The Spirit Heir (Book 2)

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The Spirit Heir (Book 2) Page 24

by Kaitlyn Davis

  How far are you willing to go to save one human? How many will you sacrifice on his behalf?

  That was enough—enough questioning, enough dark thoughts, enough despair. In the blink of an eye, Jinji wove a spirit thread down her back, a long cut that sent pain sizzling up her spine. Biting her lip to keep from crying out, from breaking this moment with Janu, she held in the moan.

  But the trick worked.

  The voice was gone for now. It would be back, of that Jinji was certain, but for a brief moment, she didn’t want to think. She wanted to hold her brother, to relish this happiness before the heavy weight of the world slammed back on her shoulders.

  The body in her arms shifted too soon. Janu eased back, smiling with wet cheeks as his eyes roamed her face, drank her in.

  "How…" He trailed off, lost for words, shaking his head. "How did you find me? After all these years?"

  Jinji reached up, gripping the face looking down at her, wiping the water away. "It doesn't matter," she said, voice cracking. "All that matters is that we're together."

  Jinji pulled her brother close, hugging him tight once more, not ready to let him go—unsure if she ever could.

  Her eyes scanned the sky, finding the fire dragon, searching for the rider on its back. For a moment, Jinji swore Rhen was watching her, was looking back at the castle, wondering. But the moment passed, the dragon turned, disappearing into the distance, barely more than a speck in the sky.

  Dread sank down her throat, hard, clogging her breath.

  Rhen was flying away from her.

  Was leaving her. Going to a place she could never follow.

  Jinji watched him, eyes wide, stuck on the horizon long after the dragon had disappeared from sight. With Janu in her arms, she was not alone, but Jinji felt that way. Isolated. Abandoned. Cold.

  Rhen was gone.

  And the next time she saw him, everything would be different.

  They were no longer a team. No longer a duo.

  When Rhen came back, he would be her foe. Maybe not right away. But eventually, when he realized the truth, they would find themselves on opposite sides of the war.

  Her limbs grew cold. Numb.

  Janu turned his head, holding her tighter as though he sensed her grip had changed, had grown slack.

  "I love you," he whispered.

  Jinji closed her lids, finally saying goodbye to the sky, goodbye to the man who had come to mean everything to her. Evergreen eyes filled her mind—warm, inviting, home.

  Her heart was torn, split in half, breaking down the middle. Jinji didn’t know if the words burning her lips were for Janu or for Rhen, but she said them anyway, praying the wind would decide and carry them to the right ears.

  "I love you."




  Rhen leapt into the sky as the vision faded.

  The phantom—not one but thousands. Black mist, a cloud of death, raging across the countryside, swallowing armies whole, leaving only destruction in its wake. The dragon had spoken to Rhen in the only way it could, flashing a piece of history into his mind, showing him one of its memories. But Rhen knew it was more than that—more than the past.

  It was the future.

  The shadow.

  A war unlike any he had ever seen was about to begin—a war against ghosts, against armies unseen, against an enemy he didn't know how to fight.

  Rhen glanced below. The fires surrounding Rayfort were gone, pulled beneath his skin. Humans were burned, dead from his flames. But some lived, some still fought for life. And he would need them, all of them, to beat what was coming.

  Because it was bigger than Whylkin.

  Bigger than Ourthuro.

  Bigger than human battles and human wars.

  Looking down across the land—the grass burnt clean away, the sea scorched black, the white stone tainted with ebony slashes—Rhen promised himself, his dragon, that such human destruction would never happen again, not at his hands, not under their flames. Their powers would be used only how they were meant to be used—to keep humans alive, all humans, any humans who might need them, no matter their birthplace or loyalty. To protect anyone who might need shielding.

  From this day forward, the shadow and its soldiers were the only enemies he would fight—the only things he would kill. Rhen was no longer a prince. No longer a lord of anything. No longer a son of anyone.

  Out of the ashes of his city, Rhen rose, a rider on his dragon.

  A phoenix born new to the world.


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  A Dance of Dragons #3

  Coming in 2015!

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  Want more A Dance of Dragons?

  Don’t miss the novellas, following the story of the mysterious Princess Leenaka!

  The first one is free!

  From bestselling author Kaitlyn Davis comes a fantasy adventure perfect for fans of Throne of Glass, Graceling, and Game of Thrones.

  In the land of Ourthuro, cruelty is a way of life. The king rules with an iron fist and no one dare defy him—no one except his daughter. Princess Leena is keeping a dangerous secret, she has fallen in love with a soldier and it would mean both of their lives if her father ever discovered their affair.

  But Leena will risk it all to be with the man she loves—her heart, her life, her freedom. And when her brother's birthday celebration takes a dangerous turn, Leena is forced to make a decision that will change the fate of her nation and eventually the world.

  Want more from Kaitlyn?

  The Complete Midnight Fire Series is available now wherever eBooks are sold!

  From bestselling author Kaitlyn Davis comes a paranormal romance perfect for fans of Twilight, The Vampire Diaries, and Buffy The Vampire Slayer.

  Kira Dawson has the power to burn vampires to a crisp. The problem is, she doesn't know it yet. The even bigger problem is, she's dating one.

  When Kira Dawson moves to South Carolina, she meets Luke, a blond goofball who quickly becomes her best friend, and Tristan, a mysterious bad boy who sends shivers down her spine. Kira knows they're keeping secrets, but when she discovers Tristan's lust for blood and her own dormant mystical powers, Kira is forced to fight for her life and make the heartbreaking decision between the familiar comfort of friendship and the fiery passion of love.


  Kaitlyn Davis graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Johns Hopkins University with a B.A. in Writing Seminars. She's been writing ever since she picked up her first crayon and is overjoyed to share her work with the world. She currently lives in New York City and dreams of having a puppy of her own.

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