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Plantation Slaves

Page 7

by Powerone

  "Master wants you tonight. Come with me.” Jacob grabbed the girl, dragging her off in spite of her protests. He despised the light-colored girls, knowing that the General preferred them. He had no qualms about helping the General spoil this girl. He would do everything the General wanted and more, always finding new ways for the General to enjoy taking their innocence. Tonight would be no different, devising an elaborate bondage for this unlucky girl.

  He dragged her down a long corridor, the eerie candle light bouncing off the walls. There was a large double door at the end, another large black male standing there, obviously waiting for them, opening one door so they could pass into the room, closing the door behind them. Mary found herself in the most massive room she had ever seen, ornately furnished with large, wooden furniture, none more massive then the large bed that filled the center of the room. She feared that her innocence would be lost tonight, no other reason to bring her to the General's bedroom than his intention to put his organ between her thighs. The two black slaves towered over her little body.

  "The General is going to fuck you tonight, Missy. You be a good bitch and make him happy. Otherwise we gonna whip your ass."

  Mary hung her head down, never saying a word. She only wished it was over. The General was so old, at least forty years her senior. And white. She had felt his weapon pushed against her. No matter how old or white he was, his weapon was big. Too big to get inside her without a lot of pain. Were Jacob and the other black going to watch? Mary turned when the door opened again, not surprised to see the General enter. He was wearing a robe around him, but as soon as he saw her the front of it began to grow. His weapon was already getting big at just the sight of her.

  The General walked over to Jacob, his eyes on Mary, his cock already thickening beneath his robe. Jacob had promised him something special tonight and Jacob usually delivered; his cruelty and imagination having no bounds. But first he had a few things he would do. “Take off your dress, Mary. You'll not need it tonight.” His hand slid into his robe, taking his cock out until it stood out majestically in front of him, enjoying the look of terror that spread over Mary's lovely face. He stroked it without shame, making it grow bigger, proud of its size. When fully erect it would stand over eight inches long and as thick as a baby's arm. The head was already turning a deep red, glistening with the cum that he teased out the end. His balls were filled with his seed, the previous day's activities inciting his lust.

  She couldn't do anything but obey, the dress slipping to the ground beneath her, Mary trembling naked before them. Her breasts heaved up and down as she struggled to remain calm in spite of her impending rape. Her thighs were clenched tightly together, trying to protect her innocence as long as she could.

  Her nipples were already becoming erect, not sure if it were the cold or the thought of his cock taking her, the General eyeing her body. Her tits were big; large nipples longed for his mouth to suckle. She had a thin waist, lack of an adequate diet contributing to that, her hips full, built to take a man between them. And her ass, firm and plump, made to cushion a man as he took her from behind. Or in her behind. “Hold still!” His hand slid over to cup one breast, feeling her body shrink from his touch.

  His hand was clammy and wrinkled, Mary jerking away from his touch.

  "I won't tell you again, Mary. I'll whip your black ass if you defy me again.” He looked angrily at her. His hand moved down to her tit again, this time sliding underneath, catching her on the sensitive underside to heft it up into the air. She didn't move, her hands clenched at her side as she endured. Her tit was heavy, bouncing it up and down gently, enjoying her anguish as she endured his fondling. He teased her areola, running his sharp fingernail around the dark circle until goose bumps popped up on the dark flesh. Her nipples swelled in spite of them not being touched. He ran his finger around the areola, moving in closer to the nipple until the tip of his fingernail caught the erect flesh just at the base. Her nipple had turned a deep red, the blood pounding in the erect flesh as he teased it. He teased her nipple with the sharp point of his fingernail, a gasp deep from her throat. His fingernail ran over the sensitive flesh until he was snapping at the tip with his fingernail, the sharp thud sounding loud in the quiet room.

  "Ewwwwww,” Mary gasping as his fingernail touched her nipple. It was sharp, feeling like a knife cutting her as it swirled around her flesh. She bit her lip in pain, the sharp pain racing up her spine, looking down to see if it was bleeding. She couldn't believe it, not only was it not bleeding, but it had swelled to erection, harder and thicker then she had ever seen them before. She held her breath as she saw his fingers move as if in slow motion over her nipple until she felt the pressure as his two callused fingers pinched her nipple flesh. She gritted her teeth as he continued to pinch them until the pain laced through her breasts. She could feel the blood pounding beneath the punishing fingers, her feet moving back and forth as she suffered the painful pinching.

  He caught the nipple just beneath the base, squeezing so tight that the blood rushed to the tip. He squeezed tighter until the nipple turned a bright red, swollen with blood. He did that with both tits, then his head moving down, his tongue out, lapping at the trapped buds. She gasped loudly.

  "OOOOHHH.” She couldn't stop the noise that came out her lips, his tongue rough as it rasped over her nipple. The blood was pounding in the trapped flesh, feeling like it were her heart pounding. His fingers twisted her nipples, never releasing them, the trapped flesh twisted out of shape.

  His tongue continued to slap at her nipples, moving from one to the other until he grew tired of the game, his lips grasping onto one firm tit and suckling it, drawing the swollen nipple deep into his mouth, his tongue finding it and dancing over it. He gnawed at her tit, his teeth biting lightly on the flesh, biting deeper until he felt her jerk in pain, sawing back and forth over the flesh with his sharp teeth. He released her tit, the firm flesh covered in his spit. Her nipples stood out hard and defiant.

  He wanted to touch her pussy, her full black bush beckoning him, but he had other plans. He sat down in the large, overstuffed chair, pulling back his robe until his cock was naked and his balls sitting on the seat of the chair. “Lay on my legs. I'm going to warm up your ass."

  Her breasts hurt, the tips sore from his pawing and biting. He sat down, his wrinkled balls sitting naked on the chair, his hand holding up his cock as he spoke to her. He was going to spank her ass and there was little she could do about it, looking at Jacob, no compassion in his eyes. She eased over his lap, cringing when she felt his thick cock pushing against her stomach, sure that it was leaking on her, her skin feeling like it was burned with a hot fluid. As she lowered herself down crushing his cock beneath her, she felt it jerk and shudder in pleasure. His hands were not idle, putting her into position, forcing her head down to the ground, her hair trailing on the floor. The blood rushed to her head, making her dizzy, but that was the least of her problems. His hands were causally running over her ass cheeks, his hands forcing her back down and her ass up until she was displayed obscenely. At least she could keep her thighs clenched tightly together. At least for now. She felt him squirming beneath her until she felt the unmistakable bulge of his cock rubbing along her virgin pussy lips, jerking from the unexpected touch.

  Her ass was raised up high; the sharp crack pronounced by her tightly clenched thighs and cheeks. He would explore her anal cleft later at his leisure when he prepared to sodomize her. He would enjoy the sight of his white cock thrust between her tightly clenched brown cheeks.

  She wasn't ready for the sharp crack of his hand on her upraised butt. She heard it before she felt it, not even sure what it was until the pain raced up from her cheeks. She clenched her cheeks in pain; the skin of one cheek feeling like it was on fire. His hand returned, Mary jerking away, expecting another slap, instead his hand sensuously caressed her naked cheek, lingering on the spot that still smarted from the spank. She braced for the next one, this time her other cheek receiving the
punishing blow, her body jerking up, then back down, the pain racing to her brain.

  She was dancing erotically on his cock, her body squirming so nicely on his cock each time he hit her cheeks, her buttocks clenching tightly as he caressed the hot flesh. He sped up the spanking, Mary humping up and down on his cock, feeling the head of his cock slide between the soft folds of her pussy, a gasp from Mary at the unexpected touch of his hot organ on her virgin flesh. The General struggled not to cum, wanting to save his precious seed for her virgin cunt. Her brown cheeks were now crimson, the flesh hot, her cheeks still clenched tightly together. Her pussy gripped the head of his cock each time he spanked her as if she were enjoying it. He finally stopped, seeing Jacob preparing for Mary. He dumped her unceremoniously on the floor, her naked body falling into a heap as she rubbed her sore ass cheeks.

  "Get into bed, General,” Jacob instructing him as he prepared the apparatus, a strange collection of ropes and leather straps. The General laid back on the smooth blankets, naked, his hand rubbing his erect member, pointing it straight up into the air. He had an idea of what Jacob had in mind, pleased if it was true.

  Jacob and the other black grabbed her, pulling her as if she were a rag doll. She could do little as they grabbed her limbs, slapping away her hands when she tried to protest their actions. “NNNOO!” She cried out when she felt thick, black leather straps wrapped around her wrists. They tightened each one until the leather bit deeply into her skin. Her ankles were next, yanking her legs apart so casually, not even looking at her as they did it, too intent on their ruthless bondage. She pulled on her arms, ropes hanging from the ends of the leather straps, similar ones on her legs. She felt a leather harness thrust under her naked ass, her body tossed this way then that as they positioned the strange device beneath her. They pulled the leather straps around her body, tightening them around her stomach; Mary almost unable to breathe as they dug into her stomach. Another slid under her breasts, four pulled down over her shoulders to meet the other, all of them cinched up tight by Jacob, a big grin on his face as Mary felt her breasts squeezed tightly between they unyielding leather bands until they were compressed into tight balls, the blood pushed harshly to the tips. What were worse were her legs. They were pulled up to the sides, then thrust up almost to her shoulders, pinned to the side by the tight restraining leather of the harness. Her crotch felt like it was on fire, her legs spread too wide. She could barely breathe, the leather crisscrossing her body and digging painfully into her flesh. She looked down; her sex spread open, her lips pulled apart to expose the pink intimate flesh of her inner lips to the leering eyes of the General.

  The General rubbed his hands together in excitement as they prepared Mary. Her body was bound so tight she could barely breathe, her face red as the leather straps dug deep into her body. Even her lovely tits were tied tight, the firm flesh contorted by the leather straps that dug deep into the flesh. But nothing was more exciting then the harsh spread of her legs, seeing her pain as they were pulled back almost vertically, her pussy spread open and revealing the pink inner flesh and the dark, mysterious hole that he would soon breach with his cock.

  If that wasn't bad enough, it got worse. Mary felt her body pulled up, the straps digging painfully in her flesh each time they moved her. They picked her up, carrying her over to the bed, Jacob taking the four ropes that hung uselessly from her straps and threw them up into the rafters in the ceiling, the ends coming dangling back down. She tried to look up but the tight bondage prevented her from doing anything but look down. Down between her legs. She felt the blacks holding her begin to lower her, Mary trembling in fear. Would they drop her? She felt the pull on her arms first, thrust up high over her head. The straps dug farther into her slim wrists. “OOOOWWW,” she cried out in pain. She felt the pain in her ankles next, the gentle tug getting harder until the straps almost cut her ankle. She felt a sudden surge as the blacks released her, feeling strange as she began to fall. Then she stopped abruptly, her body curled into a ball by as the straps became tight. They had tied the ropes above her, both of them stepping back as Mary began to spin slowly, hung from the ropes, her naked body bent in half. Her legs were spread obscenely, her pussy now the lowest thing to the ground. And there lay the General, his hand holding up his thick cock. Mary finally figuring it out. They were going to hang her over his cock. And let her own weight take her virginity from her, his cock poised at the opening of her sex. How cruel. And painful. She could just barely breathe, the straps digging into her body like knives. She felt her body slowly revolving, seeing the smirk on Jacob's face as her eyes moved past him.

  "Over here. Bring her over here.” The General couldn't wait to ride the brown-skinned bitch. She was bound so nicely, her tits crushed, her pussy open and available. Jacob moved the ropes, sliding them along the rafters in the bedroom, the other black supported Mary's ass so they could park her over his cock. His cock stood up hard and erect, eager to bury itself in her hot, virgin hole.

  Jacob pulled up on the ropes until Mary was higher then the General's cock, handing him the ends of the ropes. “All you have to do is release them. She'll do all the rest. You can spin her for added friction, though I don't think you'll need that. Nothing like a tight virgin pussy to skin your cock. Take her dry, the scream will be worth the pain. The blood will make it easy once you're inside."

  The General took the ropes, lowering Mary until she was only an inch above his cock. Jacob pushed her over until her pussy was poised over his cock, the dark, virgin hole barely visible. The General lowered Mary down until he felt his cock pushing between the soft folds of her pussy lips, his hand holding his cock up rigid as her pussy began to enfold the head of his cock.

  She could feel his hard, unyielding cock as it battered at her virginity. The way her head was positioned, she was forced to watch her own rape, the smiling General below her, his cock ready to take her innocence away forever. The pressure increased, her lips forced back, Mary feeling her body inched down so slowly and methodically. She felt his flesh jerking in pleasure as her hot sex engulfed the head.

  The General could feel her pussy slowly suck his cock deeper inside her, Mary gasping as it impaled her. It was hard going, her opening tight, his cock much too big for such a tiny virgin hole, but he would have none of that. He stopped lowering her with just the head of his cock inside her, his cock jerking as the muscles of her pussy clenching on the thick head. The General shoved his hips up, lowering Mary down, pulling her up and down in a slow gentle fuck. He felt her insides relax as his cock stretched her. He let her down until finally meeting some resistance. He stopped, holding his breath as he savored the moment, his cock banging at the gate of her innocence.

  Mary's face was red in shame, the other blacks watching her as she was raped, the bondage holding her in place while his cock continued to burrow into her virgin hole. She flinched when she felt her hymen stretching, sweat breaking out on her brow. He was pulling her up and down on his cock, Mary unable to do anything but wait for the inevitable pain as her rape unfolded. Each time he let her down, his cock would stretch her hymen more, knowing that it would soon bust the tiny barrier, her pussy open to take his massive weapon deep inside her. She didn't know if she would survive being busted by such a massive weapon, sure that he would render her useless.

  The General readied himself, her hot tight hole too inviting, her virginity just a barrier to a delicious fuck. He felt her body squirming as he continued to stretch her hymen, pulling her high up, bracing his cock as he released the tension in the ropes, sending Mary's body hard down on his cock, her weight her own worst enemy. He tightened his grip on the ropes, keeping her from falling any farther.

  "No, stop,” Mary cried out, but it was too late. She yelped in pain, the sound that young virgins make when their innocence is snatched from them. Her eyes opened wide in pain, trying to pull up, but gravity was her own worst enemy, her body pushed down on the invading cock, her hymen suddenly ripped open, her virgin pussy filled
with the hard flesh of a cock. Mary huffed as she tried to catch her breath, her insides clenching and unclenching painfully on the rigid flesh between her legs that she was impaled on. It was as if she were sitting on a giant log, deep inside her. “Don't move,” she begged, but she already felt her body being pulled up, her insides dragging on the flesh. It was only a short distance, the General releasing the tension in the ropes, the air shoved from her lungs as the thick cock sliced painfully inside her once virgin passage. Her insides felt torn, the cock feeling like an iron rod pushing aside all her muscles’ resistance to dig deeper inside her.

  The General had to will himself not to cum, her insides clenching on his cock so possessively, jerking her up and down with the rope, as Mary thrashed about on his cock. He looked at his cock, smeared with the red blood of a virgin, his cock growing thicker. He began to fuck her harder, pulling her up high on the ropes and then suddenly letting her down, his thick cock filling her pussy until he finally felt it slam against her cervix with a powerful thud. Her scream would have filled the room if she had enough breath to make much noise. Instead, it sounded like a sigh, his cock jerking inside her in pleasure. Her hips jerked as her body shuddered in pain, the General lifting her up by the ropes slowly until the head of his cock was gripped by her hot, tight hole. He let her go, all eight inches of cock slicing her open, Mary screaming as she bit her lip. He pushed up with his hips as if he could shove his cock deeper inside her, as if he could breach her cervix and bury the head of his cock directly in her womb. The head of his cock was pushed hard against her cervix, feeling her painful contractions extracting such delight in his flesh. She was puffing loudly; her muffled screams now just sighs of pain as she was getting used to being impaled on his punishing cock. Her pussy danced up and down on his cock, her blood lubricating it as he struggled not to cum in her.


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