Portal - BK 1

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Portal - BK 1 Page 8

by Imogen Rose

  Ariele chortled, “All I’m sure of is that he can’t take his eyes off you during physics. Part of the ‘stalking you’ involved trying to find out what was up with you two. I asked Simla before I knew how evil she was. She probably thought that I was into Kellan. She let me know in no uncertain terms that he’s way out of my league. She said that he was not dating anyone and that you two had known each other for as long as she could remember. He apparently regards you as a kid sister. Are you into him?”

  I wasn’t sure how to answer that. I felt excited every time he came close to me and desperately wanted to reach out for him, but I also felt a sense of fear. Maybe not quite fear but danger. I wasn’t quite sure what it all meant. All I knew was that I was now desperate to get out of here and head over to see him.

  “I’m not sure, Ariele. I’m just trying to work things out. It’s way easier for you being the new girl! I don’t know who I am! Will you tell me everything you find out about me?”

  “Sure thing,” she said comfortingly as she squeezed my arm. I texted Kellan back.

  YOU get ready to get beat…. I’m on my way.

  It was almost seven by the time I got home. It was already dark, but the moon shone brightly, lighting up the night sky. I had missed dinner. Mom would probably be furious and I expected to have to kiss the Jeep or iPhone good bye for a while. I decided to delay the wrath for a bit longer and went into the garage to check on my hockey kit. As I was walking in, I could hear frantic barks from the house. Gertrude had sensed that I was home. This would have to be quick. I went to where I had hidden the hockey bag and picked up the U+. I couldn’t wait to give her a try! The yaps were getting louder so I put the stick under the boxes carefully. It wouldn’t be long till I could enjoy the full thrill of swinging it from my hands.

  Kellan’s bike was parked up front. I wasn’t sure why he had waited for me this long. I was unacceptably late. I didn’t see Harry’s bike. He was probably still out with Maria. I wondered what their story was? They made a cute couple although I could see Ariele with Harry. Now that would be cool. I suddenly remembered that Ariele was not really into guys.

  I walked in and found Ella and Kellan in the family room going at Guitar Hero. Trying not to disturb them, I slumped into one of the chairs and watched them play. Ella was not half bad and she almost had him beat. This seemed to be a routine – Kellan and Ella as GH buddies. Kind of odd.

  Ella suddenly shrieked and threw her guitar down and proceeded to do a victory dance. Kellan winked at me as she danced over to me and sang “I am the champion…” and she threw herself down on my lap.

  “Good going, munchkin! Where’s everyone?” I asked looking over at Kellan.

  “Your mom had to go back to work and your dad’s not back yet. Your mom asked me to stay and watch Ella until Harry gets back. He should be back in a couple of hours.”

  “Ready to get beat?” I asked looking over to Kellan.

  Ella replied excitedly, “Totally, come on!” She ran to grab a guitar and looked at me expectantly.

  Kellan laughed and whispered that he would beat me for real later. My stomach made a loud grumbling sound as I got up. I turned crimson with embarrassment. It did it again.

  “Have you had anything to eat?” Kellan asked.

  I shook my head. I had totally forgotten to eat. The last thing had been the hot chocolate at the rink. Ariele and I had been so engrossed in conversation that we had completely forgotten about food.

  “I’ll go and fix you something while Ella beats you,” he winked and walked off to the kitchen.

  I walked over to Ella and picked up a guitar. There was no way I was letting her beat me. I was a bit exasperated at the boys making so many allowances for her. I wasn’t going to.

  The game didn’t last long. She had me beat in less than ten minutes. I felt strangely all right with that. Luckily Kellan came in before she could demand another game. I took the plate from Kellan and took a big bite of the delicious smelling panini. I looked at Kellan gratefully and tried to thank him between chews. Then I looked over to Ella who was trying to make Gertrude dance.

  “How was your day, Ella? Do anything fun?” I asked her, trying to distract her from torturing Gertrude.

  “Yes! The auditions went great. I’m sure they’re going to want me. I was brilliant!”

  “That’s great, so what do you have to do next?” I asked, wondering what she was talking about.

  “The second audition is in New York. Dad’s going to take me.”

  New York? Maybe I could go with her. It would be easy enough to make a run for Princeton from there.

  “Ella, do you have any information sheets about the next auditions? I would love to come and watch you.”

  She sprang up and rushed to the kitchen. I could hear her rummaging through drawers.

  Kellan walked over and sat down on the arm of my chair and whispered, “I really hope she gets the part. She’s been so excited about these auditions. I hope she’s not too disappointed when she realizes that it’s not a TV show but a made-for-TV Disney movie on location in New York. She doesn’t seem to have realized that yet! She was telling me excitedly that she hopes that I can move to Hollywood with all of you when she has to move there to do her show.”

  We could hear Ella running back and Kellan got up and moved back to the couch. She flung the audition notice at me, “I think Dad has the recall note, but this was the call for the first audition. Cool isn’t it?”

  The flyer was brief, just a call for Disney auditions. I guessed that Rupert had taken her earlier today.

  “So, what did you have to do?” I asked.

  Ella started beaming with pride. “I got some lines, actually a whole page, to practice for a while. Then Daphne and I walked into the audition hall. There were three people there, two ladies and one man. One of the ladies asked me a few questions, like my name, my age and my favorite song. Then she wanted to hear my best joke. I told the one about the monkey and bananas, but I started giggling before I got to the end. The other lady got up and read the lines with me. Then I sang A Hard Knock Life. I had to leave and wait outside with Dad while Daphne talked to them. She came out and told us that they want me to audition again in New York!”

  “That’s so cool, Ella! Can I come to the New York auditions?”

  She looked extremely pleased, “I’ll ask Dad. Mom can’t come, she has to work. So, it would be fun if you and Harry and you, Kellan could come. You can help me with my hair, Arizona.”

  Kellan stretched and said, “Ok, famous one, it’s time for you to head upstairs and get ready for bed. Brush your teeth and do it properly. Stars have good teeth. Once you’ve put on your pajamas, come down and get me for story time.”

  Our star looked annoyed, but stomped up to her room to do what Kellan had asked. It didn’t seem like this was the first time that he had been asked to watch Ella. They seemed to have a routine. He sat down and watched me finish eating. I hoped that I didn’t have cheese stuck to my chin, it felt awfully like it. He seemed pleased to see me finish the panini and move on to the grapes. He smiled.

  “You seem a bit different, have for the past week. What’s going on?”

  I shrugged and changed the subject, “Where did Mom go?”

  He looked surprised, “Oh, the usual. October again, busy time at work for her.”

  It didn’t make any sense to me, but I let it pass for the moment, as I didn’t want to weird him out.

  Ella came bounding down the stairs with Gertrude at her heels. “I’m ready!” she shouted at Kellan.

  He got up to follow her up the stairs. I picked up the hot chocolate and joined them. I sat down next to Kellan on the couch by Ella’s bed. He had found the bookmark in the Harry Potter book and started reading. His voice was animated but warm and it calmed Ella down. I almost nodded off as he read. He gently nudged me to show me that she was fast asleep. We quietly left her room to go back downstairs. On our way down we heard a bike roar to a halt outside. It was R

  “Hey, kids! Thanks for watching Ella, Kellan. Is she asleep?”

  Kellan nodded and said that she had fallen asleep a few minutes ago.

  Rupert looked disappointed, “She did really well in the auditions today. I’m really proud of her. She worked so hard at memorizing those lines and the song. I wanted to give her a little present. I managed to find the cupcake maker she’s been going on about.”

  “When’s the next audition?” I asked.

  He rummaged around in his pockets and brought out an envelope, opened it and extracted a sheet.

  “Well, it seems like it’s next Friday. Mom can’t come, but the rest of us should make a mini vacation of it and head over together. Ella would like that. Arizona, can you miss school for a couple of days? Any tests or cheer engagements? Kellan, do you want to come?” Rupert asked.

  I wasn’t sure what was on the schedule for next Friday but saw Kellan nodding. He said that he would go if Harry went. I assumed that it would be ok for me too, so I nodded. I wondered if I should bring Ariele. I would bring it up later. It would be great to hang out with her in our regular stomping ground. Rupert removed his biker jacket, threw it on the coat rack and turned to head for the kitchen.

  “Rupert, would it be ok for me to take Arizona out for a while? We’re all done with our homework, and it’s a great evening for a ride.”

  Rupert nodded, “That should be fine. Have her back by eleven. Ride carefully!”

  Kellan nodded and turned to me, “Shrimp, do you want to go for a ride?”

  I nodded happily and we headed out to his bike. I saw Rupert waving at us from the kitchen window and we both waved back. Kellan handed me a shiny pink helmet. I put it on, a perfect fit. I got on the bike and held on to him tightly. He brought the bike to life and we sped through the driveway to the road. I had no idea where we were going. I should have asked him before we left. It was impossible to talk over the roar of the engine and the howl of the wind. I felt the same thrill that I had felt when I had gone riding with Harry.

  We must have been riding for about an hour when he screeched to a halt and turned the bike to head into the woods. The ride was much bumpier now and I was starting to feel slightly nauseous. We zigzagged around the trees. It was pitch dark with no moonlight coming through. The beam from the bike seemed to hit one tree after the other. I buried my face in Kellan’s back and closed my eyes. This was scary and disorienting. I was petrified.

  We suddenly stopped. I opened my eyes and noticed that we had arrived at a clearing. I could see a shimmer up ahead. Kellan cut the engine and tried to get off the bike but I was glued solid to him. He took his helmet off and turned his head around rubbing my hands, trying to get me to loosen my grip around him. He managed to get my hands in his. He slowly turned around so we were facing each other. He undid my helmet and let it drop to the ground. I sat still, not being able to move. He got off the bike with my hands still in his. Then he pulled me up and lifted me off the bike.

  “Shrimp, are you ok?” he said with a concerned look. I, untruthfully, nodded but he seemed to believe me. I could feel him relax. He scooped me up and carried me to the shimmer, a lake, and sat me down on the grass. Then he lay back and looked up at the sky. He put his arm out for me to lay my head on. I slowly leaned back and lay down looking up into the sky with him.

  “It should start any moment now,” he said.

  I wondered what he meant. What should start? The sky was clear; the stars were twinkling.

  I suddenly heard a whizzing sound coming from the woods and sat upright. It got progressively louder and I shot a worried look over my shoulders.

  “It’s just Harry and Maria,” Kellan said as another bike pulled out from the trees and screeched to a halt. They waved and started walking toward us. Both wore leather. Maria came over to me and dropped a bag to the ground.

  “Phew, that’s a really long ride! Can’t say that I enjoyed the last bit. I hope the showers are worth it. Dad said that we would probably not see much due to the moonlight. It may have been better to wait for the Orionids,” she mused.

  “Well, no reason we can’t come back here for the Orionids. I think they’re supposed to happen around the nineteenth this year. We’ll see them at the Ball,” said Harry.

  I had no idea what they were talking about. Orionids, what was that?

  Maria nodded at Harry and said, “We may not have a perfect night for those either. I brought some binoculars. Not sure how much they’ll help though. More importantly, I brought some snacks!” She proceeded to empty out her bag of goodies on the grass. She sat down next to me. Harry sat down behind her putting his arms around her. We started munching on the sandwiches. I couldn’t tell what mine was. It tasted like ham and cheese, delicious.

  Harry suddenly jerked and pointed to the sky, “There’s one!”

  We lay back on the grass with our eyes scanning the sky. I could barely make anything out. I squinted and thought I saw a film of light move quickly in the sky. I tensed up. That must be one. My first shooting star! I was thrilled and grabbed Kellan’s arm in excitement. Another one flew by! Now that my eyes had adjusted and I knew what I was looking for, I was spotting them more easily. I saw another three.

  “Amazing isn’t it?” Harry asked.

  We lay gazing at the sky for a long while but I didn’t see any more.

  Maria got up first and said, “That was better than I had expected, but I’ve got to get home now or my mom will kill me!” With that she pulled Harry to his feet, laughing as she nearly fell on top of him doing so. She gathered her binoculars and with a wave started walking toward the bikes.

  “You guys coming?” Harry asked.

  “In a while,” Kellan replied.

  “Did you tell him yet, Shrimp?” Harry asked, as he got ready to go.

  I frowned at him, annoyed.

  “Tell me what?” Kellan inquired.

  I shook my head, “It’s not important.”

  Harry heard me and chuckled. “Later kids, drive carefully and have her home soon.” He took off after Maria. We watched them get back on the bike and disappear into the woods.

  Kellan looked at me quizzically, “So?”

  I suddenly felt a tremor beneath me. It was barely noticeable, but definitely a tremor.

  “Did you feel that? What is it?” I shrieked.

  Kellan laughed, “What’s up with you, Shrimp! That’s just one of the October shivers. Did you think it was a quake?”

  “No,” I muttered sheepishly. “Of course not.” We lay watching the sky for a while longer. I didn’t see any more shooting stars but I did feel some tremors. October shivers, whatever that was all about. I started thinking about the hockey tryouts when Kellan turned to me again. I was sure he was going to ask me about Harry’s comment so I stood up and stretched.

  “Can I have a go on the bike, Kellan?” I could tell from the expression on his face that it was not a great idea so I quickly added, “Just around the lake. I’ll be careful.”

  He looked at me thoughtfully, “I guess it would be ok. It’s clear and the grass will slow you down. I’m sitting on the back though, just in case.”

  I put my helmet on and got on the bike and asked, “Remind me how it all works.”

  He laughed, “Remind you? You’ve never done this before! Don’t even pretend that Harry let you ride. He wouldn’t and he’ll kill me if he knew I did.”

  I rolled my eyes at him and stretched my feet out to reach the pedals – they barely reached. Kellan put his feet on the pedals from behind me. He showed me how to turn the ignition on and how to accelerate and stop.

  “Are you ready to take over? Don’t worry, I have your back,” he laughed and handed me the key.

  I brought the engine to life gently, testing out the controls; they felt sensitive to my touch. I indicated that I was ready by trying to release the brake, failing miserable. So, Kellan reached forward releasing the break and pushed the bike to get it moving. I slowly accelerated a
nd Kellan pulled his feet off the ground slowly and the bike lurched forward. It felt heavy and powerful. I wasn’t sure I could keep us both balanced. Kellan could feel my hesitation. He put his feet on the pedals beside mine and is hands on top of mine and maneuvered the bike into action, and we moved forward gingerly.

  We started by riding around in circles. Then we drove along the lake. Kellan tried to let go a few times, but I had a hard time balancing so he kept us steady. We kept riding along the lake, the moonlight guiding us until we were back in the same spot that we had started from. We stopped, and I leaned back into Kellan and relaxed, content that we were still in one piece. I could feel his breath against my neck, warm and intoxicating. I wanted to turn around and kiss him but hesitated. I would probably freak him out. After all, he thought of me as a sister? His touch was irresistible. I turned around so I was facing him and studied him intently. I couldn’t read him at all.

  He was gazing directly at me and asked or rather commented, “Arizona, something’s changed. I can’t tell what though. Did something happen? What was Harry taking about?”

  I closed my eyes and moved closer to him until I felt my lips brush against his. I stopped wondering if I was taking things too far too fast. His lips brushed lightly against mine and I trembled. He hesitated and I could feel him moving away. Then I felt his hands cup my face and I opened my eyes. He gazed into my eyes and moved toward me. He found my lips and kissed me gently.

  Neither of us said anything as we put our helmets back on and switched positions for the long drive home. I clung on tightly as Kellan deftly maneuvered the bike through the trees on to the highway. So many thoughts were going through my mind; I thought I was going to explode. This had been quite an evening. I wondered what Kellan was thinking about. Was he as confused about what occurred this evening as I was?


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