The Tyranny of Numbers

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The Tyranny of Numbers Page 27

by David Boyle

  categorization 6–7

  causation 52, 99, 121, 191, 223–4

  census 18, 61–4

  Chadwick, Edwin xv, 16, 29, 65–82, 112, 125, 192

  Chamberlain, Joseph 113, 115

  Chambers, Robert 40–1

  change 189, 192, 220, 226

  chaos theory 37, 50

  Charles, Prince of Wales 195, 226

  child abuse 54–5

  children 46, 89, 90–2, 101

  cholera epidemic (1848–9) 75–9

  cities 18, 73–4, 77, 110, 183–5, 187–90

  Clark, Colin 164, 170

  classification 21, 22, 25

  Clinton, Bill 103, 191, 217–18

  Clinton, Hillary 96

  clocks 8–9, 81

  Cobb, Clifford 180, 182

  Cobbett, William 63, 64

  Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 36

  common sense xiv, 92, 99, 191

  complexity 45, 59, 82, 225

  Conan Doyle, Sir Arthur 33–4

  Conrad, Joseph 106

  consumer society xii, 90, 91, 170

  control xv, 4, 7, 9, 39, 48, 57, 81, 160, 218

  Coolidge, Calvin 160

  cost-benefit analysis xv, 47–8, 51, 212, 214

  environmental 196–201, 203, 211–12

  Costs of Economic Growth, The (Mishan) 177, 200

  Coulson, Walter 23

  Counter Information

  Services 144–5

  countries 186, 190

  creativity 28, 96, 103–4, 106, 155, 176, 215, 223, 224

  crime 51–3, 54, 64, 102, 122, 176, 184, 186, 220

  Crosby, Alfred 15, 150

  CSERGE 208–9

  Daly, Herman 180

  definition xviii, xix, 7, 50, 52, 55, 98

  Deming, W. Edwards 129–30, 151

  democracy 48–9, 188

  Deukmejian, George 95

  Dickens, Charles 61, 68, 82, 174, 217

  Dilnot, Andrew 43

  divorce 89, 90–2

  doctors xvii, xx, 37, 47, 48, 58, 72, 85–7, 184, 217, 221, 225

  double entry book-keeping 11–12

  DreamWorks SKG 133

  Drucker, Peter 128, 135

  drug abuse 94, 99, 102

  Dumont, Pierre 26

  Earth Summits 186, 206–7, 209, 210

  Economic Consequences of the Peace, The (Keynes) 158

  economic growth 170–2, 175–81, 191

  economics 28, 102, 144, 181, 194, 225

  alternative 177–83

  econometrics 41, 155

  environmental 198–200, 204, 207–10

  Keynesian 154–6, 160–8, 172

  economy, national xv, 156, 163–7, 169–70

  education xii, xv, xviii, 45–6, 101, 106, 171, 215–16; see also schools

  efficiency 59, 129

  EIRIS 138, 139

  Elkington, John 141–2, 150

  emotion xix, 15, 33–5, 81, 224

  emotional education 105–6

  emotional indicators 102, 189

  emotional intelligence 99–100, 106, 218


  literacy 101–103, 106

  and health 84–5, 100

  Emotional Intelligence (Goleman) 99–100

  Engels, Friedrich 53, 74

  Entine, Jon 145

  Enright, D.J. xix–xx

  environment 137–9, 142, 170–1, 190, 191

  cost-benefit analysis of 196–201, 203, 211

  environmental economics 198–200, 204, 207–10

  government and 194–6, 203–7

  green taxes 197–8, 205–7

  and national wealth 177–8, 180, 181

  sustainability 196–7

  Erasmus, Desiderius 105

  Esalen Institute 104

  ethics 28, 139, 157, 224

  corporate xviii, 136–40, 141, 147–8, 224

  economic 155

  ethical auditing 140, 142–6

  ethical investment xviii, 136–40, 190

  green 209–11

  medical 85

  moral statistics 65, 67, 88, 121

  Etzioni, Amitai 92

  European Union 50, 87

  Evans, Richard 142

  Fabian Society 119, 123, 124, 126

  facts 61, 67, 81–2, 125, 217, 220

  Fallowfield, Lesley 84, 85

  family 91–2, 94, 98, 100, 101

  Farr, William 44, 223

  feelgood factor 58, 89, 93, 95, 180

  Findlay, Alan 184

  First World War 153–4, 158, 162

  Flowerdew, A.D.J. 202

  For the Common Good (Cobb & Daly) 180

  Ford, Henry 45, 141

  Fragment on Government, A (Bentham) 20, 23

  Frames of Mind (Gardner) 105

  Francis, G.W. 109

  Frankenstein (Shelley) 16

  Franz, Marie-Louise von 225

  Friedman, Milton 141

  Galbraith, John Kenneth 102, 167–8, 170, 188

  Gall, Franz-Joseph 109

  Galton, Francis 109

  Gardner, Howard 105

  General Theory … (Keynes) 155, 163

  genetics 222

  geography 110

  Gill, Gerry 41

  global warming 195, 196, 199, 207, 208, 210–11

  globalization 50–1

  GNP 164, 167, 170, 172, 174, 177, 180–1, 191

  God xviii, 4, 10, 11, 15, 160

  Gog (Sinclair) 14

  Goleman, Daniel 99–100, 106

  Gossoin of Metz 8

  Gould, Stephen Jay 105

  government xii, 45–6, 112, 130, 157, 217

  Bentham on 21, 25, 34

  and environmentalism 194–7, 203–7

  indicators 191

  Gray, Rob 144

  Green Consumer Guide, The (Elkington) 142

  Greenhalgh, Trisha 86–7

  Greenspan, Alan 180

  Habermas, Jurgen 144

  Hall, Sir Ernest 177

  Halsey, A.H. 89

  Halstead, Ted 180, 181, 187

  Hammer, Michael 131

  Handy, Charles 59–60

  happiness xvi, xviii, 35, 36–7, 87–9, 126

  Bentham and xv, 18, 19–21, 27–8; see also feelgood factor

  Hard Times (Dickens) 61, 82, 174

  Hardin, Stephen 224

  Harrod, Sir Roy 176

  Hazlitt, William 21

  health 37, 46, 58, 72–8, 86, 100, 176, 220

  Health of Towns Commission 73–5, 81

  Heart Aroused, The (Whyte) 103

  Heiser, Sir Terence 206

  Helvétius, Claude-Adien 20

  Henderson, Hazel 182, 188, 190, 192, 224

  Hertz, Heinrich 5

  Hill, Dr Andrew 90

  history of counting 1–15

  Holland, Lord 28

  hospitals xv, 64

  waiting lists xviii, 46, 184

  housework 171, 179–80

  housing 54, 55–7, 184, 201

  How to Pay for the War (Keynes) 166

  Howard, John 67

  Hume, David 19

  Hyndman, H.M. 114, 116

  If Women Counted (Waring) 178–9

  imagination 34, 41, 42, 106, 158, 215, 223, 225

  indicators, local 182–92, 225

  individuality xiv, 45, 87, 101, 125, 126, 155, 157, 223

  infinity 10

  information 50, 58, 128–9, 134, 149, 150

  inspectors 65, 75, 77–8

  Institute of Social and Ethical Accountability 143

  intangibles xvii, 58, 132–5, 148, 212, 223

  intellectual capital 132–3, 134–6, 141, 147

  lectual Capitalwart) 134, 150

  intelligence 37, 105, 135

  emotional 99–100

  IQ xv, 103, 105–6

  International Association for Research in Income and Wealth 171

  Internet companies xvii, 134, 149

  intuition 41, 86, 92, 98, 99, 102, 104, 150, 151, 157–8, 172, 191, 202, 218, 223–

  investment xii, xvii, 175

  ethical xviii, 136–40, 190

  irrational numbers 5

  Jacob, William 81

  James, Oliver 88

  Japan 130–1, 139

  judgement 217, 218, 221, 224

  Jullien, Adolphe 51

  Juran, J.W. 130

  Kay, Dr James 72

  Keleman, Stanley 94

  Kelvin, Lord 13

  Keynes, John Maynard xv, 153, 154–69, 172–3, 224

  King, Lord 139

  Kingfors, Per 149

  Kitchener, Horatio Herbert 153–4

  knowledge xviii, 58, 84, 129, 132–3, 134–6

  Krugman, Paul 182

  Kuznets, Simon 164, 169, 171, 179

  Landmarks of Tomorrow (Drucker) 128

  Langton, Archbishop Stephen 8

  Lawrence, Gary 187–9

  Leadbetter, Charles 58, 133

  league tables xii, xviii, 45–6, 140, 219

  Leghorn, Lisa 179

  legislation 20–1, 23, 26, 69

  Lenick, Marlene 89

  Lev, Baruch 132

  Levi, Primo 88

  Lewis, Frankland 70–2

  Life and Labour of the People of London (Booth) 108, 110–11, 115–23

  Little Prince, The (Saint- Exupéry) 92, 128

  Lloyd George, David 39, 124, 154, 158

  logical positivism 159–60

  London 18, 73–7, 80, 110–11, 115–24

  London School of Economics 120, 125, 177

  love 37, 215, 223

  Lovins, Amory 204

  Lubbock, Sir John 109

  Macaulay, Charles Zachary 112

  machines: humans as xiii–xiv, 34–5, 221–2

  measuring machines 218

  McKinsey & Co 37, 58

  Macmillan, Harold 55

  magic of numbers xix, 4–5, 14, 172, 226

  Major, John 89, 206

  Malthus, Thomas 63–4, 68

  Mandelbrot, Benoit 37

  Markandya, Anil 204

  Marshall, Alfred 169

  Marshall, Bethan 216

  Marshall Plan 170

  Marx, Karl 18, 156

  Maslow, Abraham 104

  Mayhew, Henry 110

  measurements 50, 219

  carcel 152

  cat unit 83

  cran 107

  foot pound 227

  gry 35

  guz xx; man hour 193

  momme 15

  median lethal dose 213

  open window 173

  saros 60

  skot 127

  Medawar, Charles 144–5

  medicine 37, 84–7; see also doctors; hospitals

  Melanchthon, Philip 9

  Melbourne, Lord 69

  Meyer, Aubrey 208–9, 211

  Microsoft xvii, 58, 133, 187

  Middle Ages 7–9, 10, 15, 150

  Mill, James 29–31

  Mill, John Stuart 22, 30–5, 36, 82, 177

  Mishan, E.J. 177–8, 200

  Mismeasure of Man, The (Gould) 105

  money 13, 28, 37, 51, 59, 91, 126, 128, 134, 155;

  and wealth 169, 172, 173, 175–7, 181

  Moore, G.E. 157

  morality, see ethics

  Morris, Arthur 184

  Morris, William 221

  Mosley, Sir Oswald 162

  music 32

  national accounting xv, 156, 163–7, 177, 179, 200

  national wealth 169–73, 174–6

  natural history 109

  needs, hierarchy of 104–5

  negative numbers 9, 11

  Nelson, Donald 167

  New Economics Foundation 142–5, 188, 189

  new economy 106, 135

  Newman, Cardinal John Henry 28, 214

  Nicholas of Cusa 3

  Nicholls, George 70

  Nietzche, Frierich Wilhelm 19

  non-measurable/- calculable xvi, 37–8, 58, 219, 223

  Nonaka, Ikujiro 131

  Norman, Montague 166

  Normanby, Lord 73

  notches 6

  objectivity 42, 50, 57, 146, 220

  obsessive compulsive disorder 88

  opinion polls 184

  Orbach, Susie 101, 102

  Other People’s Children (Trollope) 91

  Our Common Future (Brundtland Report) 196

  Out of the Crisis (Deming) 130

  Pacioli, Fra Luca 11–12, 13, 39, 134

  Paine, Tom 20

  Palmerston, Lord 79

  Panopticon 23–4, 25, 216, 219

  Panter-Downs, Mollie 165

  parenting 89, 96, 176

  Park, James 101–2

  passions 22, 31, 34

  Patten, Chris 198, 203–6

  Pearce, David 195, 196–201, 203, 204–10

  Peck, Scott 95

  Pell, Claiborne 96

  pension funds 136–8

  Pensions Act (1908) 124

  Petty, Sir William 169

  Pfungst, Oskar 2–3

  Philolaus 14

  phrenology 109

  Piaget, Jean 10

  Pitt, William 24

  Place, Francis 16, 29, 30

  Places Rated Almanac 183–4

  planning xvii, 187–8, 200–2

  Pohl, Georg Friedrich 221

  Political Economy (Mill) 33

  politics xiv, xvii, 7, 18, 37, 42–5, 47, 48, 52, 55–8, 89, 93–4, 192, 217, 220

  Politics for the Solar Age (Henderson) 182

  Poor Law Commission 67–73, 124–5

  population 61–4

  Popper, Karl 50

  Porritt, Jonathon 204

  positivism 112, 114, 159–60

  Potter, Thomas 62

  poverty 37, 67–73, 112, 114–20, 124–6, 220

  power xv, 42, 62

  precision 7–9, 39, 51

  prehistory 6

  price 43, 171, 207–11, 215

  Priestley, Joseph 20

  prisons 93, 94, 96, 104, 176

  Panopticon 23–4, 25

  Proclos 5

  professions xv, 40–1, 47–9

  progress 170, 172, 175–7, 220–1

  Genuine Progress Indicator 180–2

  psychiatry 85, 217

  psychology 2, 41, 84, 90

  public health 72–80

  Puttnam, David 106

  Pythagoras 1, 4–5, 10, 12, 14, 172

  quality xii, 12, 39, 42, 114, 131, 215

  Total Quality Management 129–30

  quality of life 84–6, 183–90

  quantity 12, 114, 215

  quantum effect 54–5, 56, 87, 192

  questionnaires 27, 40, 41, 75, 85, 142

  Quetelet, Adolphe 43–4

  Quinn, James Brian 134

  Quinn, Mr Justice 12

  Races of Britain, The (Beddoe) 108

  Rand McNally 183

  Raoul de Laon 10

  Rationale of Evidence (Bentham) 31

  Rawlinson, Gen. Sir Henry 154

  Rawlinson, Robert 78

  Reagan, Ronald 94, 104, 170, 212

  reality xix, 15, 40–1, 42, 192, 222

  Redefining Progress 180–1, 187

  reduction xix, 60, 106

  Rees, Merlyn 199

  Rees, William 190

  registrars 18, 64–5

  religion 28, 121–3, 215

  Renaissance 9

  research xiv, 87, 98, 216

  Ricardo, David 28, 29

  Ridley, Nicholas 196, 197–8, 204

  Roddick, Anita 145, 151

  Rogers, Carl 94, 104

  Rogerson, Robert 184–5

  Roget, Peter Mark 25

  Roman numerals 7

  Roosevelt, Franklin 161, 163, 167

  Roskill Commission 200–2

  Rowe, Jonathan 180, 181–2

  Rowntree, Seebohm 120

  Royal Statistical Society 116, 124

  Ruskin, John 181

  Russell, Bertrand 6, 125

  Russell, Lord John 73

nbsp; Saatchi, Maurice 135

  Saaty, Tom 218

  Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de 92, 128

  Sapsted, Anne-Marie 90

  schools xv, xviii, 90, 122, 184

  IQ tests 105–6

  league tables xii, xviii, 45–6, 219

  success measures 93, 96, 97, 99, 100, 106

  Schrage, Michael 149

  Schumacher, E.F. 172, 194, 214–15

  science xv, 13, 14, 34, 36, 37, 41, 50, 109, 112, 220

  Seattle xviii, 187–9, 190

  Second World War 162–3, 165–8

  Seddon, John 50

  Self, Peter 202

  self-esteem xviii, 90, 93, 94–102, 106, 224

  Senior, Nassau 67

  Seymour, Lord 78

  Shaw, George Bernard 108, 117, 124, 126

  Shell xviii, 138, 142–3

  Shelley, Mary 16

  Shewhart, Walter 130

  Silverstein, Shel 60

  Simon, Sir John 163

  simplification 7, 12, 41, 60, 144

  Sinclair, Andrew 14

  single criterion fallacy 57, 59, 92, 150–1, 183

  Skidelsky, Robert 155, 172

  Skinner, B.F. 222

  Small is Beautiful (Schumacher) 194, 214–15

  Smith, Adam 169

  Smith, Sydney 74

  Snow, Dr John 79

  social auditing 142–8, 150–1

  Social Democratic Federation 114

  socialism 113–14, 119, 125

  society 44, 91–2, 171–2

  sociology xiv, 41, 111, 114, 123

  Southwood Smith, Thomas 16–17, 66, 69, 72–4, 78–9

  Soviet Union 53–4

  space, measurement of 8

  Speke, John 110

  Spencer, Lord 25

  Stalinism 53, 55, 125, 161

  standardisation 218

  Stanley, Edward 109

  statistics xii-xiv, xix, 3, 13, 41–4, 52, 55, 155, 220, 223

  moral 65, 67, 88

  official 61–5

  pioneers of xv, xvii, 18, 43–4

  statistical societies 74, 81

  Stead, W.T. 114, 117

  Steinem, Gloria 101

  Stephen, Leslie 23

  Stephenson, Robert 78

  Stewart, Thomas 132, 133, 134, 147, 150

  Strachey, Lytton 157, 158, 159

  Subjugation of Women, The (Mill) 33

  Sumeria 7

  Summers, Larry 181

  Sveiby, Karl-Erik 131–2, 134

  Sylvester II, Pope 8

  tally sticks 6

  targets xii, 49, 151, 217, 219

  Taylor, Frederick 129

  Taylor, Harriet 32–3

  technocrats 4, 160, 178, 191, 221

  temperature 9

  Ten Hours Bill 69–70, 75

  Terman, Lewis 105

  Thatcher, Margaret 194–6, 198, 203–5, 206

  Thornton, William 62–3

  Tickell, Sir Crispin 195, 208

  time 8–9, 81

  time and motion studies 45, 129

  Treatise on Punishments (Bentham) 23

  Trollope, Joanna 91

  Trotsky, Leon 18–19

  Trudeau, Garry 98

  trust 47–9, 103, 216, 218, 225

  truth xiv, 34, 47, 59

  UK Self Esteem Network 101

  United Nations 40, 186, 190, 196, 199, 204

  universities 216

  US Army Corps of Engineers 48, 51


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