smelling it. Though it was impossible, he thought he still could faintly smell the wild roses.

  “She would have wanted to let our son have a chance too.”Gepetto thought as he closed the door to the cupboard. Soon he was seen rushing back to Alvaros inn, carrying the shawl.

  Nancy quickly grabbed the shawl from Gepetto, feeling the soft fur in her hands.”I will take good care of him. Do not worry at all.”

  Gepetto unwillingly let go of the shawl.”You will have to give the medicines regularly. And Peter must eat enough. He does not want to eat, but you will have to take time. He can not eat a lot at a time..”

  “You do not worry at all.”Nancy smiled.”I have cared for my father in law. I know how to care for sick people.”

  “What are you planning, Gepetto?”Alvaro said.

  “I will go to the fair at Bessil again. If I can sell well, I would easily be able to buy this medicine you are talking about.”Gepetto picked up the flyer still lying on the table.

  “Not a bad plan. Though it would be better if you would go to Vermont. Mephisto the healer makes them there, so it is cheaper in Vermont.”Alvaro said.”Whatever comes from Vermont to Bessil is quickly sold from Mephisto’s men and then the buyers sell it back at people like you. They make a good profit in this.”

  “As long as I can buy it, I do not care, Alvaro.”Gepetto said.”My son does not have too long. Vermont is far. If I can heal him, I will earn again somehow.”

  “Lord help you, Gepetto.”Alvaro said.”You are a good father.”

  “Thank you.”Gepetto left, smiling at him.

  Chapter 2

  “You will get better, do not worry about it. You will get better in no time.” Gepetto said to Peter, that night.

  “Do not leave me, papi. Please!”Peter grabbed his hand with his skeletal fingers.

  “Do not worry, I will be back. I will be back very soon and you will get better.”

  “I dont want to live alone.”Peter whined.

  “Hey, if you let papi go, I will bring the medicine and you will be better. Then we will go to the beach by the Vecine. Nancy will take care of you while I am away.”

  “Really? I will see the ocean?”Peters eyes sparkled from the sunken sockets.

  Gepetto smiled and caressed his sons skeletal forehead.

  “Yes, dear boy. I will take you to the beach when I am back and you are better. I promise.”

  “Please be back soon.” Peter grabbed his hand with his cold, pale hands.

  “I will be back as soon as I can. I am doing this all so we can get better and go to the beach together, right? So you just be a good boy and take your medicines, and listen to Nancy while I am gone.”Gepetto ruffled his hairs, and pulled back from him. He did not know if h
e would actually ever be able to keep his promises of taking Peter somewhere like the beach. Peter had been sick since he was born. He could not walk for long, and often remained in bed even before he fell sick from this cursed disease. But still, he knew Peter always wanted to go there, and this was the only thing that could make him wait.

  “Papi, would you tell me how Vecine beach is again?”Peter grabbed the edge of Gepetto’s cloth as he was getting up.

  “What is there to tell again? You will see for yourself when you go there.”Gepetto said, but sat down by his side.”Vecine beach is the most beautiful beach in the world. There are sands as white and soft as flour, and the water sparkles! There are little cute crabs living in the sands, and you can collect as many sea shells as you like.”

  “I will collect a lot of them.”

  “Yes you will.”Gepetto smiled.”After I get your medicine and you get better, we will both go there. Now please let Papi go, so I can prepare for tomorrow.”

  “Okay, Papi! Good night, Papi!”Peter said.

  Gepetto left early in the morning, leaving Peter to Nancy. He could not afford to spend too much on transport, so he decided to walk as much as possible.

  On the first day, he was full of hope. The sun was bright. He did feel worried about his son a few times even as he was walking down sunlit picturesque country roads, but he could not afford to go back and check everything was fine. He already did it once from the edge of the village a few times, making himself late. He would have to go forward if he was to reach Pellosi by sundown. Besides, what would Nancy think of him!

  His old back was aching from the load, so he put it down beside a giant oak and sat down to rest.

  He took a sip of water and lit his pipe, letting his thoughts wander in the sweet memories of his past youth, floating in the wispy smokes of cheap tobacco. He got up before he would finish the pipe. He could not afford to stop for so long. Must reach Pellosi by sundown.


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